WV - Man arrested, accused of abducting teen, holding her hostage for a year, & more


Well-Known Member
Jul 24, 2017
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A horrible story has been reported:

W. Va. Man Arrested, Accused Of Abducting Teen, Holding Her Hostage, Then Beating Her Until She Had A Miscarriage

MORGANTOWN, W. Va. (AP) — A 20-year-old West Virginia man is accused of abducting a teenager, holding her hostage for about a year, impregnating her and beating her so severely that she miscarried. News outlets report Brian Merchant-Jones is in custody on charges including murder and kidnapping.
. . .She said he impregnated her and later beat her so severely that she miscarried. She told police where she buried the fetus, and authorities found the remains. She said she was also beaten just before her interview with authorities.

BBM, and more info, and his picture, in the article if you click on the link.

I hope this teen will be able to be reunited with her family, and get the help she will need to recover from this horror.

ETA: Bolded the one year captivity.
Oh my word. I think these people that hold others captive need a stricter punishment like death. We already know they are capable of holding people hostage for long periods of time.My feeling is next time the captor will not get away.
I always worry about the teenagers that are reported as "runaways," especially ones from foster homes. If one of those runaway children got abducted, like this girl did, it would be so hard for LE to find them.
I too worry. Runaway are so vulnerable and can easily be taken advantage of. This could have easily been worse and everyone thinking she was safe. Some perpetrators actually single out runaway for the fact that they wouldn't be missed so no-one would be looking for them Imo. The poor girl, I hope she is getting the help she needs and her family are supporting her.
I too worry. Runaway are so vulnerable and can easily be taken advantage of. This could have easily been worse and everyone thinking she was safe. Some perpetrators actually single out runaway for the fact that they wouldn't be missed so no-one would be looking for them Imo. The poor girl, I hope she is getting the help she needs and her family are supporting her.
Oh my your profile picture looks like my ash. Mini- lop. Same color. I agree these children are very vulnerable. And can easily be taken advantage of. And go missing. I am concerned that we do not put enough effort into these cases. I don’t fly but, would be more than happy to drive wherever I could to help with flyers or following up on possible sightings. I do think in these cases LE needs to utilize the public help they are given. As these can be needle in the haystack cases.
She is a dwarf lop. I have 12 buns lol.. Ranging from 1kg-7kg.
I agree it is like searching for a needle in a haystack and if they have fun away sometimes LE will not necessarily think they are i n danger.
Was the girl's family looking for her?
That’s what I was wondering also. Who was she making calls to? Anyone who could get a covert message to her family or to police? No one on the phone was suspicious? Something is off.

I haven’t researched this but the headline makes me think this case will be a test of the WV law in regards to a fetus being viable. I sure hope there isn’t a loophole or weakness in the law.
First-degree fetus murder case moves forward
That’s what I was wondering also. Who was she making calls to? Anyone who could get a covert message to her family or to police? No one on the phone was suspicious? Something is off.

I haven’t researched this but the headline makes me think this case will be a test of the WV law in regards to a fetus being viable. I sure hope there isn’t a loophole or weakness in the law.
First-degree fetus murder case moves forward
Thanks for that informative link! I read it over several times to try and figure out exactly what happened. I think this quote might clear up the "held hostage but was allowed phone calls" situation:

"During the interview, the juvenile said she became pregnant by Jones when she was held captive in the early months of being at his residence, according to the court papers." BBM

It sounds as if it is only in the early months of her being held at his residence that she was captive, then after that it transitioned to an abusive relationship.
He’s one heck of a fine specimen, eh? Sure makes you wonder who in his childhood taught him this behavior was ok?
1st-degree murder charge for Fairmont man
“Court records also show Jones has a prior record and arrest for malicious wounding.

On Sept. 8, 2018, Fairmont Police arrested Jones after he allegedly struck an A 19-year-old Fairmont man was charged with malicious wounding following an individual on the right side of his jaw and chin with a closed fist.

The blow allegedly caused the individual to fall to the ground, rendering him unconscious and severely damaging his teeth.

Jones is accused of allegedly continuing his attacks on the individual, attempting several times to stomp on his head as he lay on the ground unconscious.”
Whoa. Dropped to malicious assault??

Prosecutor drops murder, kidnapping charges against man
A prosecutor has dropped murder and kidnapping charges against a 20-year-old West Virginia man who was accused of abducting a teenager, holding her hostage for about a year, impregnating her and beating her so severely that she miscarried.

Marion County Prosecuting Attorney Jeffrey Freeman told WDTV that the charges against Brian Merchant Jones were dropped after authorities reviewed forensic evidence. He said a Marion County grand jury indicted Jones on Tuesday on charges of malicious assault.

Prosecutor drops murder, kidnapping charges against man

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