What Will KC's Reaction Be When She Sees TL at Trial

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I'm glad you brought this topic up, it has crossed my mind as well..Really it could go either way, I agree with those saying she will sit, jaw clinched, hating him. But I think we just may see her crack...shes always been able to avoid, i.e lying, hiding, when she doesn't want to face the truth. I think she holds her friends on a different level and will be crying her eyes out when she finally sees TL, and the rest of her friends(well old friends;) I think she may direct some of the animosity from the breakup towards Cindy. It will be very interesting to see her reactions regardless.
O/T What if KC's fingers were chemically burned from the mixture she used on Caylee to knock her out? Instead of letting her fingers heal she keeps picking at her fingers. Sorry, for being off topic, but my last post just raised a red flag to me.
It would be interesting if Tony brings a new girlfriend to support him. I do not believe Casey believes that a male could be interested in a female other than her! She needs some doses of reality, in the fact that the whole world does not revolve around her.
To me, I just don't think Casey ever actually cared about anyone - he was just another in a long line of guys. She's deep into her delusion/fantasy world of victimhood and needing to be strong and 'gonna get through this and start a better life'. I think she'll see Tony as part of the 'enemy' who is victimizing her. She will stare blankly, emptily ahead, eyes bugged and trying to make sense of the proceeding.
In the words of an old SNL skit........

"Ooooops! I cr*pped my pants!"

I think her tugging, self-grooming, preening, smoothing, picking, wiping behavior, in attempt to preen and sooth herself, will be off the charts.
I think she will be agitated..After all in her mind, everything that has happened is someone else's fault.

she will be resentful because he is out living life while she is in Jail, and in her mind she did this so they could be together without the burden of being a parent. sigh~

She will look at him when he isn't looking at her, but if her looks at her she will look away. In my Opinion she will try hard to not show emotions, but she will clench her teeth and jaw, like she does when she gets mad or hurt.
She will constantly smooth her hair or clothing and think to herself "I AM SO FRICKIN' HOT! What did I ever see in that loser? I KNOW he misses me"

It would be interesting if Tony brings a new girlfriend to support him. I do not believe Casey believes that a male could be interested in a female other than her! She needs some doses of reality, in the fact that the whole world does not revolve around her.

Or better yet... his hot wife (the one he's going to live the beautiful life with) and their gorgeous young son or daughter.
ICA's ego for one, as well as all her other personality traits, will not allow her to acknowledge TL or any other former acquaintances.

She just doesn't care about them. She used them and "tossed" them aside when their usefulness was finished. Just like Caylee, only they didn't land in swampy water.
ICA's ego for one, as well as all her other personality traits, will not allow her to acknowledge TL or any other former acquaintances.

She just doesn't care about them. She used them and "tossed" them aside when their usefulness was finished. Just like Caylee, only they didn't land in swampy water.

countzero, IMO you and sharpar are spot-on. She will not acknowledge TL because if she does he "wins." She may well watch him on the stand or observe his movement through the courtroom, because if she doesn't look at him at all, he might think she is afraid of him/his testimony (and again, he would "win"), but if she does look at him it will be with a 1,000-mile stare to tell him & the world he is frozen out. Her body may betray her with unusual amounts of jaw clenching or self-calming gestures but she will be as close to 100% robot as possible while he is there.

In her mind he toyed with her (NY trip teasing) and then betrayed her (UC taping). HE broke her heart and HE messed up.

And countzero I appreciate your precision in choosing "acquaintances" rather than "friends."
I think she'll stick her nose in the air and clench her jaw like she always does.
Ughhh I can't wait a whole year more for this trial!
She knows well where these people stand by now. As I have written here before, what Maya D. said made a big impact on me as far as being able to visualize KC's sociopathy. When she wants no part of something, she will smile it off, or go cold fish. Same will happen in court, she will disconnect to protect herself from feeling anything, showing perceived weakness.
If she does get upset, I am thinking it will be out of frustration, because she will feel misunderstood. Thank goodness she is locked up, because I think she could have easily played on her friend's emotions and reluctance to believe their friend is a murderer. we have the luxury here of not having known KC, so she can't play that one on us. Hopefully she is not keen enough to try to sway them with crying. And hopefully they have disconnected from her enough to not care if she cries.
She will ask Baez to tell the Judge..."Make him stop"
countzero, IMO you and sharpar are spot-on. She will not acknowledge TL because if she does he "wins." She may well watch him on the stand or observe his movement through the courtroom, because if she doesn't look at him at all, he might think she is afraid of him/his testimony (and again, he would "win"), but if she does look at him it will be with a 1,000-mile stare to tell him & the world he is frozen out. Her body may betray her with unusual amounts of jaw clenching or self-calming gestures but she will be as close to 100% robot as possible while he is there.

In her mind he toyed with her (NY trip teasing) and then betrayed her (UC taping). HE broke her heart and HE messed up.

And countzero I appreciate your precision in choosing "acquaintances" rather than "friends."
What's interesting in her jailhouse letters, is despite desperately wanting his phone number when she got arrested, not once does she mention him! Only how Jesse betrayed her...
I don't think the case will last long enough for us to see that reunion with TL. She is not dealing well with the few accusations that have come up during court recently. With JP's new court schedule she will be at wits end before the trial, I think there will be a plea. I think JB might have told her that he can't make all this go away.
I don't think the case will last long enough for us to see that reunion with AL. She is not dealing well with the few accusations that have come up during court recently. With JP's new court schedule she will be at wits end before the trial, I think there will be a plea. I think JB might have told her that he can't make all this go away.
If KC were to set eyes on TL--my bet is that she would INDEED have feelings (after all! He was her "boyfriend" as she stated during her call home when she wanted his phone number)---however, she would never let any feelings show. She is a master of going all lifeless (like a 2 day dead cod carcass) when backed into a corner.
To everyone's dismay this case will very likely wind up without a trial...the closest KC will have to another TL "boyfriend" will be the guys who are writing to her in Jail.
She'll have a lot of the reactions that you folks have pointed out, plus, she will also be maddly scribbling notes and sliding them to whoever is sitting next to her.
Then, slamming herself back up against her chair, pouty faced and visably, very, very angry.

She'll then do some lint flicking, hair smoothing, rubbing of her hands, and then grab that ink pen again to start scribbling notes of denial all over again.

Her Dream Team is gonna have a hell of a time reigning her in and keeping her composed.
She will poke at her fake tears with her middle finger ,which will amazingling resemble an obscene gesture.Worked really well when GA was on the stand.
Y'all left out "eye-poking" and then studying the mascara flakes on the tips of her fingers as if they are gilt tea leaves she is both proud and astonished to have produced.

One of these days JB is going to come to court whining that all the adjectives used to describe her on line are all insulting, only to be told that, unfortunately, they are all true. Someone only a mother could love. And I mean only.
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