verdict watch 5/7/2013 #2

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Amanda Knox is supposed to be on CNN tonight, @ 10ish, I think.
AND she wasn't content shooting him in the back of his head, oh no, she wanted him to see her and all her rage. And she wanted to make sure he felt tremendous pain. All the jury has to view is the crime scene picture of the hallway. He tried so hard to get away and she followed him until she slit his throat and drug him back to the shower. Gunshot wound first, middle or last means NOTHING. Just look at the photo, it speaks volumes and all of it is terrifying. Justice for Travis and God Speed to the 12 who can deliver that.

Imo she also was not going to risk doing anything while he is standing in the shower. Doesn't matter if his face was to the wall, displaying his back. As she has said, she never killed anyone before. She needed him down, cramped. Trapped as you said.
Here you don't need a DL. You have to be a resident, a US citizen, and over 18. If you desire (not mandatory), you may request an age exemption if over 70 years of age.

After spending a few weeks on jury duty- I warned my friends and children that these folks were definitely not their peers- and to pick a bench trial if ever in that position.

I've always said that if I was accused and innocent, I'd want. A bench trial. If I was guilty I'd want a jury.
Poor Deanna .. she is still trying to make sense of it, and yes it just doesn't MAKE SENSE!
Yeah right Jodi... Deanna is so emotionally unstable.... I think she is lovely. She has such a nice way about her. Why does Jenny make her hands into claws when she talks? Mark Eiglarsh is so cute!
For us yes, but the jury is not privvy to HLN, WS, Twitter, Facebook etc... they can only deliberate to what was presented in court.

Seriously? JM laid out the premeditation clearly. It was enough, IMO.
I am watching a bio show on TED BUNDY. I bet JA parents could tell us alot more about her. She seems so much like TED and his thought patterns, the stalking, stealing and killing. She will do it again. etc.

I am so glad Jaycee is talking to about what happened to her. Hope the 3 Survivors get good help like Jaycee. The book about her is a helpful book.
Is Deanna married now? I think she is but not sure
AWWWWW so sad for Deanna, she is trying to figure out WHY Jodi did not just MOVE ON from Travis. Deanna is not nuts, that is why she cannot grasp why Jodi did that. I am so glad she got Napoleon, and all of Travis's books.

Dr. Drew! LET DEANNA TALK!!!!!

It's nerve grinding isn't it? Chris and Sky barely get a full story out before I hear him or some woman's voice interrupting! One of 5 of his "guests" who I do not give a flip about.

Tricia having him on with full freedom to talk was so wonderful.

Tricia thank you for that show and allowing Chris the stage he really needed to get it all out. How awesome if more of Travis' friends were on the show we would really get to know the full story.

Right now I'm just like pleeeease shush up, just let the girl speak.
Just guessing here but it seems so many pushed Steely's buttons that there has been a recall and Steely is in the repair shop for a mechanical failure, lube and oil change.

Expect that new and improved Steely back soon. Perhaps in a digital format. JMO
So Glad Deanna has Napoleon.


Sicko JA wanted it..............she is such a Nut!!


This MADE my night. Ha HA HAHAHAH HA frickinHA Jodi. This to me shows how much HE did not trust YOU.

Case closed.
This will EAT HER ALIVE.

And this is said as a person who has a provision in her will for her pets. DOWN to Fred the Ugliest Turtle EVAH.
Ahhhhhhhhhhhrrrrrrrrrgggggggg!!!!!! Why can't Dr. Drew just shut up for once and let his guest TALK. Deanna was about to say all kinds of interesting stuff, and he interrupts her for his lame-o panel. He is a terrible interviewer. :furious: Rant over :blush:
All I said was that as the mother of a little girl that age, I was very disturbed by that comment and if a friend or acquaintance made a comment similar to that in my presence, I would absolutely not allow them around my daughter.

While I understand where you're coming from, I think you're missing the very important point that it's incredibly unlikely that Travis would have ever said that around a child. I don't think he would have said it to a group of people, ever. He thought he was having a personal conversation with one other person.

I didn't like the comment either. That kind of kink does not rock my boat. At all.

However, the difference between people who would make that comment in front of a child, and someone making the comment during a sex session with (what he thought was) one other person is huge.

Parents SHOULD be worried about the types of people who make inappropriate sexual comments around children. But Travis wasn't one of those people. He was having a discussion involving a sexual fantasy with one other person and he didn't know it was being taped. Whether or not we like the comment or not is irrelevant - people are allowed to have fantasies where their partner dresses up as a school girl. It's when they target a school girl that a legal line is crossed.

ETA sorry, I left the computer for a while to go and pack the dishwasher and came back to reply. I'm really late to this and others have said exactly the same thing many pages back.
Deanna on Dr Drew: If this had happened to one of Travis' friends, he would have wanted the death penalty for JA.
:please:tell. I'm at work and can't wait until later to watch again.

What did she say? (in a nutshell)

That she went (at TA's request) over to TA's house to check up on Napoleon. When she got into the house (that she thought was empty) she found that cookies were being baked. And Jodi was just randomly sitting on the couch using TA's laptop. Once she saw Deanna she jumped up grabbed the plate of already baked cookies and all "stepford wife" like offered her a cookie.

Jodi is a complete psycho.
Jodi wanting to keep Napoleon.

Sure, after she brutally kills his beloved owner, and leave poor Napoleon gated. :stormingmad:
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