What is the origin of the planking rumor?

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Max's injuries happened in his father's house, not Dina's. The sad fact is that two children were injured while RZ was the only adult in the house. Blaming the children or their absent parents isn't going to change that fact.


I disagree. A parent is still responsible for their child's safety even when they leave them in someone else's care. For a parent not to be aware or attentive to what goes on with their child especially a six year old shows lackadaisical and careless parenting, imo.

Parents should plan and be in charge of the activities that they want their young children to be involved with when they are not present. They should not simply close their eyes and take a nap and forget about a child just because they hand that child over for someone else to supervise for a short time.

Imo, being a parent is a twenty-four times seven job until the kid is independent and on their own.
IF, IF, IF RZ was the only adult in the house. That has never been proved. Mybelle, you are 'assuming'.Even though we all know this, it bears repeating:
To 'assume' makes an *advertiser censored* out of U and ME.
I'd never let a kid play with such a toy in a dangerous manner. But apparently RZ had no problem allowing it in the house or on the second floor and also had no problem allowing him to use it unsupervised while she was the only adult in the house.


Whether Max played with the scooter inside would have been Jonah and Dina's call and not Rebecca's call. Imo, Jonah apparently did not set effective limits with his children. That is why the older kids were allowed to get away with being rude to Rebecca.

The fact that Jonah allowed that leads me to believe that he identified more with the children than with the other adult (Rebecca) in the household. He did not discourage the childish behavior because he was somewhat childish himself, imo, so I can see him allowing Max to do what he wanted to do with out setting appropriate limits.

I do not believe that Rebecca had the right to set those limits nor was she given the authority do so. If she had been given authority within the home then I doubt whether the older kids would have disrespected her. Another thing is that given the lack of respect she endured I think it likely that she wanted out of the relationship. She wasn't satisfied with it. Period.

Also, I see the same childish behavior in Dina allowing Max access to the candy drawer. That seems indulgent to me because children don't know how to choose behaviors wisely. Adults are responsible for teaching them and helping them to learn that, imo.
Whether Max played with the scooter inside would have been Jonah and Dina's call and not Rebecca's call. Imo, Jonah apparently did not set effective limits with his children. That is why the older kids were allowed to get away with being rude to Rebecca.

The fact that Jonah allowed that leads me to believe that he identified more with the children than with the other adult (Rebecca) in the household. He did not discourage the childish behavior because he was somewhat childish himself, imo, so I can see him allowing Max to do what he wanted to do with out setting appropriate limits.

I do not believe that Rebecca had the right to set those limits nor was she given the authority do so. If she had been given authority within the home then I doubt whether the older kids would have disrespected her. Another thing is that given the lack of respect she endured I think it likely that she wanted out of the relationship. She wasn't satisfied with it. Period.

Also, I see the same childish behavior in Dina allowing Max access to the candy drawer. That seems indulgent to me because children don't know how to choose behaviors wisely. Adults are responsible for teaching them and helping them to learn that, imo.

I wonder how Dina would be reacting/behaving if this accident had happened on Nina's watch, or when her former boy friend was watching Max? Did Jonah do a background check on him?
I wonder how Dina would be reacting/behaving if this accident had happened on Nina's watch, or when her former boy friend was watching Max? Did Jonah do a background check on him?

Your point is well taken and I agree that the outcome would have been different. I do think that Dina would still be a victim however and would go after the toy manufacturer or possibly her former boyfriend. I do not think she would go after Nina. They seem protective of each other.

However, since it didn't happen, I would rather concentrate on how Dina acted given the known facts.
Your point is well taken and I agree that the outcome would have been different. I do think that Dina would still be a victim however and would go after the toy manufacturer or possibly her former boyfriend. I do not think she would go after Nina. They seem protective of each other.

However, since it didn't happen, I would rather concentrate on how Dina acted given the known facts.

She blames Rebecca, not Jonah, or at least not publicly. If she is contemplating a civil suit for wrongful death, which I think she is, she will go after Jonah...........follow the money.
I disagree. A parent is still responsible for their child's safety even when they leave them in someone else's care. For a parent not to be aware or attentive to what goes on with their child especially a six year old shows lackadaisical and careless parenting, imo.

Parents should plan and be in charge of the activities that they want their young children to be involved with when they are not present. They should not simply close their eyes and take a nap and forget about a child just because they hand that child over for someone else to supervise for a short time.

Imo, being a parent is a twenty-four times seven job until the kid is independent and on their own.

The law is quite clear. For example, if the child is injured at daycare, the daycare has liability, not the parent.

I'm pretty sure the law agrees with me. Whether it be a grandparent, babysitter or parent, the adult with physical custody of the child at the time of the injury is responsible for the safety of the child. According to RZ's statement to police, she was the only adult present at the time of the injuries to Max and XZ. JS placed his son in her care.

Divorced parents have never been "in charge" of activities that occur in the home of the other parent. I don't believe a case exists that supports your view that Dina, but not RZ, is responsible. If there is one, please link it. Thanks.

Whether Max played with the scooter inside would have been Jonah and Dina's call and not Rebecca's call. Imo, Jonah apparently did not set effective limits with his children. That is why the older kids were allowed to get away with being rude to Rebecca.

The fact that Jonah allowed that leads me to believe that he identified more with the children than with the other adult (Rebecca) in the household. He did not discourage the childish behavior because he was somewhat childish himself, imo, so I can see him allowing Max to do what he wanted to do with out setting appropriate limits.

I do not believe that Rebecca had the right to set those limits nor was she given the authority do so. If she had been given authority within the home then I doubt whether the older kids would have disrespected her. Another thing is that given the lack of respect she endured I think it likely that she wanted out of the relationship. She wasn't satisfied with it. Period.

Also, I see the same childish behavior in Dina allowing Max access to the candy drawer. That seems indulgent to me because children don't know how to choose behaviors wisely. Adults are responsible for teaching them and helping them to learn that, imo.

Dina had no control of where Max played with his toys. RZ lived there. I find it impossible to believe RZ was incapable of supervising a six-year-old's play time.

Max didn't die of a candy overdose in his mother's house; he died from a horrific fall at his father's house.

She blames Rebecca, not Jonah, or at least not publicly. If she is contemplating a civil suit for wrongful death, which I think she is, she will go after Jonah...........follow the money.

If I were in her shoes, I'd certainly publicly pursue all parties I felt responsible. If Jonah had only adhered to Dina's request, Max would not have been left alone with RZ.

The law is quite clear. For example, if the child is injured at daycare, the daycare has liability, not the parent.

I'm pretty sure the law agrees with me. Whether it be a grandparent, babysitter or parent, the adult with physical custody of the child at the time of the injury is responsible for the safety of the child. According to RZ's statement to police, she was the only adult present at the time of the injuries to Max and XZ. JS placed his son in her care.

Divorced parents have never been "in charge" of activities that occur in the home of the other parent. I don't believe a case exists that supports your view that Dina, but not RZ, is responsible. If there is one, please link it. Thanks.


What's the point? We've gone over this before. RZ is dead. Her family is not wealthy, by any standard. They are not responsible for Max's death.

There's nothing to be gained by slandering them or trying to extract money from them, money that they don't have.

There is no proof that Rebecca caused Max's death.

There is nothing to be gained in pursuing more vengeance. Rebecca may have already lost her life in a "revenge" killing for Max's death.

Her murderer is still walking free, shopping, taking vacations, eating out at nice restaurants, enjoying friends and family, etc. with nothing to burden them except perhaps a guilty conscience.

Even though she wasn't responsible for Max's death, she paid the ultimate price - the loss of her life. Isn't that enough?

IMO, if I were RZ's surviving family, I would beef up security measures around my home and be careful in public.
What's the point? We've gone over this before. RZ is dead. Her family is not wealthy, by any standard. They are not responsible for Max's death.

There's nothing to be gained by slandering them or trying to extract money from them, money that they don't have.

There is no proof that Rebecca caused Max's death.

There is nothing to be gained in pursuing more vengeance. Rebecca may have already lost her life in a "revenge" killing for Max's death.

Her murderer is still walking free, shopping, taking vacations, eating out at nice restaurants, enjoying friends and family, etc. with nothing to burden them except perhaps a guilty conscience.

Even though she wasn't responsible for Max's death, she paid the ultimate price - the loss of her life. Isn't that enough?

IMO, if I were RZ's surviving family, I would beef up security measures around my home and be careful in public.

Rah, rah. Excellent post.
If I were in her shoes, I'd certainly publicly pursue all parties I felt responsible. If Jonah had only adhered to Dina's request, Max would not have been left alone with RZ.


Considering that since Rebecca moved in with Jonah in early 2010, Dina had quite a long time to get Jonah to adhere to her wishes/request, but I guess that for some reason that he chose not to. IMO, Dina is blowing smoke about any agreement regarding Rebecca not watching Max without Jonah around, other wise, she would have had him summoned into Maricopa County Family Court, and a Court Appointed Parenting Co-ordinator would have been appointed, and they would all have been in meetings weekly with that counselor to hash out the details.........and whatever the CAPCO said, would be documented in a court decree, and if either party violated it, then they all would have been back in front of the judge.
What's the point? We've gone over this before. RZ is dead. Her family is not wealthy, by any standard. They are not responsible for Max's death.

There's nothing to be gained by slandering them or trying to extract money from them, money that they don't have.

There is no proof that Rebecca caused Max's death.

There is nothing to be gained in pursuing more vengeance. Rebecca may have already lost her life in a "revenge" killing for Max's death.

Her murderer is still walking free, shopping, taking vacations, eating out at nice restaurants, enjoying friends and family, etc. with nothing to burden them except perhaps a guilty conscience.

Even though she wasn't responsible for Max's death, she paid the ultimate price - the loss of her life. Isn't that enough?

IMO, if I were RZ's surviving family, I would beef up security measures around my home and be careful in public.

Why? Dina hasn't threated RZ's family. I've not seen any slander by Dina. She's asked for a thorough police investigation into the death of her child which she has every right to do. She also has every right to believe and express her opinion that RZ was responsible for the death of her child.

Considering that since Rebecca moved in with Jonah in early 2010, Dina had quite a long time to get Jonah to adhere to her wishes/request, but I guess that for some reason that he chose not to. IMO, Dina is blowing smoke about any agreement regarding Rebecca not watching Max without Jonah around, other wise, she would have had him summoned into Maricopa County Family Court, and a Court Appointed Parenting Co-ordinator would have been appointed, and they would all have been in meetings weekly with that counselor to hash out the details.........and whatever the CAPCO said, would be documented in a court decree, and if either party violated it, then they all would have been back in front of the judge.

If Dina feels Jonah is responsible for Max's death, why isn't she pursuing a lawsuit against him? The fact that she's not attempting to hold Jonah responsible while engaging in ad hom attacks against a dead woman doesn't make sense.

Perhaps, in her next interview, Dina can explain why she's not taking Jonah to court. It would be interesting to hear her answer.
Considering that since Rebecca moved in with Jonah in early 2010, Dina had quite a long time to get Jonah to adhere to her wishes/request, but I guess that for some reason that he chose not to. IMO, Dina is blowing smoke about any agreement regarding Rebecca not watching Max without Jonah around, other wise, she would have had him summoned into Maricopa County Family Court, and a Court Appointed Parenting Co-ordinator would have been appointed, and they would all have been in meetings weekly with that counselor to hash out the details.........and whatever the CAPCO said, would be documented in a court decree, and if either party violated it, then they all would have been back in front of the judge.

What you or I believe Dina shoulda, woulda, coulda done doesn't matter at this point. She doesn't get a do-over nor is there any way to predict what a Judge would have done.

Jonah knows if Dina is blowing smoke.

It is quite a shame that the deceased cannot be slandered according to the law. If it were possible, then a cease and desist could have been sent by Rebecca's lawyers. No different than JS did once Anne Bremner began to courageously speak out about the truths. But, of course, this cannot be done so the defamation continues against Rebecca.
If Dina feels Jonah is responsible for Max's death, why isn't she pursuing a lawsuit against him? The fact that she's not attempting to hold Jonah responsible while engaging in ad hom attacks against a dead woman doesn't make sense.

Perhaps, in her next interview, Dina can explain why she's not taking Jonah to court. It would be interesting to hear her answer.

I think Cali has a two-year statute to file a wrongful death action and her attorney has already acknowledged that is a possible next step.

If Dina feels Jonah is responsible for Max's death, why isn't she pursuing a lawsuit against him? The fact that she's not attempting to hold Jonah responsible while engaging in ad hom attacks against a dead woman doesn't make sense.

Perhaps, in her next interview, Dina can explain why she's not taking Jonah to court. It would be interesting to hear her answer.

IMO, each time she has been asked about Jonah, she seems uncomfortable and doesn't respond directly........it could be that she is not permitted to openly say anything remotely negative about him, per their divorce decree. She still has until July to file a civil suit, and yes, it will be interesting to watch that as it unfolds.
IMO, each time she has been asked about Jonah, she seems uncomfortable and doesn't respond directly........it could be that she is not permitted to openly say anything remotely negative about him, per their divorce decree. She still has until July to file a civil suit, and yes, it will be interesting to watch that as it unfolds.

He has any army of lawyers poised to jump on anyone for anything.
It is quite a shame that the deceased cannot be slandered according to the law. If it were possible, then a cease and desist could have been sent by Rebecca's lawyers. No different than JS did once Anne Bremner began to courageously speak out about the truths. But, of course, this cannot be done so the defamation continues against Rebecca.

I think Dina truly believes RZ was responsible and she has every right to express her opinion even if RZ were still alive. Nicole Simpson's family certainly did not cease offering their opinions about OJ's involvement in her death after he was found not guilty.

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