Wesley Hadsell Arrested 21-22 March 2015 #2

Why would he retain it? Well, because ammo is expensive and why would you dispose of it if you or someone in the family owned a gun that it goes with. Plenty of people that own guns that occasionally go target shooting don't just get rid of their ammo. I haven't shot my gun in probably almost 2 years but I sure still have ammo for it. :) And no, my ammo has no special meaning to it other than I paid for it. It's expensive, and it's mine.

Besides the breakin, Wes seems not to have weighed the price of breaking the law again, not enough to refrain from keeping the ammo, even though he had done time for previous crimes.

So, it stands to reason that the value of keeping the ammo out weighed his good judgement. His reasons appear to go way beyond the material cost of the ammo into a special meaning, whether for intimidation and control purposes or because he was a keeper of things. He also seems not to have placed any value on the evidence they found, not enough to notify LE, not enough to not handle it themselves, and thus breaking the chain of evidence.
Why would he retain it? Well, because ammo is expensive and why would you dispose of it if you or someone in the family owned a gun that it goes with. Plenty of people that own guns that occasionally go target shooting don't just get rid of their ammo. I haven't shot my gun in probably almost 2 years but I sure still have ammo for it. :) And no, my ammo has no special meaning to it other than I paid for it. It's expensive, and it's mine.

That begs the question why he didn't go target shooting again? Why buy so much, not use it all, but it is so important that you move it to your hotel room and not leave it at the home or at mom's house? Heck, he could have shoved it in an air vent at mama's house and she probably would have been none the wiser. The ammo had more significance to him. It shouldn't be minimized as something he just got for target shooting once.
Just a little thinking out loud...

Two types of ammo = two different guns. WH retained the 9mm so that means the gun that goes with it is either his (illegally owned) or someone close to him (or someone who was close to him at the time). Curious who else was there at the range that owned (or was using) the other gun, and why WH bought the ammo for it on 12/23? Stocking stuffer, perhaps?

"On or about December 31,2013, WESLEY PAUL HADSELL took that ammunition to a gun range in Chesapeake, Virginia. At that range, WESLEY PAUL HADSELL and other individuals utilized some of the ammunition."

Individuals... meaning, him, AJ and at least someone else.
I don't know how such a paragon of virtue and self-control got caught up in all of this. But really, if he hadn't used that ammo in almost a year and a half, why was it so important for him to retain it? Did it have special significance to him? It smacks of trophy keeping to me. Anything I haven't used in a year and a half, I barely remember owning.

I agree there is a definate sentimental attachment to the ammunition. Whether it's childish rebellion against authority or a reminder of happier times with his marriage and extended family, or a turning point in his relationship with AJ (real or imagined) who really knows.
We keep a lot of ammo. Some we've had for years. No sentimental attachment...prices go up and down and we simply buy when the price is low.
Many people own more than one gun as well. I don't think there's too much to read into him keeping the ammo. He might have actually kept them at home for protection as well. And knowing he was into drugs I'm sure he kept it for protection. I ask my hubby how many rounds he bought to target shoot and he said at least 100 rounds and more if it's a .22 (mine just a tiny gun) so in that regard the amount of ammo that he had isn't that alarming. I'm sure he took it with him when he moved out because he took the guns too so that would make sense. Why take the guns and not the ammo for it. And because we can't talk about SM on here we can't really point out that other people in his live that are close to him might have had experience at shooting ranges as well.
That begs the question why he didn't go target shooting again? Why buy so much, not use it all, but it is so important that you move it to your hotel room and not leave it at the home or at mom's house? Heck, he could have shoved it in an air vent at mama's house and she probably would have been none the wiser. The ammo had more significance to him. It shouldn't be minimized as something he just got for target shooting once.

I havent seen that HE was target shooting. He took AJ target shooting. Maybe he didnt think it was an issue to take someone else shooting if you didnt shoot the gun yourself. I probably wouldnt have! Of course, Im not a felon, but possessing ammunition and possessing a gun seem very different, to me. I know most gun ranges, you can even rent their guns to shoot, if you dont have your own. You would definitely keep the ammunition for the next time. As a matter of fact, I have never heard of anyone getting rid of their extra ammo. I have 2 types of ammo for my gun--- my good/ expensive ammo that I keep in my gun (Hydroshocks) and the cheap kind that I get at the range for target practice. It will sometimes jam my gun when it gets really hot, so it is not good ammo to keep for protection. I have 2 boxes on my shelf. Both half empty. It seems very usual, to me.
Many people own more than one gun as well. I don't think there's too much to read into him keeping the ammo. He might have actually kept them at home for protection as well. And knowing he was into drugs I'm sure he kept it for protection. I ask my hubby how many rounds he bought to target shoot and he said at least 100 rounds and more if it's a .22 (mine just a tiny gun) so in that regard the amount of ammo that he had isn't that alarming. I'm sure he took it with him when he moved out because he took the guns too so that would make sense. Why take the guns and not the ammo for it. And because we can't talk about SM on here we can't really point out that other people in his live that are close to him might have had experience at shooting ranges as well.

Now I'm even more curious what was listed on that MPR besides the ammo. Logic dictates, if you own a gun and your ammo goes missing, the next thing you'd check would be to see if your gun was still where it should be.
I guess my point was he SAYS he was working. If the guy was really his boss, which no one had disputed, he said he had been away from work. But then Wes says he was working and rushed home from being an hour away. Was he really working? Or was he "working?" Was he disposing of evidence? Who knows what the heck he was doing.

But my other point was that although we know what Wes reported, we probably don't know much. Certainly LE knows more based on phone pings and maybe witnesses at a job site, if he was at one, but to me it's all still a big question mark.

moo, of course.

Exactly. Since when do we take what WH says as gospel? I think he rushed to the scene from his bed at the motel.
We keep a lot of ammo. Some we've had for years. No sentimental attachment...prices go up and down and we simply buy when the price is low.

And why is it that you buy and keep ammo? It is to use it. It is not virtuous that he didn't manage to use it within a year and three months. I doesn't imply self-control. It isn't a minor offense, and deserves full punishment. He toted it around and kept it close because it was either significant or he intended to use it, or thought he might have need to use it.
Just a little thinking out loud...

Two types of ammo = two different guns. WH retained the 9mm so that means the gun that goes with it is either his (illegally owned) or someone close to him (or someone who was close to him at the time). Curious who else was there at the range that owned (or was using) the other gun, and why WH bought the ammo for it on 12/23? Stocking stuffer, perhaps?

"On or about December 31,2013, WESLEY PAUL HADSELL took that ammunition to a gun range in Chesapeake, Virginia. At that range, WESLEY PAUL HADSELL and other individuals utilized some of the ammunition."

Individuals... meaning, him, AJ and at least someone else.

I havent contacted the gun range that was visited by WH and AJ but a quick Google search shows that some gun ranges rent guns.

Especially if they have a gun store attached. Its a great idea for them because it might lead to a purchase and typically they only let you shoot ammo thats been purchased from them.

I can see WH buying the ammo and then having AJ rent the gun in her name. She would have been 18.

Maybe thats why he was so confident in saying the gun would never be found.

If someone can post the name of the range, I'll be happy to call on Monday and inquire about their gun rental policy.
I havent contacted the gun range that was visited by WH and AJ but a quick Google search shows that some gun ranges rent guns.

Especially if they have a gun store attached. Its a great idea for them because it might lead to a purchase and typically they only let you shoot ammo thats been purchased from them.

I can see WH buying the ammo and then having AJ rent the gun in her name. She would have been 18.

Maybe thats why he was so confident in saying the gun would never be found.

If someone can post the name of the range, I'll be happy to call on Monday and inquire about their gun rental policy.

Good to see you, zapped.

On so many threads involving information about guns & ammo, gun ranges come up. I wonder if they're required to or do just for safety sake's maintain security cameras, records of ID's etc...

Whatever you decide to do, please stay safe.
I havent contacted the gun range that was visited by WH and AJ but a quick Google search shows that some gun ranges rent guns.

Especially if they have a gun store attached. Its a great idea for them because it might lead to a purchase and typically they only let you shoot ammo thats been purchased from them.

I can see WH buying the ammo and then having AJ rent the gun in her name. She would have been 18.

Maybe thats why he was so confident in saying the gun would never be found.

If someone can post the name of the range, I'll be happy to call on Monday and inquire about their gun rental policy.

I don't know if I've ever seen the name of the gun range mentioned anywhere, but a quick yellow page search only shows 1 gun range in Chesapeake. Norfolk County Rifle Range.

NCRR is a private club and is not open to the public for general shooting. The public however is allowed to participate in the events offered at our club. Any event that is on the calendar is open to the public and they are encouraged to attend. The club does not loan firearms to participate in events nor does it sell ammunition or supplies for the public to participate in an event unless it is noted for that particular event.

Not even sure this is the one the video was taken at though. http://www.ncrr.net/about-ncrr/

EDITED TO ADD: Not sure how I missed it but yes, the name of the range has been mentioned:

Earlier this month, the documents said, Norfolk police analyzed Hadsell's cellphone. It revealed a video taken Dec. 31, 2013, of him and his stepdaughter at Norfolk County Rifle Range in Chesapeake. It showed AJ Hadsell shooting what appeared to be a Glock handgun.

Also from the gun range site

Norfolk County Rifle Range (NCRR) was established in 1947 as a private shooting club. Membership is available to all citizens that are not legally barred from ownership of firearms. NCRR members must also be current members of the National Rifle Association (NRA) and the Virginia Shooting Sports Association (VSSA).

So... this is interesting.

1. A private shooting club that does not loan firearms.
2. A private shooting club that has a condition of membership the prerequisite of members NOT being legally barred from gun ownership (that let's WH out)
3. Two different types of ammo purchased from Bob's gun shop - two guns used - AJ shown on video using the Glock.

So... obviously the trip to the gun range that day was courtesy of whoever the member is, and more than likely who owns the other gun. It's not WH, that's for sure.
Not that the above info really matters in the long run, it's just interesting to see again and again, other folks in WH's life that enabled his conduct. And I don't believe for 1 moment the other adults in his life DIDN'T know of his criminal record.
And why is it that you buy and keep ammo? It is to use it. It is not virtuous that he didn't manage to use it within a year and three months. I doesn't imply self-control. It isn't a minor offense, and deserves full punishment. He toted it around and kept it close because it was either significant or he intended to use it, or thought he might have need to use it.

My husband and I have had our ammo for at least a year and a half/2 years. We both legally purchased guns in Va but the state we're in now you have to have certain permits to even shoot at a gun range and to us it's not that important to go through all the red tape to shoot occasionally. When we lived in Va we shot at our in-laws property with other family members/friends. We didn't use all of our ammo so we kept it. My husband also had different ammo for his gun because the gun kept jamming and thought it was cheap ammo so he bought a different kind but turns out it was the gun so he had to send it to get repaired. People own guns for a variety of reasons. I wanted to learn so I got a small caliber gun that I could learn on and easily handle. Most women have bigger ones for home/self protection or just for target shooting for fun. Heck I took a lesson in how to shoot a compound bow because I wanted to learn and I thought 3D archery looked fun but my shoulder right now can take it. I don't think I could ever shoot an animal (well maybe an ugly turkey but each their own). I think people are probably reading way too much into why he kept the ammo. He probably DID have the gun that went with it but got rid of it. He probably thought it would be easier to hide the ammo. Zach previously mentioned that he though Wes might have hidden it somewhere else and moved it to his room. He might have been moving it to different locations and didn't get around to finding a better place for it.
I will say that I agree that any person who owns ammo could have it hanging around for a long period of time. Actually, for all we know, he had purchased OTHER ammo and used that up before this batch, even though he bought this batch earlier. I mean it's not like the ammo has an expiration date, right?

What I DO think is odd, and have thought so from Day 1 of us seeing the MPR, was that the ammo was listed on the MPR. Was the ammo normally kept out in the dining room hutch or something, so that when it went missing it was so obvious to JH and that's why it was listed?? That would seem odd for a convicted felon to display ammunition openly. So, if it was packed away somewhere, why was it recognized as missing? I mean, just me, but if my teenager went missing, I'd be looking around her room or where she had her stuff and list the things OF HERS that were missing. Was the ammo kept in AJ's closet? Was it normally kept where her coat was hung?
That MPR just seems weird to me and always has.

Again if my kid went missing, I'd be hard pressed to identify that her debit card specifically was missing. Especially if she had been away at college. She could have been carrying a variety of things with her along with her debit card but was nothing else listed? Not driver license? Not gift cards? Not student ID? Were all the other things one would expect in her wallet found at the house? I find it strange that her debit card was listed, and was miraculously found.

Ammo listed... Ammo found.

I will say that I agree that any person who owns ammo could have it hanging around for a long period of time. Actually, for all we know, he had purchased OTHER ammo and used that up before this batch, even though he bought this batch earlier. I mean it's not like the ammo has an expiration date, right?

What I DO think is odd, and have thought so from Day 1 of us seeing the MPR, was that the ammo was listed on the MPR. Was the ammo normally kept out in the dining room hutch or something, so that when it went missing it was so obvious to JH and that's why it was listed?? That would seem odd for a convicted felon to display ammunition openly. So, if it was packed away somewhere, why was it recognized as missing? I mean, just me, but if my teenager went missing, I'd be looking around her room or where she had her stuff and list the things OF HERS that were missing. Was the ammo kept in AJ's closet? Was it normally kept where her coat was hung?
That MPR just seems weird to me and always has.

Again if my kid went missing, I'd be hard pressed to identify that her debit card specifically was missing. Especially if she had been away at college. She could have been carrying a variety of things with her along with her debit card but was nothing else listed? Not driver license? Not gift cards? Not student ID? Were all the other things one would expect in her wallet found at the house? I find it strange that her debit card was listed, and was miraculously found.

Ammo listed... Ammo found.


I think there was something going around that her cell phone case had slots built into it where she would carry like her ID and debit card and not a purse. But yeah that bullet thing on the MPR has always miffed me too.
I think there was something going around that her cell phone case had slots built into it where she would carry like her ID and debit card and not a purse. But yeah that bullet thing on the MPR has always miffed me too.

I do remember that. I just can't remember them ever saying her ID was missing. You wouldn't think that would have been in the redacted part of the MPR.
And of course her ID wasn't found.

I'm probably nit-picking, but there is something about all that that doesn't set right with me.

I do remember that. I just can't remember them ever saying her ID was missing. You wouldn't think that would have been in the redacted part of the MPR.
And of course her ID wasn't found.

I'm probably nit-picking, but there is something about all that that doesn't set right with me.


Well if you're nit-picking so am I since I said the exact same thing about listing the ammo on the MPR. However, there would be reasonable scenarios to list it, such as:

AJ and JH got into a fight and AJ said something disturbing that made JH worry that she might intend to hurt herself. So, before filing the report she checks to see if her ammo is missing. It is, and she lists it on the report. (for all we know, her gun was listed too - there was much under the redaction that was unreadable).


The ammo was always kept in the cabinet in the dining room, and when coming home JH discovered it was unlocked, left open and empty. So, she would mention that to the reporting officer.

Obviously pure speculation but just throwing that out there as two reasonable, probable reasons someone might list "ammo" on a MPR.

It would just be so awesome if WH would have a massive guilt trip and confess everything.
Well if you're nit-picking so am I since I said the exact same thing about listing the ammo on the MPR. However, there would be reasonable scenarios to list it, such as:

AJ and JH got into a fight and AJ said something disturbing that made JH worry that she might intend to hurt herself. So, before filing the report she checks to see if her ammo is missing. It is, and she lists it on the report. (for all we know, her gun was listed too - there was much under the redaction that was unreadable).


The ammo was always kept in the cabinet in the dining room, and when coming home JH discovered it was unlocked, left open and empty. So, she would mention that to the reporting officer.

Obviously pure speculation but just throwing that out there as two reasonable, probable reasons someone might list "ammo" on a MPR.

It would just be so awesome if WH would have a massive guilt trip and confess everything.

Yeah, that's the thing though, isn't? We could come up with logical reasons or reactions to explain how NORMAL people would act/react in this situation, but sorry, let's remind ourselves of all the illogical behavior and craziness that was going on. Sometimes I forget how nutty it all was: the sm rants, the crazed commentary, the pa$tor, the young bucks playing house, the memorial service dissing, the interviews, the screaming at the cameras, the freaky tatted eyelids.... so while I would love to say that a logical explanation would be my first thought, it just isn't. (IYKWIM)

moo, of course.

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