Wisconsin student found dead in dumbwaiter


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Oct 1, 2012
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'Authorities in Wisconsin on Wednesday were continuing their investigation into the death of a college student whose body was found in a dumbwaiter at a bar and grill.

Police responding to a 911 call at WingDam Saloon and Grill in Fountain City about 8 p.m. Monday found the body of a 21-year-old bar employee in the food elevator connected to the kitchen.

Winona State University in Minnesota identified the victim as Brooke Baures of Chetek, Wisconsin. She was a senior majoring in social work and was a member of the school's gymnastics team'

I admit, I had no idea what a dumbwaiter was and had to google it.
My hinky meter is going off, though.
she was small, and dumbwaiters are as well... prank gone bad? dare to see if she can fit there? Convenient place to hide a body? Can't imagine this was an accident? Ugh, this is awful...
I had to google it too. RIP young lady. Prank gone bad or foul play?
Accident, methinks, not a prank or homicide.
Accident, methinks, not a prank or homicide.

I don't understand how it can be an accident. She was a gymnast. Therefore presumably very coordinated and not clumsy.
How did she end up in a dumbwaiter?
I don't understand how it can be an accident. She was a gymnast. Therefore presumably very coordinated and not clumsy.
How did she end up in a dumbwaiter?
Stuff happens.

I could swear I've heard another, similar "waitstaff in dumbwaiter" story before but couldn't find it. Anyone remember (or am I just nuts)?
Here's a recent one but I remember another...

Russian waitress has to be rescued after getting her head stuck in food service lift (Daily Mail)

A waitress has survived after her head was crushed by a dumbwaiter when she tried to grab food as the service lift moved away.

Cafe waitress Renata Kovalyova, 32, became trapped at a shopping centre in Saratov, a city in south-western Russia.
more at link, with video

Another recent:

UPDATE: A person was using a small dumb waiter-style elevator, and became stuck and injured in the process, Tacoma Fire spokesman Joe Meinecke said.

Technical rescue crews cut the person out the elevator, and took the patient to an area hospital with injuries that were not life-threatening, Meinecke said.
the rest here: Tacoma firefighters rescue person stuck in elevator

And another, this from 2013....

A California woman had to have her arm amputated after an "unspeakable" nightmare in which a dumbwaiter pinned her arm "like a guillotine" for 21 hours, she claims in court.
the rest here: Dumbwaiter Disaster

Oklahoma City, 2011:

Waitress dies after falling down 'dumb waiter' elevator shaft (Daily Mail)

A waitress working in an Oklahoma City restaurant plunged to her death after falling down a lift shaft.

Cheryl Marie Bauer was operating a dumbwaiter at the Paseo Grill Reserve in the city's Paseo arts district last Friday when the tragedy happened.

Investigators believe Miss Bauer was loading or unloading the dumbwaiter on the first floor when it had a mechanical malfunction, fell to the ground floor and 'took her with it'.
more at DM link

Back to 2012....

TOKYO -- Two people died Monday after separate lift incidents in Japan, with a restaurant worker trapped in a dumb waiter and an office worker caught half-way through the doors when an elevator suddenly dropped.

A 28-year-old woman died after getting trapped in the dumb waiter at a restaurant in the central city of Nagoya late Sunday, police said. The lift, reportedly just 70 centimeters (28 inches) high by 60 centimeters wide, was designed to carry dishes between floors of the restaurant.

“An assistant manager found her stuck in the door after she didn't reply to his call,” said a police spokesman in Aichi prefecture. The injured woman was rushed to hospital but died early Monday morning, according to authorities.---

more here: Elevator and dumb waiter accidents kill two in Japan

So, yes, dumbwaiter-related tragedies have been known to occur. I think all of these seem to have been accidents.
Thanks wfgodot! Sad story. I was thinking prank gone bad...hadn't seen accident stories like those before.
I wonder if any of the staff have ever climbed in for a ride.
I don't understand how it can be an accident. She was a gymnast. Therefore presumably very coordinated and not clumsy.
How did she end up in a dumbwaiter?

I was a gymnast growing up. Small & strong. And liked to climb in and on things...luggage, boxes, trees etc
When I was college aged, climbing in there might've seemed like a fun thing to do.
Could also be a freak accident. Reports I've seen so far haven't said anything suspecting foul play.
Sad story & a life cut too short in any event.
I was astounded when I first read this story and I really hope they figure out what happened!
I was a gymnast growing up. Small & strong. And liked to climb in and on things...luggage, boxes, trees etc
When I was college aged, climbing in there might've seemed like a fun thing to do.
Could also be a freak accident. Reports I've seen so far haven't said anything suspecting foul play.
Sad story & a life cut too short in any event.

I guess it is possible she climbed up in there for whatever reason.
An earlier dumbwaiter-related fatality:

Woman Dies in Dumbwaiter (AP)
Published: September 11, 1986

HARRISON, N.Y., Sept. 10— A woman who tried to climb into a moving dumbwaiter at a country club was crushed to death between the dumbwaiter and the shaft, the police said Wednesday.

The death Tuesday of Lisa Fellis, 23 years old, of Ardsley, was considered an accident, said Lieut. Richard Riguzzi.

And a 2012 fatality, also in NY:

SCHENECTADY, N.Y. (AP) - Federal workplace safety investigators are looking into the death of a Schenectady restaurant co-owner who died after his head became wedged in the kitchen dumbwaiter.

Schenectady Fire Chief Michael Della Rocco says it appears Israel Silva was trying to repair the dumbwaiter at Bangkok Bistro early Saturday when it suddenly became activated. The small elevator is used to carry food from the basement kitchen to the first-floor dining room.

Della Rocco says Silva's head was trapped. He was pronounced dead at the scene of head trauma.

Back to 1989....

BROOKLINE, MASS. — DEATH IN DUMBWAITER. An 18-year-old man was accidentally crushed to death while trying to ride in a dumbwaiter at a gourmet deli. Kevin Gannon of Brookline, a part-time employee at the J. Bildner & Sons store, was found by a co-worker and was rushed to Beth Israel Hospital, where he was pronounced dead. The teen-ager had unloaded food from the dumbwaiter into a basement freezer as the store was preparing to close. Then he apparently decided to ride in the 3-foot-square cubicle rather than walk up the stairs. ''He positioned himself part way into the dumbwaiter and then reached out to push the button to take himself back up,'' police Sgt. Thomas Taylor said. ''He got caught between the base of the dumbwaiter and the wall.''

Not restaurant-related per se, but Death by Dumbwaiter, 2008....

What started out as a regular day on the job Tuesday, ended in death for 73-year-old Kenneth Lund who fell 30 feet down a dumbwaiter shaft at an oyster processing facility in Seabeck WA.
Lund had been working on improvised scaffolding that was approximately three stories in the air when he fell.

“"It’'s my understanding that the man inadvertently missed his step and fell down the dumbwaiter shaft,”" Theresa MacLennan, CKFR spokeswoman, added.

Plus, from the Chicago Tribune, 2011:

Roseland man killed in fall from Loop garage
Fell four stories down dumbwaiter-style shaft

After dropping off his wife, George Davis went to park the car and was killed after he fell down a dumbwaiter-style shaft used to access different levels in the parking garage, authorities said.

The 63-year-old plunged four stories to his death, authorities said. Davis apparently tried to use the device, which resembles a vertical conveyor belt and is used to access different levels in the four-story State Parking Garage, 171 N. Wabash Ave., Chicago Fire Department spokesman Joe Roccasalva said.

"I can't even imagine how this happened," niece D'Andrea Anderson said, speaking in front of her uncle's home in Chicago's Roseland neighborhood. "He's very, very intelligent. He's not the type of person who would try to do something like that."
And back to February 1986:

A 15-year-old Pasadena CA boy who became entangled in the cables of a dumbwaiter was crushed to death when he was pulled into the path of the machine, sheriff's deputies said. The boy, Kevin Paul, apparently was crushed after he caught his hand in the machine's cables, sheriff's Deputy Rick Adams said. The dumbwaiter, used for hauling groceries and trash, is outside the boy's home on Pasadena Glen Road and runs from the house to a driveway below, Adams said.

Forward to 2013:

Repairman killed while working on casino dumbwaiter at Harrah's Philadelphia casino in Chester. (philly.com)

Also in PA 2013:

Lehigh cafeteria worker pulled into dumbwaiter, trapped for hours


Dunbwaiter references occur in literature -- an Anne Sexton poem, a Harold Pinter play, the death of Zelda Fitzgerald, and this, from 2002:

Ali Smith's Booker-nominated novel, "Hotel World," plunges into existence with a dramatically spooky "Woooooooo-/hooooooo what a fall . . .," the swan song of Sara Wilby's ghost.
The ghost begins with a fragmentary account of who she was. Sara Wilby, a shy, working-class girl of 19, had just started a job as a hotel maid. Taking a dare by a young porter, the petite champion swimmer folded herself into a dumbwaiter. The cable broke, and she fell to her death.


hmm....an athlete employee ^ of a service industry and death by dumbwaiter....about where we came in, above, in the OP....
Brooke was working that night and according to the mail on line article, there was a banquet on the 2nd floor....question? Did the banquet end at??? --what time?
Did no other staff enter the room the dumbwaiter was in?
Why did no one notice Brooke was missing?

[A]ccording to Fountain City, Wisc., police officer Jason Mork, she was “trapped inside the entirety of the device.” He declined to say more, adding that “to explain more of her specific location, orientation or obvious injuries would require an extremely graphic explanation.”

In a 911 call shortly before 8 p.m., a WingDam employee said she was afraid a co-worker had been caught in the machinery, according to the Winona Daily News. “I think one of my co-workers got [caught] in, like, our dumbwaiter,” she said, “but I’m not willing to look close enough.”

A fellow employee looked and then the first employee told the dispatcher: “It’s her. We need someone here, like, ASAP.”
The paper, citing 911 calls and Fountain City's only police officer, reported that an employee at WingDam Saloon and Grill called 911 Monday at 7:49 p.m., stating that a co-worker "got (caught) in, like, our dumbwaiter." The employee, who was not identified, was in tears and was unable to identify the worker trapped.

Mork told the paper that Baures was trapped "inside the entirety of the device. To explain more of her specific location, orientation or obvious injuries would require an extremely graphic explanation."


A Minnesota college student who was found dead in a restaurant dumbwaiter had become tangled in the machine, authorities said Wednesday.


So sad for her family and friends.....what a devastating tragedy.
RIP Brooke
I admit, I had no idea what a dumbwaiter was and had to google it.
My hinky meter is going off, though.

<modsnip> The lead investigator has said no foul play is suspected. (Of course, what does he know, being on scene, interviewing a bunch of people, and having more facts at his disposal than anyone else, right?)

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