Could someone clear up for me why this incredible happenstance---sixteen counts of child molestation a mile from the scene of the killings---has drawn so little comment? Is it because LE is downplaying (if that's what they're doing/have done) this angle? Knowing of the internecine workings of rural Oklahoma communities, where religious---and tribal---concerns frequently can control goodly portions of the population, though that control is masked from outsiders's eyes by time-honored rituals of silence and avoidance---unless I'm missing something here, this particular event would seem to have to be dealt with; even if LE is downplaying it for their own good reasons, we should then be able to see more clearly just what, in fact, they ARE centering on as the reason for the girls's deaths---if anything. The preacher may in fact be innocent of the molestation charges, of course, but then the act of the children even MAKING these accusations, should tell us something about Weleetka and, by extension, about the tragic events dealt with in these threads.
Now please don't get me wrong---I know I'm a newbie and I want to say up front that, scrolling through these threads, there have been many brilliant observations made by many posters, and an abundance of caring and concern, of love and strength, has been communicated herein for the two girls and for their families. But the two most recently posted-upon threads deal with psychics, and whether or not the girls had a dog with them, a dog which could then be used to identify the perpetrator(s)! Rightly or wrongly, this strikes me as grasping not at straws, but at bits of nothing; psychics don't solve cases, good investigations solve cases, finding unsuspected links between events solve cases---and dogs cannot talk, no matter how much we would like that they would be able to. In the nine months since this heinous act, half of downtown Weleetka appears to have burned down, and not one suggestion has been made that these two events could possibly be related---probably not, of course, probably only grasping at straws: and yet so much better than talking dogs and the airy metaphysics of psychics. Don't give up on this case, people---go through your concrete ideas once again and help solve this horror.