WETV -- In a Polygamist Cult (TV SPECIAL) Recap


We can't help everyone, But everyone can help some
Sep 13, 2006
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Ok so they decided to air this anyways! Once again please don't pay any attention to the typos!

Highlights are below

Starts off explaining the Eldorado raid, and how authorities went in and put 500 woman and children into protective custody.

Flora escaped at 18
Carolyn escaped after marrying Merrill Jessop, and having 8 kids

Flora now works to rescue other polygamist kids.
Flora looks back on what she has been through to help educate her on how to help other victims of polygamy

Flora carries a gun with her at all times when she is helping to rescue others that want to leave the cult. She doesn't want to get into a gun fight, however she will shoot long enough to get away.

Flora is on the road from 10:00 am to 10:00 pm helping others escape.

They did not want the mother child bond. Hugging and kissing a newborn was strickly not allowed. And if they were caught doing it the other kids would makefun of the one being kissed etc.

Carolyns son was born with an incurable form of cancer. Merrill wanted to just let the son die.. Because he did not want a disabled son. He had 27 other kids and none of them were disabled.

Flora Jessops efforts to rescue the kids, has gotten the attention of some government officials, senators etc.

Flora gets death threats weekly.

Police, court officials, government officials are all part of the FLDS. SO they are protected in colorado, and arizona, and utah. When they break the law, the lawyers, and police all protect there own, and those from the FLDS since they belong to the FLDS.

Despite the danger Flora has another reason why she wants to fight this. Her sister who was 14 was brutally raped, and bled out for 3 days. She escaped but they found her and She was brought back into the group, and sent up to Canada, and indoctrinated again. Flora vowed to her sister that she would do everything that she could to get her safe. That was 7 years ago and she is still keeping the promise.

Carolyn's mother was deeply depressed, she dealt with her emotions as violence. Her mother would talk about killing herself daily.

As a teenager Carolyn was forced to marry a man 37 years older then her. The conflict between the sister wives arose. It was always a better thing if you could be the "first" wife.

Theoretically you could say no to a marriage, However the concequences were very severe.

A way for a man to get control of his wives, was to hurt their children. Two of carolyns kids were asked What the worst thing in Colorado was. The abuse they say.

There were 2 ways a kids were taught not to cry. 1) being held under water. 2) Being severly beaten.

Women who escaped the FLDS say abuse and marriages of woman and children are facts of life.

Boy are kicked out, under the guise of "being troubled kids" But the real reason tthey are kicked out is because they are competition to the older men. No girl would want to marry a 67 or 77 year old man when there were young boys around.

When you have a closed society that beleives in polygamy, when a man marries a young woman, that shoots another boy out of the compound.

Under the leadership of Warren Jeff's more boys were kicked out of the community then ever before. He had a way of taking everything to extremes.

Warren was into some of the most sadistic evil things I have ever witnessed. Flora.

One of the girls failed school, because she refused to slaughter cows with kitchen knives.

You can't have sympathy or empathy for everyone. They teach the kids that everyone outside the community is the walking dead, so you can kill them and it wouldn't matter cause they are aready dead they don't have a soul to worry about.

"Before I left Warren Jeffs really started pushing Blood atoinment. Jesus didn't die on the cross for all sin, there are certain sins that we as humans commit that have to be atoned for with our own blood. He preaches of setting up an alter and having your throat slit. Offering your blood, so you can get into heaven. " Flora and Carolyn Jessop

I learned of the compound in Eldorado, and when they were building the temple, they wanted a furnace that could burn a human being and leave no evidence. The guy that was suppose to be building this furnace started asking questions, and was kicked out of the FLDS. ---- Carolyn Jessop

Its not so much as slitting your throat, as it is to offer your blood to christ.

Carolyn also mentioned that warrens plans was to move everyone into compounds, and into a place where they could go under the radar. Be self sufficient, and not need outside help.

When carolyn was planning to escape from the FLDS, she started cutting back her 7 year old sons medicine and when he was out of the hospital for 6 months she felt she was ready. She concocted a story to keep her kids calm. She woke them up, and told them that her 7 year old son was really sick. But then she heard that merril jessop wanted to talk to her, so she knew that they were on to her. So she only had a few minutes to get into the car and leave. Betty her oldest daughter had went back into the house. "I had a decision to make do i save 7 and leave one behind." She grabbed Betty and got out in the vehicle and drove to the main road. She was just about out of gas, and coasted to canon corner. Her brother met her there, and brought them to Salt lake city.

Dan who was a former member, took her in. And then realized that she was in deep trouble. Cause carolyn was married to the most powerful man of the FLDS Merrill Jessop. So they ended up going to the Attorney General. She went to court to get custody of her kids, and prevent Merrill from taking custody. And she won.

She was one of the first woman to face the FLDS in court. Merrill Jessop has moved his whole family to texas, and is in control of everything since warren is in Jail.

Carolyn has been out of the cult for 4 and a half years now.


It went up dramatically when warren jeffs took control of the FLDS. When they come out they don't have the basic info. Such as how to get a drivers license, or birth certificate etc.

Most lost boys leave against there will, but some rebel and decide that polygamy isn't for them. They came from a place where they THOUGHT they were well taken care of. When they get out, it is a shock.

In order to perpetuate the lifestyle you gotta have more woman and girls then men. As long as the FLDS is operating you will have the lost boys.

Suspicious deaths

When we documented the baby cemetary the first time and put the statistics together, the numbers of children dying in colorado city and the number dying in Subsahara africa. The median age is 13- 14 years old. That makes the life expectancy of children, woman in colorado city very very low. - Flora Jessop

Arizona seals all death records for 50 years. Funny business going on in the baby cematary always has been. Flora tries to get the undiscovered details of what truely happens to the babies that do die. Because they have so many children, all they would have to do was pull out any death certificate of a baby that is anywhere in Arizona, and pretend that that baby died from what the death certificate says it died from. When in actual reality it could have died from beatings, or drownings. And because government officials are in on it, they get away with it. Thats the power they have.

"Life is worthless to them" Flora Jessop

Your never going to walk into a community anywhere in the world,and find off stuck in a field somewhere graves of babies. Dead babies.--- Flora Jessop

Camera pans to graves, and Flora says that they were put there within the last month, which would have been March 2008 since this was filmed in April of 2008. "At least 200 graves were added within the last month"- Flora Jessop

It doesn't make sense to me and it has always bothered me, they have a SEPERATE graveyard for babies. Flora Jessop

While the reason for the large number of childhood deaths is unclear, there are way to many questions that have gone unanswered. Flora is trying to get those answer, and that is what puts a target on her back.

In fall of 2007 warren jeffs was charged. He was convicted, and it was validation for everyone who is part of the compound.

2 consecutives sentences of 5 years to life

His sentancing won't stop what goes on in the compounds just because warren jeffs is in prison. When he was having his trial, EVERYONE stood. But when he was sentenced, noone stood, which means the shift of power has already occured.

"Its not a warren Jeffs thing its a polygamy thing." Flora Jessop

Carolyns daughter "Betty" went back to the cult 2 days after she turned 18. She is not safe, Carolyn lives in terror, of what may happen to Betty.

His conviction and length of sentemce has convinced warren jeffs that he never was a man of god. Which he conveys during a prison visit.

"I never was the prophet, and I have been decieved by the powers of evil......."

Transcribed by Ladybass.
Camera pans to graves, and Flora says that they were put there within the last month, which would have been March 2008 since this was filmed in April of 2008. "At least 200 graves were added within the last month"- Flora Jessop

Authorities must disinter all babies' graves in these graveyards set aside for babies and must do autopsies on all of them. especially the ones as recent as those buried in March. :furious: :furious: :furious:

thank you Ladybass.
OMG yes Floh, I agree with you. That gives me the chills.
There are a few questions I would love to ask Flora or Carolyn.

The baby cemetary- how many of those babies are boys and how many are girls.

The blood atonement- they must spill their blood. But many persons believe their children carry their blood- would spilling the blood of your child be the same as spilling your own blood?

The incest- how bad are the disabilities in the FLDS community? Has she personally talked with a parent who says her child was put to death because of their disabilities?
There are a few questions I would love to ask Flora or Carolyn.

The baby cemetary- how many of those babies are boys and how many are girls.

The blood atonement- they must spill their blood. But many persons believe their children carry their blood- would spilling the blood of your child be the same as spilling your own blood?

The incest- how bad are the disabilities in the FLDS community? Has she personally talked with a parent who says her child was put to death because of their disabilities?

There are a couple of interviews on YouTube with Mothers (now out of the FLDS) who say their own handicapped infants/small children were killed by their father. I have no doubt that some FLDS fathers have "helped" their handicapped infants reach heaven - deformity and handicaps are NOT tolerated in the FLDS.

Let's look at it this way - in the "real world" a certain percentage of children are born with things like Down's Syndrome, Cerebral Palsy, Deafness, Blindness, and other conditions that are visible to a casual observer. I have yet to see even a SINGLE CHILD (or adult) in the FLDS with ANY of those types of conditions. All those babies being born - far more than in a normal population of the same size - and yet NOT A SINGLE CHILD that isn't visually "perfect"? Mothers in the FLDS are having children until they reach menopause and yet I have seen NOT ONE CHILD in ANY video or photo with Down's Syndrome. Very young girls are having children and yet I haven't seen one child with Cerebral Palsy (which often affects preemies and babies of very young mothers).

It must be a MIRACLE! All those births and all the children who live are PERFECT - God evidently just "takes" the ones with Downs and CP etc.

My Opinion
Other questions, what happens if a woman is unable to concieve? What happens to her?

What happens if a man is unable to father a child?

What happens to the wife when a man dies or is shunned and has a wife who is in menopause?
Mysteriew, I didn't see your last post before posting many of the same questions in another thread. I hadn't seen a single woman over forty-ish in any of the clips I've watched, and I bet the ones who look like they're forty are really much younger, due to their hard life.
Police, court officials, government officials are all part of the FLDS. SO they are protected in colorado, and arizona, and utah. When they break the law, the lawyers, and police all protect there own, and those from the FLDS since they belong to the FLDS.
Is this a typo and you actually meant Colorado City, which is in Arizona? Cause to my knowledge this cult does not exist in Colorado.
There is the Crawford group but this is brand new and being watched.
Thank you Ladybass. That was very informative. I wonder if any of these former FLDS women have a blog or even an email address? It would be great if we could ask them questions or invite them to join here.
Oh, and Ladybass, if you have any contacts in this FLDS mess, please tell them to read these threads and the links. There is a wealth of information here, and even the experts may not be aware of all of it.
Ladybass.............first, thank you for all the work in providing us with a synopsis of this program! :)

I agree with Floh that the baby cemetery MUST be investigated, the babies disinterred and a forensic pathology done on each one to determine cause of death.

I agree with Flower Child too, that we haven't seen any handicapped children among those who were removed from the YFZ compound. There's one possible exception. During the tour of Marilyn's home, she showed a boys bedroom, and in that bedroom was a double bed. Marilyn explained that her mother's (Sally) son is handicapped, having fumarase disease, and that he needs the double bed as he thrashes around a lot. In the interview that featured three women (Esther, Marilyn, and Sally), Sally stated that her son was handicapped and need special care.

Colorado City and Hilsdale MUST be investigated. But it won't happen unless there's a lot of public pressure to do so. It's a political hot potato and there seems to be a lot of people who are in a position to authorize an investigation, who won't because of local politics.

A lot of letters to the state attorney generals in Utah and Arizona might get the ball rolling.
In a much earlier thread I posted that I thought an investigation of the babies graves is a must. I think there will be some murder charges coming from that kind of inquiry. JMHO
Is this a typo and you actually meant Colorado City, which is in Arizona? Cause to my knowledge this cult does not exist in Colorado.
There is the Crawford group but this is brand new and being watched.

Hey Sally:

I apoligize it is Colorado city. I was typing things up so fast, and meant ot correct that, but didn't catch it lol.
Oh, and Ladybass, if you have any contacts in this FLDS mess, please tell them to read these threads and the links. There is a wealth of information here, and even the experts may not be aware of all of it.

Already on it. Alot of this info cannot be known by the everday citizen. This board is wonderful in finding otherwise unfindable info out!
Ladybass.............first, thank you for all the work in providing us with a synopsis of this program! :)

I agree with Floh that the baby cemetery MUST be investigated, the babies disinterred and a forensic pathology done on each one to determine cause of death.

I agree with Flower Child too, that we haven't seen any handicapped children among those who were removed from the YFZ compound. There's one possible exception. During the tour of Marilyn's home, she showed a boys bedroom, and in that bedroom was a double bed. Marilyn explained that her mother's (Sally) son is handicapped, having fumarase disease, and that he needs the double bed as he thrashes around a lot. In the interview that featured three women (Esther, Marilyn, and Sally), Sally stated that her son was handicapped and need special care.

Colorado City and Hilsdale MUST be investigated. But it won't happen unless there's a lot of public pressure to do so. It's a political hot potato and there seems to be a lot of people who are in a position to authorize an investigation, who won't because of local politics.

A lot of letters to the state attorney generals in Utah and Arizona might get the ball rolling.

you know when Marilyn told about the mother's son I was a bit thrown off as to why she didn't say her BROTHER. When I talk about "my mother's son" I say "my brother" That made me think once again how they distant themselves from each other.
you know when Marilyn told about the mother's son I was a bit thrown off as to why she didn't say her BROTHER. When I talk about "my mother's son" I say "my brother" That made me think once again how they distant themselves from each other.

Good point.
Mysteriew, I didn't see your last post before posting many of the same questions in another thread. I hadn't seen a single woman over forty-ish in any of the clips I've watched, and I bet the ones who look like they're forty are really much younger, due to their hard life.

No worries PP, we are all thinking people and many of us have the same questions.
you know when Marilyn told about the mother's son I was a bit thrown off as to why she didn't say her BROTHER. When I talk about "my mother's son" I say "my brother" That made me think once again how they distant themselves from each other.

Legallee...........now that you mention it, Marilyn didn't refer to anyone, other than her mother and her own daughter, as a relative of any sort. When she went into the bedrooms, she said things like "five little girls sleep here" or "my mother and three of her daughters sleep here."
Is this a typo and you actually meant Colorado City, which is in Arizona? Cause to my knowledge this cult does not exist in Colorado.
There is the Crawford group but this is brand new and being watched.
The Crawford group are members of the FLDS who were sent there to establish the site there. There were some who were sent from Colordado City to Mancos, Colorado as well.

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