What about the obvious/The defense's written admission!

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The short answer to the question is ...no
This will never be seen by the jury, under any set of circumstances
just as the jury will never see the letters and e mails that went back and forth between Baez and the state discussing a plea deal and an extension for same.
Correspondence between lawyers is not evidence. It is titilating, but the jury will never see it.

It is too bad that lawyer did not remain on the case, his approach would have been much more realistic. He said publicly that he resigned because he and Baez disagreed over strategy, and that he would have pursued a diminished capacity defense...that she was a troubled woman, who may be suffering from depression or other mental conditions. Clearly he thought the Zanny the Nanny strategy was not viable.

It was shocking, and disappointing that he did release this confidential information to the public. What he and Baez discussed should have remained private. Forever. I want a conviction and ONE TRIAL.
When I was looking for the actual report...I came across these two interviews he had given that may explain his intent better.


But she walked into Blockbuster's that very evening with her daughter now obviously missing from her care and rented a video about kidnappings with the use of duct tape and we know the tape was placed PRE-decomposition. Her actions are not that of a mother who's child just died of an accident.

Seventeen years ago next month my 18 month old grandson fell into a swimming pool. My youngest daughter was babysitting and found him right away. He is fine because the water was so cold but my daughter (his aunt) is still traumatized today about the safety of her children. It still affects her. KC was not affected whatsoever. You can't fake that kind of trauma and you can't hide it either. There's a reason the jailhouse video of KC's reactions to the day the remains were found is sealed. JMO

so glad your grandson was ok. i would imagine your family was in shock yet glad he survived. when i post on casey i feel so torn. i find it hard to imagine the worst thoughts that seem to be the truth, i wish i could somehow piece all the truths and lies together and make some logic of who, when , were and why. the classic - wtf happened in reality. if i try to play devils advocate and cut her some slack i feel foolish. sort of like you know better than to try and rationalize bizare behaviors, lies and actions. yet, i must want to believe so bad that someone else hurt - killed this child. i do not know why i find it so hard to accept a mom does this especially when we seen pics of her and casey being the innocent child with her mom hugging her and dressing her up like a lil doll. is it because she is young and pretty? if she was old and ugly would we all accept her actions easier? really , i have tried to come up with so many explanations- minus lies and truths and if i was a juror i would drive the rest of them nuts cause i would say -- how can this be true? yes i would cry- i must accept that its true too if thats what it is. i am heartbroken it ever happened. the lies she told may not make her be a killer but someone did kill her- somehow-someway. will we ever hear the absolute true of how- who- when- why? i am such a type to want to be pollyanna but this is not a fantasy- its real. please let the truth come out for caylee - i pray.
The SA filed this a few days after all of this was in the news.

QB, thank you! this is an excellent article about the request for a gag order early in the case.I would say if one hasn't read it yet,please do. There is also an important letter from equusearch,scroll wayyyyyy down for it.Proof that they couldn't search the area earlier because of the water.I love reading these pages. Its been so long one tends to forget :highfive: thanks to B.
so glad your grandson was ok. i would imagine your family was in shock yet glad he survived. when i post on casey i feel so torn. i find it hard to imagine the worst thoughts that seem to be the truth, i wish i could somehow piece all the truths and lies together and make some logic of who, when , were and why. the classic - wtf happened in reality. if i try to play devils advocate and cut her some slack i feel foolish. sort of like you know better than to try and rationalize bizare behaviors, lies and actions. yet, i must want to believe so bad that someone else hurt - killed this child. i do not know why i find it so hard to accept a mom does this especially when we seen pics of her and casey being the innocent child with her mom hugging her and dressing her up like a lil doll. is it because she is young and pretty? if she was old and ugly would we all accept her actions easier? really , i have tried to come up with so many explanations- minus lies and truths and if i was a juror i would drive the rest of them nuts cause i would say -- how can this be true? yes i would cry- i must accept that its true too if thats what it is. i am heartbroken it ever happened. the lies she told may not make her be a killer but someone did kill her- somehow-someway. will we ever hear the absolute true of how- who- when- why? i am such a type to want to be pollyanna but this is not a fantasy- its real. please let the truth come out for caylee - i pray.

(my bold) == This is the question that I have asked (in a thread of it's own) ......is KC being young and pretty a factor? I think 80% of the people who answered my thread indicated that they "don't think she is pretty" (which wasn't my question--) Well, nevertheless I agree so much with your post--I am just like you, wishing I could come up with something logical to be able to understand how this could have happened.
When I think about KC at the video store I remember an "inappropriate" reaction I had to something when I was a youngster. My friend and I were playing and she fell down some stairs (they were concrete!) --so I ran down the stairs and looked at her--she was dazed..just sitting at the base of the stairs. Now, here is what I could not explain...I didn't tell anyone! I just went elsewhere to play and didn't mention it! I have thought about this many times and all I can say is that I felt "embarrassed" for her (I know. weird!) Someone else found her (no thanks to me!) and she turned out to be alright--but I did NOT handle that correctly at all and I still can't explain my reaction.
Remember KC's lame thing she says on the phone to the police..that she had looked for Caylee herself --she says "which was stupid. I know"---I have thought, what if she had never intended to kill her but then when she turned up dead she was "embarrassed" and felt "stupid" and "knew her Mother wouldn't forgive her"... These are not normal reactions (and mine for my fallen friend wasn't normal either!)--I just keep wondering do KC's attorneys themselves even know the real truth? The entire "accident" scenario is so much easier for everyone to digest.
I called my pharmacy and my pharmacist said that in some states the law is different as to whether pharmacies will sell syringes with needles attached to people without a prescription. I stand corrected - as he told me in GA, they can be sold without a prescription here. I'm not sure about FL though.

Edited to add: I have to self inj medication myself and the syringe that I receive comes with a needle already attached. Again, JMO

IMO, the needle sheath covering that was in the discovery docs along with the "syringe set" looks suspicious to me, and does not appear to me anyway to have been obtained from a pharmacy - but that's my opinion only.

You can easily obtain all size syringes,with or without needles attached,from any company that supplies items for livestock. You can also obtain most medications ,such as antibiotics and vaccinations for animals,through these companies,with no prescription.Jeffers Livestock,Tractor supply [they also have stores with syringes] Hoeggers Goat supplies,just to name a few.No pharmacy involved.Tractor supply keeps them stocked on the shelves.
While the attorney letter will not be seen by the jury, these texts that are close to an admission, imo...absolutely will be. [ame]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DT9vRi-jT38[/ame]
...but we haven't seen the actual report, correct...just what was "leaked" to the press?

It was a correspondence sent from TL to the prosecution.

I had a link to it earlier. I'll see if I can find it again.
Hello WS :)

It's not the "accident" part that struck me here. I get that is a whole 'nother can of worms. In my piecing together of this case, I was still trying to decide whether or not sedatives, chloroform, etc. were used at all. I was waiting for more information/evidence. The chloroform was really throwing me off, but reading that specific word from the defense just can't be a coincidence?

I came in to this case a year ago this month. I came in right after George had his suicide incident. Through reading threads, I was filled in with what came before but the very, very beginning-obviously I had not gotten to until now.

I have listened to LE give Casey every chance to admit there was a terrible accident. Very early on during George's statement to LE, it is LE that is speaking in terms of "tragic accident" and it is George who is talking about "how he could bring someone in the world that could hurt someone else"(not exact quote). If it was an accident, why didn't Casey come clean-why won't she still? There is only one person who can answer that question to my satisfaction, Casey Anthony herself.

I would need to hear about everything from Casey before I could ever officially pass judgement, until then I am just sleuthing and giving an opinion. And because Casey has refused to explain herself, tell what really happened and stop telling(obvious)lies: it leaves you with no choice but to believe she killed her daughter with malice. Maybe even planned it ahead of time. I wonder if she understands what is at stake? She has to be out of touch with reality not to understand how serious all this is, she is up for the DP. In my completely unprofessional understanding: the SA does not bring a case to trial that they don't think they can win. I have asked in posts before, why do those that claim to believe in Casey's innocence(in the world in general) continue to let this case be a circus? If I believed this was an accident, I would try to save Casey's life. Or if I was her defense attys I would try to save her life and reading the first lawyer's written statement is the only time through out this whole case I saw anyone do anything that was in Casey's best interest.

I have stopped being mad that someone would get away with taking the life of an innocent because it seems clear to me, that Casey is not going to get away with any thing. I probably represent the more naive, slow to get it, pollyanna, type juror: and I think Casey is guilty.

I do not understand her behavior having anything to do with the "disappearance" and death of her daughter. ETA: What I mean to say here is, I don't understand how anyone could act like she did/does with what happened to Caylee. I think she acts amazingly guilty.

I do not understand the behavior of her family. I understand and respect there are many WSers(and one of the main reasons for this site)are here for justice for Caylee. Caylee's watcher angels on earth. If I have understood correctly, justice for Caylee means punishment for the one who harmed her. If you are of the opinion that person was Casey then that means punishment for her. I understand that completely and I say it this way only because I cannot claim that for myself.

I don't speak out for the DP. I don't speak out against it. I don't feel I have a right to tell other people how to feel about that subject. I don't always know how I feel about that subject. The arguments for and against fall 50/50 for me. People who are personally involved with a case or have been touched by terrible crimes, have been the victims have every right to feel exactly how they feel. I could very well want DP justice if it were my loved one. I wanted to explain myself so as not to offend or seem to be stirring the pot, so I could say that I don't want Casey to get the DP. Even if it wasn't an accident and she thought about it ahead of time.

I want to understand exactly what happened to Caylee. I want Casey alive because I want all the answers. I need to know how this happened because that is my part in wanting this type of thing to never happen again. What this lawyer wrote speaks to me. I would think this statement was written before the duct tape was discovered. I don't think Casey was thinking "kidnapping" when she used the duct tape.

Because of this statement I feel stronger about believing it was Casey who put on the duct tape. If this statement is saying that Casey was responsible but it was an accident, and that was said before said lawyer knew about the duct tape they were admitting it was Casey who put it on Caylee, but they didn't know that was what they were admitting. I bet that is why he quit. I am starting to get the picture that is why Nejame left also.(I know very little about him and that time of the case).

Did Casey feel confident to say it was an accident because she thought the remains would not be found? That leads us into the whole: Anthony family what they knew, what they did and when subjects. I want this to go to trial. Even for Casey's sake, I think this should go to trial. I don't think justice will be done unless this goes to trial. If Casey were to confess and tell all, then I guess there would be no need for a trial but no matter what I do not think Casey should be free on the street.

To a degree that I am not "pro DP", I understand AL and her job. But I have a dislike of her, I don't like the way she goes about it. She calls juror's who believe in the DP "killers" and IMO has no respect for people who have been the victims of the people she is tying to save from the DP.

That was not an admission of guilt, it was one sentence out of a 30 page document that we did not get to read about why the state should not pursue the DP in this case. It will never been seen by a jury just like any negotiations that went on during any attempts at a plea deal wouldn't be admissable.

They are running toxicology on the remains, if she is positive for xanax prosecution will present that in a logical fashion (ie she wasn't prescribed xanax so whomever gave it to her was reckless with her life at a minimum, death during aggravated child abuse, or intentional murder).

It's as good as admitting guilt - maybe not legally, but it's common sense.
You can easily obtain all size syringes,with or without needles attached,from any company that supplies items for livestock. You can also obtain most medications ,such as antibiotics and vaccinations for animals,through these companies,with no prescription.Jeffers Livestock,Tractor supply [they also have stores with syringes] Hoeggers Goat supplies,just to name a few.No pharmacy involved.Tractor supply keeps them stocked on the shelves.
Thank you for this information!! :dance: It is my opinion...and just my opinion only.. that she may have found the syringe and needle at the house, in her mother's medical supplies. CA worked as a Nurse Manager for a Home Health Agency (if I'm not mistaken) and possibly could have had some supplies at home (in the event that she had to take call and visit patients). (My friend is also a nurse manager for a Home Health Agency, and she did the same, had to take call and visit patients because of short staffing and because she was Manager. My friend also kept supplies... but kept them locked up in her car in her garage). Again, this is just my opinion only.

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