VA - Anjelica "AJ" Hadsell, 18, Norfolk, 3 March 2015 #9

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I truly think that they are referring to her text that morning as last Seen when it really should have been last Heard from. Once the press interpreted the text as last seen then Wes decided to go with that. They keep saying last seen in the evening and morning hours of march 2nd and 3rd but they are not putting names on who last seen her except for a neighbor who supposedly seen her at 2pm on march 2nd. Now since she was reported missing at 9pm on the 3rd then who vouched for seeing her that same morning? I truly think they are using that 5am text as the last seen statement even though somebody else could have sent the text. But the lack of clarification on the FB page tells me that they dont want to clarify this publicly. I think the media should just put last seen by WH on march 2nd at the gas station. Btw. If she was seen on the morning of the 3rd then LE would not have let them file a missing persons report on the 3rd.

Yeah but she could have been last seen in the evening of the 2nd by someone that is a witness and they just aren't putting their name out in public. We only heard Wes's interpretation of that 7-11 video. He said it wasn't her but maybe it was. Maybe they also showed that video to JH and she confirmed it was her. Maybe someone else saw her at the hotel. It could be that LE is just protecting the witness who last saw her. I thought that NPD has made an update that she was last seen between Monday evening and Tuesday morning and the Help Save the Next Girl updated their posters to state this. Another WS had linked the NPD comments they made on their FB to confirm this. I will try to find the NPD one. Here is a link to AJ's poster. I think they have it on very good source this info.
More for my own clarity and sanity than anything else but...

AJ was on twitter until around 10:30 Sunday night, March 1st. No twitter activity after that.
Zach says AJ's little sister saw her Monday morning March 2nd around 7am before they left for school.
We later learn WH claims to have met with her for lunch and gave her money, last seeing her around 12:45, Monday March 2nd.
Zach says AJ's sister got a text from AJ around 2:30 that same day saying she was with friends.
JH says AJ texted her the next morning March 3rd around 5:30 saying she wasn't ready to come home yet. (earlier reports said it was 4:30)
WH says AJ texted him after "talking back and forth" then sent him the okay emoji sign (he never said when that happened)

AJ was reported missing at 9:30 that night, Tuesday March 3rd.

So how/when does this 7-11 video fit into this timeline?
Do we know if AJ's phone pinged at WH's hotel room? He could have enticed her there with the $200 (if maybe her debit card wasn't working?)...ya know, meet me on my lunch hour. He may have made sure the red truck was on empty, too. JMO
More for my own clarity and sanity than anything else but...

AJ was on twitter until around 10:30 Sunday night, March 1st. No twitter activity after that.
Zach says AJ's little sister saw her Monday morning March 2nd around 7am before they left for school.
We later learn WH claims to have met with her for lunch and gave her money, last seeing her around 12:45, Monday March 2nd.
Zach says AJ's sister got a text from AJ around 2:30 that same day saying she was with friends.
JH says AJ texted her the next morning March 3rd around 5:30 saying she wasn't ready to come home yet. (earlier reports said it was 4:30)
WH says AJ texted him after "talking back and forth" then sent him the okay emoji sign (he never said when that happened)

AJ was reported missing at 9:30 that night, Tuesday March 3rd.

So how/when does this 7-11 video fit into this timeline?

Thanks so much for this! I don't believe the text to AJ's sister was from AJ and I don't believe she texted her mom at 5:30, and I don't believe she EVER texted WH. I think all that was WH's doing with her phone. He was the one up all night! IMO
A seasoned user that buys more than a recreational/casual amount will typically have a scale not only to check a purchase, but to help divide it into smaller amounts for sale or use. Coke is typically divvied out into little vials by gram, so if he bought several oz for example, he would want to split it up.

Knowing what we do about the coke use, consider also what credit cards come in handy for....

I'm pretty naive about drug use, so please spell it out for me. Are you saying that a credit card might be cut in half along the long side, so that it can be used like a spatula to mix and measure drugs?
I'm pretty naive about drug use, so please spell it out for me. Are you saying that a credit card might be cut in half along the long side, so that it can be used like a spatula to mix and measure drugs?

It's used similar to a spatula to make lines to snort. It doesn't need to be cut in half for that though.
OK running with this possibility, if she had pulled an all-nighter the night before (with friends, for example, which we should be able to verify), she gets home around 4:30 AM after stopping in to the 7-11. She is still awake when sisters get up for school, which explains our early morning sighting. The rest proceeds normally. I think the idea here, though, is that there was no 7AM sighting and AJ actually took off early in the AM so the 7-11 was on her way out.

I can't put much merit in this because we have nothing placing her in a 7-11 on Mar 2 other than WH (if he was referring to the 7-11). It could be irrelevant (she stopped on the way home) or it could make the story we know 99% false (not that it would be surprising in this case, right?)

I am eager for brenchen to get verified so she can share the entire story of what she knows.

I see what you are saying, but I can't let go of NO social media since 10:30 pm on March 1. I just can't get past that. Not a fb post, not a tweet, nothing?? Teenagers are totally attached to their phones and sm in general.
Thanks so much for this! I don't believe the text to AJ's sister was from AJ and I don't believe she texted her mom at 5:30, and I don't believe she EVER texted WH. I think all that was WH's doing with her phone. He was the one up all night! IMO

I don't believe any of those texts were from AJ. I believe whatever happened, happened sometime between 7am and 2:30 when her sister got home from school.
I'm pretty naive about drug use, so please spell it out for me. Are you saying that a credit card might be cut in half along the long side, so that it can be used like a spatula to mix and measure drugs?

Credit cards are used to cut up the coke. U Place the coke on a mirror or a glass top table then use the card to finely cut it up.. then u arrange it in lines and use a rolled u dollar bill to snort it.
I see what you are saying, but I can't let go of NO social media since 10:30 pm on March 1. I just can't get past that. Not a fb post, not a tweet, nothing?? Teenagers are totally attached to their phones and sm in general.

I agree!
I see what you are saying, but I can't let go of NO social media since 10:30 pm on March 1. I just can't get past that. Not a fb post, not a tweet, nothing?? Teenagers are totally attached to their phones and sm in general.

Her SM usage pattern to me, is critical for establishing a REAL timeline. She was a daily user. That stopped Sunday night. If she were okay & had access to her phone to text sister & mom, she would have also been on twitter. She wasn't.

I said way back in one of these threads it will be AJ herself that gives us the honest answers, one way or another. I honestly think looking at her daily sm patterns is the place to start, despite all the nonsense others are yapping on about.
Do we know if AJ's phone pinged at WH's hotel room? He could have enticed her there with the $200 (if maybe her debit card wasn't working?)...ya know, meet me on my lunch hour. He may have made sure the red truck was on empty, too. JMO

When I just read this, I had a thought:
He made such a big deal about leaving the truck and leaving the ignition key in the mailbox, but not the door key, you know just the ignition key. So what if he left the ignition key and conveeeeeeniently locked the door of the truck. Knowing that she would call and say, "Gee thanks for the truck, but I can't even get in it!" So then he said meet me and I'll get the key to you.
My understanding (and again "the more I know, the less I understand") is that the 7-11 video would fit in between items 1 and 2 on your list.

And how exactly do we know this? Where is it mentioned anywhere about a time/date stamp on that video? Do we even know for a fact this video exists? Where did we first hear about this video? And also, if this video fits between Sunday night at 10:30 and Monday morning at 7am, are we to believe she dashed home real quick to mom's place to see her sisters before they left for school?
Her SM usage pattern to me, is critical for establishing a REAL timeline. She was a daily user. That stopped Sunday night. If she were okay & had access to her phone to text sister & mom, she would have also been on twitter. She wasn't.

I said way back in one of these threads it will be AJ herself that gives us the honest answers, one way or another. I honestly think looking at her daily sm patterns is the place to start, despite all the nonsense others are yapping on about.

Does anyone know if she ever tweeted about the speculated night where she would have been out until 4-6am? I feel like if you are 18 and out with friends ALL FRIGGIN NIGHT...there is SOMETHING to be tweeting about no? JMO
I truly think that they are referring to her text that morning as last Seen when it really should have been last Heard from. Once the press interpreted the text as last seen then Wes decided to go with that. They keep saying last seen in the evening and morning hours of march 2nd and 3rd but they are not putting names on who last seen her except for a neighbor who supposedly seen her at 2pm on march 2nd.

Now since she was reported missing at 9pm on the 3rd then who vouched for seeing her that same morning? I truly think they are using that 5am text as the last seen statement even though somebody else could have sent the text. But the lack of clarification on the FB page tells me that they dont want to clarify this publicly. I think the media should just put last seen by WH on march 2nd at the gas station. Btw. If she was seen on the morning of the 3rd then LE would not have let them file a missing persons report on the 3rd.

One more thing. The police under regular circumstances cant let you file a missing persons report on a older teen that has been seen that morning under non supicous conditions. So since the report was made on the 3rd then LE couldnt verify that she was actually seen on the 3rd. So they should stop saying the 3rd last seen and just say the 3rd last unverified text. Jmo

Bumping this. Due to edit.
Does anyone know if she ever tweeted about the speculated night where she would have been out until 4-6am? I feel like if you are 18 and out with friends ALL FRIGGIN NIGHT...there is SOMETHING to be tweeting about no? JMO

She didn't. I've combed through her twitter with a fine tooth comb, several times. Never a single mention of pulling an all-nighter. None from her friends, either.
Her SM usage pattern to me, is critical for establishing a REAL timeline. She was a daily user. That stopped Sunday night. If she were okay & had access to her phone to text sister & mom, she would have also been on twitter. She wasn't.

I said way back in one of these threads it will be AJ herself that gives us the honest answers, one way or another. I honestly think looking at her daily sm patterns is the place to start, despite all the nonsense others are yapping on about.

However, there are gaps in Twitter during periods of time we know she was home. There is a many days gap over winter break, and there was another gap over the weekend two weeks before Spring break. I think her habits show that she didn't rely on Twitter as much when she was home. I wish we had access to her texting over the final three days, as I think that would be extremely revealing. Alas, we are not LE.
Yeah but she could have been last seen in the evening of the 2nd by someone that is a witness and they just aren't putting their name out in public. We only heard Wes's interpretation of that 7-11 video. He said it wasn't her but maybe it was. Maybe they also showed that video to JH and she confirmed it was her. Maybe someone else saw her at the hotel. It could be that LE is just protecting the witness who last saw her. I thought that NPD has made an update that she was last seen between Monday evening and Tuesday morning and the Help Save the Next Girl updated their posters to state this. Another WS had linked the NPD comments they made on their FB to confirm this. I will try to find the NPD one. Here is a link to AJ's poster. I think they have it on very good source this info.
Well imo. They cant have it both ways. She was either last seen in the evening of the 2nd. Or she was last seen in the mornig of the 3rd (the day she was reported missing). Now which one do they want us to go with.
However, there are gaps in Twitter during periods of time we know she was home. There is a many days gap over winter break, and there was another gap over the weekend two weeks before Spring break. I think her habits show that she didn't rely on Twitter as much when she was home. I wish we had access to her texting over the final three days, as I think that would be extremely revealing. Alas, we are not LE.

It is true that we only have her public social media to look at, but I was under the impression that she had not even contacted friends after 10:30 pm March 1.
If she had contacted friends, don't we think that LE or family would have said that she was in contact with a friend during this time, so that's why they thought she was fine? Well, as I just typed that, I almost want to retract it because I honestly DON'T think the family (meaning JH et al) would have said anything of the sort. If someone asked I think they might have just said, "You don't need to know those details." or "We have the information we need." Or even "**** ***** *****!!!!" (asterisks mine :blushing:)
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