Welcome To Websleuths # 2

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My biggest issue is that the search bar still doesn't bring up new threads. This is making me not want to start any new threads, as I don't want to duplicate a thread. When I search for something it shouldn't matter if the thread was created today or 2 minutes ago, it should come up in the search. Sorry to keep complaining about this, but I want to make sure Dave is aware and still working on the problem. Any other issues such as likes vs thanks and colors of the forum are minor IMO.
Thanks Tricia (and Dave, and all who work behind the scenes).

As for the color issue, it has improved a lot since the first day with darkening some of the bars. Could the faint peach text also be darkened? I know some don't bother reading that area (poster's name and time posted, post #), but I do and my eyes are drawn to it (annoyingly so), but I can barely read even with enlarging. It does keep me away from WS as much as I was with the less eyestrain on the older forum. I think it would make a smoother transition for many... though I know you can't please all of us.
My biggest issue is that the search bar still doesn't bring up new threads. This is making me not want to start any new threads, as I don't want to duplicate a thread. When I search for something it shouldn't matter if the thread was created today or 2 minutes ago, it should come up in the search. Sorry to keep complaining about this, but I want to make sure Dave is aware and still working on the problem. Any other issues such as likes vs thanks and colors of the forum are minor IMO.
What Gardener said ^ & that my "Content" hasn't updated since 5/26.
Yeah, these are my two biggest issues too.
Are there any plans to make the old Websleuths links properly redirect to the new Websleuths site? Links from the old Websleuths site that go to a specific page of a thread no longer work here, and even if it did, the number of posts per page changed with the forum upgrade (20 here, 15 on the old site).
Is anyone else struggling with their avatar? How did those with nice clear avatar's get them to be small enough to use here without being all blurry? (@Gardener1850?
he he)

Whenever I try to change mine they are either too big or the image is small enough but it comes out soooooo blurry!

And I don't dare set a new avatar to see how it looks because I know that if I want to go back to my beloved Seattle, the image I have now will be too big too upload again.

Is anyone else struggling with their avatar? How did those with nice clear avatar's get them to be small enough to use here without being all blurry? (@Gardener1850?
he he)

Whenever I try to change mine they are either too big or the image is small enough but it comes out soooooo blurry!

And I don't dare set a new avatar to see how it looks because I know that if I want to go back to my beloved Seattle, the image I have now will be too big too upload again.


Ignore me. Turns out my IT tech DH is useful...occasionally (Don't tell him I said that though ;))
@Tricia Is there a way of seeing who is on a particular thread? I miss knowing who I'm prattling on to, makes it feel a little less interactive.
Agreed! I liked seeing when a thread was "hot", high number of members and guests viewing.

I also liked seeing when someone else was viewing on cold case threads, I was more encouraged to write something as someone else was also viewing.

No big deal if we can't, I'd just liked it.
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