Found Deceased UT - Ray Humpherys, 66, Summit County, 18 Jul 2018

I wonder if they have used dogs, etc in the search? Or is that too difficult with all of the people and animals in the area? Would be interesting if they got a scent or not... just thinking about the case of the Canadian missing in JTNP right now and the lack of scent/trace picked up. I know the searches are in completely different climates/landscapes, but just curious about what they can do and have done in this search.

I’m in the town below the lakes Where there is a small airport. More small planes than normal. I hope they are searchers.
“It’s so dense and it’s so rugged and there are huge rock fields. It’s very difficult terrain,” said Lieutenant Alan Siddoway with the Summit County Sheriff’s Office.

Siddoway said the sheriff's office has been searching every day, tracking what they do each day. He said they download it into a GPS mapping program.

“We look at that and we evaluate that for objectives for the next day," he said. "That’s where we will put the searchers, so we can see gaps in coverage."

Siddoway said DPS scanned the lake, where the family camped and where Humphreys was last seen, with sonar, but the scan came back negative.

Hundreds of searchers still unable to find clues into missing camper's disappearance

Update 2018-07-23: The Garrett Bardsley Foundation volunteer search effort for Ray Humpherys has concluded. The Summit County Search and Rescue team will continue with any further search efforts. Thank you to all volunteers and media who helped us search.

Garrett Bardsley Fnd on Twitter
This confounds me. How does a grown man just go missing?

Granted, as I've gotten older I'm not near as good in the dark as I used to be. I somehow manage to get turned around in my own house if it's completely dark.

Did he take a pail to get water? Did they find the pail? It seems he would have dumped the pail if it was full of water to lighten his load.

How does someone get so far away from their original location? Are there drop offs where he could have fallen off from had he inadvertently taken the wrong trail back?

Was there a moon that night? If not, why would he keep going if he couldn't see? Could the people at the original campsite be able to hear him yelling w/in say a quarter mile away?

I'm still curious why no one went looking for him when he wasn't back in 15 minutes. Did they fall asleep, wake up only then realizing he hadn't come back?

I can't help but think he's somewhere nearby. In a culvert or somewhere
that would have disabled him had he fallen.
Yes they fell asleep and didn't realize he wasn't back. I'm surprised no one waited up for him too, but these Dads/Grandpas seem to us to be invincible you know?

The man was healthy and experienced in the wilderness. The only issue mentioned has been early signs of dementia. Even that I don't think would explain this.

Pray For Ray

I can't explain it either. There are a few people that disappeared up there in a short window of time and were never found. I can't figure out how that works.... other than it's just HUGE.

I don't think there are any big drop offs right there, I haven't noticed any. I'm sure there are somewhere if you walk far enough. I also wonder about what he was going to carry water in.

Also, his hat. It seems he's always wearing one camping. Did they find that? As far as I can tell they have found absolutely nothing at all. Even with Garrett Bardsley they found a sock.
Check The
Yes they fell asleep and didn't realize he wasn't back. I'm surprised no one waited up for him too, but these Dads/Grandpas seem to us to be invincible you know?

The man was healthy and experienced in the wilderness. The only issue mentioned has been early signs of dementia. Even that I don't think would explain this.

Pray For Ray

I can't explain it either. There are a few people that disappeared up there in a short window of time and were never found. I can't figure out how that works.... other than it's just HUGE.

I don't think there are any big drop offs right there, I haven't noticed any. I'm sure there are somewhere if you walk far enough. I also wonder about what he was going to carry water in.

Also, his hat. It seems he's always wearing one camping. Did they find that? As far as I can tell they have found absolutely nothing at all. Even with Garrett Bardsley they found a sock.
Check the PrayforRay fb. He was found! But I'm afraid he is deceased.
All the comments are condolences.
These maps are all fascinating but I'm not a hiker or familiar with the Utah hiking terrain and routes and can't really figure what is what. (I only use my cell phone)

Just how far was Ray from where he was supposed to get water. Why do you suppose he continued to hike?
What trail did he inadvertently enter?
Would he have died from exposure or lack of food or water? Can you drink from the lakes?

Sorry for the questions but I need an easier way to visualize what happened and how long it would have taken him to get to the place where he was discovered. Thank you.
Today we were given the devastating news that our Dad was found. He was in the Middle Fork Weber Drainage area. There aren't enough words to express our love and appreciation to everyone who helped find our dad. We've felt everyone's love and prayers.

Pray For Ray

adding msm

Authorities say they have found the body of missing Charles “Ray” Humpherys from South Jordan on Tuesday.

He was found in the Middle Fork drainage area which approximately 1.5 miles from his last known location near Hidden Lake according to a statement Summit County Sheriff’s Office released.

I gasped when I just read the news, and am so very, very sad. Thank you for the updates, and God bless Ray and his family. I'd been puzzling how he could disappear when he only went @120 feet for water, but maybe the early signs of dementia and it being dark :(
It appears he was less than 2 miles away. I'm actually a bit surprised that nobody went to this area. It appears to be a common place to find them. I know that I automatically look in places that have provided answers previously. I'm a little surprised nobody did.

Maybe there just was not any people from the ladies search on this search. I don't remember the ladies as well because I had one baby at the time and another on the way. I wasn't searching for anything except a place to pee.

This really makes me want so badly to find Garrett too. I will never, ever forget that search in 2007. Finding the 3 year old boy alive was emotional enough. The cheering, embracing, praying... it was overwhelming.

However, watching a man who's son remains on that mountain somewhere, embracing a woman who's son was just found alive by his search crew.... It still makes my brother and I cry when we talk about it. It's in the top 5 most emotional events of my life.

It was a very special thing to witness. I wish they could all be found in time. :(
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