Found Deceased VA - Morgan Dana Harrington, 20, Charlottesville, 17 Oct 2009 - #6

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What I've discerned so far:

IIRC - if I recall correctly
LE - law enforcement
TIA - thanks in advance
FWIW - for what it's worth
POI - person of interest
PIO - public information officer
ITA - I totally agree
MOO - my own opinion
IMHO - in my humble opinion
OT - off topic

corrections? others?

IOW - in other words
IMOO - in my opinion only
KWIM - know what I mean?
ETA - edited to add
FWIS- from where I sit

If I think of anything else, I'll let you know.
What confuses me the most out of all this though is that first of all, why did she go outside at all? She just had to use the restroom right so why does that require leaving the arena completely?

They won't let her back in because she doesn't have her ticket stub for some reason. Well, who has it? One of the friends? At the very least why wouldn't one of them come to the door and at least try to see what's going on and why she can't get back in. There's something missing there. Why can't they come and meet her at the door, unless she can't reach them for some reason. But she does reach them apparently because she told them she would find a way home? Didn't she leave near the beginning of the concert? Why would you just say screw it and try to find a ride home?

Very strange...the whole scenario. It makes me wonder if the police are holding back some information because it doesn't make sense at all.

Once you leave you can't come back no matter what. This is the policy of the arena (and many other arenas I have been in for sporting events etc.). It has nothing to do with whether or not she had her ticket stub. I'm not sure if I've read anywhere credible that she didn't not have her ticket stub and wonder if it started as an assumption of ppl thinking she could not get back in due to not having a stub, or maybe it has been reported and I just missed it/don't remember it. But it is irrelevant as far as her getting back in one way or the other b/c once you leave that’s it whether you have a ticket stub or not.

She, reportedly, told her friends she was going to the restroom. Then somehow for some reason she ended up outside. At least as far as what they are making public she ended up outside so maybe she just walked outside looking for or heading to the restroom but the situation is really is she left for the restroom ---> something happened ---> she ended up outside. No one knows what the "something happens" was so whatever caused her to end up outside may well (I suspect probably) had nothing to do with her going to the bathroom it just happened on her way to or way back from the bathroom.
Hi Everyone! I have been gone for a few days so want to catch up!

1. Sighting in Orange VA sounds authentic...and believe me, she would stand out i that very small town dressed with black boots, short skirt!

2. So very depressed about no new clues after a long search this weekend!

3. Very impressed with the Harrington's...they have really been through the mill and have handeled themselves so well!

4. All posters are still up in Arlington...only 1 was taken down over the weekend!

5. I still do not believe the friends are invilved at all..I think it was an abduction, someone took advantage of her.

6. Has anything new happened near the hospital or the motel where they searched last week?
Sarah S, Morgan's close friend at the search.
Leaders with the Texas-based group Laura Recovery Center signed up more than 350 volunteers today for the search effort.
Roanoke County Police Sgt. Jeff Herrick said he felt compelled to be there, taking a day off from work to help. “I just felt compelled that with two daughters of my own that like to go to concerts, the thought of something like this happening just boggles the mind.“
Sgt. Herrick’s daughter has been best friends with Morgan Harrington for more than ten years. His daughter is one of “the nine,“ a group of close friends who grew up with Morgan in Roanoke County.
Current JMU student and Northside High School graduate Sarah Snead is another member of “the nine” who came out to search on Friday. Sarah also was one of two friends at the Metallica concert with Morgan, and maybe one of the last to talk to Morgan before her disappearance.
She took a phone call from Morgan that said “don’t worry, I’ll find a way home.“ Sarah and the other friend drove Morgan’s car back to JMU after that concert.

more at link......
....wouldn't LE have taken the whole thing way more seriously if MH had been reported missing the night of the concert??

I understand what you are saying about the questionable story and I think we all have some questions.

But as far as the quoted statement I feel strongly that the answer is no it would not have mattered at all. If you call the cops and say our friend got separated from us and said she was getting a ride home but now we can't get in touch with her....what are they going to say? ‘Wait till morning and call us if you don't hear from her’. Knowing how things turned out in this case this seems terrible, but honestly this is what they have to say they can't run off willy-nilly chasing down every adult that has been "out of pocket" for a couple of hours and you have to remember that 99% of the time these ppl are not missing at all. I'm quite sure they would have not done anything until there was the combination of her purse being found + her still being out of touch the next day + her missing a scheduled appt w/ family members and this is about the time it was reported. So really all reporting it that night would do is make people question the friends and their story less. In my opinion it would not have any material effect on where we are today.
question: I used to live in DC but can't recall VA/WV geography very well -where is Orange VA in relation to the place she was last seen (the bridge)? is it on any particular interstate or roadway?
question: I used to live in DC but can't recall VA/WV geography very well -where is Orange VA in relation to the place she was last seen (the bridge)? is it on any particular interstate or roadway?

I believe another poster said it was NNE and about 30 miles away.

I personally have driven there (Orange Co.) from Charlottesville to do genealogy research at the Orange Co Courthouse. It seemed like we were never going to get was a very long drive. Seemed like it took about an hour. It was like being out for an extremely long drive in the country - not a major highway (IMO) or interstate. (This was about 5 ot 6 years ago when we made this side trip).
Chili Fries!!

You made my exact point! I was just thinking about this early this morning. I am very familiar with eating disorders because of several personal experiences. Anyway, I was looking at the pictures and the ones where she is very thin worried me. She does have the look of an anorectic...and you are right about that having a huge effect on her alcohol consumption. One of my best friends was affected very seriously by anorexia while we were in college. She would only drink around our 3 best friends, because she suffered black outs. She would have half hour conversations with people and not remember it at all the next day!! She was also very passive aggressive, not letting us know when she needed or wanted help!! I hope this isn't the case for Morgan :(

This is one of the things that bothers me so much with no pictures coming from that night. She is so thin in several pictures posted on facebook but heavier in the missing poster. I have wondered if LE kept the nights pictures hidden because it may have been she was smashed??? Every young person in America has a camera phone.. so why no pictures of that night?
I am wondering about this search. Is the search being done at the request of LE or Morgans family? The reason I ask is because I don't think LE would request this massive search if they thought she might still be alive. Did somebody say they were still doing searches themselves?
I am wondering about this search. Is the search being done at the request of LE or Morgans family? The reason I ask is because I don't think LE would request this massive search if they thought she might still be alive. Did somebody say they were still doing searches themselves?

I think the reason the search was so large was because the Laura Recovery Center came into play - I'm sure LE was working on a search area and I'm thinking it became expanded due to the LRC.

And yes, I've seen comments regarding people doing their own independent searches but don't believe they have been authorized to do so by LE and they are doing it because they choose to.

Just guessing...
Hello everyone

It has come to my attention by private message that I upset people by posting what I did above and that I am responsible for veering the following conversations in the wrong direction on here and I am very sorry and deeply regret not being more careful with my wording, as I feel my message may have been misunderstood. I would like to stress, and I very much hope you will all understand, that my intention was never in any way to criticize MH's life or imply that it was factual that she was not innocent etc IN ANY WAY. I don't think the victim is ever to blame -ever. MH was suppsoed to be somewhere safe, she should have been safe and protected no matter what. I meant to say honestly that I was distraught at how attitudes to victims can be problematic, and these people who think these things are everywhere in society, including even in the FBI. I was saying by posting this that I was dismayed people would even think that way and I really sincerely hope attitudes had in no way slowed anything down from the very start of the investigation. Once again I am so sorry for upsetting people. When I wrote "Isn't that awful?" I meant isn't it tragic how people's perceptions get in the way. MH is a good and kind daughter and friend and I am ashamed I have sent the wrong message here. I am going to take a complete break from this thread and want to thank all of you here who make WS so wonderful and who have worked so hard out there on the field in the search or on here trying to piece together what could have happened and to try to help in an intelligent and informed way. Someone said here how WS is a family and a place to go for informed discussion and I do and have always felt very welcome here, I'll be back soon :)

I have always enjoyed your post and in my opinion you have been consistently the best poster on this topic. The only thing about your post is the information came out through this path A (waddles)--B (waddles FB friend)- C (FB friends ex. Boyfriend who works at the FBI)  D(unknown i.e. did he read a memo, did he hear it ‘around the water cooler’, is he assigned to this case himself’)  E (the agents actually working on the case. So that’s a lot of places for things to get twisted (lol it’s not exactly uncommon for ex’s to twist each other’s words etc.). Why, in my opinion, this is a problem is b/c of the way your post was worded it’s easy to interpret it as saying “..Because Morgan has issue’s and has had them in the past the FBI and other authorities are not working on the case as hard as they otherwise would” I don’t think this is what you were saying but it’s easy to see how someone could interpret it this way.
As far as having that information I think it is relevant (to LE) and whether we like it or not certain risky behavior can put you at great risk of being a victim. I think LE has to take this into account; they would not be doing their job if they didn’t. But I think the issue comes in here:
Her behavior may have put her in greater danger and it may open up possibilities that they would have not looked into (This is OK and is very necessary).
Her behavior is the reason why this happened to her ~or~ makes this her fault ~or~ or means that she doesn’t deserve to be found etc. (This is defiantly not ok and imo not true).
The bottom line, what’s really, important is that the people in charge of the investigation do not change how hard they work or how much they put into find her just because of her “lifestyle”. I think that there has been no evidence that this is the case. And the snotty or terse statement, allegedly, from some ones ex is not proof that this is the case. So I think when it is something serious you have to be really careful how you word it. Furthermore I’m sure if LE follow this thread which maybe do maybe they don’t they would be none too happy to hear this and you gave enough evidence that they could identify the boyfriend and I would not be surprised if he does not get into some type of hot water over this (it would of course be his own fault not yours but still it’s not really a good thing).
I understand why you posted what you did and we all have lapses in judgment so I would not be so hard on yourself and I hope to see you back before too long.
yes, by gosh, posters' comments are sometimes irresponsible and lead to unfounded focus on innocent people. there are numerous examples on here and other blogsites and even the facebook group that name people...the "hippy" guy comes to mind. people have even mentioned lawsuits about that and i agree that the unfounded naming and damaging of the innocent is a crime itself. that is why i try to be as careful as i can and just posit a theory with no names. horrible things are done by people in our society that we are supposed to trust. clergy, policemen, teachers, coaches are a few examples that come to mind. it is a terrible fact that we cannot discount.

This is totally just my opinion....

All theories are good and you did do the right thing as far as speaking in generalities, but with this particular theory I think you have to be careful because what you are implying is something that many people would perceive as extremely immoral and possibly even illegal (depending of the teacher and when it started was it high school etc.) behavior on Morgan’s part so sometimes it is maybe better to leave some of these out unless there is some type of at least inkling that this might be the chase or that she behaved this way in the past. I mean you could maybe say something along the lines of "...Morgan seem like she may have been a little over trusting of certain males which may have put her at risk" (to be clear I'm not saying that just saying it would be a way to elude to what you are saying). But when it goes into detail of a teacher and her dad and yada yada yada...Then it is something that can be seen by some people as an unfounded character assault on the victim.

Whatever just my 2cents

again my opinion but you might want to clairify exactly what you are saying here because it's very possible that people take this as implying that Morgan is somehow involve in a prostition ring. I'm sure that is not what you are saying (hopefully), but the what you point to those cases without explaination its easy to think thats what you are sugest that Morgan was a "working girl" or even part of that lifestyle without there having been even a shread of credible evidence that even hints at that possiblity, would be really not the thing to do at all imo.
IOW - in other words
IMOO - in my opinion only
KWIM - know what I mean?
ETA - edited to add
FWIS- from where I sit

If I think of anything else, I'll let you know.

AFAIK - as far as i know
I can see how "we're missing somebody" would come up in the conversation innocently.

So, imagine this: you're out with your friends and you've been tentatively planning to meet up with another group (DS's group). Your friend Morgan disappears -- gets locked out of the concert hall. Morgan tells you, "I'll try to find a ride with somebody." You're like, "OK, let us know when you do!"

You get into the music, kinda forget about Morgan for a little bit -- you assume she's making calls. After some awesome song ends, you realize you still haven't heard from her about her plans. You look at your friends and go, "That's weird. Someone try to call her."

Her phone is off. She's not answering. And she never let you know if she'd found a ride or not! How annoying. You try to call her again. She's still not answering/her phone is going to voicemail.

"She's probably fine," someone says. "You know her phone goes dead a lot/the battery is always falling out/she turned it off to conserve power. I bet she got a ride home with X."

"Yeah, she would have called if she couldn't find a ride," someone else adds.

Still, it's a little weird. But hte concert is still going so you let it go for now. Meanwhile, this other group you were supposed to meet up with starts calling and saying, "So what's up, are we meeting up afterward?" And because this weirdness with Morgan is still kinda on your mind, maybe even pissing you off a little -- how annoying that she got shut out of the show, when you totally wanted to see it with her, and now has turned off her phone! -- you say, "I don't know, one of our friends went missing, let me see if people are still up for an afterparty."

Well, then you end up bailing on the afterparty. Maybe, yeah, you're still a wee bit worried about Morgan on the drive home, but hey, she knows the area, she would have called if she couldn't find a ride. And maybe once you get home, you and your friends have a few drinks and b*tch/wonder about it when you still can't get through to her phone. But then the alcohol and fatigue kick in and you say, 'Okay, we'll check on her first thing in the morning. Night, guys.' And everybody passes out and, like most twenty year olds, don't wake up the next day until noon -- when it's Morgan dad calling, saying, "Where is my daughter?"

In short, I present this hypothetical scenario because I think there's a totally innocent explanation here. And I'm a little uncomfortable, to be honest, with the surfacing tendency to blame the friends for what happened to Morgan. If a perp took her, the fault and sin lie solely with the PERP. In retrospect, I'm sure M's friends wish they had done things differently -- like, called the police the MOMENT Morgan didn't pick up her phone. (But really, would the police have done anything right away if they'd heard that a 20 year old girl got separated from her friends at a rock concert and kicked out? I suspect they *still* would have waited around 24 hours, thinking that Morgan was about to show up on the arm of a new rocker boyfriend.) And I'm sure these thoughts are haunting them. But if something happened to Morgan outside the arena while her friends were inside it -- it was in no way, shape or form their fault.

again my opinion but you might want to clairify exactly what you are saying here because it's very possible that people take this as implying that Morgan is somehow involve in a prostition ring. I'm sure that is not what you are saying (hopefully), but the what you point to those cases without explaination its easy to think thats what you are sugest that Morgan was a "working girl" or even part of that lifestyle without there having been even a shread of credible evidence that even hints at that possiblity, would be really not the thing to do at all imo.

moo, your post are of no relevence to the post you are quoting. we have a thread about missing girls in virginia, i think its worth looking at when there is a missing girl in virginia. unfortunetely whenever a girl goes missing there is the possibility she was abducted for the purpose of using her in a sex ring/ to traffic.
Weeks after MH disappearance and do we really know a whole lot more now than we did right after it happened? Lacking information leads to speculation, there just HAS TO BE an explanation! So we look at what little we know about her past (i.e. changing schools, etc.) and can't help but wonder if someone she ultimately knew has a part in this.

I was reading here on WS (Missing/Located/Identified) about the case of Bambi Lynn Dick who disappeared from a Quiet Riot + Axe concert September 28, 1983, she was 17 years old, Davenport IOWA I believe. There was a body found in Texas on October 8, 1983. The body that was found wasn't connected to Bambi until recently, as in the past year. There were so many glitches in the missing persons tracking system back then that I doubt that would happen today. It was good to see that LE was still looking for answers to what happened to Bambi and re-visited witnesses, etc.

Anyway, on that thread, many comments about the friends with her that night. Here it is 26 years later and looks like the friends haven't provided any more info than they did originally - which was not a much.

I just really don't know what to think of MH friends, keep going back and forth on that.

But point is, MH is missing, she doesn't have any ID on her and she could be anywhere. Let's just continue to stay on top of this, stay vigilant, be the sleuthers that we are and vow to continue to visit this thread until there is a resolution.
This is totally just my opinion....

All theories are good and you did do the right thing as far as speaking in generalities, but with this particular theory I think you have to be careful because what you are implying is something that many people would perceive as extremely immoral and possibly even illegal (depending of the teacher and when it started was it high school etc.) behavior on Morgan’s part so sometimes it is maybe better to leave some of these out unless there is some type of at least inkling that this might be the chase or that she behaved this way in the past. I mean you could maybe say something along the lines of "...Morgan seem like she may have been a little over trusting of certain males which may have put her at risk" (to be clear I'm not saying that just saying it would be a way to elude to what you are saying). But when it goes into detail of a teacher and her dad and yada yada yada...Then it is something that can be seen by some people as an unfounded character assault on the victim.

Whatever just my 2cents

this particular post your quoting is in noway implying anything but rather stating in other words what your are. the quote is merely stating that its a fact, crimes can be commited by those who are suppose to be there for you to trust.

i remember reading something about dad, teacher, which i actually found confusing. but it was not the post you quoted.
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