Found Deceased WI - Prince McRee, 5, Critical Missing, last seen 9am at home near 54th & Meinecke, discovered missing 1pm, Milwaukee, 25 Oct 2023

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DNA Solves
yes, that struck me as well. By the time mom was awake Prince was already dead and she unknowingly took his murdered to the store to grab food. Can you imagine? The horror.
Thursday, November 9th:
*Preliminary Hearing (@ 8:30am ET) - WI - Prince McCree (5) went missing around 1pm on Oct. 25, 2023 & on 10/26/23 found dead in dumpster, the child was found with injuries from blunt force trauma a mile south on the 5500 block of West Vliet Street near Holly Road, Milwaukee. *David E. Pietura (27) arrested (10/26/23) & charged (10/30/23) with 1st degree intentional homicide, felony physical abuse of a child, repeated acts causing death, hiding a corpse, as a party to a crime.
Case & Court info from 10/25/23 thru 10/30/23 reference post #95 here:

10/31/23 Update: Pietura: Initial appearance. Judge Susan Roth. Defendant David E Pietura in court, in custody. Attorney Mary Garvin Guimont in court for Pietura. Prosecuting attorney Matthew J. Torbenson in court for the State of Wisconsin. Defendant is advised this case is assigned to Judge Kies, Branch 45. Defendant given a copy of the complaint & advised of maximum penalties, right to counsel & right to a preliminary hearing. Court reviewed the complaint & found probable cause to hold the defendant for further proceedings. Defendant is indigent & public defender will provide counsel. Preliminary hearing scheduled for 11/6/23 & 8:30am. No Contact Provision ordered. Court ordered no contact with the family of PRM or co-defendant Mendoza. No contact/No weapons Order.
11/6/23 Update: Defendant Pietura not in court, in custody. Prosecuting attorney Megan Marie Newport in court for the State of Wisconsin. Case set for preliminary hearing. SPD has not yet appointed counsel. Court ordered case adjourned for CAUSE for Preliminary Hearing in Branch PE. Hearing scheduled for 11/9/23 at 8:30am.
*Erik J. Mendoza aka Erik J. Krause-Mendoza (15) – Motions/Status hearing on 11/28/23.
I will definitely be following this one. I hope they nail the 15 year old to the wall. I’ve been severely mentally ill for 13 years (since I was 12). There’s never an excuse for horrors like this. None. Mental illness doesn’t make you a bad person, your actions do.

I think this was a perfect storm kind of thing with these guys (where 2 awful personalities lived together with space to do this and access to an easy victim) and that’s what ultimately led to little Prince’s horrific murder, but I wholeheartedly believe that the 15 year old would’ve offended beyond the random stabbings with or without the 27 year old. I refuse to name them, they don’t deserve the dignity of it.

Prince, rest easy bud, I hope you’re having fun where you are now.
Pietura docket update:

Court record
Date Event Court official Court reporter Amount
11-09-2023 Public defender order appointing counsel
Additional text:
received and filed.

11-09-2023 Hearing Kies-45, Jean Marie Worden, Kathleen
Additional text:
Defendant David E Pietura in court, in custody. Attorney Matthew James Torbenson in court for State of Wisconsin. Deputy Court Clerk: bm
Case calendared for State v. Lee Hearing this date. Court reached out to Attorney Russell Jones to take the appointment. Attorney Jones accepts appointment. Court reached out to the Public Defender's Office to appoint Attorney Jones in this matter. Case adjourned for Preliminary Hearing.
Preliminary hearing scheduled for November 17, 2023 at 08:30 am.

Court activities
Date Time Location Description Type Court official
11-17-2023 08:30 am Room #146 - Criminal Justice Facility Preliminary hearing Court Roth, Susan

link: Wisconsin Circuit Court Access
Friday, November 17th:
*Preliminary Hearing (@ 8:30am ET) - WI - Prince McCree (5) went missing around 1pm on Oct. 25, 2023 & on 10/26/23 found dead in dumpster, the child was found with injuries from blunt force trauma a mile south on the 5500 block of West Vliet Street near Holly Road, Milwaukee. *David E. Pietura (27) arrested (10/26/23) & charged (10/30/23) with 1st degree intentional homicide, felony physical abuse of a child, repeated acts causing death, hiding a corpse, as a party to a crime.
Case & Court info from 10/25/23 thru 10/31/23 reference post #102 here:

11/6/23 Update: Defendant Pietura not in court, in custody. Prosecuting attorney Megan Marie Newport in court for the State of Wisconsin. Case set for preliminary hearing. SPD has not yet appointed counsel. Court ordered case adjourned for CAUSE for Preliminary Hearing in Branch PE. Hearing scheduled for 11/9/23 at 8:30AM.
11/9/23 Update: Defendant Pietura in court & in custody. Attorney Matthew James Torbenson in court for State. Case calendared for State vs. Lee hearing this date. Court reached out to attorney Russell Jones to take the appointment. Attorney Jones accepts appointment. Court reach out to the Public Defender's office to appoint attorney Jones in this matter. Court adjourned for Preliminary hearing on 11/17/23 @ 8:30am.
*Erik J. Mendoza aka Erik J. Krause-Mendoza (15) – Motions/Status hearing on 11/28/23.

Court record
Date Event Court official Court reporter Amount
11-17-2023 Information

11-17-2023 Waiver of preliminary hearing Dorsey, Maria S. Franklin, Jennifer
Additional text:
Defendant David E Pietura in court, in custody. Attorney Matthew James Torbenson in court for State of Wisconsin.
Defendant waived Preliminary Hearing. Preliminary Hearing Questionnaire and Waiver received and filed. Court found probable cause and bound defendant over for trial. Defendant is advised this case is assigned to Judge Kies, Branch 45. Original Information filed. Copy given to defense counsel who waived reading. Defendant pled not guilty. Court ordered case adjourned for Scheduling Conference to Branch 45.
Scheduling conference scheduled for November 27, 2023 at 08:30 am.

Court activities
Date Time Location Description Type Court official
11-27-2023 08:30 am Safety Building, Room 423 Scheduling conference Court Kies-45, Jean Marie

link: Wisconsin Circuit Court Access
Monday, November 27th:
*Scheduling Conference Hearing (@ 8:30am ET) - WI - Prince McCree (5) went missing around 1pm on Oct. 25, 2023 & on 10/26/23 found dead in dumpster, the child was found with injuries from blunt force trauma a mile south on the 5500 block of West Vliet Street near Holly Road, Milwaukee. *David E. Pietura (27) arrested (10/26/23), charged (10/30/23) & arraigned (11/17/23) with 1st degree intentional homicide, felony physical abuse of a child, repeated acts causing death, hiding a corpse, as a party to a crime. Plead not guilty. Cash bond $500K.
Case & Court info from 10/25/23 thru 11/6/23 reference post #105 here:

11/9/23 Update: Defendant Pietura in court & in custody. Attorney Matthew James Torbenson in court for State. Case calendared for State vs. Lee hearing this date. Court reached out to attorney Russell Jones to take the appointment. Attorney Jones accepts appointment. Court reach out to the Public Defender's office to appoint attorney Jones in this matter. Court adjourned for Preliminary hearing on 11/17/23 @ 8:30am.
11/17/23 Update: Waiver of preliminary hearing. Defendant Pietura in court, in custody. Attorney Matthew James Torbenson in court for State. Defendant waived Preliminary Hearing. Preliminary Hearing Questionnaire & Waiver received & filed. Court found probable cause & bound defendant over for trial. Defendant is advised this case is assigned to Judge Kies, Branch 45. Original Information filed. Copy given to defense counsel who waived reading. Defendant pled not guilty. Court ordered case adjourned for Scheduling Conference to Branch 45. Scheduling conference scheduled for 11/27/23 @ 8:30am.
*Erik J. Mendoza aka Erik J. Krause-Mendoza (15) – Motions/Status hearing on 11/28/23.
<modsnip: not MSM>

Records show one of the missing Milwaukee students was 15-year-old Erik J. Mendoza. Mendoza was charged with first-degree intentional homicide in the Oct. 25 beating death of 5-year-old Prince McCree. McCree’s body was found in a dumpster after being reported missing by his mother the day before.

Mendoza hasn't attended school since Fall 2019, when he would have been about 12 years old.

Mendoza is also accused of committing three random, nonfatal stabbings of strangers he encountered on the street in Milwaukee, two days before Prince was killed.

The Mendoza case is rare. Most students missing school are not being charged with committing horrific crimes. Milwaukee Police say they can’t specifically correlate the rise in truancy to a rise in juvenile arrests.

But after Prince’s murder, Cain sent a letter to Assistant District Attorney Jeffrey Altenburg asking for help. Altenburg and a part-time paralegal are the only people in the Milwaukee County DA’s office handling truancy cases.

"We have serious concerns about the number of students sitting at home right now that haven't returned back to school since the pandemic to obtain their formal education,” Cain wrote. “School is where we can detect mental health concerns and try to get help for students. Moreover, without a high school diploma or GED, what will the trajectory be for so many of these young people that are not returning to school?
Nearly 1K students enrolled in Milwaukee Public Schools have not attended a single day this year
Last edited by a moderator:
Pietura update:

Court activities
Date Time Location Description Type Court official
02-02-2024 11:00 am Safety Building, Room 423 Motion hearing Court Kies-45, Jean Marie

Court record
Date Event Court official Court reporter Amount
11-27-2023 Scheduling conference Kies-45, Jean Marie Worden, Kathleen
Additional text:
Defendant David E Pietura in court, in custody. Attorney Russell J. A. Jones in court for David E Pietura. Attorney Matthew James Torbenson in court for State of Wisconsin. Deputy Court Clerk: bm
Scheduling Conference held. Defense advises he has discovery and requests a Miranda Goodchild Hearing. Defense motion to December 29, 2023. State's response due January 18, 2024,. State to provide the Court with a copy of the Defendant's statement,.
Motion hearing scheduled for February 2, 2024 at 11:00 am.

link: Wisconsin Circuit Court Access
Tuesday, November 28th:
*Motions Hearing (@ 1:30pm ET) - WI - Prince McCree (5) went missing around 1pm on Oct. 25, 2023 & on 10/26/23 found dead in dumpster, the child was found with injuries from blunt force trauma a mile south on the 5500 block of West Vliet Street near Holly Road, Milwaukee. - *Erik J. Mendoza aka Erik J. Krause-Mendoza (15) arrested (10/23/23) & charged (10/30/23) with 1st degree felony intentional homicide, felony physical abuse of a child, repeated acts causing death, hiding a corpse, 3 counts of 1st degree recklessly endangering safety use of dangerous weapon (in connection with a series of alleged stabbings on Oct. 23, 2023 in the city).
Case & Court info from 10/25/23 thru 10/30/23 reference post #95 here:

10/31/23 Update: Mendoza: Initial appearance before Laura Gramling Pereze. Appearances in person: ADA: Matthew Torbenson, Jessica Behling; Attorney for Defendant: Paul Rifelj & Katie Holtz. Defendant: Erik J Mendoza (secure detention). Defendant is advised this case is assigned to Judge Gramling Perez, Branch 32. Defendant in receipt a copy of complaint & advised of maximum penalties, right to counsel & right to a preliminary hearing. For reasons stated on the record, Attorney Paul Rifelj motions the court to dismiss count #'s 4, 5 & 6. State placed on the record to sever counts at a later date by defense as case is heard for initial appearance. Court further holds motion as to the counts in abeyance & will be addressed at a later date. Court reviewed complaint & found probable cause to hold defendant for further proceedings. Defendant does qualify for public defender representation. For reasons further stated on the record, Attorney Paul Rifelj waives 10 days for preliminary hearing & requests motion & status hearing. State is requesting no contact order with victim's family or co-actor. State is further requesting $500,000 cash bail. State further placed arguments to support cash bail request on the record. Attorney Katie Holtz respectfully requests $25,000 cash bail with Level 5 supervision & GPS monitoring (if released) with further statements supporting the request with no objections to state's no contact request. Court placed off the record media order on the record as to no filming of defendant, minor witnesses or live streaming or no showing defendant's face. Defendant's father had major outbursts in courtroom, deputies had to remove. Case is adjourned for IN PERSON Motion Hearing in Branch 32. Defense will file motion(s) within a week & state's response (if any) a week thereafter. $500K Cash bond set. No Contact/No firearm Order filed. Proposed Order. Order governing media. Will be tried as adult. Next motions/status hearing on 11/28/23 @ 1:30pm. 10/31/23: Order-Governing Media, signed & filed. No Contact Provision Ordered, signed & filed.
11/8/23 Update: Letter/correspondence from Wisconsin State Public Defender, received & filed.
*David E. Pietura (27) – Motions hearing on 2/2/24.
for Mendoza:

Court record
Date Event Court official Court reporter Amount
11-28-2023 Motion hearing Gramling Perez-32, Laura Hermus, Haley
Additional text:
Assistant District Attorney: Matthew Torbenson
Defendant: Erik Mendoza (in-custody)
Attorneys for Defendant: Scott Franklin Anderson

Re: Criminal Complaint 23CF4960

Case in court for Motion Hearing.

Counsel has been appointed for defendant.

Court instructs Defense Counsel to have any motions filed no later than December 15th.
Court instructs State to have any responses filed no later than January 9th.

Court advises ALL parties who will be observing proceedings will need to have their camera on for the next hearing.

Case is scheduled for Motion Hearing on January 16, 2024 at 2:00pm in Branch 32 via Zoom.
Meeting ID: 853 5710 1832
Password: 756622

11-27-2023 Public defender order appointing counsel

Court activities
Date Time Location Description Type Court official
01-16-2024 02:30 pm VRP Youth & Family Justice Ctr, Rm 2421 Motion hearing Court Gramling Perez-32, Laura

link: Wisconsin Circuit Court Access
Tuesday, January 16th:
*Motions Hearing (via Zoom) (@ 2:30pm ET) - WI - Prince McCree (5) went missing around 1pm on Oct. 25, 2023 & on 10/26/23 found dead in dumpster, the child was found with injuries from blunt force trauma a mile south on the 5500 block of West Vliet Street near Holly Road, Milwaukee. - *Erik J. Mendoza aka Erik J. Krause-Mendoza (15/now 16) arrested (10/23/23) & charged (10/30/23) with 1st degree felony intentional homicide, felony physical abuse of a child, repeated acts causing death, hiding a corpse, 3 counts of 1st degree recklessly endangering safety use of dangerous weapon (in connection with a series of alleged stabbings on Oct. 23, 2023 in the city).
Case & Court info from 10/25/23 thru 10/31/23 reference post #110 here:

11/8/23 Update: Letter/correspondence from Wisconsin State Public Defender received & filed. Motions hearing on 11/28/23.
11/28/23 Update: Motion hearing held via Zoom with Judge Laura Graling Perez presiding. Appearances: Assistant DA Matthew Torbenson, defendant: Erik Mendoza (in-custody) & his attorney Scott Franklin Anderson. Re: Criminal Complaint. Case in court for Motion Hearing. Counsel has been appointed for defendant. Court instructs Defense Counsel to have any motions filed no later than 12/15/23. Court instructs State to have any responses filed no later than 1/9/24. Court advises ALL parties who will be observing proceedings will need to have their camera on for the next hearing. Case is scheduled for Motion Hearing on 1/16/24 @ 2pm in Branch 32 via Zoom.
*David E. Pietura (27) – Motions hearing on 2/2/24.
Evidence & Interrogation led to Prince's Murder
Link is posted above^^^.

MILWAUKEE (TND) — A little boy reported missing last Wednesday was found dead with severe injuries in a dumpster, the next day. Now, a man and a teenager who live in makeshift bedrooms in the same multi-story home are facing criminal charges. Court documents say the mother of 5-year-old Prince McCree last saw her son in the morning. He was sick, so she kept him home from school and he “wanted to go into the basement of the residence to play video games.”

She woke up at 1 p.m., borrowed the homeowner’s car to get food, and unknowingly took the other suspect — 15-year-old Erik Mendoza, who’s charged as an adult — with her. Mendoza is the homeowner’s younger son.The mother returned and checked the basement but the lights were off and nobody was there.

A detective arrived, searched the basement and “observed blood on the cement floor near carpet runners. Defendant Pietura, who was in the basement at the time, immediately attempted to adjust the carpet runners in an attempt to cover the blood on the cement floor. Defendant Pietura claimed that he and Defendant Mendoza were roughhousing earlier resulting in Defendant Pietura suffering a bloody nose."
Then, in the portion of the basement that’s Pietura’s bedroom, the detective “observed more suspected blood on a white comforter covering a chair, as well as on a blanket that was used as a divider between Defendant Pietura’s room and the rest of the basement. [The detective] immediately had all occupants of the residence moved into the living room until additional detectives could arrive on scene.”

Then, another detective noticed “a large amount of blood on Defendant Pietura’s right leg. Defendant Pietura was subsequently placed under arrest for obstruction.” Overnight, authorities executed a search warrant with Jake, a Bavarian Mountain Dog from the K9 unit. "Jake alerted to the odor of decomposition at the base of the basement stairs where three sweatshirts were hanging from the back of a door. Of note, one of the sweatshirts is consistent with the sweatshirt worn by Defendant Pietura while carrying the garbage bag containing the boy’s remains."
1705427754766.png (Butterfly style knife found in which Mendoza "“committed multiple stabbings in the past confirmed was the knife he used in each stabbing.")
1705427819096.png (Screenshot of both suspects carrying a large white garbage bag)

Eventually, Mendoza admitted, “I strangled him,” as well as “stabbing three separate victims within minutes during the evening,” Monday, Oct. 23. Both Mendoza and Pietura are charged with first-degree intentional homicide, repeated physical child abuse causing death, and hiding a corpse. Pietura could face two life sentences plus 12-and-a-half years in prison, and a fine of $25,000. Mendoza was charged as an adult, and he faces three additional counts of reckless use of a dangerous weapon endangering safety. He could face two life sentences plus 65 years in prison and a fine of $100,000.
Court activities
Date Time Location Description Type Court official
03-04-2024 01:30 pm VRP Youth & Family Justice Ctr, Rm 1422 Preliminary hearing Court Gramling Perez-32, Laura

Court record
Date Event Court official Court reporter Amount
01-16-2024 Motion hearing Gramling Perez-32, Laura Freeman, Lisa
Additional text:
Assistant District Attorney: Matthew Torbenson
Defendant: Erik Mendoza
Attorneys for Defendant: Scott Franklin Anderson

Re: Criminal Complaint 23CF4960
Re: Defendant's Motion to Compel State to Turn Over Discovery Prior to Preliminary Examination filed Atty Anderson 12-15-23
Re: Defendant's Reply to States' Response on Discovery Issue filed 12-28-23 23CF4960
Re: Defendant's Response to State's Reply to Motion to Dismiss CT 4-6 filed 12-28-23 23CF4960

Case in court for Motion Hearing.

Discussions held regarding discovery and the motion to dismiss counts 4-6.

State DENIES the motion regarding discovery.

Discussions held regarding motion to dismiss counts 4-6.

For reasons stated on the record, court DENIES the motion regarding dismissal of counts 4-6

Court tolls time limits.

Non-legal Parties are advised that if they wish to Zoom in, they MUST have their camera turned on.

Case is scheduled for In Person Preliminary Hearing on March 4, 2024 at 1:30pm IN Branch 32.

link: Wisconsin Circuit Court Access
Here are counts 4 thru 6 - that they discussed above.

4 941.30(1) 1st-Degree Recklessly Endangering Safety Felony F
Modifier: 939.63(1)(b) Use of a Dangerous Weapon
5 941.30(1) 1st-Degree Recklessly Endangering Safety Felony F
Modifier: 939.63(1)(b) Use of a Dangerous Weapon
6 941.30(1) 1st-Degree Recklessly Endangering Safety Felony F
Modifier: 939.63(1)(b) Use of a Dangerous Weapon
Pietura docket update:

Court record
Date Event Court official Court reporter Amount
01-08-2024 Order Kies-45, Jean Marie
Additional text:
Order Permitting Defendant to Review Digital Discovery in the Jail signed and filed. bm

01-08-2024 Proposed Order

01-08-2024 Motion Kies-45, Jean Marie
Additional text:
Motion to Review Digital Discovery in the Jail received and filed. bm

link: Wisconsin Circuit Court Access
Friday, February 2nd:
*Motions Hearing (@ 11am ET) - WI - Prince McCree (5) went missing around 1pm on Oct. 25, 2023 & on 10/26/23 found dead in dumpster, the child was found with injuries from blunt force trauma a mile south on the 5500 block of West Vliet Street near Holly Road, Milwaukee. *David E. Pietura (27) arrested (10/26/23), charged (10/30/23) & arraigned (11/17/23) with 1st degree intentional homicide, felony physical abuse of a child, repeated acts causing death, hiding a corpse, as a party to a crime. Plead not guilty. Cash bond $500K.
Case & Court info from 10/25/23 thru 11/9/23 reference post #107 here:

11/17/23 Update: Waiver of preliminary hearing. Defendant Pietura in court, in custody. Attorney Matthew James Torbenson in court for State. Defendant waived Preliminary Hearing. Preliminary Hearing Questionnaire & Waiver received & filed. Court found probable cause & bound defendant over for trial. Defendant is advised this case is assigned to Judge Kies, Branch 45. Original Information filed. Copy given to defense counsel who waived reading. Defendant plead not guilty. Court ordered case adjourned for Scheduling Conference to Branch 45. Scheduling conference scheduled for 11/27/23 @ 8:30am.
11/27/23 Update: Scheduling conference; Judge Jean Marie Kies presiding. Defendant Pietura in court, in custody. Attorney Russell J. A. Jones in court for Pietura. Attorney Matthew James Torbenson in court for State of Wisconsin. Scheduling Conference held. Defense advises he has discovery & requests a Miranda Goodchild Hearing. Defense motion to 12/29/23. State's response due 1/18/24. State to provide the Court with a copy of the Defendant's statement. Motion hearing scheduled on 2/2/24 @ 11am.
1/8/24: Motion to review digital discovery in the jail received & filed. Proposed Order. Order permitting defendant to review digital discovery i the jail signed & filed.
*Erik J. Mendoza aka Erik J. Krause-Mendoza (15/now 16) – Preliminary hearing on 3/4/24.
David Pietura, 27, and Erik Mendoza, 15, are charged with three felonies: first-degree intentional homicide, hiding a corpse and physical abuse of a child causing death.

Pietura appeared in court Friday. His trial is scheduled to start in June. He is being held in the Milwaukee County jail on a $500,000 cash bond

Court activities
Date Time Location Description Type Court official
05-13-2024 08:30 am Safety Building, Room 423 Final pre-trial Court Kies-45, Jean Marie

06-03-2024 08:30 am Safety Building, Room 423 Jury trial Court Kies-45, Jean Marie

Court record
Date Event Court official Court reporter Amount
02-02-2024 Motion hearing Kies-45, Jean Marie Worden, Kathleen
Additional text:
Defendant David E Pietura in court, in custody. Attorney Russell J. A. Jones in court for David E Pietura. Attorneys Matthew James Torbenson and Jessica Behling in court for State of Wisconsin. Deputy Court Clerk: bm
Case calendared for Miranda Goodchild Motion Hearing this date. Defense advises the Court he is withdrawing the request for motion as upon review there is no meritorious issue. Court does colloquy with the Defendant who waives right to Miranda Goodchild motion. Defense requests Final Pretrial and Jury Trial date. Court advises the parties all pretrial documents are to be filed 48 hours prior to the Final Pretrial date.
Final pre-trial scheduled for May 13, 2024 at 08:30 am.
Jury trial scheduled for June 3, 2024 at 08:30 am.

link: Wisconsin Circuit Court Access

MILWAUKEE - No Amber Alert was ever issued for Prince McCree, a missing child who was later found in a dumpster, brutally killed. A Wisconsin Assembly committee heard public testimony for a bill, named after him, that would change the criteria for what warrants an emergency alert.

Now, Johnson is sponsoring a bill to allow alerts for missing kids that don’t meet the criteria for an Amber Alert. If this bill becomes law, a Silver Alert would go out for the children, if they are incapable of returning home without assistance, or if the child is under 10.

"The PRINCE Act represents a significant step forward in our collective efforts to protect children who go missing under circumstances not covered by the Amber Alert system. The heart-wrenching case of 5-year-old Prince McCree, who tragically lost his life after going missing, underscores the urgent need for this bill," the senator told an Assembly committee.

Right now, the Silver Alert applies only to missing adults with a developmental disability or dementia or who don’t have access to needed medicine.


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