VA VA - Kelly Catalano, 40, Chesterfield, 15 Jan 2010 - #1

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Does anyone know if the spare key to Kelly's car has been located. If so, are there a spare set of house keys with it. Most people I know keep a whole set of keys together so they dont have switch back and forth. Or was she the kind of person who might have had a hide-a-key for her house that some neighborhood kids found and used to get in knowing the house was empty? Just some thoughts.
From a personal point of view, I attempted suicide during a particularly stressful time in my life. No one suspected what was going on in my mind; even I wasn't sure what was happening to me. No history of mental illness; no history of depression. Yet, I was severely depressed, had retired from a job, had lost the love of my life, etc. I had always been known for my laid back personality, my acceptance of life, my strength.
Thankfully, I received help and after therapy, I am OK, living each day to the fullest but with a totally different point of view.
So.....pardon the OT, but I believe that anyone can feel suicidal no matter how happy they may seem. I am especially concerned that this was an anniversary date for Kelly to face; Concerned, thank you for sharing this. It makes me accept the possibility of suicide. I hope not; but JMOO, it's possible.

Thanks for posting this, Jokie, and Concerned, thank you for mentioning the anniversary.

I had a moment where I was on the verge of attempting suicide. I received a moment of grace, a candle of hope from my son, and that pulled me back. A different event would have pushed me the other direction. It was that close. And, like Jokie, at the time I wasn't sure what was happening to me. It's only in retrospect I see it this clearly.

If I had been suffering from a difficult breakup and other losses...

...and it was an anniversary that made my grief sharper than usual...

...and a coworker made a casual remark about how long they'd been married, or some other comment that made me realize how alone I was...

...I might well have thought, "I can't take this any more!" and gone out and done the deed.

I can see a woman who loved to swim taking water as the way out, too. She'd feel comfortable in it. It's her friend. Just swim until it took her.

I still don't know whether I think that's the most likely explanation. There are things that don't fit. But the more I think about it, the more possible it seems.

My prayers that the family has real answers soon, and that God's grace gives them the strength to cope.

With most of my Ex's.. I am so with you. I would be there in a heartbeat no matter what they said or thought. With a stranger in my own town, again, I would dedicate time. And the one I am speaking of, is not a recent one, but it is a doozy of one.

I do wonder right along with you about the "friend" that Kelly visited with after her Yoga class. Has anyone spoken of the visit? Did Kelly tell anyone who she was visiting? I would love to know how she was feeling that night and if she voiced concerns about the house issue and possible stalker person. Did Kelly date anyone else after her break up with ConcernedinVa? Have they been able to get her phone records from that day or the night before?
Not a problem about a delay in submitting; I'm glad you did though. Whatever you are asked to submit will not be shared with members--we'll just know that you who you say you are.

And just so you know, listed telephone numbers are quickly found on the Internet simply by doing a combined search for a name and a state in Google. Bingo, there's what you thought was private information, or perhaps information that you thought was not quite so "out there."

Google even provides a link to a map to the street address. Not happy about that at all.

It's pretty unsettling, but the information highway is overflowing with more information than most of us want to share.

Does anyone know if the spare key to Kelly's car has been located. If so, are there a spare set of house keys with it. Most people I know keep a whole set of keys together so they dont have switch back and forth. Or was she the kind of person who might have had a hide-a-key for her house that some neighborhood kids found and used to get in knowing the house was empty? Just some thoughts.

My guess is they are with whoever fed her cats when she was out of town. It really is a small question , the answer should be right there.
Kelly left town to go home to PA often. She has 2 cats(as told) on thread.
Who fed them when she was gone?? The keys should be with that person or at very least that person will know if kelly had more keys and also know if a car key was on them.
as far as if it would have been the anniversary of a breakup, it's doubtful that she was still hurt over it. It had been 6 months since she had split with the ex. If anything, she was hurt about how she was treated during the duration of the relationship. Kelly took the ex off of the deed, which would take ALOT of strength to do and she moved on from there. She didn't put herself in seclusion, she was out socializing. Some people after a breakup, tend to want to be alone. Maybe she did at one point but she still had to work and getting out and being around people helps you to get over it.

As far as her drowning herself, I think that's highly unlikely and think that even though we need to look at all angles, this one is the most far out one yet. I think we need to look at kidnapping, we need to put up flyers in all neighborhoods, locally and in other states. She is out there and someone knows where.
They are looking at the phone records, home computer is being looked at, so are surveillance videos. Kelly had voiced concerns to her neighbor about the possibility of someone being in her house and moving things around. I don't know right off if she talked to family. In talking to the family, however, they do know a lot so Kelly was really open with them. Kelly has not dated anyone else since ConcernedInVA. Like previously posted, the relationship with ConcernedInVa was a bad one, hence, removal from the deed. I don't want to get into specifics on her relationship with ConcernedInVa but the family had been concerned for quite some time...I am sure even after the breakup.

What I wondered is this...besides Verizon did Kelly have a pre-paid phone of some sort? Have the police looked at this as a possibility? I am not sure how those phones work but I am sure you would have to put it in your name to get it activated.

As far as the animals, to my best knowledge, the neighbor had been caring for the cats while Kelly was away. I am not sure how often she went but would assume that working M-F, she wouldn't have went that often because she drove. She did go over the Christmas Holiday I believe but not for Thanksgiving.
Thanks for posting this, Jokie, and Concerned, thank you for mentioning the anniversary.

I had a moment where I was on the verge of attempting suicide. I received a moment of grace, a candle of hope from my son, and that pulled me back. A different event would have pushed me the other direction. It was that close. And, like Jokie, at the time I wasn't sure what was happening to me. It's only in retrospect I see it this clearly.

If I had been suffering from a difficult breakup and other losses...

...and it was an anniversary that made my grief sharper than usual...

...and a coworker made a casual remark about how long they'd been married, or some other comment that made me realize how alone I was...

...I might well have thought, "I can't take this any more!" and gone out and done the deed.

I can see a woman who loved to swim taking water as the way out, too. She'd feel comfortable in it. It's her friend. Just swim until it took her.

I still don't know whether I think that's the most likely explanation. There are things that don't fit. But the more I think about it, the more possible it seems.

My prayers that the family has real answers soon, and that God's grace gives them the strength to cope.

I still don't buy the suicide theory, especially in water that was only 4'-6' deep in most spots even if I had taken medication to "end it".....but that is JMO
I still don't buy the suicide theory, especially in water that was only 4'-6' deep in most spots even if I had taken medication to "end it".....but that is JMO

4-6 feet deep? you are missinformed. it can go from 1 ft to 15 in a heartbeat
Joseph D... you had said you were looking into what the psychic said... any more info from those possible leads? Is there a place nearby where trucks are moving sand? I can't find all that the psychic said but wondered if any of that is in the area.
I spent the day writing down questions/theories that I thought needed to be pondered such as:

1) Kelly told co-workers she was going for a walk, did she seem upset when she told them?

2) Someone would have had to call for her (not necessarily on a phone) for her to come out of the building. Likely someone she knew. IF someone had texted or called her, this would be present on cell phone records. Maybe someone was standing in the woods.

3) Maybe someone told her the previous night that they were coming to her job and they were going to talk. Instead of allowing that person to come to the job, they decided to meet in the woods. I am sure that Kelly liked to keep her private life seperate from her job. Therefore, someone going to her job and causing a scene, might get her fired so she met them in the woods? Maybe on Friday, Jan. 15th, it was raining/cold outside and Kelly knew the person well enough to get inside their car so that they could talk?

4) If Kelly loved animals, watching any type of animal be slaughtered/processed, would be very hard for her to watch. I don't see this happening. I love animals too and even seeing the ones that have been run over is hard to look at. I can't imagine striping one down.

5) If it's highly unlikely that someone could disable/disarm Kelly, according to ConcernedInVA, are you leaning toward suicide? What is the other option if she weren't taken against her own will?

6) ConcernedInVA took Yoga too. Did she take a class with Kelly or maybe was standing outside as Kelly was leaving? CCweb had mentioned she got a weird vibe from Kelly like Kelly was sensing something.

7) ConcernedInVA posts that she had not had contact with Kelly in 6 months. Then posts August of 2009. Sources say the date was more like weeks.

8) How could it be considered suicide IE: looking in the water IF the doors at her house were wide open on Saturday? IF she did commit suicide on Friday, who was at her house after the police left on Friday/Saturday before the police got there? Suicide is a very unlikely option.

9) Why did it take employees/job 4 hours to report her missing? I would assume that after they have called Kelly on her cell phone and looked for maybe an hour after, you would call police. 4 hours is way too long.

10) IF she was upset, whether it be an anniversary of something or something else, wouldn't she have seemed upset at work? If I had gone into work upset and tried to play it off, I tend to eventually zone out. I am sure Kelly couldn't just zone out due to being a welder...that would be dangerous. Speaking of dangerous, couldn't she have found something at work to hurt herself with. My grandfather accidentally put an eye out from a piece of metal. I am sure worse could have been done. This being said, why would she suddenly get upset after workers have said she was happy and joking that day?

11) If a co-worker seen that she was running, why didn't he ask if she was ok? Did she look distraught, crying, etc?

Again, these are theories and questions that I thought I would try to find answers on. I wish I knew the answers as does her family. So again to put this to rest, suicide is not likely. She couldn't kill herself and then go open her doors on Saturday. Something much more is going on here.
So again to put this to rest, suicide is not likely. She couldn't kill herself and then go open her doors on Saturday. Something much more is going on here.

I think most of us here could not agree with you more, beltingitout.

IF there had never been Kelly's report of feeling as if someone had moved things out of place in her home, and IF the doors had not been left wide open on Saturday after the police insist they locked them on Friday, I might lean more in the direction of suicide.

It would be more plausible to me. But with these two factors hanging there (the NEW elephants in the room), I cannot accept the possibility that someone else was not involved. It's obvious to me that someone else was.

4-6 feet deep? you are missinformed. it can go from 1 ft to 15 in a heartbeat

Josephd...I must be completely misinformed! Thanks for clarifying....

As with many others, I still just don't buy into the suicide theory.....JMO
They are looking at the phone records, home computer is being looked at, so are surveillance videos. Kelly had voiced concerns to her neighbor about the possibility of someone being in her house and moving things around. I don't know right off if she talked to family. In talking to the family, however, they do know a lot so Kelly was really open with them. Kelly has not dated anyone else since ConcernedInVA. Like previously posted, the relationship with ConcernedInVa was a bad one, hence, removal from the deed. I don't want to get into specifics on her relationship with ConcernedInVa but the family had been concerned for quite some time...I am sure even after the breakup.

What I wondered is this...besides Verizon did Kelly have a pre-paid phone of some sort? Have the police looked at this as a possibility? I am not sure how those phones work but I am sure you would have to put it in your name to get it activated.

As far as the animals, to my best knowledge, the neighbor had been caring for the cats while Kelly was away. I am not sure how often she went but would assume that working M-F, she wouldn't have went that often because she drove. She did go over the Christmas Holiday I believe but not for Thanksgiving.

And you are a family member or friend or..? I'm just curious how you are privy to this info.
Joseph D... you had said you were looking into what the psychic said... any more info from those possible leads? Is there a place nearby where trucks are moving sand? I can't find all that the psychic said but wondered if any of that is in the area.

as for the area that the psychic was referring to, it can be easily seen on google earth, so yes it does excist. i have not searched there yet. i stopped by there today and saw noone. poked around a bit and nothing. when is the next search and what time. i can lead them to where the pshycic said she may be. i dont think it wass searched yet.
Josephd...I must be completely misinformed! Thanks for clarifying....

As with many others, I still just don't buy into the suicide theory.....JMO

im starting to have mixed emotions on this one. i just want to help the family any way i can. and if it means go to where the physcic said than so be it. she cant be more wrong than anyone else. i really feel for them. is jeff still in town? if so i need to chat with him at some point. there are things that i rather not air in a public forum. no, its not no evidence or anything like that just some stuff. i share what i know or find out on this site. with this site. its the only way to get ahead in this case.
I spent the day writing down questions/theories that I thought needed to be pondered such as:

1) Kelly told co-workers she was going for a walk, did she seem upset when she told them?

2) Someone would have had to call for her (not necessarily on a phone) for her to come out of the building. Likely someone she knew. IF someone had texted or called her, this would be present on cell phone records. Maybe someone was standing in the woods.

3) Maybe someone told her the previous night that they were coming to her job and they were going to talk. Instead of allowing that person to come to the job, they decided to meet in the woods. I am sure that Kelly liked to keep her private life seperate from her job. Therefore, someone going to her job and causing a scene, might get her fired so she met them in the woods? Maybe on Friday, Jan. 15th, it was raining/cold outside and Kelly knew the person well enough to get inside their car so that they could talk?

4) If Kelly loved animals, watching any type of animal be slaughtered/processed, would be very hard for her to watch. I don't see this happening. I love animals too and even seeing the ones that have been run over is hard to look at. I can't imagine striping one down.

5) If it's highly unlikely that someone could disable/disarm Kelly, according to ConcernedInVA, are you leaning toward suicide? What is the other option if she weren't taken against her own will?

6) ConcernedInVA took Yoga too. Did she take a class with Kelly or maybe was standing outside as Kelly was leaving? CCweb had mentioned she got a weird vibe from Kelly like Kelly was sensing something.

7) ConcernedInVA posts that she had not had contact with Kelly in 6 months. Then posts August of 2009. Sources say the date was more like weeks.

8) How could it be considered suicide IE: looking in the water IF the doors at her house were wide open on Saturday? IF she did commit suicide on Friday, who was at her house after the police left on Friday/Saturday before the police got there? Suicide is a very unlikely option.

9) Why did it take employees/job 4 hours to report her missing? I would assume that after they have called Kelly on her cell phone and looked for maybe an hour after, you would call police. 4 hours is way too long.

10) IF she was upset, whether it be an anniversary of something or something else, wouldn't she have seemed upset at work? If I had gone into work upset and tried to play it off, I tend to eventually zone out. I am sure Kelly couldn't just zone out due to being a welder...that would be dangerous. Speaking of dangerous, couldn't she have found something at work to hurt herself with. My grandfather accidentally put an eye out from a piece of metal. I am sure worse could have been done. This being said, why would she suddenly get upset after workers have said she was happy and joking that day?

11) If a co-worker seen that she was running, why didn't he ask if she was ok? Did she look distraught, crying, etc?

Again, these are theories and questions that I thought I would try to find answers on. I wish I knew the answers as does her family. So again to put this to rest, suicide is not likely. She couldn't kill herself and then go open her doors on Saturday. Something much more is going on here.

Who are these Sources?
Hi, Everybody -

To increase the chance that the Forensic Astrologers are able to assist in this case, it would be helpful to have additional details to provide to them.

These are the things they usually request:

1.) Date / Time / Place Last Seen - This, I think we have covered.

2.) Date / Time / Place of Police Report - This has not yet been provided.

-- Anyone happen to know this, or are you good at sleuthing this kind of detail out?

3.) Birth Information on Key Players in the Case, including the Victim - So far, we've only supplied Kelly's date of birth (4-20-1969), and her place of birth (Meadville, PA).

-- If you're close enough to Kelly to know birthdates/places of birth for anyone you feel may be connected to the case, could you please share them?

Additional details, if anyone can provide them, would be excellent to have!

Aside from the categories mentioned above, the specific time and place of any "events" surrounding, or peculiar to, this case would also be helpful to have.

I am new to this, but believe that anything out of the ordinary that happens in relation to the case can qualify as an event. Anything we can pin down with the clock, like what time her belongings were discovered, what time her doors were found open, etc.

Although there is no guarantee that WS House Astrologers will review Kelly's case, they do take a look at the Case Request thread regularly and are generally very accommodating if they have the information they need.


P.S. Here's a link to the Case Request Thread in the Forensic Astrology Forum:
im starting to have mixed emotions on this one. i just want to help the family any way i can. and if it means go to where the physcic said than so be it. she cant be more wrong than anyone else. i really feel for them. is jeff still in town? if so i need to chat with him at some point. there are things that i rather not air in a public forum. no, its not no evidence or anything like that just some stuff. i share what i know or find out on this site. with this site. its the only way to get ahead in this case.

I truly admire your tenacity in trying to find Kelly and to help her family get answers. You have been most kind, and I hope your efforts will be rewarded soon.

Since the area spoken about by the psychic is not far from BluePrint Automation, it certainly is worth looking at. JMHO. I'm really not a fan of psychics, but I must say she was right about the red trucks on that property, the white fence bordering the back of the property, sandy soil being moved by trucks in one area, etc. (of course, it is also true that one could have seen all that by simply referring to--as you say--Google Earth :eek:)

I say look if you have the time and inclination. She could be right ...

I am a family friend and a friend of a friend. Yes Jeff is still in VA along with the other family members that were there originally. They are not going anywhere until she is found. As far as my sources, this would be from people that knew Kelly as well as ConcernedInVA.
I am a family friend and a friend of a friend. Yes Jeff is still in VA along with the other family members that were there originally. They are not going anywhere until she is found. As far as my sources, this would be from people that knew Kelly as well as ConcernedInVA.

beltingitout you mentioned this was not a good breakup between Kelly and ConcernedInVA. Do you know who broke it off?
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