Why doesn't CPS take away the minor children?

DB was in her home; her partner, JI, was coming home soon. There was another adult there, as well as another child. There were 4 children in the house that night, only one was abducted. Lisa was targeted by a bald headed, sprinkler turning off, fire setting homeless drifter who was in the area of JI/DB's house that night. IMHO

So if mom was sitting at home snorting drugs with 3 kids in the house it would be ok because JI was due home?
Not in my book. When one is doped up or drunk they have no business having the responsibly of watching children. Especially a sick baby. moo
So if mom was sitting at home snorting drugs with 3 kids in the house it would be ok because JI was due home?
Not in my book. When one is doped up or drunk they have no business having the responsibly of watching children. Especially a sick baby. moo

Drugs are illegal, alcohol is not. Not saying it's right either way, but there is a difference as to how it's looked at from a CPS perspective.

Ummmm, isn't one enough?

As for the "other adult" - she was also drinking so no one was actually on duty. I know I'm getting into uncomfortable territory for many people here as drinking around kids is not uncommon - however, this situation is a good example of what can happen when parents are being negligent - and yes, I sincerely believe that getting drunk without a nominated 'sober adult' is negligent when in charge of small children.

Thank you, ITA
What happens if you dont have a 'sober adult' and your child gets hurt and needs emergency medical help? What if a fire brakes out? An infant cant "evacuate" on their own. (IIRC- we had a local case that this happened and mom was charged b/c a child perished in the fire while mom was passed out)

I know that in my county Schools will NOT release kids to parents that are obviously under the influence of drugs and/or alcohol.
My son came to live with us because his bio-mom showed up drunk, (strong alcohol smell) and the school notified the police who took him into protective custody b/c she didnt have anyone 'sober' to care for him.
Moving This From Another Thread...

Every time I read here....something unbelieveable is happening with this SAD case.

My bigest concerns are for the two boys who are in this horrible situation! In Florida we have the "Guardian ad Litem Program"....

This person is assigned cases when ANY child is in a legal/courtcase dispute. When "Bio Dad/JI" was awarded custody of his son, the GAL should have been working with both parents. The GAL should have helped the "Bio mom" complete her "Case Plan." The GAL should have also made monthly home visits with the "Bio Dad/JI" to check on the boy's daily home situation and his general welfare. DB's son should have also been given a Guardian ad Litem to help him navigate the seperation agreement between his "Bio Dad" and DB.

I am one and I am confident that these little boys really need someone to be looking after their "Best Interests!" They have to be suffering emotionally from their loss of their sibling, Little Lisa and being removed from their home...not to mention the Press Coverage and Law Enforcement issues!!!

Who knows if MO has a program such as this? If they Do...Why in the he77 isn't this program overseeing this situation and protecting these two innocent boys???

Dear God...Please Send Baby Lisa Home to the People Who Love Her!
Moved from wrong thread ([ame="http://www.websleuths.com/forums/showthread.php?t=155082"]Irwin Attorney: ‘Jersey’ Bragged About Kidnapping Lisa Irwin - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community[/ame])
sorry to mods :)

Originally Posted by MissFine
Plenty of 'stuff' that points to this woman.
LE should haul her in for child neglect for being drunk when children were home in her care. moo

If that's the case I think we (as in the entire world) better get busy building jails because I would bet that there are millions of parents that put their children to bed and have enough to drink to be drunk and/or tipsy. Tons of parents who go out partying and drinking and send the babysitter off when they get home.

And this is the crux of it for me - that so many people want her hung out to dry because she drank.

Personally, I don't think 5-8 glasses of wine is out of this world drinking in the space of 3 1/2 - 4 hours, while chatting with a friend.

Actually now that I think about it, I should report myself, 'cause I'm very sure when my kids were younger, I've done it. And thankfully, not that night, nor any other, did somebody come into my house and take my child/ren.
And one could say the same for "discipline." As in, I spank my child on the bottom with an open hand, but you (not you, personally) strike them with a belt. I feel my form of discipline is fine, and yet, so do you! Yet, CPS has been known to come into houses and remove children for the way they were being "disciplined, a "subjective" issue.

What would have happened if one of those children required medical attention? For all we know, one of them did.

JMO, I would never defend anyone being in charge of children and passing out due to drugs or booze. Passing out is the concern obviously, but some sober tired parents or other adults also fall asleep when taking care of children. And I think many regularly go to sleep at night while children are in the home. JMO
Southern Comfort would you of allowed LE or the FBI to of searched your house for baby Lisa like over 200 households did?


And I would never drink in the presence of my kids. I think DB was completely neglectful.

However, whether DB and JI consented to a search and whether DB was neglectful are separate issues from whether the government should barge in and remove the kids from their home on the facts we have.
Moving This From Another Thread...

Every time I read here....something unbelieveable is happening with this SAD case.

My bigest concerns are for the two boys who are in this horrible situation! In Florida we have the "Guardian ad Litem Program"....

This person is assigned cases when ANY child is in a legal/courtcase dispute. When "Bio Dad/JI" was awarded custody of his son, the GAL should have been working with both parents. The GAL should have helped the "Bio mom" complete her "Case Plan." The GAL should have also made monthly home visits with the "Bio Dad/JI" to check on the boy's daily home situation and his general welfare. DB's son should have also been given a Guardian ad Litem to help him navigate the seperation agreement between his "Bio Dad" and DB.

I am one and I am confident that these little boys really need someone to be looking after their "Best Interests!" They have to be suffering emotionally from their loss of their sibling, Little Lisa and being removed from their home...not to mention the Press Coverage and Law Enforcement issues!!!

Who knows if MO has a program such as this? If they Do...Why in the he77 isn't this program overseeing this situation and protecting these two innocent boys???

Dear God...Please Send Baby Lisa Home to the People Who Love Her!


Just out of curiosity, how do you know that nobody is overseeing the situation and protecting the kids?
JMO, I would never defend anyone being in charge of children and passing out due to drugs or booze. Passing out is the concern obviously, but some sober tired parents or other adults also fall asleep when taking care of children. And I think many regularly go to sleep at night while children are in the home. JMO

Flossie! :seeya::blowkiss:
from the "jeremy" thread:
This is ny question: Why haven't the two other children been taken from that home? I'm not asking this because I don't like the parents, I don't, I'm asking this because she admitted to being drugged/passed out. What do the authorities think about this?....OR, don't they care. Poor Baby Lisa!

ITA as i stated earlier in the "jeremy" thread when i posted several links to articles where drunk babysitters were charged with neglect... i fail to see the difference b/w them and a "mom"... in my eyes, a care giver is a care giver. and if a mom wants to get blacked out drunk, fine, just hire a sitter.
Moved from wrong thread (Irwin Attorney: ‘Jersey’ Bragged About Kidnapping Lisa Irwin - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community)
sorry to mods :)

If that's the case I think we (as in the entire world) better get busy building jails because I would bet that there are millions of parents that put their children to bed and have enough to drink to be drunk and/or tipsy. Tons of parents who go out partying and drinking and send the babysitter off when they get home.

And this is the crux of it for me - that so many people want her hung out to dry because she drank.

Personally, I don't think 5-8 glasses of wine is out of this world drinking in the space of 3 1/2 - 4 hours, while chatting with a friend.

Actually now that I think about it, I should report myself, 'cause I'm very sure when my kids were younger, I've done it. And thankfully, not that night, nor any other, did somebody come into my house and take my child/ren.
Nobody came into their house either...

Did you drink until you might have blacked out? That's where the problem lies with me. I don't think she blacked out. Too wishy washy on that answer for me. Didn't she say something like "I might have" when asked if she blacked out? Correct me if I'm wrong.
she said she got drunk. so drunk she can't remember if she checked on her kids. wonderful quality in a care giver!!
she said she got drunk. so drunk she can't remember if she checked on her kids. wonderful quality in a care giver!!

They are not going to remove the kids based off one instance. Just like a whole lot of other things do not get the ultimate penalty based off one instance.

Besides even that though, it can't even be proven (and yes you have to prove it, not take someone's word for it) that DB was drunk or passed out that night. How are you going to take the kids out of the home when you can't even prove if there was neglect in the home in the first place?
I don't think that this will even be a question once parent or parents are arrested. And, yes, I believe they will be. It might not be today or tomorrow, but it will happen.
IMHO - By DB own admission/confession on the night Lisa disappeared, DB had over consumed enough liquor/beer to alter her senses and memory to the degree of not remembering if she checked on her sick baby after putting her down to sleep at 4:30 or 6:30pm. This is neglect. Was DB's self induced mental impairment a contributing factor in the disappearance of Lisa? Yes. Are the other children at risk???? Maybe, I only hope that CPS are keeping a watchful eye.JMO.
IMHO - By DB own admission/confession on the night Lisa disappeared, DB had over consumed enough liquor/beer to alter her senses and memory to the degree of not remembering if she checked on her sick baby after putting her down to sleep at 4:30 or 6:30pm. This is neglect. Was DB's self induced mental impairment a contributing factor in the disappearance of Lisa? Yes. Are the other children at risk???? Maybe, I only hope that CPS are keeping a watchful eye.JMO.

Her own admission isn't going to get the kids taken out. It needs to be proven/investigated.

Show me where someone else can testify that she was drunk to the point of blacking out. Have that person go to CPS and say she was drunk to where she could no longer take care of the kids. Have other people go to CPS and say there is a pattern of DB getting drunk and the kids are constantly being neglected. That will get CPS involved.
Her own admission isn't going to get the kids taken out. It needs to be proven/investigated.

Show me where someone else can testify that she was drunk to the point of blacking out. Have that person go to CPS and say she was drunk to where she could no longer take care of the kids. Have other people go to CPS and say there is a pattern of DB getting drunk and the kids are constantly being neglected. That will get CPS involved.

BBM - I think by DB's own admission and confession that she was drunk is enough self incrimination that doesn't require a witness. Why would DB tell the whole world she was drunk, if she was not?

Why would DB want to appear neglectful and irresponsible?

No, I don't think there has to be a witness to this. The statement itself says enough because the opposite of that statement would be that, DB was sober and had the mental capacity to recall events of the evening and give this crucial information to LE to assist them in finding her missing child.

I maintain, that I hope that CPS is watching/checking on these children, afterall, one of the three is missing.

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