Found Deceased WY - Gabrielle ‘Gabby’ Petito, 22, Grand Teton National Park, 25 Aug 2021 #31

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Honestly, at this point I think his parents are complicit. Maybe they weren't in the beginning because he fed them a line of BS or maybe he came clean and they've been trying to do damage control the whole time. Either way, I very strongly believe they are now complicit. And I would not be surprised if their 3 day camping trip dropped him off somewhere far away.
I tried replying to a post 2 thread ago
SHEESH --you all are moving so darn fast here !!!


Correct--for Debit you need a PIN #
No signature

So,, he either knew her Pin # to use as debit
He signed her name
He signed HIS name without being an authorized signer on the card/account.

I use my credit card all the time and I never have to sign anything anywhere except a sit-down restaurant.
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I am not sure HIPAA protects a murderer. He can be in a psych facility and we arre not privvy to that but I am guessing a legal warrant of some sort by the FBI would waive that. I think if you are indicted on a felony but the US gov't, your privilege of privacy from the police goes away. If i worked there i'd be planning my trip with my reward and drop a dime. I don't think HIPAA outweighs public safety. But i'm guessing someone on this thread knows the real answer to's a good question.

I answered this a little bit on the last thread (I think it was the last thread? lol I'm trying to keep up!). I found:

"HIPAA allows a hospital on its own initiative to disclose protected health information to law enforcement as necessary for law enforcement to identify or apprehend an individual who has escaped from a correctional institution or from lawful custody."
Ask for more money? Steal their money? They know who they raised. Can't wait until he's in prison clowning with his criss cross apple sauce nonsense. Maybe he can complain some more about plastic and see how that goes.
You're after giving me visions of painful things done with plastic forks in high security prisons cos future dangerousness... I'll relish them awhile and spare everybody..
There was a comment in the last thread about how Gabby has sparked a well needed conversation about DV across the nation. I just wanted to add (couldn’t before it closed lol) that I have friends with kids in Middle School who this week are discussing this case, the facts coming out and both DV & how to help if you’re a bystander who sees these things. So this isn’t just a National discussion among adults or groups who raise awareness for the general public. Her loss is driving discussions for younger crowds where we could make a big difference in the future of DV, how it’s seen and how it’s dealt with. It’s hurts my heart that it wasn’t there for her to see and help her get out, but it makes me hope that it gives her family some peace. I hope they see that who she was has drawn many others to her case and that had a domino effect resulting in amazing impact that we’re only beginning to witness.
But the resources were there for Gabby which is why so much anger is directed at the Utah officers who responded to the call. There is a women's shelter in Moab. The female Ranger recognized the signs of toxicity yet she provided Gabby no help in reaching out to that emergency shelter.

Moab, UT Domestic Violence Help, Programs
IMO Panic. He left, may have wondered around thinking of where to go, and then decided to retrieve the Van and head to Florida.

IMO if he was planning an alibi, he would have hitched back, claimed he left her working on her social media, and she was murdered. Unless the evidence pointed to him, I think LE would still be looking for an unnamed suspect.

....but how smart is he???
Nah, I don't think so.
Look at how he was with the police in Utah on that body cam footage.
He hoodwinked them playing a nice guy, pretending to be their pals.

I bet he thinks he'll talk his way out of it by switching into the old Jekyll and Hyde routine. Again.
I honestly don't think he was aiming to hoodwink them with his charm. The dynamic in the body cam situation didn't change until the bearded cop asserted himself as the alpha. The first cop on the scene wasn't buying Brian's story and was skeptically questioning things he said. Brian was picking up on that. You could tell from his body language and how he interacted with that cop that he knew he needed to be careful with him, that he wasn't buying his crap. It wasn't until the bearded second cop somehow asserted himself as the alpha in the situation that the dynamic changed and for some reason the first cop on the scene changed his tack with Brian. And then he and Brian - and the other cop - started paling it up with each other. It was a very interesting dynamic to watch unfold.
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I've said this previously but I feel there is a real possibility that BL blocked Gabby's parents numbers.
The texts and calls wouldn't have come through to the Laundries.
BL could have potentially continued with his fairy tale to his parents, maybe they broke up and she continued on with a friend.
They'd have had no clue until LE came calling once GP was reported missing.

They also called his sister who did not respond and she has stated that she has not seen or talked to Brian.
I tried replying to a post 2 thread ago
SHEESH --you all are moving so darn fast here !!!


Correct--for Debit you need a PIN #
No signature

So,, he either knew her Pin # to use as debit
He signed her name
He signed HIS name without being an authorized signer on the card/account.
If you make purchase with a debit card you can get cash back too.
You just put your pin# and most of the time the cashier doesn't look at the name. He could pull max cash from ATMs too.
I would think if you were seeking help for your grandpa you include what type of help was needed. I am not sure if the weird text meant grandpa was leaving voicemails and was the source of missed calls to Gabby's phone. Or, did the text mean that Gabbie was supposedly leaving voicemails and calling? Any thoughts?
Not “seeking help” for Grandpa. Saying “can you tell the old man to stop calling me, because Ikm having trouble returning his calls”.
So what happens to his parents *now* that he officially has a warrant if they know where he is? Or for that matter anyone else who knows where he is? More warrants coming?

The Feds will keep following the trail.., oh to be a fly on the wall- Or for Gabby, a butterfly on the wall.
I tried replying to a post 2 thread ago
SHEESH --you all are moving so darn fast here !!!


Correct--for Debit you need a PIN #
No signature

So,, he either knew her Pin # to use as debit
He signed her name
He signed HIS name without being an authorized signer on the card/account.
I don’t even use a pin most times, just sometimes (not always - all depends on merchant/equipment) have to hit yes to accept the transaction after chip is read (except at atms).

Anyway, mechanics don’t really matter - I’m as sure as I can be without having actual knowledge that had her pin, and it doesn’t matter either way - he wasn’t authorized.
Same! I took the day off from here for a mental break (I had to take a few during Gannon's case) and WOWZA what a day?!?!?!
Me too...well I tried.
I'm honestly sick of him. I don't want to see his face, especially in any pic with Gabby. Can't stand to hear his name. Tired of the fuss over him although I know they need to find him.
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So getting gas in Benton IL on Aug 31…

thats 1400 miles from Jackson Hole

with 1000 miles still to go to North Port

Impressive that he pulled up to his house the next morning

Maybe the 31st August payment was just after midnight, so technically the 31st, but with the whole 24 hours ahead of him.

So, looking at it that way, the 1000 miles in that time frame is possible.

Google tells me it'll take 14 hours and 26 minutes.

So if he left Benton IL after midnight (00.30hrs say, after getting gas) then he could be in North Port FL, for 14.30hrs the same day. That's just after lunchtime. Mommy could've made him a sandwich.

Even if he didn't leave Benton IL until 08.00hrs on the 31st, he could have still been in North Port FL by 22.00hrs the same day. Just in time for bed. Mommy could've tucked him in.

OK, so the van wasn't actually seen by cameras in North Port until the 1st Sept, indicating he may have stopped for sleep..... but it does give you some idea that those miles are possible in that timeframe and dates.
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