Viable suspect: James Kenny Martin

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Works fine for me, CR. Are you not getting a page at all, or seeing a post with a lot of sub-headers under it? You have to click each sub-header to see the post.

In any case, I saved JKM's comment, if you can't access the page let me know.
I'm getting something that says the page is no longer available. At first, I got it and read it. Then, I tried to comment, but I'd forgotten my password. Reset and then it wouldn't come up again. What movie page is it on?
redheart, thanks so much for that update!

If it isn't him, then they've sure taken a ton of time and effort to learn his style of writing.... and his psyche... that level of sickness is hard to fake. Catch the weird stuff right at the end.. I've seen him respond like that before. Reads to me like a veiled threat, which was also my immediate thought on reading other instances like it. I feel so sorry for the poor kids raised in a home with this monster, and and a mother who put a man first.

I wish, for the thousandth time, that JKM was viewed more strongly (by LE) as a serious, top-tier suspect for this crime.

Thanks, Ausgirl. I'm wading through many of the old posts on here and came across that by following the links in this thread. Btw, I want to tell you how much I enjoy your posts!

I lean towards guilt for the WM3, but am not completely convinced. I definitely agree that JMK should have been a top suspect.
RE: Martin's girlfriend…sounds like she was giving herself an alibi.
I'm going to revive this thread (sort of) and propose a scenario that might work. It's in its infancy, and I'd sure appreciate input. In the past, one of the main criticisms of the theory that TH killed the boys alone was that one person couldn't control three boys. (I still think that's possible, and I'm not sold on what I'm proposing here, but I want to "run it up the flagpole" so to speak and see what other intelligent minds think. Sometimes I feel I'm so sold on the "TH did it alone" theory that I'm not being objective.)

Here goes. Suppose that TH, JKM and someone from the wmpd (GK, you know who) were involved in a pedophile ring. Suppose that TH had agreed to supply some boys (SB, CB and MM) for their use (sick, I know and I hate thinking it). Suppose that, after the sex was done, SB threatened to tell his mom or aunt about it. Then, TH would have had to kill him. I know that no semen was found, but suppose that the laundry TH purportedly did on May 6th was all three boys' clothing and it was done to remove the semen. Then, he and JKM took the clothes back to where they had taken the bodies (this being why they were stripped) and rubbed them in the dirt, producing the "slicked off" bank, before submerging the clothes in the proximity of the bodies. I'm not sure about a time line on this. As I said, it's in its infancy. What say you?
Hi there Compassionate Reader!

Yes to me that seems extremely plausible, in fact it ties in with some unoccupied houses at the time which were not thoroughly checked which I am investigating. What I have been reading falls within the scenario you described and also Post #2 of Goblin Keeper's theory in Convoluted Theory thread.

As for M.M. I agree with Justiceseeker35's Post #195 on page 8 in the thread What do the Bodies Tell Us in that I do believe that M.M. was a "bystander" in that he was not "expected" with the other two boys, or possibly just the one boy, S.B., who was expected. J.M.O.
I'm going to revive this thread (sort of) and propose a scenario that might work. It's in its infancy, and I'd sure appreciate input. In the past, one of the main criticisms of the theory that TH killed the boys alone was that one person couldn't control three boys. (I still think that's possible, and I'm not sold on what I'm proposing here, but I want to "run it up the flagpole" so to speak and see what other intelligent minds think. Sometimes I feel I'm so sold on the "TH did it alone" theory that I'm not being objective.)

Here goes. Suppose that TH, JKM and someone from the wmpd (GK, you know who) were involved in a pedophile ring. Suppose that TH had agreed to supply some boys (SB, CB and MM) for their use (sick, I know and I hate thinking it). Suppose that, after the sex was done, SB threatened to tell his mom or aunt about it. Then, TH would have had to kill him. I know that no semen was found, but suppose that the laundry TH purportedly did on May 6th was all three boys' clothing and it was done to remove the semen. Then, he and JKM took the clothes back to where they had taken the bodies (this being why they were stripped) and rubbed them in the dirt, producing the "slicked off" bank, before submerging the clothes in the proximity of the bodies. I'm not sure about a time line on this. As I said, it's in its infancy. What say you?

Very interesting hypothesis, CR. In this instance, I believe that SB might have threatened on behalf of CB and MM, which is what touched off the whole situation. TH would have gone after SB first, then turned on CB, as he was showing interest in AH. MM might have made a run for it, which is why he was not as beaten as the others. A quick knock to the back of the head would have done it, and the resulting unconsciousness would have stopped JKM from doing any more damage, while TH was busy mutilating the heck out of the other two. The WMPD officer would have then been in a quandary as to how to proceed for just a moment or two. Once committed to the plan of action, however, it might only take a visit from JKM to the WMPD to give a statement to keep things on an even keel. This does have a bit of merit, especially if it can be proven that there was some connection to either or both of two other occurrences just a bit earlier than this one. I believe you know the two I mean, CR...
Hi there Compassionate Reader!

Yes to me that seems extremely plausible, in fact it ties in with some unoccupied houses at the time which were not thoroughly checked which I am investigating. What I have been reading falls within the scenario you described and also Post #2 of Goblin Keeper's theory in Convoluted Theory thread.

As for M.M. I agree with Justiceseeker35's Post #195 on page 8 in the thread What do the Bodies Tell Us in that I do believe that M.M. was a "bystander" in that he was not "expected" with the other two boys, or possibly just the one boy, S.B., who was expected. J.M.O.

The fallacy with that argument is that it was SB and MM who were best friends. CB was a latecomer to the trio. I believe CB started hanging around with SB and MM about a month or two before (It's in the DF interview). Maybe that's when his crush on AH started.
Very interesting hypothesis, CR. In this instance, I believe that SB might have threatened on behalf of CB and MM, which is what touched off the whole situation. TH would have gone after SB first, then turned on CB, as he was showing interest in AH. MM might have made a run for it, which is why he was not as beaten as the others. A quick knock to the back of the head would have done it, and the resulting unconsciousness would have stopped JKM from doing any more damage, while TH was busy mutilating the heck out of the other two. The WMPD officer would have then been in a quandary as to how to proceed for just a moment or two. Once committed to the plan of action, however, it might only take a visit from JKM to the WMPD to give a statement to keep things on an even keel. This does have a bit of merit, especially if it can be proven that there was some connection to either or both of two other occurrences just a bit earlier than this one. I believe you know the two I mean, CR...

Do you see any timeline problems with the scenario?
Do you see any timeline problems with the scenario?

AT the moment, not really. It would be rather straightforward, starting just before the murders occurred, and going through that day, that night, and continuing on afterward. Another reason for TH to be doing laundry and all that night - suppose he slipped going up the bank, and fell into the water, "slicking down" the bank as he did so. That could account for the appearance of the bank, the footprint next to it, and the fact that he was doing laundry at such an ungodly hour... Just a supposition!
Correct me if I'm wrong, but JKM doesn't have an alibi for the evening (after dark) of May 5, 1993 or any time on May 6, 1993, right?
From Callahan's:

Martin: I work at W.B.Davis Electric Supply, the week of this incident, I was on vacation, uh Wednesday, I can, Wednesday afternoon, approximately 5:00 o'clock, five or six o'clock, I am not sure, a girlfriend of mine, her name is Barbara, I know I was going to forget her last name. Barbara uh, who lives in that area, had told me that there were three boys missing. Uh, we, my wife and I watched a news report and we say that the three boys were missing. I went, my wife, I drove myself to work Wednesday night at 10:00 o'clock to Flash Market, 322, 3225 E. Broadway, I worked at Flash Market Wednesday night from 10:00PM to 6:00AM.

From Callahan's Barbara McCafferty's statements: She writes that she phoned JKM around 5pm on May 5th and asked to borrow a drill for her son. She then states that they were there around 6 - 6:30 and James answered the door as the car was gone - his wife soon pulled up in car. On statement to police B.C. states around 6:30 - 7:00 pm she and her son went to the door to get the drill. In her handwritten statement she writes that they left around 7:30 - it was starting to get dark.

In JKM's alibi wherein he states that he was home with his wife all night until he went to work for 10 p.m. at Flash Market, I see that there is just a small note from the police. It looks as if they did not get a handwritten statement from her nor did they interview her at length. I find this so strange. !!! "I talked to Darlene Kinard Martin in front of the the [sic] Detective Division. She stated that Kenny was with her on Wednesday evening the 5th of May until he went to work late that night. -- Det. B Ridge."

In my opinion the police dropped the ball on this one and I agree that JKM was extremely suspicious!! I just don't understand why the police would not follow up on such an individual, especially given JKM's horrific statement to them. I would think that they would have gotten a search warrant to search his premises at the very least. He could have had "trophies" there. JMO
It's truly appalling that there was no follow up on this man. Damien, Jason and Jessie say that they are with family and friends, and they're lying (even when family and/or friends corroborate their story). This known sexual predator claims to be with his wife from 7 to 10 pm (which is, IMO, when the initial attack occurred - closer to 7), let's say, and her corroboration is accepted without question. Very strange, indeed!
Correct me if I'm wrong, but JKM doesn't have an alibi for the evening (after dark) of May 5, 1993 or any time on May 6, 1993, right?
Yup - two conflicting alibis for the evening of the 5th.

One from the wife he beat the snot out of the December before the murders, who knew his past and still allowed him around her kids...

One from the ex wife of a WMPD police officer, whom JKM was sleeping with at the time (and who lived a hopskip from the victims..).

I actually see his "um.. I knew I'd forget her last name..." as a kind of dig at the police, who would damn well know who "Barbara" was.

I have wondered whether part of their dropping the ball was to avoid potential embarrassment re the ex-wife. And JKM was subtly threatening he'd name her in official documents, with his, "um, uh..." can't remember her last name (as if!!). It kind of makes sense of a few things, if so.
Yup - two conflicting alibis for the evening of the 5th.

One from the wife he beat the snot out of the December before the murders, who knew his past and still allowed him around her kids...

One from the ex wife of a WMPD police officer, whom JKM was sleeping with at the time (and who lived a hopskip from the victims..).

I actually see his "um.. I knew I'd forget her last name..." as a kind of dig at the police, who would damn well know who "Barbara" was.

I have wondered whether part of their dropping the ball was to avoid potential embarrassment re the ex-wife. And JKM was subtly threatening he'd name her in official documents, with his, "um, uh..." can't remember her last name (as if!!). It kind of makes sense of a few things, if so.


Very plausible, IMO.
I wish I could just erase some things from my mind... His username is... TEDDY. SERIOUSLY?!!! (I wish you understand the meaning behind that because i don't want to go to even think about the things I found about it when researching another case but it's a paedo thing ).That to me tells me more about how crazy he is than the whole ramble he wrote.
And insisting that the WM3 did it is also very telling.
That he used teddy in his username is sick beyond belief, I bet he thought it was a great joke to do that.

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