Patricia Ann Moore's last name didn't become Moore until her mom Judith Ann Middleton(Moffatt at the time) married James Alton Moore on July 11th 1966. Her last name was Moffatt up until then and her biological father was Albert Richardson Moffatt.
Albert Richardson Moffatt and Judith Ann Middleton married Aug 21st 1958 and Divorced March 24th 1966
Albert Richardson Moffatt committed suicide on August 17th 1991.
I'll attach the research Ive gathered.
Okay FOIA has yielded nothing (i.e. They won't give me anything).
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There were few skeletal remains found in her case. Her death certificate is listed as undetermined.There was a torn bit of the article I dug up that Has a name for the medical examiner. It's Dr. William F. Ehos at Arlington hospital. I wondering if there are anyways I can request and autopsy report for Patricia.