Found Deceased UT - MacKenzie "Kenzie" Lueck, 23, Salt Lake City, 17 June 2019 #5

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If Kenzie's "ride" was someone she met through her online connections, that person has to be freaking out right about now.

What do you do with her luggage, her purse, her backpack etc.? Do you hide all that stuff in your basement or do you get rid of it?

I think you get rid of it. So where?

Now we know what it looks like. Do you toss it in an industrial dumpster, put it out in your own garbage, throw it out the window into a ditch somewhere, throw it in water?

Gotta be on the lookout for that luggage. I think LE needs to be more aggressive on those last stills of Kenzie with her luggage and her clothes and really engage people to be looking and watching for those.

But LE must think she left the park because they're not searching there at all. So, why was her phone turned off as soon as she got in the car?
Let me clarify-

It is possible that whoever she met, may have killed her in the car, before taking off for wherever afterwards. Phone turned off before he/she pulled out of where the Lyft driver dropped her off.

Also, do we know for a fact that it was only one person in the vehicle? Perhaps the Lyft driver saw only one, but there is a chance there was two or three in the car, but couldn't be seen. Just a thought, and may not be relevant at all.
FWIW, I'm close to Kenzie's age and travel on Southwest often, and even for short weekend trips I always take a checked bag because it's free and more convenient. You drop your bag off as soon as you get to the airport and then don't worry about it again until you land. You don't have to worry about lugging it around and putting it in the overhead bin, and you can obviously pack more stuff that you might end up needing.

I don't think the size of the bag indicates anything at all.

What MIGHT indicate something is the fact that her phone was turned off immediately upon getting in the car at Hatch Park, with LE implying that it was turned off before it ever left that location. IMO, that's pretty quick for someone to incapacitate Kenzie and/or forcibly take her phone and turn it off.

IMO, this might actually mean that Kenzie turned her phone off willingly for whatever reason -- a pre-arranged agreement of no phones? not wanting friends to see her phone's location in a prominent neighborhood? actually planning to escape reality for a bit?

I'm 99% sure this is wishful thinking on my part, but the phone news seems to be more indicative of a possible runaway situation than the suitcase size, IMO. Sadly, it could also mean that Kenzie didn't stand a chance once she got in that car.


Rather than escaping reality, she might have wanted to focus on reality. So—turned off her phone as soon as she met the other person. Might indicate she had something serious to discuss—might be to save the battery. After all, how many people would she have calling her at 3:00 am, anyway.
This thread is moving so fast it's so hard to keep up but I was wondering, do we think the FBI is involved means they think she may have been transported over state lines?? Isn't that typically when we see the FBI step in? I'm not saying every.single.time. but typically isn't that why FBI gets involved with MP cases?
FBI got involved in Yingying’s kidnapping that did not cross state lines, so not necessarily.
Maternal grandmother
My heart truly, truly aches for ML's mom. This has got to be unbelievable hard, every moment.

I've had overwhelming grief after the death of a family member (as have many of us) and the idea of then having a daughter do missing during that's torture.

My compassion, sympathy, condolences to her. I send her strength to get through this literally one breath at a time.

This person didn’t necessarily have to know that she had her location available.

Here’s my issue with this:

You probably can’t turn her phone off, or have her turn her phone off without drawing suspicion.

There’s the chance that she could escape, a struggle could ensue, and whatever you’re planning goes to hell.

So I’m struggling to understand the timing of her phone being shut off.


Maybe her phone was dying and he suggested she turn it off to save the battery and she could charge it when they go to their destination.
Did LE say her cell was turned off immediately at the park? Where did this info come from that many are alluding to? Or is this speculation? I have watched all LE media reports and don’t recall hearing her cell phone was turned off after she entered any car.
Great idea! You all may have as many private conversations about as many topics as you wish. Just keep them private and don't discuss them here. I think you can invite 20 or 30 people to your private conversations.

21 total. 20 + the inviter.
That is just so hard to fathom a public park with little children playing and only fake installed cameras. You can get good security very cheap now and a public park with a playground for children. With all the child abuductions and pedophiles lurking around at parks is beyond disbelief. This is negligent IMHO.

Because of this negligence ML meeting person could have been apprehended by now with description and maybe saved her life if anything bad has had happened to her.
Still stuck on this camera issue. This may have already been addressed. Apologies if it has. Does anyone know if there are cameras around the area that could have captured any vehicles driving that early in the morning? Like a corner store? Bank? Police Station? Etc...Wondering if these places video surveillance could be checked.
Here’s another thing and what this respectful and academic discussion comes down to (again thanks for that to all. We are all on the same side here I think, even though our opinions may vary):

What are the chances here in everybody’s opinions that a possible meeting as the one we are discussing as a potential was a factor in Kenzie’s disappearance? Imo, the chances are definitely high, at leeeeeeast 33% imo and that’s a conservative estimate on my part.

Of course it could turn out that these factors have nothing to do with any of this, as people are victims of crimes all the time that do not participate in these types of relationships.

But I think common sense tells us that there is a VERY GOOD cHance this could be the key to her missing .

We also know a case can have twists and turns and surprises...for all we know none of this is a factor here. And it could turn out to be nothing we expected. But we would be irresponsible and frankly not quite bright if we were to discount this as a variable. I’m almost positive LE would agree, moo.

So, again goal is not to debate or have a discussion about morals, but rather emphasize the point for young women out there to really think harder about this if you think this is safe behavior. Yeah you might say, “oh well I always tell my friends where I’m going”—-well, that’s not going to help you in the situation, only perhaps afterwards when it’s too late. And even simple things like them having your SM account info, phone number, etc can lead to all kinds of information being divulged about you, who your family members are, where you live, where you work.

Circling around back around to Kensie specifically, let’s hope whomever she met left a trail. If this was premeditated and he is a sophisticated predator, then he may have hidden his tracks well and not left any breadcrumbs.

MOO, I'm thinking 75% or greater chance her online activity is directly related to her disappearance at this point. That doesn't necessarily mean the person she met is wealthy or a real SD though. I see a huge potential for a predator to catfish a girl wanting to be an SB. The predator could claim they are someone else and when she researched the name he would look to actually be very wealthy and successful because a real person's name might have been used. Then after a couple dates when the fake SD has gained the girl's trust, he might say they need to meet discreetly somewhere and to not tell anyone. ML might have trusted that she was meeting a real SD (whom she had talked to or dated before) and she might not have seen the danger in his request that they meet secretly. She was especially vulnerable to something like this given she had just come from burying her grandmother and had an exam coming up. Stress can make people not think clearly or take bigger risks. If the fake SD offered her comfort during this stressful time in her life, it would be hard for her to turn that down. MOO.
I don’t know what kind of phone she had, but based on her friend’s interview that she kept checking her location to see if it would miraculously pop up, can it be assumed she has an iPhone? iPhone messages to other iPhones are in blue and show as “Delivered”. If texts repeatedly were being shown as “Sent as Text Message”, the phone is either without a signal, or off. I wonder if her friends were trying to give her some space to grieve. Her disappearance is like the “perfect storm” with all that has happened - no cameras, no phone activity, no description of person and/or vehicle, etc. It’s incredibly scary.
She had an iphone in selfies from publicly available SM accounts. Doesn't mean she still uses one, but seems like a safe assumption IMO.
As a parent of two college age daughters, sorry but I would be in Utah in a heart beat. Wouldn't care about my job or anything and I'd be all over the media outlets . Maybe LE is telling them to stay in CA for some reason? Or the parents have more information or a better idea of where she may be and why? JMO.
I don't remember where I saw or heard that:
1) the parents aren't traveling to UT because they think she is not there
2) while she was in CA for the funeral the dad said she was texting someone new.
Maybe someone can find where this info was posted or discussed in MSM. ty!
My point is, we don't know how people will handle grief. I fell apart at the death of a family member, so perhaps my heart is a bit more tender.

What would you do if you went to Utah?

I've been starting to wonder more and more about the Lyft story, too. I still don't think it's super likely that the driver is responsible, but the likelihood has been increasing with the recent details (no cameras, phone turned off, no description of the person/vehicle) -- it all makes you hope that LE has done their due diligence before they cleared the driver

On Google Earth, I noticed there are several bus stops on the sidewalk of the park’s parking lot. They don’t appear to be covered stops, which often have cameras, but it made me wonder what hours the bus run. Almost ALL city buses have cameras ... inside but ALSO facing out like a dash cam. It was apart of a police initiative years ago to help capture things like this. I doubt the bus was operational this late ... wishing thinking. Almost all the other nearby businesses seem to be mom and pop and, since it’s a low crime area, I doubt they had cameras outside their businesses.
Did LE say her cell was turned off immediately at the park? Where did this info come from that many are alluding to? Or is this speculation? I have watched all LE media reports and don’t recall hearing her cell phone was turned off after she entered any car.

Police will confirm that Lueck’s cell phone is currently powered down and that it was turned off once she met up with an unknown person at Hatch Park in North Salt Lake just before 3 a.m. on June 17.

“Pretty much right after the contact was made at the park—that’s when things went dark,” said Detective Greg Wilking.
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