What if George really was involved?

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Sounds believable to me. Especially the part about *why* CA has stuck by GA.

I've wondered if the common thread when it comes to CA staying with GA, CA being in denial about her daughter's pregnancy, not protecting ICA if GA molested ICA, not wanting ICA to give her baby up etc. is that she believes that she must look like she has a good family even if that is so far from the truth.

I think I've seen in places that the Anthony's are "typical" italian american Catholic's... could that have fueled CA's refusal to deny the truth no matter what? Were abortion, divorce, child abuse something that just went against her core beliefs of herself, her family, her god? More than any other explanation I can understand that. It doesn't even begin to excuse her actions, but its something I can understand.

I do have a problem casting GA as the victim in all of this. It just doesn't make any sense that he would have felt so hopeless, so powerless that he could do nothing but stay in the relationship all this time, long before Caylee was even a glint in ICA's eye.

I am not at all saying that CA was the poor wife and mother struggling to keep her family together. CA is not the victim either. But it does make me uncomfortable to point the finger at CA and say that she is making GA and LA lie or that she is mostly to blame for her husband's and daughter's bad behavior.

Sometimes the simplest answer is closest to the truth, but I don't think that there is anything simple about the Anthony family, their web of twisted loyalties, and their behavior that truly does seem to defy explanation.

But when I take a step back it looks to me like even as the public's opinion of the Ant's was very low, GA's was better than CA's, and even as he possibly lied on the stand as CA did his popularity ratings were much better than CA's.

So when I wonder how GA has managed to pull that off, the simple answer that comes to mind is that he has been doing it for a very, very long time.

I feel beaten and hopeless. I have a lot of physical problems that decided to all act up now, of all times. I feel like I just got run over by a big truck.

I really am so grateful that everyone is here. I really, really want to thank every post I read, but it takes a bit more time and I want to read as much as I can.:beats:
During The Prosecution's Closing Arguments Casey Anthony said "I wouldn't do that .. I wouldn't blame my mom" and in reference to her dad she said "It's not his fault." Casey Anthony from her mouth sitting at the defense table not knowing if she was going to get the death penalty said none of this is George Anthony's fault.

I do not know what to make of that.
The duct tape is what makes no sense to me in regards to an 'accident', as well. Here's one thing that bothers me, though -- I've never been able to actually SEE the duct tape and the placement on the skull. It has been described, but I would have a much clearer idea if I could view it, myself. I don't think those photos will ever be released, though.

I'm not sure if this helps you or not, but here is the thread about the pictures of the duct tape. They are just pictures of the strips themselves, not their placement.


I don't know if we can post it here, but there is a picture out there on the web of ICA and Caylee where the tape is superimposed over Caylee's face. IIRC there is also a diagram on Caylee's face that shows where the ductape was on her little face.
Hmmmm...the thread title brings up another equally valid question, what if monkeys flew outta my butt? :maddening:

JB would blame them for Caylee's death, would have used nifty computer graphics to make his point in closing statements.:crazy:

It gives me comfort to know that JB will bomb out big time in his next trial. He is not going to end up being "famous" like Johnny Cochran.
George not calling police himself about the car smelling like decomp and then going off to work probably made the jury suspicious. Then, if they even bothered to look back at dates (probably not) they might have noticed that the trunk didn't seem to start smelling until after the 24th when Casey gave him the gas cans back. None of this was explained by the state very well or other reasons given. It's kind of odd that George was so convinced that dope dealers or horrible people had harmed Caylee and framed Casey. Could she have had him convinced on the 24th? It's all so crazy.
exactly which causes suspect
I will never believe George had any part of this murder or cover up.
What cop would plant & use duct tape that was over his precious grand daughters face?
Casey did what all murdering mothers are known to do.
She wrapper her baby in a blanket, bagged her, & threw her close to home.
She didn't have the strength to bury her, George did.
If it doesn't make sense, it isn't true.
the same people who say he's a cop he'd call 911
I don't know why some people want to look for a reason or an excuse for Casey's behavior. It's like some people just refuse to believe that this young woman could commit a murder or do anything horrible to her child. Why? Sadly, it happens all.the.time. People love conspiracy theories and it also appears some people have watched too many tv shows and movies and are making this case much more complicated than it really is. This case IS complicated and we have seen a lot of crazy things, but to make up an even crazier, more complicated scenerio makes no sense.

These days, especially with young people, no one wants to take ANY responsibility for anything. It's always someone else's fault. I did this because they made me do it. I am this way because they made me this way. Blah blah blah. You could make excuses for every single killer out there but it doesn't matter. They are killers. Do you not think people like Ted Bundy or Jeffrey Dahmer or even one time killers like Susan Smith had a past? Sure, they did, but that doesn't excuse that they are murderers and should be punished.

It makes me sick that I've seen poor Casey, something wasn't right in that house or poor Casey her family is crazy. Well Casey is a self centered, selfish, spoiled brat, liar. Why can't that be all there is to it?

I'm not saying the Anthonys have no fault. I am not a fan of the Anthonys and I could go on and on about the reasons, however, their daughter, Casey is the one who murdered her child and no one made her do that. SHE did it.
Caylee died on June 15, after returning from visiting the great grandfather at the nursing home. I believe that Caylee's got caught in the crossfire of the argument Cindy and Casey had that night and was probably seriously injured or drowned in the pool when nobody was watching her. Caylee died on the night of the 15rh as a result of the argument. They didn't call 911 because Cindy saw that Caylee was dead and they would have had to tell the EMTs what happened.

When George got home that night he was told what happened. George has admitted he would do anything to protect Cindy and Casey. That is when they all sat down and began to plot what they were going to do to avoid reporting Caylee's death. Both Cindy and Casey would be prosecuted. George never saw Caylee on the 16th, her body was being stored at the house somewhere until they had a plan. Caylee's body wasn't in the trunk of Casey's car on the 16th, Caylee's body would have started to decompose by the 16th, unless her body was refrigerated or even frozen. Cindy and George would both know about refrigeration to stop decomp. Caylee's body was placed in the car on the 17th when Casey couldn't dig the grave. Not knowing what to do she waited for further instructions from GA and CA. While she was waiting to find out what to do, Casey put the body in the trunk never realizing that the body would begin to thaw quickly in FL heat and begin to leak decomp fluids. She later threw the body in the swamp

On the 24th, GA wasn't looking for anything in Casey's trunk, he and Casey were attempting to clean the trunk because it began to smell. Casey left thinking all was well since GA knew how to clean cars. But the decomp smell never left and got stronger. The day that Casey left the car at Amscot was pre-planned by the Anthony's while she was picking up food to take to Tony's. That is why she left her purse in the car, the family hoped someone would steal the car. When the car was towed instead of being stolen the script had to change. Casey was told to stay away from the house and only came around to get more clothing while CA and GA were working. GA and CA didn't want the neighbors seeing them all at the house at any given time, that would have blown their script.

The Anthonys were all in on this, and all took part in writing the script. They all knew how to lie. Per Casey's friend Annie, Casey wasn't smart enough to do this by herself. Even Cindy said "If Casey did this, she didn't do it by herself, she had help." Cindy definitely knew what Casey's involvement was when Casey called from the jail.

Caylee's body was left out there to decompose because both Cindy and George knew that had Caylee died from some sort of injuries she received as a result of the argument, an ME would be able to pinpoint the cause of death. Caylee could have suffered a brain injury without having a fractured skull. Once they were sure of the body being completely decomposed they sent Dom Casey out to look for the body, hoping that it would be found and they could possibly move it to another location. Cindy, George, and Casey put Caylee in the plastic bags and laundry bags thinking no smell would be detected if they sealed the body and the bags. They didn't think about animal activity.

I really don't think that Lee was a part of this plot at the time, he was deliberately kept out of the loop. It was later that he found out the real truth and he didn't want to lose his family, became a participant in the cover up and promised Casey he would help her. Casey is bitter towards her family for having to face all of the consequences by herself while they enjoyed cruises and trips all over the country. Casey didn't like getting the short end of the stick and her defense accusations were payback to the family for her alone being prosecuted. Casey decided to ruin all of their lives too.
I don't know why some people want to look for a reason or an excuse for Casey's behavior. It's like some people just refuse to believe that this young woman could commit a murder or do anything horrible to her child. Why? Sadly, it happens all.the.time. People love conspiracy theories and it also appears some people have watched too many tv shows and movies and are making this case much more complicated than it really is. This case IS complicated and we have seen a lot of crazy things, but to make up an even crazier, more complicated scenerio makes no sense.

These days, especially with young people, no one wants to take ANY responsibility for anything. It's always someone else's fault. I did this because they made me do it. I am this way because they made me this way. Blah blah blah. You could make excuses for every single killer out there but it doesn't matter. They are killers. Do you not think people like Ted Bundy or Jeffrey Dahmer or even one time killers like Susan Smith had a past? Sure, they did, but that doesn't excuse that they are murderers and should be punished.

It makes me sick that I've seen poor Casey, something wasn't right in that house or poor Casey her family is crazy. Well Casey is a self centered, selfish, spoiled brat, liar. Why can't that be all there is to it?

I'm not saying the Anthonys have no fault. I am not a fan of the Anthonys and I could go on and on about the reasons, however, their daughter, Casey is the one who murdered her child and no one made her do that. SHE did it.

Yup, that's pretty much the bottom line isn't it?

I think for me I just go over it in my brain so much because I want to know what really happened. I want to understand it. At the end of the day it is not going to make a hill of beans of difference if I know or understand what happened, but i guess i feel that understanding helps with prevention and awareness.

I doubt very much that anyone could ever predict that all this would happen, but you never know. I does seem like we do hear people say that when they look back they can see clues or indications that something was really wrong. They never thought that something so horrifying would happen, but they knew there was "something" not right, yet they never called the authorities.

People probably look at what ICA did and think that something like that could never happen to anyone they know. And ya know they are probably right, but I'd bet they know a child that is being sexually abused or a wife that is beaten.

It is horrible that people need to broken out of this nievete but if no one thinks to look, no one tells, no one listens and it just goes on and on.

If intervention saves one child's life because a neighbor called children's services on a hunch then that's huge. That's not as likely to happen if people don't know what to look for or what they should not ignore. And it won't happen at all if people don't realize that horrible things really do happen behind closed doors, in their neighborhood, and sometimes right next door.
Whether it was George, another member of the A's, a friend, whoever. I honestly cannot fathom how Casey was able to pull this off without help. I think if you step back then review the LE interviews with all of the Anthony's you'll be able to pick out the subtle truths they tell versus what they use to deflect and muddle the water. For every truth told they tell 2 lies to cloud you up and make you look elsewhere.
If George was molesting Casey and it was not just a figment of her imagination like Juliette Lewis and Zanny the Nanny why didn't she take the stand? And confront her attacker? Why didn't she make this claim on any one day in the last 993 days she was in jail and protected? To ensure her attacker was arrested and paying for his crime?

It is really easy to hide behind a lawyer to make wild claims which apparently won her her case and lets her walk free after murdering her innocent little baby. But not one word, not one iota of anything except about Lee and then all of a sudden she was molested by George. This is how jurors get duped. It isn't who is innocent or guilty it is that defense attorneys get to pull this carp.

Casey is spiteful. There is no way she would have not reported George a long long time ago.

Something happened in that house on the 15th. I'm convinced. Casey took off with Caylee. They all lied to protect Casey and look what happened. It gave a defense attorney a door to drive a bulldozer through.

There has not been one word about Caylee being molested. Not one word even from the worst foul mouthed Attorney in the world. Where is this Caylee being molested coming from? Molested to death?
This thread has been closed because there is NO evidence that GA was involved in Caylee's murder and the conversation is based on speculation and bashing, which just isn't needed at this time.

If evidence surfaces, please bring it to our attention and we will reconsider the thread.


So Casey KNOWS her father just raped and killed her baby girl, AND Casey's response is to call Tony and discuss their movie date? And a few hours later she goes out on that date, no sorrow, no tears? REALLY?

And Casey never looks in the trunk of her car to figure out where the smell was coming from? And she never goes to anyone for help? Never tells anyone that her dad has raped her for years and just killed her child and is threatening to blame her? She just goes on with her happy go lucky lifestyle?

And you said ' Casey OR george left the car @ Amscott. WRONG. Casey left it there because she called Tony to pick her up there. George was not involved in that at all.

And what about her telling Amy that her parents were leaving her the house? She was even letting Amy use the address as her own and having some belongings sent there already. What was that about?

There is much more evidence that Casey was framing George than the other way around. And it looks like it worked.

I totally agree.

Reading some of the posts on this thread breaks my heart. :cry:
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