Found Deceased UT - MacKenzie "Kenzie" Lueck, 23, Salt Lake City, 17 June 2019 #15 *ARREST*

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I think that it is a bit weird that she is in contact with him around the time of the funeral - unless he was very good at sounding supportive and sympathetic when he wanted to sound that way. It just seems like a time that you would be with your family and focused on them, IMO. I also wonder if she divulged more personal information than she might otherwise have because she was upset, tired, stressed and he seized on it ... such as knowing her return time. I thought that one of his early-released on line profiles said he was "getting into more outdoor activities."* Does anyone else recall that? It sounds like reconnaissance now, IMO.

*this was supposedly on a Meet Up site for Utah but not available to view now

Totally agree. It seems so strange that ML was in contact with him at all during this time. Would be interesting to know whether/how much she was in contact with any of her close friends during this time as well. IMO the possible reasons ML would be talking to AA at that point are a) they had a much closer relationship than we realize, b) he insisted/coerced/guilted her into meeting with him, or c) the drug angle. Initially I mentioned perhaps marijuana or xanax, but considering she had exams that week, maybe AA had (or pretended to have) adderall to help her concentrate. It’s fairly popular with college kids. MOO.
I personally do not believe none of her friends knew this guy or of him. Not for a NY minute.

There are hints here and there. As someone said above, on Venmo for one.

I hope the ones that do or did, if any, have been fully open with LE and went to them since coming to find out she is dead and not just missing. I am sure they probably have.

Jmo though.

Agree. SLCPD have really shown tenacity on investigating. If there is a degree connection I believe they are on it.
Not if you’re emotional.

The journalist’s description of this guy and his behavior, paints a picture of someone who was distraught and angry.

He even wanted to know where this guy was being booked.

I thought the same thing. Also, there was the reporter's reaction after relaying her interview with the guy. She was also visibly distraught and choked up right after talking to him, which leads me to believe even more he must have been reasonably credible to elicit that reaction from the reporter. Towards the end of the segment, I almost think she starts to cry, and I noticed the camera never went back to hear, but you can hear in her voice she seems to be holding back tears.
We also might be overestimating how close she was with her sorority sisters.

I was in a sorority and my experience is that you get very close with your pledge class, Big, Little, and roommates.

Considering KL was a super senior (in her 5th year) who also spent time working, it is likely that her pledge class members, Big sister, and her original roommates have all graduated. This leaves her Little and possibly her new/current batch of roommates as close friends on campus. Sure the other sisters were her friends and cared, but were unlikely to be very close with her.

This online contact who came forward might have been closer to KL than some of her sorority sisters. MOO.

*Edited to fix typos.*
Agreed! I was also a Super Senior and, though I wasn't in a sorority, most of my really good friends graduated before me. It left me feeling a bit adrift and lonely.

I think it is just unrealistic to assume her friends knew every single thing about her and about all her other relationships, whether they were actual relationships, friends, or acquaintances. Most people don't tell their friends everything and have social circles that don't always overlap, so I have no idea why people are assuming that about ML. She could be close to her friends and still not tell them everything or have them know about every single person in her life.
Yeah, he didn't really provide any details. He said he had a bad feeling about him. Anyone that knew him probably would say the same.
The reporter may have asked if he ever talked to her about that and maybe he indicated that he did.

The woman that cleaned his house and talked about all the cameras provided a lot more detail than he did. She may have been lying for all we know. Imo

But remember the reporter said he said a lot of things she couldn't repeat on TV. I think he spilled the beans as to why he was concerned about AA but told her nothing she could repeat on TV. The reporter was having a hard time holding it together; I think whatever he said to her rocked her a bit.
We also might be overestimating how close she was with her sorority sisters.

I was in a sorority and my experience is that you get very close with your pledge class, Big, Little, and room mates.

Considering KL was a super senior (in her 5th year) who also spent time working, it is likely that her pledge class members, Big sister, and her original room mates have all graduated. This leaves her Little and possibly her new/current batch of room mates as close friends on campus. Sure the other sisters were her friends and cared, but were unlikely to be very close with her.

This online contact who came forward might have been closer to KL than some of her sorority sisters. MOO.
Fifth years are on a different path, from my experience. As stated, many close friends may have graduated. You are more like a grad student. The college experience as one knows it is over, as the people you started with are gone. She may have been part time because she only needed a few more credits to graduate. Part time student status also changes the financial package, if you have one. I agree on the sorority as well-your Little is still around, but your Big is gone. And just because she was in a sorority, that doesn’t mean she did not have closer bonds with other friends than her sorority sisters-not sure what rush is like at her school. I’ve always wondered how you can decide who your best friends are going to be in such a short window-and then you have to get a bid from them in order to join their sisterhood. My opinion, obviously not one of Greek life’s biggest fans.
Good points. In addition I’ve always thought of a super senior as a 22 year old fifth year. She was 23 and news reports said she was slated to graduate “next year”. So she was possibly going to be graduating with an undergrad degree in 5-6 years at the age of 23-24. It’s not unreasonable to think she wasn’t super close with a group of predominantly 18-21 year olds.

Sb/sd also indicates she surrounded herself with older/more mature individuals.
I’ve shared but been holding off posting my personal theory here, hoping for additional info from LE but think no more will be released until court proceedings. IMO, there’s a connection to the force of personalities between ML & AA. First with ML, initially when SD issue was identified there was mention of podcast that she followed “Call Her Daddy”. ML friends stated here that her interest in podcast was a means of empowerment for ML. Friends didn’t elaborate that I’ve seen, from media articles, the podcast is form of self help in sexual relationships, mainly targeted at women, empowering them to take charge and be outspoken. If we look at ML’s post for advice in seeking a SD relationship, from her wording may have appearance of a “take charge” attitude in how (Tinder App) and who (age 35) for SD relationship. JMO, the SD/SB lifestyle was fairly new within last year or two, maybe. From her posts, at that time, she had only two relationships. Although, may not be factual indicator, she had been in a traditional relationship, her ex-boyfriend was interviewed on TV when ML first went missing, not sure of time-line for that relationship, seems recent. So, again, JMO, SD/SB was not a dating style she had tremendous amount of personal experience but one she used to feel empowered in a sexual relationship. I’m not going to speculate on what she wanted out of relationship.
Now, in taking a look at the personality of AA, not certain of any exact disorder (Narcissistic, Psychotic, Sociopath, etc.) but there was possibly some trigger, he was a powder keg ready to explode. So, if you add the possible take charge attitude and the seeking of “empowerment” advice by ML, that could’ve been the spark to set off his evilness. AA seemed to have exhibited questionable behavior over several years, based on statements by ex-wife, ex-roommate, dating app connects as well as details from handyman and house cleaner. Depending on details of ML and AA connection including history and means of communication (duration, electronic messages, phone calls, in-person, etc.), which we don’t and probably won’t know anytime soon, IMHO, it’s likely ML didn’t have opportunity to actually see behavior by AA to truly raise Red Flags or she lacked experienced to recognize. There was comment about her discussing AA with a friend, again no details to know for certain the actual context of conversation, if she was concerned about the connection in general or of a certain behavior he exhibited. I think she was at a point in life, for whatever reason, she was questioning relationships and looking for answers. My personal opinion.
MOO possibly he gave no name because his story of knowing her well enough to be advising her to avoid AA wouldn't hold up. His statement is about him and how he was right, that is a red flag.
He didn't really provide a statement. The reporter was just summarizing what he said. We don't know what they asked, but I'm guessing she pushed him for details.

I didn't get the impression that he was trying to point out that he was right.
I doubt he ever dreamed this would happen.

What I thought the reporter was saying is that he was very upset and angry and wanted to get a look at the guy.
If he wanted credit for being right why not provide some detail and give his name? Imo

I have no problem believing whatever it was that she told him gave him a bad feeling. It's not like he embellished the details. It's possible that he actually cared about her, too. He didn't say anything that would harm the investigation so I'm not sure that it even matters. We don't even know who he is. Imo
We also might be overestimating how close she was with her sorority sisters.

I was in a sorority and my experience is that you get very close with your pledge class, Big, Little, and roommates.

Considering KL was a super senior (in her 5th year) who also spent time working, it is likely that her pledge class members, Big sister, and her original roommates have all graduated. This leaves her Little and possibly her new/current batch of roommates as close friends on campus. Sure the other sisters were her friends and cared, but were unlikely to be very close with her.

This online contact who came forward might have been closer to KL than some of her sorority sisters. MOO.

*Edited to fix typos.*

Exactly. ITA and have thought this throughout. It also has sounded on occasion as if the roommates of hers were not even necessarily close friends. As you said, she was in her 5th year and most had probably graduated.

Agreed! I was also a Super Senior and, though I wasn't in a sorority, most of my really good friends graduated before me. It left me feeling a bit adrift and lonely.

I think it is just unrealistic to assume her friends knew every single thing about her and about all her other relationships, whether they were actual relationships, friends, or acquaintances. Most people don't tell their friends everything and have social circles that don't always overlap, so I have no idea why people are assuming that about ML. She could be close to her friends and still not tell them everything or have them know about every single person in her life.

And she was a super, super senior. She should've graduated in 2018, so she was taking two extra years. She was still taking classes in the summer. I know when my son graduated, he had very little contact with fraternity brothers who stayed on for another semester or two. Also, it doesn't sound like she was close to her roommates. When she was missing, I don't think we heard anything from her roommates.
And she was a super, super senior. She should've graduated in 2018, so she was taking two extra years. She was still taking classes in the summer. I know when my son graduated, he had very little contact with fraternity brothers who stayed on for another semester or two. Also, it doesn't sound like she was close to her roommates. When she was missing, I don't think we heard anything from her roommates.
Definitely makes sense if she was doing school part-time. I was full-time but had 2 majors. Only so many hours in the day!
Fifth years are on a different path, from my experience. As stated, many close friends may have graduated. You are more like a grad student. The college experience as one knows it is over, as the people you started with are gone. She may have been part time because she only needed a few more credits to graduate. Part time student status also changes the financial package, if you have one. I agree on the sorority as well-your Little is still around, but your Big is gone. And just because she was in a sorority, that doesn’t mean she did not have closer bonds with other friends than her sorority sisters-not sure what rush is like at her school. I’ve always wondered how you can decide who your best friends are going to be in such a short window-and then you have to get a bid from them in order to join their sisterhood. My opinion, obviously not one of Greek life’s biggest fans.

Just to comment on the financial package part, I agree. A part-time student, even with loans, does not qualify for the same amount a full-time student would the last I knew. Yet things like rent, food, internet, etc. expenses remain the same for the student who remains in school and in town and does not live at home.

If we are to believe the unidentified mystery man who was friends with ML, that spoke with the local news reporter, we assume that she had mentioned AA to him.

He claimed to have had concerns about their relationship. Then we would have to assume that they had been in communication for a decent bit of time and that ML was sharing with her friend some sort of information that the friend found alarming.

Imo, it’s plausible that they had never met face to face but AA was promising her some sort of modeling photography portraits for her online business. Maybe they were supposed to do the photos over the weekend but she went out of town for the funeral?

Maybe he told ML he could only do the photos that night at 3am, acting inconvenienced by her? She had some sort of incentive to meet him. IMO

It took THREE days before her FAMILY called in a missing persons report. You’re right. She was not close to anyone there. Certainly not any sorority sisters.
Just checked in and am so happy that they have recovered Kenzie's remains so her family can lay her to rest. I never thought AA burned her entire body in his back yard. Too risky, even though he hasn't proven himself to be the sharpest tool in the shed.

I think he's been talking and disclosed the location for a plea too, and if that's the case Kenzie's family would have had some decision or input in that I think. LWOP works for me!

I agree. He's either talking or he took his phone with him when he disposed of KL's body. If the latter is the case, I imagine LE got a warrant for his phone records and were able to track his movements to the area that he left Kenzie.
This is my thinking as well. But I’m just so perplexed about the communication! Why would he think to avoid the airport, but not take any steps to conceal his cellphone communication with her?

Narcissist? Sociopath? Obsession overcame reason?

Most people aren't capable of planning a nefarious plan for very many steps. Surely, he's in his jail cell kicking himself as he only planned up until the point where he gets her to his house. His ideas about what next were really vague.

He had days to think about how to handle the airport thing. He was probably still in a state of shock that she was even responding and making plans to meet him. He was revved up. It was all unexpected after that. I'll also say that many sexual sadists have only vague ideas of what they'll do after the deed is done. IME. They also think police are stupid and don't read or listen to a lot of true crime. Only a few take criminal science (like Joe DeAngelo did - avoided capture for decades).
I agree. He's either talking or he took his phone with him when he disposed of KL's body. If the latter is the case, I imagine LE got a warrant for his phone records and were able to track his movements to the area that he left Kenzie.

This seems to be a pretty popular area, Q for the locals - what is cell service like around the dams? Are there towers close by? I was thinking the cell tower data came in and his phone pinged in the area, but if they called local LE requesting diving equipment before they got there, they either presumed she 'could' be in the water there, or AA is talking and told them where to look, near water.

But remember the reporter said he said a lot of things she couldn't repeat on TV. I think he spilled the beans as to why he was concerned about AA but told her nothing she could repeat on TV. The reporter was having a hard time holding it together; I think whatever he said to her rocked her a bit.
I disagree. Well, I agree that the person she talked looked upset and I agree she couldn't repeat what he said, but I think that's because he used language that couldn't be repeated, not because the story couldn't be repeated.

Journalists want the scoop on a story. If he was telling her information that gave insight to ML's relationship with AA, she would've pounced on investigating that and reporting it, imo. That's what reporters do - and this case certainly has the interest that would encourage further probing to the "friend's story." But, we haven't heard anything more, which makes me suspect there isn't a story to report.

But...if he does have info, I'm trusting that he did indeed share it with LE! STC LE is so quiet about their investigations that if they know about a prior relationship between ML and AA, it doesn't surprise me they are quiet about it. I'm surprised a reporter would be quiet, but not LE.

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