I think this should all be over, but if this is the case, if we realize this woman was a "supporter", can there be a mistrial? I didn't follow the Dippolito trial, but read here yesterday that she won an appeal based on a "juror issue". I bet prosecution only gets to appeal, not the state, however, again, it is probably best to put this to rest.
So she lied to get on the jury. And that first question about could she be replaced with an alternate was the jurors way of trying to get that point across to the :censored: judge. That juror should have been KICKED off the jury at that moment. :furious:
I think this should all be over, but if this is the case, if we realize this woman was a "supporter", can there be a mistrial? I didn't follow the Dippolito trial, but read here yesterday that she won an appeal based on a "juror issue". I bet prosecution only gets to appeal, not the state, however, again, it is probably best to put this to rest.
Absolutely they did their job, I've no problems with them doing what they took an oath to do. However, when the victim's family is wailing with grief, it's classier to stfu and maybe save the victory lap for another day.anytime a DT gets their client out of the DP..its a victory, like it or not that is how it is..They did their job and they are happy..victory for them. Loss for Travis..SUCKS!
watching JM on AZ central total class act imo
Both defense and state had a chance to question potential jurors during voir dire. WHY did the state allow ANY juror on the panel who disclosed they had DV in their past? The state knew Arias was claiming she was abused by TA. This phase was decided when the jurors were seated. Jury selection is the most important time in a trial.
Jodi did not appear happy with the verdict.