What Can We Do To Get Princess Blue Buried?

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Earthbound Misfit I

Justice for Kimberly Shawn Cheatham
Sep 30, 2005
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Any thoughts or ideas on what we can do in order to get Princess Blue buried? It's time that she should get to rest in peace instead of sitting on a shelf somewhere!
Oh my goodness RK - I must just be dense, but I didn't realize she had not been buried. I'll go back and refresh my memory about her case. She is in Texas right?

I agree there must be something we can do AND when we do it, we should do our best to make sure it is WELL publicized.

well if any of us live there where her remains are mabey ask the city or whoever for the right to bury her and we all donate what we can ? i will help
I think that is a good idea zadari. Do we have any sleuths that are local to Princess Blue that would be willing to coordinate with the local agencies in charge? We might be able to get a church to help us out.

In fact, if we don't have any locals, maybe that would be the thing to do, contact a local church?

might as well at least try it i guess .. the only thing i can mabey do is send a small amount of money .i dont have alot but id be happy to do it .
Bless your heart, zadari. We may be able to get something coordinated. Generally the police department has a funeral home they work with that will donate some things and if we can get a church involved, they will probably help with costs.

RK - If you like I will contact a Methodist Church where Princess Blue is located? Let me know if you would for me to do anything.

I haven't meant to ignore anyone here, I'm sorry. I thought I would get email notification if someone posted a new message on Princess Blue's Forum & I did not get them...hmmm.

Salem or anyone, I would love for you to do whatever possible in order for us to get Princess Blue buried. I do think that contacting the church would be a good start. Princess Blue is at the University of North Texas Health Science Center in Forth Worth. That facility operates the Texas Missing Persons DNA Database.

Let me know if there is anything I can do to help out! Thank you.
Do you have any contact info for the University? I think I would like to contact them first and see if they have any established procedures for burial and then based on their info, contact others as necessary.

If you have no info, that's okay, I'll go look it up :)

I think this is the contact information for the University...though I wouldn't swear to it :confused:

3500 Camp Bowie Blvd., Fort Worth, Texas 76107, (817)735-2000.

Do you have any contact info for the University? I think I would like to contact them first and see if they have any established procedures for burial and then based on their info, contact others as necessary.

If you have no info, that's okay, I'll go look it up :)

RK - I'm so sorry - I've let you down, here. I have done nothing on this case as of yet and I am about to go on vacation for week. I will not have my computer with me.

I will put this on my calendar and take care of it as soon as I get back. I am sorry!


It seems I get distracted easily with all these new breaking cases :(
Not a problem Salem :) I realize there is life outside of WS, LOL! You enjoy your vacation!

RK - I'm so sorry - I've let you down, here. I have done nothing on this case as of yet and I am about to go on vacation for week. I will not have my computer with me.

I will put this on my calendar and take care of it as soon as I get back. I am sorry!


It seems I get distracted easily with all these new breaking cases :(
I called the Unidentified Unit at 512-424-5074 and spoke with Teresa. She could give me no information because I am not Law Enforcement, but she did promise to pass my call back info to Sgt. Jay Coffman.

Teresa was surprised that I was not calling with a possible ID but instead was wondering what we could do to lay Princess Blue to rest.

I told Teresa I was with Lighting the Way Home, based in Georgia, a group of internet searchers that try to identify the unidentified. Unfortunately, I was not at my computer and could not give her the website address quickly but I told her I was happy to email our thread so she see could see all the wonderful work being done. She said she would leave it to the investigator (Sgt. Coffman) to provide an email address so I could send the links.

I'll keep you posted!


PS - I put all this here so I don't lose it :)
Last I heard, Sgt. Jay Coffman has retired. We had been corresponding with him at one time. I'm not sure if Richard Rosser from Brazoria County Sheriff Office is still on Princess Blue's case or not.

Thank you very much for making the contact with Teresa. Perhaps we are one step closer in getting Princess Blue buried.


I called the Unidentified Unit at 512-424-5074 and spoke with Teresa. She could give me no information because I am not Law Enforcement, but she did promise to pass my call back info to Sgt. Jay Coffman.

Teresa was surprised that I was not calling with a possible ID but instead was wondering what we could do to lay Princess Blue to rest.

I told Teresa I was with Lighting the Way Home, based in Georgia, a group of internet searchers that try to identify the unidentified. Unfortunately, I was not at my computer and could not give her the website address quickly but I told her I was happy to email our thread so she see could see all the wonderful work being done. She said she would leave it to the investigator (Sgt. Coffman) to provide an email address so I could send the links.

I'll keep you posted!


PS - I put all this here so I don't lose it :)
I've dropped the ball again. I'll try to push forward this week. I'm sorry guys! I get caught up in the other threads and forget to make phone calls before the offices close. :(

I've tried to call Det. Sgt. Adkins of the Manville Police Dept. but apparently I have the wrong number because I keep getting a disconnected number. I'll do a google and keep trying and let everyone know what happens.


ETA: I transposed a number, silly me! I called the detective and left a message. He was away from his desk. I left a pretty detailed message so maybe we will have answers when I next hear from him.
I've dropped the ball again. I'll try to push forward this week. I'm sorry guys! I get caught up in the other threads and forget to make phone calls before the offices close. :(


Glad I am not the only one that is 'droppin' the ball around here. I do the same thing, it get's quite, I jump in some other thread get involved, move another, then I forget. Don't feel bad! Someone always comes along and bumps and then we get reinterested.
I've left another message for the Detective. Hopefully he will call soon.

I have heard nothing from the Detective and I just get the feeling he does not want to talk to me :(

Does anyone else want to give him a try?

Hi again Salem and everyone ~
I can try to contact the Detective. You're right, RKnowley, Sgt. Coffman has retired and it was with heavy heart that this case was not solved. He TRULY did all that he could to try to get answers on this. I applaud him on being so approachable tho, and he can rest easy knowing that he and others locally involved DID do much to move this forward, at least. He always had nothing but good things to say about all of you that contacted him over the last couple of years about this case. In fact, he never referred to the case as anything OTHER than "Princess Blue." He gave much thought to your request to bury her and thought it was incredibly generous of all of you, as do I! It was jointly decided NOT to bury her until we had more answers, because of the need to possibly go back to her remains for answers/analysis/evidence. The Univ. of N. TX has a fine facility for these matters and I can promise you, they do this with the best intentions of the case in mind. If we were to bury her, and then at some point needed to re-examine her, I fear the cost and hassle to get her exhumed again would stall the investigation. I know it's not the "proper burial" we, as concerned citizens think she should have, with peaceful breezes blowing and flowers to mark her resting place, but I must agree at this time with the Investigators, in that answers are what she deserves, just as much, if not more...
what do you guys think?

~ sloane

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