WA WA - Seattle, WhtFem 30-50, 159UFWA, alias 'Mary Anderson', copper IUD, breast surgery scars, Oct'96

The Maple leaf is rather curious. It was either there because it it meant something to her or as a red herring; perhaps to suggest she was Canadian. Something I have wondered: Was the species common in Seattle or is it species of Maple that only grows elsewhere; if so, he would have likely brought it from where she came. I do believe there are many Maples growing along the streets of downtown Seattle but I would assume they are a species native to Western Washington.

Incidentally, most, if not all states, allow the retail sales of cyanide but require all purchases to be logged with the identifying information of the purchaser. Retailers my refuse to sell it unless they are satisfied that purchaser has a valid use for the product. If the city our Doe was from was know, the logs of all cyanide retails could be checked. The real purpose of the logs are for criminal investigations.
The pressed leaf could also have emotional attachments -- memories of pressing leaves with her mother, or something like that.
The pressed leaf could also have emotional attachments -- memories of pressing leaves with her mother, or something like that.

Or perhaps she was a teacher and had done this with her students. It's always possible that she didn't have any family, but maybe even so, if she was a teacher or something she might not want her students to know she committed suicide, you know?

I don't know that I'm buying that the bowl is for a pet that died or something. I don't know why, it just doesn't seem right to me. Sometimes I think if we figure out the bowl we'll take a huge step forward. Don't know why I say that, just a hunch. Anyone know what size the bowl was? What did it look like or what was it made out of?
I think it was mentioned there was a maple tree near the hotel where it came from...at least I read that in one of the articles. Not sure it is correct, but would make sense since she had a iron with her and pressed it. To get an iron just to iron a leaf is odd, as her outfits required no ironing.
The article only mentioned a bowl, a kitchen bowl I believe. No mention of plastic or glass, but I believe I also read glass but so many of the articles are gone now :-(
The Maple leaf is rather curious. It was either there because it it meant something to her or as a red herring; perhaps to suggest she was Canadian. Something I have wondered: Was the species common in Seattle or is it species of Maple that only grows elsewhere; if so, he would have likely brought it from where she came. I do believe there are many Maples growing along the streets of downtown Seattle but I would assume they are a species native to Western Washington.

Incidentally, most, if not all states, allow the retail sales of cyanide but require all purchases to be logged with the identifying information of the purchaser. Retailers my refuse to sell it unless they are satisfied that purchaser has a valid use for the product. If the city our Doe was from was know, the logs of all cyanide retails could be checked. The real purpose of the logs are for criminal investigations.
Yes, we've never had a medical examiner report here to look at to see exactly what or how they investigated. I think I will call on Monday and see if I can get anything under the public records act. It's been nearly 20 years, I would think it would be open now if you apply. Be nice to know if they called local retailers, or if there were any leads that they didn't check out, or other notes we didn't get in the reporters story.
Or perhaps she was a teacher and had done this with her students. It's always possible that she didn't have any family, but maybe even so, if she was a teacher or something she might not want her students to know she committed suicide, you know?

(snipped for focus)

That would actually fit -- both her assertion that she doesn't have family and her desire to be anonymous. If she was someone who was respected in her community, I can see why she'd want to go away.
I remember it being an ordinary glass mixing bowl but I don't remember reading what the size was.

I think it was one of the detectives who speculated it had been used as a watering bowl for a pet. But that article's gone too.

I think it's in this old deleted article by Todd Matthews "Something About Mary" I found a website where there's a copy of it along with the cipher article:
Looking back for the weather in September/October 1996, we were very chilly around the 13th of September reaching only upper 50's, and lows on the 23rd of 45 degree's. Perhaps Mary's planning began mid September 1996 hence the choice in clothing? Back then you would need a USA Today Newspaper for national weather or a newspaper or if you TV station did a national forecast (which many did before the advent of The Weather Channel, and the internet in order to gauge temperatures in an area). Someone from Florida, for instance, would find a high in the 50's and low in the mid 40's to be winter for them.
Looking back for the weather in September/October 1996, we were very chilly around the 13th of September reaching only upper 50's, and lows on the 23rd of 45 degree's. Perhaps Mary's planning began mid September 1996 hence the choice in clothing? Back then you would need a USA Today Newspaper for national weather or a newspaper or if you TV station did a national forecast (which many did before the advent of The Weather Channel, and the internet in order to gauge temperatures in an area). Someone from Florida, for instance, would find a high in the 50's and low in the mid 40's to be winter for them.
Just a post script about 1996:
There was no TSA so she could have flown here from anywhere with a ticket in any name
She had 7 outfits (6 velour) and the one she was wearing, leggings with a black turtle neck sweater - ready for the cold so obviously from a warmer climate (was she afraid she'd chicken out, that's why so many outfits?)
She paid for 2 nights and had 38 dollars and change left over. Did she have more money stashed away somewhere in case she did chicken out? Or were those outfits a ruse as just something to pack, or maybe to layer in case she did chicken out and was sleeping outside?
No jewelry, nor ear piercings mentioned
Medication bottle (she took medicine for something and peeled the label off and used it to transport the cyanide - all you need is a tablespoon full at the most. Even though the medical examiner at the time said cyanide was NOT easy to come by...this small amount could have been taken without detection at an employers.)
And iron and a bowl...did she have both potassium and sodium cyanide? Maybe she flushed the potassium cyanide and decided to take it with Metamucil and Crystal Light? Or did she have a pet she parted with? (Old school: use laxatives and a sugarless drink for weight loss.) The iron was used to press a maple leaf, is that all she had that for? Her outfits required no ironing.
Sheets taken off the bed (see article posted yesterday by Todd Matthews): Was she being courteous of the housekeeping staff in case she got sick and threw up? Did she think about hanging herself instead?
If she had an IUD and was probably married as the medical examiner said or in a romantic relationship... did the X-ray's show any depression on her fingers showing she wore a ring? (After years of wearing a ring you will get a depression in your bones on your fingers.)
Did she wear high heels a lot? (Dislocated toes can occur from wearing high heeled shoes - also corns and callouses on the feet would indicate if she walked a lot or was on her feet a lot. Also, carpal tunnel in the wrists was common in the 90's if where you worked was computerized and you used a complex program like Cobalt or Fortran.)
After she was in the morgue for 8 or so months her hair must have revealed the root color to confirm if this was her natural color or dyed. What was the observation before she was embalmed?
Was her DNA collected, and were her clothes (once they found out the name and address was false) gone over for fibers and trace evidence?
These are the questions I will ask the Medical Examiner's office if I get a chance to go and speak with them or talk to them over the phone or via email. Does anyone else have any other things that are bugging them or think should be asked?
Velour's not that warm. Perfectly reasonable for fall weather especially if you're not used to the humidity.
Having just read about the UID who took cyanide in an LA hotel in 1993 (and has a morgue pic), I really wish we had morgue photos for Mary.

Re: the jewelry. Maybe it's me, but I don't think it's odd that she had no jewelry on her. I rarely wear any, and when I do, it's necklaces--which I don't often bring on trips with me and especially can't see doing if I planned to kill myself. MOO

ETA: I just found the post-mortem pic earlier in this thread.
Velour's not that warm. Perfectly reasonable for fall weather especially if you're not used to the humidity.

For "most women" who aren't taking hormones, at that age, velour is quite warm! It's something I wouldn't wear until it was January/February here in Seattle, where the daytime temps can get as low as the 30's and as cold as the single digits. But that's just me! Women in their late 30's and mid 40's start getting hot flashes because they are pre-menopausal. It was 79 degrees when she checked into the hotel, and I'm assuming she wore the same leggings, and turtle neck sweater she was found in. Awfully "winter like" apparel for 79 degree day. Which leads me to believe in a day without the instant internet, smart phones, and with only newspapers and local tv for weather conditions she wasn't aware of the weather her and packed "gloves, and a winter Himalayan jacket with those velour outfits anticipating cold. (On the weather history for September and October... it shows on or about September 13th it being in the high 50's here and into 45 for the low, so quite cold for someone from a warmer climate. Here's the link: http://weatherspark.com/history/31576/1996/Seattle-Washington-United-States this is what made me think perhaps she began planning this on or around the 13th of September; at least the location/which city, part of her plan.) Again, all speculation...
Women are getting hot flashes in their 30s? Ack! (I'm 40. Not hot flashes yet.) I agree, though, that she was expecting colder weather and packed accordingly. OR, perhaps Seattle was not her original destination and she decided to stop there for whatever reason.

Having now seen the morgue pic, I think she looks younger and more, well, not elegant, but maybe refined, than in the sketch or Photoshopped pic or whatever it is. I still think she's on the higher end of the age range, but definitely looks like she's in her early to mid 40s. Oddly, she also looks less haggard to me than in the sketch. I think they played up the circles under her eyes.
Women are getting hot flashes in their 30s? Ack! (I'm 40. Not hot flashes yet.) I agree, though, that she was expecting colder weather and packed accordingly. OR, perhaps Seattle was not her original destination and she decided to stop there for whatever reason.

Having now seen the morgue pic, I think she looks younger and more, well, not elegant, but maybe refined, than in the sketch or Photoshopped pic or whatever it is. I still think she's on the higher end of the age range, but definitely looks like she's in her early to mid 40s. Oddly, she also looks less haggard to me than in the sketch. I think they played up the circles under her eyes.

Being in OB/GYN yes mid to late 30's is Pre-Menopausal - depending on how old you are when your cycle started. The earlier you start the earlier you start on the end of things. This is why women that are age 35 or older and are pregnant get T21 genetic scan for likelihood of many deformities caused by having a child late in life when your eggs are old. I started hot flashes at 37, thought I had a fever or the flu LoL
Being in OB/GYN yes mid to late 30's is Pre-Menopausal - depending on how old you are when your cycle started. The earlier you start the earlier you start on the end of things. This is why women that are age 35 or older and are pregnant get T21 genetic scan for likelihood of many deformities caused by having a child late in life when your eggs are old. I started hot flashes at 37, thought I had a fever or the flu LoL

Something to look forward to!

What's your opinion on her point of origin? Coming from someplace warmer or cooler? And do you think Seattle was her original destination?
Something to look forward to!

What's your opinion on her point of origin? Coming from someplace warmer or cooler? And do you think Seattle was her original destination?

Without going through all the cities in 1996 to see what the weather was the week she was here nationwide, I'm assuming she was from a warmer climate with the gloves and winter coat (Seattle never gets THAT cold for a winter coat in October. It's normally about high 50's, low 60's). Someone from a warmer climate however, would think that is quite cold. However, this theory all goes to hell if where she came from was colder than that ... I looked in Alaska that date she arrived here at the hotel, it was 0 in some places. NAMUS has no one fitting her description reported missing last seen 88-96 in Florida, Louisiana, Mississippi, Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, California, Hawaii, or Alaska! I haven't gone through the other southern states yet, but I do plan on doing so as well as the northern provinces in Canada. My own theory and why I liked Florida so much it is the exact polar opposite of Seattle ...but back then Seattle was considered a more remote area by most people in the eastern states; unless they've been here. Good question, she might have thought of going to Alaska hence the clothing? So many unanswered questions...I'm also going to ask the Medical Examiner if there's pictures of the room before they disturbed the scene. I'd like to see them if they'd let me.
Without going through all the cities in 1996 to see what the weather was the week she was here nationwide, I'm assuming she was from a warmer climate with the gloves and winter coat (Seattle never gets THAT cold for a winter coat in October. It's normally about high 50's, low 60's). Someone from a warmer climate however, would think that is quite cold. However, this theory all goes to hell if where she came from was colder than that ... I looked in Alaska that date she arrived here at the hotel, it was 0 in some places. NAMUS has no one fitting her description reported missing last seen 88-96 in Florida, Louisiana, Mississippi, Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, California, Hawaii, or Alaska! I haven't gone through the other southern states yet, but I do plan on doing so as well as the northern provinces in Canada. My own theory and why I liked Florida so much it is the exact polar opposite of Seattle ...but back then Seattle was considered a more remote area by most people in the eastern states; unless they've been here. Good question, she might have thought of going to Alaska hence the clothing? So many unanswered questions...I'm also going to ask the Medical Examiner if there's pictures of the room before they disturbed the scene. I'd like to see them if they'd let me.

P.S. Regarding Alaska... cruise season is over by September so I don't think she came via a cruise here (prices then were 700 dollars). Airfare in 1991 was 366 to Seattle, and I'm assuming that's round trip. One way was probably at least as much if not more as they've always charged more for one way. Perhaps she was going to fly on to Alaska (I looked at Juneau arbitrarily) but with our warm weather found it much nicer here? She had enough money with her to do a flight to Alaska but no money to stay anywhere once there. Perhaps it was a financial decision to do it here, in that case - but she might have already known that. While great lengths were taken to not be identified perhaps travel was a detail left out. In any crime (suicide is illegal) criminals make mistakes - even the most brilliant. Just thoughts...
Not necessarily a lot warmer climate. Personal preferences enter into it, too. If I was going to Seattle in October, I'd choose pretty similar clothing. And I'm from the northern tier. I just tend to get chilly in damp weather.

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