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Child missing at Kendall
By Ben Cooper and Anthony Watts
Sept. 12, 2014, midnight

Fri, 1.50pm: POLICE have established a mobile command outside the Kendall home of a missing three-year-old boy as the search for the toddler intensifies.

Emergency services in the area are scrambling to find the child, who was last seen about 10.30am on Friday in the front yard of his home in Benaroon Drive, Kendall.

He is described as having a Caucasian appearance, with dark hair and hazel eyes. He was last seen wearing a Spiderman costume.

More than 50 officers from the MNC Local Area Command, SES units from Port Macquarie, Wauchope and the Camden Haven, the Dog Squad and concerned residents have established a search grid in nearby scrub.

Police are grateful for offers of volunteer manpower but have asked the public to remain clear of the area so the search team can conduct a thorough sweep of the area.

PolAir is expected to arrive by 3pm.

Search for missing boy wearing Spider-Man costume
A large search is continuing for a three-year-old boy wearing a Spider-Man costume who has been missing for more than 24 hours on the New South Wales mid-north coast. William Tyrell was last seen around 10:30am on Friday outside a relative's home at Kendall, south of Port Macquarie. Rescue crews spent Friday night and Saturday looking for the boy but there has so far been no sign of him. PolAir, mounted police, trail bike riders, local residents and volunteers from the State Emergency Service and Rural Fire Service have all rallied around the boy's family and are involved in the search.

William Tyrrell: No leads in search for 3yo boy in Spider-Man suit

by Lucy Carter and Staff
posted Tue 16 Sep 2014, 4:35pm AEST
(updated Wed 4 Mar 2015, 10:56pm AEDT)

The search for the young boy was yesterday expanded to three kilometres around the spot where he was last seen five days ago.

Police, SES volunteers and members of the public have searched an area of more than 50sq km, including bushland, dams and waterways.

Up to 300 people have been taking part in the search.

Superintendent Fehon said the search had not yet become a recovery operation despite the boy having a diminished chance of survival.

"We have 30 investigators out there working," Superintendent Fehon said.

They will be conducting canvasses of the areas and they will be following up on any information that has been provided to us.

Police strike force Rossann has now been set up to investigate the disappearance.

William Tyrrell: Missing boy could not survive six days in bush, police say

posted Wed 17 Sep 2014, 9:05am AEST
(updated Wed 4 Mar 2015, 6:15am AEDT)

Police say they no longer believe it is possible a three-year-old boy could still be alive if he was lost in bushland on the New South Wales mid-north coast.

Today the search area was extended to a three-kilometre radius from the grandmother's house, and police divers waded through local waterways after earlier searches of dams on local properties.

The search will continue into its seventh day tomorrow but then scaled back as it is now a search rather than a rescue operation.

Superintendent Paul Fehon said if William did wander into the bush, he was unlikely to still be alive, but he said there was still no solid evidence that this is what happened.

Specialist police, including the sex crimes squad, have been brought in to investigate the possibility the boy was abducted. They have formed Strike Force Rosann and are continuing to canvass local residents, as well as examine possible sightings from all over the state.

William Tyrrell: Someone knows something about missing boy, police say

posted Thu 18 Sep 2014, 1:37pm AEST (updated Wed 4 Mar 2015, 6:19am AEDT)

Police searching for a three-year-old boy who went missing from his grandmother's home on the New South Wales mid-north coast last week said they believed "someone knows something" about his disappearance.

Inspector Paul Fehon said he could not understand why no trace of the young boy had been found.

Over the past seven days, hundreds of State Emergency Service crews, specialist police and community volunteers have combed 10 square kilometres of bushland in their mission to find William.

Inspector Fehon said the search would now be extended to 20 kilometres and more than 70 searchers would use trail bikes and four-wheel-drive vehicles to continue the operation.

He said it was now a search rather than a rescue operation and that if William had wandered into the bush he was unlikely to still be alive.

Specialist police, including the sex crimes squad, have been brought in to investigate the possibility William was abducted.

They had formed Strike Force Rosann and were continuing to canvass local residents, as well as examine possible sightings from around the state.

William Tyrell: Search for 3yo to be scaled back

posted Wed 17 Sep 2014, 7:56pm AEST (updated Thu 18 Sep 2014, 8:26am AEST)

Police said they were following a lead from shop owners in Kendall who had reported someone had asked for directions to the street William disappeared from.

"We're grateful of all the information that's been provided to us at this point in time and we are following up on all those leads of information," Superintendent Fehon said.

"We need to go through that information, collate it, analyse it and we need to substantiate or discount that information that's provided to us.

"We're still open-minded in regards to what has happened to young William.

"As I've indicated, we have no indication whether young William is out in the bush or whether other forms of human intervention have been involved.

William Tyrrell: Search for missing boy shifts to road near grandmother's home

posted Fri 19 Sep 2014, 2:14pm AEST (updated Wed 4 Mar 2015, 6:20am AEDT)

The search for a three-year-old boy who went missing on the New South Wales mid-north coast a week ago has shifted to a road near his grandmother's home where he was last seen.

LAC Superintendent Paul Fehon said today's investigations focussed on looking for clues near a main road where William was last seen.

"Our search people are back out there predominantly in that wider area around the Middle Brother Mountain, looking for any clues that may indicate that young William may have been out in that area," Inspector Fehon said.

"Today we are also canvassing people driving along the Batar Creek Road, who may have been coming along that route last Friday," he said.

"We were mainly trying to see if anyone saw anyone on that exact occasion, or if they saw anything either in the township of Kendall or further back on the outskirts of Kendall," Inspector Fehon said.

William Tyrrell: Family issues heartfelt letter of thanks to community involved in search for 3yo

posted Sat 20 Sep 2014, 4:36pm AEST
(updated Wed 4 Mar 2015, 6:20am AEDT)

The family of three-year-old William Tyrrell, who went missing from the New South Wales mid-north coast over a week ago, have issued a letter of thanks to everyone involved in the search for him.

Police and volunteers are continuing to search bushland south of Kendall in an effort to find William, who disappeared from his grandmother's Kendall home on Friday, September 12.

[Superintendent Fehon] again appealed to the public to let police know if they had any information about the boy's disappearance.

"There must be someone out there who knows something about William's unexplained disappearance," Supt Fehon said.

Police have said they cannot rule out the possibility the boy was abducted, and the ABC has been told police are also speaking with all known sex offenders in the region.

However, Supt Fehon said that police have no evidence to indicate this was the case either.

William Tyrell: Search for missing 3yo boy scaled back; police to focus on information about unexplained disappearance

posted Sun 21 Sep 2014, 10:49pm AEST
(updated Mon 22 Sep 2014, 8:40am AEST)

The search for missing three-year-old boy William Tyrell has been scaled back nine days after he disappeared from his grandmother's home on the NSW mid-north coast.

Emergency services told a community meeting on Sunday afternoon that the investigation would now focus on the many pieces of information received since his unexplained disappearance.

William Tyrell case baffles police

by Kate Dwyer
Camden Haven Courier
22 September 2014, 4:30am

"There are a lot of unknowns that are baffling us. We have come to the stage where we are going over the same ground and we're not finding anything," Mid North Coast LAC Supt Paul Fehon said.

"Despite extensive searches by hundreds of emergency personnel and community volunteers, no trace of the little boy has been found. PolAir have searched from the sky, police dog units have spent days going through the bush, police divers and specialist investigators have been on the scene and experts far and wide consulted. Dozens of volunteer emergency services have brought vehicles to help in land and water searches."

"We consulted with an expert in geoforensics in regard to the areas we should be looking at. This expert has worked on several high-profile, international cases of child disappearances and when he went over this one, it's fair to say, he was baffled as well. It's just not making sense that we don't have that next lead. But that doesn't mean we give up."

Search for William Tyrell continues into Sunday
By Ben Cooper and Kate Dwyer Sept. 14, 2014, 9:20 a.m.

William's family have made a heartfelt plea to the community about their desperation for the little boy.

Friend of the family Nicole addressed the media on Sunday afternoon at the Kendall Showgrounds.
"William is a much-loved and cherished little boy," Nicole said.

"The family are desperate to have him home, and if anyone knows anything please contact police."

Superintendent Paul Fehon said the search will continue on Monday if needed, with extra resources due to arrive from Sydney.

Superintendent Fehon also said the search will continue overnight, but admitted less was possible.

"We always have a search capability, but in darkness there are limits to some of that capability," Superintendent Fehon said.

The region's top cop said William's chance of survival is steadily decreasing.

Police have not ruled out abduction as missing boy's chance of survival diminishes

September 15, 2014
Louise Hall, Ben Cooper, Kate Dwyer

Inspector Fehon said the search had not found any evidence pointing to William's whereabouts and police were also looking into the possibility the boy was abducted.
"We are looking into other scenarios and that's why we've got investigators working on that today," she said.
Police from Mid North Coast Local Area Command have been co-ordinating the search, involving SES volunteers, RFS volunteers, members of the local surf lifesaving club, the police dog squad, mounted police, officers using trail bikes and Polair.

Read more: http://www.smh.com.au/nsw/police-ha...diminishes-20140914-10govc.html#ixzz3oYq0QozF
'We can't find a scent': Police baffled that sniffer dogs can't find a trace of missing boy William Tyrell

PUBLISHED: 08:00 EST, 16 September 2014 | UPDATED: 23:35 EST, 16 September 2014

Police have launched a special strike force to help find three-year-old missing boy William Tyrell on the fifth day of the frantic search as it's revealed even police sniffer dogs can't find a trace or scent of the toddler.

Search teams have no leads on the little boy's disappearance, despite hundreds of volunteers turning out to search bushland in Kendall, on the NSW mid north coast, near where he went missing.

Strike Force Rossann, based at Port Macquarie, was established on Tuesday and comprises of special investigators from Mid North Coast and Manning Great Lakes local area commands as well as personnel from State Crime Command and Forensic Services Group.
Ambulance Paramedics, fire fighters from Fire & Rescue NSW and Rural Fire Service volunteers, SES volunteers and community members from across NSW are also involved in the search after being moved by William's disappearance.

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/art...arents-house-FIVE-days-ago.html#ixzz3oYryiur1


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