VA - Hannah Elizabeth Graham, 18, Charlottesville, 13 Sept 2014 - #6

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And I like Longo, but his PC yesterday reeked of a witch hunt. If I am POI and I'm thinking of talking, after the Sheriff throws me to the wolves like that, I'm not saying anything until I have a competent attorney.
When we were obsessing over the survellence videos I highly suspected this POI. But my mind was DEFINTELY changed.
After actually watching the presser is when I started seriously doubting the POI's guilt in all this. Why such a rush to convince the world of his guilt? So not typical of most cases, and reminds me so much of past incidents of many people who were convicted in the media but truly innocent people.
I just got a little weirded out when I pulled up the POI's FB account and saw that we share a mutual friend. UGH!

This has been hapening a lot on this case! Someone else had the same experience!
Quite rightly? I dont recall WG 'lawyering up" or making the police come looking for him for that matter either.

I would call what Dreads is doing the complete opposite of right.

Unless he has something to hide.

WG wasn't the last person to see hannah though + he was very aware that he wasn't the last person to see her... DG might not know who the last person to see hannah was, after him + that's what's scary. also, you have to consider the fact that DG is black, and black people notoriously are f'ed over by the law. most do not trust LE.
Yeah, hard to think what to do. My husband had to stop running at the local college because he saw a description of a rapist that sounded a little too much like his appearance. :gasp:

you never can really know someone. my husband could have been a rapist and I would never know. left daily for work at 7am. returned at 6:30PM-7pm. has flown cross country without telling me til after. I recently found secret email accounts of his after he was arrested. you never know.
OMG! I've been on this site for the past 5 days . . . . . and just the name of the POI released. I know him! He coaches my sons football team! I cannot believe I did not recognize him from the video. I think I just did not even associate him with the potential to commit a crime! He is the nicest, caring, Christian man . . . . . Always helping the boys, encouraging them, as a volunteer.

He cannot be guilty! I need to confirm, but I think he was at football practice the Saturday morning after the incident. I really don't think he is guilty!

Are you familiar with Dennis Rader? He was a church-going family man that no one had anything bad to say about. The letter he wrote that got him caught was written on a church computer.
I lived in Charlottesville briefly 10 years ago. At the time the Downtown Mall was a known hangout for a rather large homeless teen/runaway population. IIRC the proximity to the train lines were cited as the reason Charlottesville was such a draw. There were usually crowds of 8-10 congregating--drug culture 'types' who might be hard to identify as they had purposefully gone 'off the grid.'

Local residents: Is this still the case? I am just trying to process how this might factor into her wandering around the Downtown Mall and other possible suspects or even potentially other past victims that might not be reported.
Actually, if you've taken the time to read all of these threads, "something" was seen inside or outside of the car that gave them probable cause to search the apartment as well.

The police have not commented any further on it or given any indication what it might have been as of yet.

IIRC, LE said in the process of seizing the car, they had probable cause to go for the other search warrants. I don't think they said something was seen, do you have a link?
I'm amazed that JM was able to pass up the WG and catch up to the fast walking HG before Tuel's Jewelers. Sal's and Tuel's are about 200 feet apart, a 1 minute walk. JM started to walk a little faster at the end of the video from Sal's but not fast enough to catch HG before Tuel's. JM either started running or shouted out to HG to get her to stop walking. I also wonder what made the WG think HG was in distress? Based on the video from Sal's the WG was walking I would guess 70-100 feet in front of HG before he stopped to let HG pass.

IIRC, LE said in the process of seizing the car, they had probable cause to go for the other search warrants. I don't think they said something was seen, do you have a link?
I recall it the same way you do, Katie. They didn't search the car on the premises, it was towed away.
Has it been posted anywhere exactly what <modsnip> states that happened that night other than that he had a drink with Hannah.

- How did they met in the 1st place?
- How he thought she was acting that night?
- The direction he/she left after their stop at the bar?

Just curious if he mentioned anything about her being nervous and that she felt she was being followed (WG). He asked her to stop in the crowded bar, have a drink and wait for whoever was following her to give up and possibly leave. Maybe offered her a ride to her party to help her feel even more secure afterwards.

If that is the case, it looks like both WG & Dreads set each other up with alibi's (reasonable doubt) that can be proven on security camera. So far what happened after the mall, no cameras were around to film (possibly knew where to avoid cameras: which bars/restaurants didn't have cameras, where you can park out of sight of cameras, etc.). We do know that Dreads was very familiar with the area. People have mentioned seeing him near the mall before.
They did not open the car there. They towed if for processing (to gather evidence). You can't see hair, saliva, or fingernails through the window.
They don't have footage of her getting in the car. The Chief was pleading for people to come forward if they had seen her get in the car.
IIRC, her scent ended at Water Street Garage.

Flamingo, where did you find out about where her scent ended?

Here is a map from Tempo to the garage.!2m2!1d-78.480583!2d38.029242
BBM. I don't think so. I remember Longo said they didn't know if she got in the car, that they took the car to look for evidence that she was there. JMO

I would think that if they had seen something really compelling like blood, they would have had enough to detain him. I don't know. JMO

longo said that it was during their removal of the car that they found something to warrant a warrant :)
so I think something of hers was in the car - doesn't mean she was, just that someone was who had something of hers.
WG wasn't the last person to see hannah though + he was very aware that he wasn't the last person to see her... DG might not know who the last person to see hannah was, after him + that's what's scary. also, you have to consider the fact that DG is black, and black people notoriously are f'ed over by the law. most do not trust LE.
Respectfully, you keep bringing up race as an issue.. IMO, race has nothing to do with it and will not help us bring Hannah home. MOO, race is NOT the reason the cops singled him out, SOMETHING led them to his car, and SOMETHING in/on said car gave them a good reason to search the residence... No snarkiness intended [emoji5] I just don't want to have the focus off of what's important.. Hannah needs to be home, and her family deserves answers..imo.
her iphone with pink cover...

Is this the first public reference to a pink iphone cover? Interesting.

It was the first I had seen it referenced. It was in a reply to a post on Parker Slaybaugh's page.

The reply in its entirety is:

They have all of Charlottesville covered today with volunteer groups. My husband was selected as one of the group leaders. You are then assigned a specific area on the map to search. We were told to look for things that could be out of place, her clothing, her white shoes, her iphone with pink cover... ANYthing that could be a clue for this case. One of my teammates and I even got down in the weeds and traveled through a drain "tunnel" that went under the railroad tracks. These volunteers were briefed last night and again today several times about what to look for.
Hi Otto, it's me again:seeya:
My theory: They enter Tempo, she goes to use the restroom and leaves her phone on the table/bar with JM. Her friend texts her-"Hey what's up? Where are you?"- JM texts back the "coming to a party, lost at 14th and Wertland" thing to make her friends think she's on her way but is held up, yada yada, knowing 14th & Wertland is an area frequented by students. This pacifies the friends for awhile and buys some time. This would also account for the mixed accounts of "was she or wasn't she with him at Tempo." They did not stay long and part of the time she was in the restroom. Just another theory.......

I think the POI sent the text from her phone as she was passed out in his car. Just my wacky theory...
It was the first I had seen it referenced. It was in a reply to a post on Parker Slaybaugh's page.

The reply in its entirety is:

ok so the warrant for the phone was for JM's phone, not HG's then.
New here from New Orleans! I have been following the case for a few days and hope we get more answers and pray Hannah is found soon!

I was sitting here thinking and thought maybe she lost her phone. What exactly did the text say?? Maybe someone found her phone and put I'm lost...etc. Did any of the videos show her in the areas at a earlier time? Maybe she was backtracking to find phone?? Maybe she couldn't get in touch with anyone so she was looking for places her friends could of been? Does any remember seeing her with her phone in any videos??

I don't know my brain hurts. Praying we here more info soon!
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