VA - Hannah Elizabeth Graham, 18, Charlottesville, 13 Sept 2014 - #16 *ARREST*

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I just think that the only way Hannah is still alive is if someone has her and is holding her. She would have come back by now if JM was keeping her. If you read her Twitter, you can see that she mentions her dad a lot, very fondly, and she was super duper eager to get back to C-ville and start school again. She kept saying things like "I wanna go back to school", "Been home a week and already excited for school"... But even though she'd rather be at school, she posted text conversations with her father in which they joked around and stuff. She loved her life. What a waste.
Why is the only information about Hannah's last night with people from surveillance video? What about the friends she was with earlier in the evening? What did they have to say about how the evening was going? To me, the images of her running / walking fast, and WG's description of her as "distressed" sound like a young woman running away from an uncomfortable or humiliating experience (while drinking and not thinking clearly). Is "distressed" now a code word for intoxicated? Being somewhat drunk AND upset could make someone lean on another (even a stranger) for support just as much as a higher level of intoxication, IMO.

Is that a literal quote of her last text? "I'm coming to a party....but I'm lost"?

Wouldn't you say "I'm coming to THE party" if you were texting people at the party you were trying to find? Or "I'm GOING to a party" if you were texting someone not at the party you were trying to find? I agree with whoever said the timing of this text is strange - AFTER she's been seen outside Tempo with JM. Did anyone respond to her last text?
This is a cautionary tale on so many levels. WTH was Hannah doing wandering around all night by herself? Why did not one of her friends try to help her that night or check in on her the next day? How many people saw this obviously inebriated girl and just ignored her? Did Tempo personnel think to report a coed in need of help?
I'm not sold on the theory that JM set out to rape and murder that night. It also depends on what your definition of a predator is. There are plenty of guys out there looking for girls incapable of saying no. Did he kill her? I don't know. Something happened, and JM knows what it is. Either he killed her or he did not get her help. He is culpable.

I just don't understand why it took so long to report her missing. They must have wondered where she was, you can't just forget you have a friend.
Why is the only information about Hannah's last night with people from surveillance video? What about the friends she was with earlier in the evening? What did they have to say about how the evening was going? To me, the images of her running / walking fast, and WG's description of her as "distressed" sound like a young woman running away from an uncomfortable or humiliating experience (while drinking and not thinking clearly). Is "distressed" now a code word for intoxicated? Being somewhat drunk AND upset could make someone lean on another (even a stranger) for support just as much as a higher level of intoxication, IMO.

Is that a literal quote of her last text? "I'm coming to a party....but I'm lost"?

Wouldn't you say "I'm coming to THE party" if you were texting people at the party you were trying to find? Or "I'm GOING to a party" if you were texting someone not at the party you were trying to find? I agree with whoever said the timing of this text is strange - AFTER she's been seen outside Tempo with JM. Did anyone respond to her last text?

I think one of the biggest mysteries in this case (after where she is now of course) is what was going through her head while she was tearing through the town at 1am. Why does it seem SO much like she was late for something? Something prearranged... But the only person she really met over there was JM. Was there someone else who she couldn't find when she got there? If she knew JM, and he had messaged or called her prior to this, LE would have probably said so considering how forthcoming they've been with that kind of info.
I'm saying "I can't see it" because I can't see it! Lol
I've run into a lot of guys who have boundary issues... I seriously doubt they're all serial killers, though.
I never once said I think LJ is innocent in Hannah's case. I said I don't think he's been running around C'ville raping and murdering for 12 years.
That reminds me about the other assaults reports that morning. Did anyone provide a suspect description? Could it be? Just a coincidence all these neferous activities?
I was thinking about JM shirt and the white shirt

could it be the so police could verify what witnesses actually saw him by asking them to confirm what they saw him dressed in
Another thought on Hannah's apparent trust of JM is that, for an 18 year old, it's not particularly naive to think everybody is your friend. I know I was like that just a few short years ago. Then I worked at a grocery store in the hood, but that's another story, probably for a shrink, :scared:

Anyway, it's a very, very typical phase of growth for an 18 year old, newly "on her own" in some way, to believe that no one means her any harm. Also, an 18 year old in a college town will definitely think an older person who buys her a drink is her BFF for life. People that age want things that aren't good for them, and resent the older folks who don't provide those things for their own good, and adore the less responsible older folks who do provide those things. Hannah could very easily have believed JM was legitimately awesome because he was "helping her" get alcohol. No judgment to Hannah, I seriously believe that almost all 18 year olds are like this.

I know because my BFF's 19-year-old sister calls me her "lamest friend" because I'm her only older friend who won't buy her drinks... Haha, but I can tell she secretly appreciates me! (Delusional)
I think one of the biggest mysteries in this case (after where she is now of course) is what was going through her head while she was tearing through the town at 1am. Why does it seem SO much like she was late for something? Something prearranged... But the only person she really met over there was JM. Was there someone else who she couldn't find when she got there? If she knew JM, and he had messaged or called her prior to this, LE would have probably said so considering how forthcoming they've been with that kind of info.
Interesting, I had the completely opposite impression - that she was running AWAY from a situation or person(s), not towards. What did her friends say about when she left them - did she say she needed to meet someone? It seems odd to me that I can find no one quoted about the times between when she was seen on video. Who was the guy she was with in McGrady's?
IMO it isnt about looks,:but more about his aggressive puck up style that would flag most women. I can picture him sliding up along side Hanna fast sweet talking. She too polite (even if too drunk) he coaxing her along maybe to get her a ride back home(her phone dying?) Etc. Most females (sober) that I know get creeped out by an aggressive/boundary crossing guy. Even earlier that evening he was accused of such behavior. Maybe he had been successful in the past with over drunk ladies in bars. Never thought that attractiveness played into it.

Heck, no matter how hammered I am, there is NO WAY this guy's method would get me going. No way.
Has anyone wondered if the name George Carr is some kind of sick clue than JLM is giving us? I looked it up and George Carr, former mayor of Cville, died in 1886. He is buried at Riverview Cemetary in east Cville by the Rivanna River and Riverview Park. Also, the Carr family farm is reported to be about 5 miles northwest of town. During the Revolution, Hessian prisoners had been encamped there.

This seems out of left field, but it may be worth a look at both of those spots.

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This is a cautionary tale on so many levels. WTH was Hannah doing wandering around all night by herself? Why did not one of her friends try to help her that night or check in on her the next day? How many people saw this obviously inebriated girl and just ignored her? Did Tempo personnel think to report a coed in need of help?
I'm not sold on the theory that JM set out to rape and murder that night. It also depends on what your definition of a predator is. There are plenty of guys out there looking for girls incapable of saying no. Did he kill her? I don't know. Something happened, and JM knows what it is. Either he killed her or he did not get her help. He is culpable.

I think a lot of people keep making the mistake of viewing this situation through the eyes of responsible adults. Everybody needs to do a flashback to when they were 18 years old, completely self-centered, and away from home for the first time in their life. A bunch of her friends probably slept till noon the next day, and when they did get out of bed, they could barely function due to a hangover or staying up all night.

I'm not surprised at all that it took somebody that long to report her missing. These are self-absorbed kids, nobody was appointed to be her babysitter, and obviously nobody took on the task. The BIG problem here is that it gave her abductor plenty of time to get her hidden.

On that same line of thinking though, her abductor would have no way of knowing if somebody would come looking for her in 2 hours, 8 hours, or 36 hours. So, more than likely she had probably met her demise by daylight the next morning.
Another thought on Hannah's apparent trust of JM is that, for an 18 year old, it's not particularly naive to think everybody is your friend. I know I was like that just a few short years ago. Then I worked at a grocery store in the hood, but that's another story, probably for a shrink, :scared:

Anyway, it's a very, very typical phase of growth for an 18 year old, newly "on her own" in some way, to believe that no one means her any harm. Also, an 18 year old in a college town will definitely think an older person who buys her a drink is her BFF for life. People that age want things that aren't good for them, and resent the older folks who don't provide those things for their own good, and adore the less responsible older folks who do provide those things. Hannah could very easily have believed JM was legitimately awesome because he was "helping her" get alcohol. No judgment to Hannah, I seriously believe that almost all 18 year olds are like this.

I know because my BFF's 19-year-old sister calls me her "lamest friend" because I'm her only older friend who won't buy her drinks... Haha, but I can tell she secretly appreciates me! (Delusional)

bbm Or a Movie!
Interesting, I had the completely opposite impression - that she was running AWAY from a situation or person(s), not towards. What did her friends say about when she left them - did she say she needed to meet someone? It seems odd to me that I can find no one quoted about the times between when she was seen on video. Who was the guy she was with in McGrady's?

I like to go for long walks, it's like a hobby. 3-4 hours, sometimes all day. And sometimes I get myself lost or I lose track of time... If I need to get back to my car by 3pm and it's 2:45 and I'm a mile and a half away, I'll jog, fast-walk, slow down, speed up... If I'm lost it adds a whole new level of franticness, particularly if I'm also on a time crunch. Given that so far it seems no one was following her, and that much later she casually texted about being lost on the way to a party, I get the distinct feeling she was headed "Toward".

But this is an interesting point people are making. Why did she leave the first party? It wasn't over yet, was it? It could have been something upset her there. With all she dealt with on her cross-town jag, I wouldn't be surprised if it was another creep.
Has anyone wondered if the name George Carr is some kind of sick clue than JLM is giving us? I looked it up and George Carr, former mayor of Cville, died in 1886. He is buried at Riverview Cemetary in east Cville by the Rivanna River and Riverview Park. Also, the Carr family farm is reported to be about 5 miles northwest of town. During the Revolution, Hessian prisoners had been encamped there.

This seems out of left field, but it may be worth a look at both of those spots.

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His grandma's last name is that. JMO
I see your point of view, but personally think if he did kill her it wasn't accidental. The way he sees her, watches her, and then intentionally follows her on that surveillance video says to me that he was looking for a victim.

I don't think anything he does is by accident. He's already been suspected of rape in the past. If he did kill HG he did it on purpose so she couldn't tell on him. Since seeing and learning all of this new info about this guy. In my eyes he is a predator and a very dangerous one who has gotten off the hook one too many times.
Another thought on Hannah's apparent trust of JM is that, for an 18 year old, it's not particularly naive to think everybody is your friend. I know I was like that just a few short years ago. Then I worked at a grocery store in the hood, but that's another story, probably for a shrink, :scared:

Anyway, it's a very, very typical phase of growth for an 18 year old, newly "on her own" in some way, to believe that no one means her any harm. Also, an 18 year old in a college town will definitely think an older person who buys her a drink is her BFF for life. People that age want things that aren't good for them, and resent the older folks who don't provide those things for their own good, and adore the less responsible older folks who do provide those things. Hannah could very easily have believed JM was legitimately awesome because he was "helping her" get alcohol. No judgment to Hannah, I seriously believe that almost all 18 year olds are like this.

I know because my BFF's 19-year-old sister calls me her "lamest friend" because I'm her only older friend who won't buy her drinks... Haha, but I can tell she secretly appreciates me! (Delusional)
Idk, my 18 year old daughter isn't that naïve. Also she thinks any guy older than 25 is a creepy old dude!
I don't think he is remotely clever enough. (Referencing the Cemetary, George Carr connection...sorry quote didn't work)
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