Wikileaks founder Julian Assange enters Ecuador's London embassy, asks for asylum, 2012

I suppose Britain could end diplomatic relations with Ecuador and then "legally" go in and get him but that could be construed as an act of war (Ecuador could then "legally" arrest and imprison British diplomats there it would seem). They didn't even do that in the time of declared war with German diplomats, I don't believe.

Britain wouldn't turn him over to us if he was charged with murder and was eligible for the death penalty so they like to get up on their high horse no matter whether it's pointed north or south.

There is a law from 1987 that allows the immunity of an embassy to be lifted for short periods. i am not sure if this is in response to the Iranian embassy seige in the 1980's or not. It has not been used very often at all, but it is legal. I think the idea is that it does not allow embassies to abuse their immunity by granting asylum to anyone accused of a crime in the country where the embassy is based in. If Assange is allowed to flee via this orute it means anyone in any country can do the same i.e if an american accuse dof murder goes into any EU embassy they cannot eb handed ove runless the death penalty is not used and unless the trial meets the requirements of the ECHR act, it basicly means other countries laws suddenly become applicable.

I really do not get the idea of claiming asylum in Ecuador when you are supposed to be a champion of free journalism. Ecuador does not treat its journalists well, Sweden however does.
Julian Assange, the founder of WikiLeaks, appeared in a British court on Thursday for an initial hearing on whether he will be extradited to the United States to face prosecution in connection with one of the most serious leaks of classified material in American history.

Mr. Assange, 47, made a brief appearance by video link in Westminster Magistrates Court in London from Belmarsh Prison in another part of the city. A day earlier, he had been sentenced to 50 weeks in prison for bail-jumping.

On Thursday, Mr. Assange told the judge that he did not wish to surrender himself to be prosecuted in the United States for what he called “journalism that has won many awards.”

His next hearing, in what promises to be a long extradition fight, is scheduled for May 30.

Julian Assange Appears in Court for U.S. Extradition Hearing
What does Julian Assange's new indictment mean for journalists? - CNN

Assange charged with violating Espionage Act

Julian Assange is hit with 17 new charges for conspiring with Chelsea Manning | Daily Mail Online

Several articles dealing with 18 new charges of espionage against Assange.

High points

-JA and Chelsea Manning committed espionage
-17 charges files by USA against JA filed in VA grand jury
-happened in 2009-2010
-CM used, at the time, “his” security clearance to obtain information
-JA revealed intelligence source names in Afghanistan, China, Iran, Iraq
-JA revealed classified information
-37 page indictment released against JA
-USA has until June 11 to present its case to UK for extradition
-JA gave get 170 years
-Sweden also is filing charges against JA
-case can take years

Although this treat is not about CM this update pertains to the it . Please note Chelsea Manning is back in Prison refuses to testify before Grand Jury.
Chelsea Manning sent back to jail after refusing to testify before a grand jury again - CNNPolitics
Julian Assange is moved to hospital wing of Belmarsh prison after losing weight | Daily Mail Online

Assange in jail/prison hospital for weight loss.
JA mental health deteriorated because of his hiding out in Ecuadorian embassy for years
JA still had court date to determine if he will be extricated to US and another further hearing on same issue.
Besides serving time in Britain, Sweden has reopened cases on sexual conduct.
Other info given in article....there are YouTube videos by other media but I am hesitant to put here, so DM is what you get to read.
Judges rule Julian Assange should not be extradited to Sweden | Daily Mail Online

Sweden won't seek Assange's detention, court rules

There are several reports out on this, above are two sources.

Quick review of articles
-JA is wanted in both Sweden and US for crimes.
-At this time British Judge said JA will not be sent to Sweden. This leaves it open for him possibly going to US first.
-Sweden can appeal or Sweden can go to England and question JA, all this just delays Sweden’s rape case against JA
-US will proceed with the extradition request on espionage
-British Judge will proceed with a Europeans Investigation
-JA and team are happy about ruling....(remember this ruling can change though)
-JA misses court appearance last week due to a possible illness.

IMO not stated in media, perhaps JA is not being sent to Sweden until his health is better. Sending an ill person to another country makes no sense.
New pictures from jail show Julian Assange looking pale and gaunt inside Belmarsh prison | Daily Mail Online

From Daily Mail
-smuggled illegal phone took pics of JA in prison
-Shaved, decent hair cut, clean looking
-JA smiles, smokes, liked among inmates
-supposedly pics were taken before JA was taken to hospital in poor of actual photos not confirmed
-address to raise money for JA legal costs are on photos
-£30,000.00 of £150,000.00 has been raised or approximately $38,000.00 of $127,000.00
-prisoner who took photo refused money just wants JA story out
-prisoners ask him questions about what JA has found out
-prisoner said JA still in hospital
-prisoner said JA gets average of 500 letters a day
Wikileaks founder Julian Assange enters Ecuador's London embassy, asks for asylum

-Feb 2020 is when a FULL extradition hearing will take place
-JA is appealing the current sentence
-current sentence is 50 weeks in prison
-if JA is granted early release he will be ‘out’ before extradition hearing
-JA faces 18 counts and 175 years in US prison of convicted
-article describes how JA obtained secret US info
- JA legal team worried about his health

Many ‘facts’ and ‘issue’ along with timeline in DM article. Even though it is DM it is interesting.

IMO, IF JA is released early OR he serves full 50 weeks sentence and has to wait until February 2020 fo next hearing, I would be worried that JA would leave England and run, even with an ankle monitor OR he would try to hide in another embassy. I hope the governments have a plan to make sure he does not disappear.
Lawyers complain about lack of access to Julian Assange in jail

“The court heard that his lawyers had made a request to the judge, complaining about a lack of access to their client behind bars.

Peirce said the governor of Belmarsh had prioritised family visits over legal visits, and she asked the judge to step in. But the district judge, Vanessa Baraitser, said she had no jurisdiction over the Prison Service.”

“Can I make it clear that I have no desire to stand in the way of any lawyer having proper access to their client and it’s in the interest of justice that they do,” the judge said. “What I can do and say is to state in open court that it would be helpful to this extradition process that Mr Assange’s lawyers have the access to their client.”

-JA’s lawyers said he was given an unsuitable computer to use
-60 doctors wrote letters JA will die in prison “
Last month more than 60 doctors warned in an open letter addressed to the home secretary, Priti Patel, that Assange could die in prison without urgent medical care.”

The medics, from the UK, Australia, Europe and Sri Lanka, expressed “serious concerns” about Assange’s fitness to stand trial.
Last month more than 60 doctors warned in an open letter addressed to the home secretary, Priti Patel, that Assange could die in prison without urgent medical care.

December 19, 2019 is next trial appearance.
The medics, from the UK, Australia, Europe and Sri Lanka, expressed “serious concerns” about Assange’s fitness to stand trial.
Lawyers complain about lack of access to Julian Assange in jail

“The court heard that his lawyers had made a request to the judge, complaining about a lack of access to their client behind bars.

Peirce said the governor of Belmarsh had prioritised family visits over legal visits, and she asked the judge to step in. But the district judge, Vanessa Baraitser, said she had no jurisdiction over the Prison Service.”

“Can I make it clear that I have no desire to stand in the way of any lawyer having proper access to their client and it’s in the interest of justice that they do,” the judge said. “What I can do and say is to state in open court that it would be helpful to this extradition process that Mr Assange’s lawyers have the access to their client.”

-JA’s lawyers said he was given an unsuitable computer to use
-60 doctors wrote letters JA will die in prison “
Last month more than 60 doctors warned in an open letter addressed to the home secretary, Priti Patel, that Assange could die in prison without urgent medical care.”

The medics, from the UK, Australia, Europe and Sri Lanka, expressed “serious concerns” about Assange’s fitness to stand trial.
Last month more than 60 doctors warned in an open letter addressed to the home secretary, Priti Patel, that Assange could die in prison without urgent medical care.

December 19, 2019 is next trial appearance.
The medics, from the UK, Australia, Europe and Sri Lanka, expressed “serious concerns” about Assange’s fitness to stand trial.

Shameful handling of this case by England. There's no excuse for this brutality and unfair treatment. All this for breaching his bail conditions on a charge that has since been dropped.
One would expect that the justice system would be free of political interference in a country like England, but clearly this is not the case. It's frightening, because we hold the justice system to a higher standard.

JA is fighting extradition to US in British Court today.

“The U.S. case for extradition was presented by James Lewis, who told the court that Assange was not a journalist but a hacker who conspired to publish stolen classified documents. The material was not redacted, Lewis stressed, and contained the names of sources who had assisted U.S. forces in Iraq and Afghanistan, thereby putting their lives in grave danger. He did not provide any examples of actual harm being done to the sources.”

“Lewis said the crimes that Assange is alleged to have committed would also be prosecutable, under similar circumstances, in the United Kingdom under the Official Secrets Act. But he added that it was not for the British court to decide whether Assange is a patron of a free press, a hacker, a whistleblower or a journalist, but to turn him over to the United States for trial.”

If convicted in US sentence On the 18 charges JA could get up to 175 years prison, but likely would get 48 or 63 months.

There is more info in the article and also links to other articles dealing with related issues.

“Attorneys for Julian Assange argued Monday that the Trump administration is targeting the WikiLeaks founder for political reasons and that he would be denied a fair trial if extradited to the United States.”

There are 2 parts to trial. First is a week of legal arguments. Second is 2-3 weeks of legal testimony.

AS attorneys say
- AS has fragile state of mind and is high risk for suicide....why don’t his lawyers say he is suicidal?
-the U.S. Justice Department was “not motivated by genuine concerns for criminal justice but politics.”
- AS Attorney said no fair trial because of his nationality and his political stand
-AS Attorney said AS would get “inhuman and degrading treatment” plus multiple life sentences
-said Trump wants to prosecute but Obama did not because it might trap reporters for publishing state secrets
-say US Prosecutors are politically motivated and that makes extradition unlawful
-accuses CIA of spying on AS in Ecuador’s Embassy
-AS Attorneys said Trump offered a pardon through former Congressman Dana Rohrabacher, but that is denied by Trump secretary

US Prosecutors want
-AS trial in North Virginia
-AS violates Espionage Act
-“Prosecutors allege that the anti-secrecy activist helped obtain and disseminate hundreds of thousands of pages of secret military documents and diplomatic cables regarding U.S. action in the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. According to prosecutors, Assange helped Chelsea Manning, a former Army intelligence analyst, hack into government computers.”
- AS is not a journalist but a hacker publishing “stolen classified “ material that had names that helped US Forces
- “Lewis said the crimes that Assange is alleged to have committed would also be prosecutable, under similar circumstances, in the United Kingdom under the Official Secrets Act. But he added that it was not for the British court to decide whether Assange is a patron of a free press, a hacker, a whistleblower or a journalist, but to turn him over to the United States for trial.”

AS charged with conspiring to steal secret materials and can get, IF convicted, of all 18 charges AS could get a 175 year but in reality he might get 48-63 months

British experts say AS Attorneys have a hard job.
I know many people do not like the Daily here is another site for verification and there are others you can go look up for the articles yourself

Anyway he had an affair and fathered two children....he was not treated poorly in MOO

I will be good and not say what i really think.
WikiLeaks' boss Julian Assange fathered two children inside the Ecuadorian embassy with lawyer | Daily Mail Online

  • “Stella Morris fell in love with Assange five years ago while visiting him
  • She is South-African born lawyer and changed name from Sara Gonzalez Devant
  • The couple have been engaged since 2017 and relationship began in 2015
  • She first visited him while working on legal bid to halt extraditions to the US
  • First child, Gabriel, was conceived in 2016 before the couple's engagement
  • Couple believe US intelligence agencies tried stealing son's DNA from his nappy
  • Miss Morris had second son, Max, in February 2019, with birth filmed on a GoPro
  • Assange was visited in prison by both sons, when Max was three months old”

They have plans to marry even if he is in jail.

WikiLeaks' boss Julian Assange fathered two children inside the Ecuadorian embassy with lawyer - Internewscast
I know many people do not like the Daily here is another site for verification and there are others you can go look up for the articles yourself

Anyway he had an affair and fathered two children....he was not treated poorly in MOO

I will be good and not say what i really think.
WikiLeaks' boss Julian Assange fathered two children inside the Ecuadorian embassy with lawyer | Daily Mail Online

  • “Stella Morris fell in love with Assange five years ago while visiting him
  • She is South-African born lawyer and changed name from Sara Gonzalez Devant
  • The couple have been engaged since 2017 and relationship began in 2015
  • She first visited him while working on legal bid to halt extraditions to the US
  • First child, Gabriel, was conceived in 2016 before the couple's engagement
  • Couple believe US intelligence agencies tried stealing son's DNA from his nappy
  • Miss Morris had second son, Max, in February 2019, with birth filmed on a GoPro
  • Assange was visited in prison by both sons, when Max was three months old”

They have plans to marry even if he is in jail.

WikiLeaks' boss Julian Assange fathered two children inside the Ecuadorian embassy with lawyer - Internewscast
Interesting! Wonder what she thought of Pamela Anderson’s visits!
Wikileaks founder Julian Assange is suffering from 'respiratory problems' in Belmarsh prison | Daily Mail Online

Julian Assange 'too unwell' for latest extradition court hearing

Assange “too unwell” to attend court hearing again. He “indicated to prison guards that he would not be attending court via videolink.”

he has missed 2 hearings with same excuse.

“His barrister Edward Fitzgerald QC said Assange has a pre-existing respiratory condition, and his legal team have been calling for him to be released on bail due to the coronavirus pandemic.”

court is looking for new venue to hear is case aboard extradition to US

“Press freedom organisation Bridges for Media Freedom said Assange “did not attend an administrative hearing at Westminster magistrates court by videolink this morning due to illness”, and added he has a “long-standing respiratory issue makes him vulnerable to contracting Covid-19”.”

“Judge Baraitser has refused to grant Assange bail, saying he would be at risk of absconding if he were to be released on bail”

IMOO there is no reason Assange could not do a video link....just excuse . He should be made to get a doctors review. Just Assange playing more games.

The Judge knows Assange will flee, and refuses him bail.

Next court date June 29

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