WV WV - Aliayah Lunsford, 3, Lewis Co., 24 Sep 2011 - #12

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Sweet little Aliayah, it so hurts my heart to check in every day and see you are still not found... I think of you and pray for you every single day, beautiful baby girl... you are always in my thoughts....


Where are you sweetie???

Missing you Aliayah... :angel:

Do we know when Lena and Ralph will be officially divorced? Her sentencing is May 22 in Elkins.

It would be wonderful if something were divulged.....:what:
Bumpity-bump for Aliayah!!
Just checked in on the social media sites for any news of Aliayah, but all I found was locals and non-locals trashing and bashing each other. I desperately wanted to go to Weston for my Spring Break, but I didn't.

What can I do that LE, FBI, and other searchers haven't already done? This small town and it's surrounding areas have been combed over many times in the past (nearly) 7 months.

Someone needs to talk in order for her to be found.
I just do not understand. If they know she was abused (which was put in the paper in the form of a notice to Aliayah's biological father) then why not press LL and RL more? Why not charge them with something? Get them in jail for something so the other kids feel safe enough to talk.

I know, I am just dreaming, right? This case just makes me so angry. Someone has to know something. There has to be some evidence somewhere.

Lord, please bless those that are working and seeking justice for Aliayah.

I feel the same way, rainydaybaby. I know that FBI and LE are trying to build a good solid case in case this goes to trial. I know that generally speaking police and LE want to see cases solved and perps put away. I know that there may be mitigating factors in this case such as limited manpower/resources, etc. I know there are people who have made great sacrifices to search for Aliayah, to put up banners and posters and flyers to keep her in public view. But I take one look at that sad little face and those beautiful big brown eyes, and everything I know goes away in anger and fury at what has happened over these last almost seven months. So frustrating.:waitasec::banghead:
Keeping Aliayah on the front page!!!
7 long months baby girl - where are you. Those in the know need to start talking.
Despite the appalling disgrace of Aliayah being missing for SEVEN FULL MONTHS:banghead:, and the evident lack of concern over this tragedy from some,there are many who have shown by their actions that this child was loved and cared for, and that she won't be discarded from memory. Justice, peace, and love to Aliayah and those who have truly shown their caring.
Poor baby. How can they not find her? Where is she? She seems so sad in her photos..I want to reach out and hug her.
Tonight, on the 7 month anniversary of Aliayah's disappearance, there will be a candle lighting ceremony at 7 p.m. at the State Road Parking Lot in Bendale, WV.

I have to agree with rainydaybaby. Where is the pressure? In the beginning, I thought that LE was just giving RL and LL enough rope to hang themselves, hoping they could lead them to Aliayah. But, after the many mis-steps and wrong doings of both RL and LL, they are still both allowed to roam free. It is possible to have a "no body" murder trial. Difficult, but possible.

LE has said from the beginning, that they are looking at a "small universe" of people. It is high time that their universe is destroyed and they are brought to justice.
Seven months, baby girl! :candle: I have a candle lit for you tonight.
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