WTH Are Brad's Lawyers Up To Now???? #2

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Cracks me up - in his deposition Brad stated he hadn't given any thought to moving or not. Now his lawyer contradicts him by letting out that the house was partially packed as in for a move in 'August. :crazy:

IMO, his own attorneys did him more harm than good during the custody hearing, showing he had MOTIVE for murder. They don't know when to :ziplip:

I guess they are getting tangled in his web of lies also :eek:
My guess is they packed up stuff to make the house less cluttered to prepare to show it. That was why they were painting, etc. That could have been done in the spring when the plan was for her to leave. Just my opinion, I don't really know.

It was being done in March according to affidavits from various people. Nancy and the children were to leave in April.
If it is broken, that is true. But there is no evidence that it is or was broken.
I agree.
I'm saying just think if it is found broken and where the break is located. If the scratch on her neck, which we haven't seen, appears to have been caused by jewelry? This will be hard evidence to get beyond no matter what the defense says.

Also, if she wore it at the BBQ.
Cracks me up - in his deposition Brad stated he hadn't given any thought to moving or not. Now his lawyer contradicts him by letting out that the house was partially packed as in for a move in 'August. :crazy:

Nancy had been packing up the house those last few weeks/months.
I don't read it either - JMFLU has kept me well away with just her descriptions of it :crazy:

You know there are white squirrels in Brevard ? A JY trained squirrel maybe :crazy:

I wouldn't get started reading it, either. I have been in the Riviera Maya for a week and because they heard nothing from me at arrest time and during subsequent stories, one person thinks I am Krista Lister, because SHE apparently was out of town. Creative minds do abound. :confused:
I wouldn't get started reading it, either. I have been in the Riviera Maya for a week and because they heard nothing from me at arrest time and during subsequent stories, one person thinks I am Krista Lister, because SHE apparently was out of town. Creative minds do abound. :confused:

ROFL :clap:
And how do we know this if I can ask ?

Her friends' affys were talking about packing up the house...she did some things, but not the whole house. Unless she unpacked boxes afterwards, I'm assuming some boxes were still packed. However I don't believe 2 left shoes got into boxes and the rights were left out.
Her friends' affys were talking about packing up the house...she did some things, but not the whole house. Unless she unpacked boxes afterwards, I'm assuming some boxes were still packed. However I don't believe 2 left shoes got into boxes and the rights were left out.

I agree the affys say this but believe that was related to March and April because Nancy and the children were due to leave in April. I don't recall them saying anything about doing such after April when it became clear that Nancy and the children were not allowed to leave.

All these boxes and stuff must have been put somewhere else because Brad says he didn't have to move anything while he was on his cleaning binge except for the table in the kitchen area.
Unless the boxes were put in the attic, there weren't any I could see in their garage. Just plenty of misc items, and many many kids toys.
I thought he said they were missing from the shoe rack in the laundry room where all their running gear was.

You are probably right. I just remember him saying they were missing.
I agree.
I'm saying just think if it is found broken and where the break is located. If the scratch on her neck, which we haven't seen, appears to have been caused by jewelry? This will be hard evidence to get beyond no matter what the defense says.

Also, if she wore it at the BBQ.

I agree that if the necklace is broken, that would be pretty damning evidence. Her wearing it at the BBQ would not be if it is shown that she didn't ALWAYS have it on, and NEVER took it off. 1 valid recent picture of her without it means you can't say for certain that she was wearing it when she went to sleep. That's why I said using superlatives like ALWAYS and NEVER are usually pretty easy to disprove.
I agree the affys say this but believe that was related to March and April because Nancy and the children were due to leave in April. I don't recall them saying anything about doing such after April when it became clear that Nancy and the children were not allowed to leave.

All these boxes and stuff must have been put somewhere else because Brad says he didn't have to move anything while he was on his cleaning binge except for the table in the kitchen area.

I doubt they would be left in living areas. When I was packing up the last time I moved, one empty bedroom became the dump place for packed boxes.
I see K&B have a new page about the 'mussed clothes.' :slap:



This is just the most bizarre thing... Who are they playing to?? It's almost like they have their own little message board... something comes out in the press, or people talk about it here on WS, and their retort ends up on their website... I've never seen anything like this! It is just so... unprofessional and even immature, imo!
I see K&B have a new page about the 'mussed clothes.' :slap:



PS..........hmmmmmm..........there's only ONE problem with the 'mussed clothes' Brad was wearing that morning. LE didn't list as having located them...................interesting,.......fran

On this Fran - I would have thought they would have been looking for those clothes on 16 July actually. Everyone and their brother knew Brad made some trips to HT on the 12th well before the warrant of the 16th. I would be surprised if LE was unaware of those video tapes prior to the 16th of July. That warrant led to the collection of very few clothes and certainly nothing ressembling what Brad was seen in. I must say this is puzzling to me.
So those who just knew there was some damning evidence in that custody order... K&B just proved you RIGHT!!!

They all but say their client will be seen as guilty as hell if we get a look at it!
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