GUILTY WA - John Hauff arrested for 8 hr. sex torture session in special chamber

Seaway Towing & Salvage Inc does business in Marine Transportation Support Services, Pleasure Boats & Equipment Wholesalers, Scrap Wholesalers.

Stock Symbol: Seaway Towing & Salvage Inc
Line Of Business: Marine Towing And Whol Marine Scrap
Estimated Annual Sales: $170,000
Estimated # of Employees: 1
Year Founded: 1973
Estimated Employees for This Location: 1

Scrap and Waste Materials
Sporting and Recreational Goods and Supplies
Towing and Tugboat Services

Navigational Services to Shipping
Recyclable Material Merchant Wholesalers
Sporting and Recreational Goods and Supplies Merchant Wholesalers

Contact Name: John J Hauff Jr
Contact Title: President
Why are they not releasing a mug shot of Hauff? I'd think that would be helpful if they are looking for other victims.....

Most of the criminal charges seem to be somewhat related to the business from what I can tell.
Why are they not releasing a mug shot of Hauff? I'd think that would be helpful if they are looking for other victims.....

Most of the criminal charges seem to be somewhat related to the business from what I can tell.

I have lived all over WA for two decades in the past, and agree that a picture would be mightily helpful...
No bail. No mugshot. Could it be they expect more victims and hope they'll pick him out of a lineup like the brave victim did?

O.K. more than you may want to know about being "Gorean". Note whoever runs the site says there's some kooks and they commit illegal acts. Site owner not condoning it. I wonder if kookaboo here played online?

Meanwhile I'm still freaked about the catheter. He put liquid in the catheter INTO her bladder? Reversed? How you know how to do that? Srrrsly. This guy is out there big time.

Oh and what about the "Mission". It was a place to teach job skills?

Hey, I hear towing and catheter and you might as well figure I'll have nightmares for weeks. Once again some poor prostitute gets the poopy end of the stick, but man am I glad she had that text on her phone and told him about it. Sad thing is she'll probably be out there tomorrow.
Personally, I don't think the young woman would be alive today if she wasn't a prostitute. Any other girl/woman hitching a ride or getting approached by this guy would not have been so savvy. I imagine that she texted her pimp so he'd know where she was. But it doesn't sound like whomever she texted responded. It was the very fact that Hauff worried that they'd respond that made him release her (excellent trick to remember folks).

Am I the only one shocked that he actually did release her? How could he be so certain that she'd not go to police--even if she initially agreed to some of the "role-playing"? He's either not very bright or is so crazed, he just doesn't care.

Hauff sounds eerily like Ed Bagley and his buddies in Missouri who tortured the young special needs woman. If it can be dreamed up in a horror flick, these guys did it.

I could have gone my entire life without learning about the GOR books and that 15,000 (!!!) people are into this type of role-playing on the internet alone. I'm not much of a fan of censorship, but I think parents really need to be on the lookout for this series. It cannot be healthy.

I live a sheltered life.

ETA: If one is interested, you can google bladder control S/M and the Gorean lifestyle. Yes you can.
First of all, Filly asked what the mail box was attached to. It looks like a vintage part of a wrought iron railing or fence welded onto some sort of marine salvage, to me. The guy's into salvage so that makes sense. They've just released information that there might be more bondage room victims:

More 'bondage room' victims suspected

"....a 55-foot mobile home sits somewhere among the old shipping containers, dilapidated vehicles and scrap metal strewed beneath power lines that stretch into the distance.

Up until his arrest on Saturday, John Joseph Hauff Jr. lived in the mobile home in this rural corner not far from the King-Pierce county line. Attached to his home, Hauff, 66, built what police call a "bondage room" where he tortured and raped a 24-year-old prostitute he picked up April 2 in Seattle, according to charging documents filed Tuesday in King County Superior Court...."


"....A man who identified himself as the property owner said Hauff had lived on the land rent-free for the past three years at the invitation of the man's father, who died two years ago. Hauff made his living scrapping steel, and he shared custody of his 13-year-old son with his ex-wife, said the man..."


"When police arrested Hauff around 3:35 a.m. Saturday he had just moved his elderly mother into the home, said Seattle police Lt. Eric Sano. Hauff's mother is now with other relatives, he said...."

more at link
First of all, Filly asked what the mail box was attached to. It looks like a vintage part of a wrought iron railing or fence welded onto some sort of marine salvage, to me. The guy's into salvage so that makes sense. They've just released information that there might be more bondage rooms:

More 'bondage room' victims suspected

"....a 55-foot mobile home sits somewhere among the old shipping containers, dilapidated vehicles and scrap metal strewed beneath power lines that stretch into the distance.

Up until his arrest on Saturday, John Joseph Hauff Jr. lived in the mobile home in this rural corner not far from the King-Pierce county line. Attached to his home, Hauff, 66, built what police call a "bondage room" where he tortured and raped a 24-year-old prostitute he picked up April 2 in Seattle, according to charging documents filed Tuesday in King County Superior Court...."


"....A man who identified himself as the property owner said Hauff had lived on the land rent-free for the past three years at the invitation of the man's father, who died two years ago. Hauff made his living scrapping steel, and he shared custody of his 13-year-old son with his ex-wife, said the man..."


"When police arrested Hauff around 3:35 a.m. Saturday he had just moved his elderly mother into the home, said Seattle police Lt. Eric Sano. Hauff's mother is now with other relatives, he said...."

more at link

More bondage rooms or more bondage room victims?

I more or less thought they were looking for more bondage room victims. They are saying that they won't be looking at persons who met him through illegal activity. But they are talking about searching his property. But I thought that was also for more victims.
Oh the irony and I don't mean scraping iron.

This guy wrote a letter to the editor back in february. Yeah he did and yes I triple checked it is him listing Lakewood as his origin which is where the elderly parent was and well Lord knows where she is now??????? Anywho....

Read it. It's about drivers without insurance and how they should take the plates away. The very thing that got him busted.

Meanwhile on one of those Oregonian online links there's a woman giving her name and all who knows him, got shocked by him, and says she sent e-mails to the cops. Initials MM with a 45 after her name.
I read it wrong, Mysteriew. You're right, more victims. Thanks, I went back and corrected it. But given what the property looks like, I have to wonder if there might be other places too. What was he planning on telling his mother about the weird room? What did he tell his little boy?

Being that he shared custody, there's the possibility that he drove to pick up and drop off the child. I surely hope, oh how I hope, that this child was not on the property when the torture occurred. They haven't closed down any of the seemingly connected MS pages but I don't want to link to them as they are full of children.

I understand that LE has to make a big deal out of how they are not going after people for drugs or prostitution in this situation but I would think that goes without saying. I realize that some victims might be afraid to come forward. I'm more concerned that some pimps won't let their girls go forward as that could implicate them.

This is not going to turn out good, I don't think.
He writes letters to the editor??? At least he shared that he'd once lived in Massachusetts. That might be helpful. Filly, I don't know where you're looking when you say a link from the Oregonian. The only link I see is to the original story I posted this morning and there's only 2 comments on that--neither the one you're referring to. Give me a hint.
Oh, I HATE that. Many of the newer articles are changing the word "woman" to "prostitute". Is that really necessary? It can figure into the story but the headline? Would it say-- lawyer, teacher, waitress? I doubt it.
Was that a test, Filly? If so I passed it...but barely. You keep me on my toes!! That comment is not on the Oregonian site or links that I see but here, The Seattle Post Intelligencer:

9:15 am April 20th...a possible other victim.

I'm actually quite shocked that the Oregonian isn't giving this far more coverage.

One of the books found at the house was "Slave Girl of GOR" Book 11 and was published in 1977. That book came out when the man was in his early 30s. This simply cannot be the only victim. I wonder why his wife divorced him?

I don't want to imbed so just look up "Slave Girl of GOR" by John Norman on Amazon. It's there. (15 reviews)
Wiki has a lengthy article on the very bright and educated author of this series, John Norman aka John Frederick Lange, Jr. He's a retired professor of philosophy and prolific writer.

I also found an older article from 2006 concerning a case in the UK where people were practicing the Gorean lifestyle:

"Durham Police discovered the bizarre sect after raiding a home in the area, after receiving complaints that a woman was being held against her will. But a spokesman said the Canadian was a willing participant and the other people involved were consenting adults.

The group, called Kaotians, follow the Chronicles of Gor novels which depict a society where women are dominated. The 29-year-old woman is said to have voluntarily attended the sect after finding out about it over the internet...."


"....Lee Thompson, 31, says he is the "master" who trains the slaves at the Darlington address. He said the women who act as slaves "do so by their own choice". "We're just a group of people that live a different lifestyle, I mean there's nothing wrong with that..."


"...Mr Thompson says up to 350 followers regularly meet in pubs and clubs around the North East, in an area from Berwick to York. Kaotians are a splinter group of the Goreans, which base their beliefs on novels written by American university professor John Norman. The books are set on the quasi-medieval planet of Gor, which has a caste system and uses women as slaves.

There are an estimated 25,000 Goreans worldwide."

more at link
Was that a test, Filly? If so I passed it...but barely. You keep me on my toes!! That comment is not on the Oregonian site or links that I see but here, The Seattle Post Intelligencer:

9:15 am April 20th...a possible other victim

Test? Heck no. To me Oregon and Seattle are the same exact thing. The farthest West I have ever been is well no place. Trees, woods, people camping, gates with dirt roads, hunters ya know all the same to me.

In all seriousness that poor young lady. Tricking in the city is one thing, but getting taken to a place has a gate and a bunch of shacks? Phewie. Plus with all that land he still had to soundproof the walls?

I believe that woman that posted there that she knows him as in she got zapped by him as well.

On an aside some of those comments say the woman agreed to that illegally. No, no she didn't. She agreed to being tied to a bed post. Her life is worth something and by her getting that plate number she surely knows it, Bless her.

Oh and he offers the poor chick a lousey $200.00. That's twice the amount originally offered. Big whoop. I wonder how much it would be worth to Mr. Hauff for me to insert a catheter into his junk? :banghead::banghead::banghead:
Goreans are considered to be pretty much of a joke, especially by the BDSM crowd. A very elaborate role playing scenario which becomes laughable due to the fact the adults playing it pretend it is such serious business. Someone once said "Gor compares to BDSM the way Star Trek compares to NASA".

It focuses heavily on protocol and ritual, such as how the slave girls serve drinks to their masters etc... While it has sadistic elements fact is most people into sado/masochism just stick with bdsm and don't go for all the frilly and overly complicated pretend role-play scenarios. I believe the vast majority are online pretenders only, as real life interactions would have to be as elaborate as the people that re-enact the Civil War or the Renaissance with the costumes and such. Not easy to do on an everyday basis.
Oh the irony and I don't mean scraping iron.

This guy wrote a letter to the editor back in february. Yeah he did and yes I triple checked it is him listing Lakewood as his origin which is where the elderly parent was and well Lord knows where she is now??????? Anywho....

Read it. It's about drivers without insurance and how they should take the plates away. The very thing that got him busted.

Meanwhile on one of those Oregonian online links there's a woman giving her name and all who knows him, got shocked by him, and says she sent e-mails to the cops. Initials MM with a 45 after her name.

I don't know what to think about her. She also says he is a pedo. But I don't know. There are credibility issues for me. She says she has known him for years, she says she was tortured by him, she says he talked to her a lot. So what was the order? Did he talk to her about what he did, then she went home with him and he tortured her too? Or did he torture her, then she continued to spend time with him? Or did they talk about it, and she knowingly and voluntarily participated with him, but now decides it was wrong?

I believe police do need to talk with her.
So the neighbor said that Hauff lived rent free by permission of the neighbor's deceased father. He's been on the property about three years. Where was he before that? If he's known to be vicious and sick, why would he have shared custody of a child and get the go ahead from family to move his mom onto the property? And what was his connection to this neighbor's father? In other words, did they meet through Gor role-playing? I want to know how who built that torture room, how long it's been in use and by how many men.

"....A man who identified himself as the property owner said Hauff had lived on the land rent-free for the past three years at the invitation of the man's father, who died two years ago. Hauff made his living scrapping steel, and he shared custody of his 13-year-old son with his ex-wife, said the man, who declined to give his name.

"He's been a diligent, hard worker, cleaning up my father's estate," the man said of Hauff. "He's a very pleasant guy...."
So the neighbor said that Hauff lived rent free by permission of the neighbor's deceased father. He's been on the property about three years. Where was he before that? If he's known to be vicious and sick, why would he have shared custody of a child and get the go ahead from family to move his mom onto the property? And what was his connection to this neighbor's father? In other words, did they meet through Gor role-playing? I want to know how who built that torture room, how long it's been in use and by how many men.

I looked back through and didn't see where media has identified how the room was soundproofed, only that the walls were 8 inches thick. Certainly one man could put up fiberglass rolls and cover them with plywood. And it would probably do the trick as far as soundproofing. So it is very likely that he did it himself.

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