Found Deceased WY - Gabrielle ‘Gabby’ Petito, 22, Grand Teton National Park, 25 Aug 2021 #31

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Why she didn't tell her parents?

Abusive relationship = embarrassment for most of us. It's the entire reason it's such a cycle. Two elements: the abuser is contrite and tries to make up; the abused person is mortified and wants to be an adult and handle things by themselves.

It takes more than just a couple of seminars to get people in controlling and then abusive relationships to wise up. IME.
Yes, she may have been embarrassed. But she felt comfortable enough to call her after the DV incident in order to calm down, apparently. Her mom said she wasn't sure where the relationship was going at that point so Gabby must have said something to indicate things weren't going well. Imo
Okay so I know I’ve been bringing a lot of my thoughts on info this evening. But I can’t get this issue out of my mind since I am from Louisiana. I want to believe (and have believed) that BL was fully able to make the trip from where they were to Florida in approximately 48 hours? That’s the time frame I’ve been seeing on here. That yes, it’s possible…he could have done that…with no sleep, etc. But because I’m from Louisiana, I feel inclined to remind others of what we experienced during these key dates that he had been said to have been driving to Florida…Hurricane Ida. This storm was SLOW. It sat over us here in New Orleans for SO long which slowed it’s path down going into the rest of the country. I’m just wondering how BL was able to navigate around this B of a storm after doing what we believe he did do and make it back to Florida on the 1st? I have found the best radar loop of Ida to share with y’all. I would love to know everyone’s opinions with this wrench thrown into the situation. because it’s been steady on my mind with the dates so so close to the wrath of what we experienced down here. We’ve heard on here…sure, it’s possible He can drive without sleep…but can he do that thru a tropical storm?

Following the radar loop it does look like he had a lot of rain but when he hit his Northport exit it wasn't too bad, but it wasn't that bad, remember UTC time is 4 hours ahead of EST. I've made a Tampa to Atlanta run in 5 plus hours easily

Think the camera pegged the van at 10ish September 1st at the Northport exit 10 minutes from his parents house
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On another note: One redacted report — incident No. 21-053269, at 2:42 p.m. dated Sept. 14 — is filed as an abandoned vehicle report at the address of 6968 Reisterstown Road, in North Port, where the Mustang was left.

For whatever that's worth....
Gabby Petito case: North Port redacts records on Petito, Laundrie family

Snipped: So there was a police report about the "abandoned" Mustang Tuesday, September 14 at 2:42pm.

How long would it have to be there to be considered abandoned? If he drove it over Tuesday morning it definitely would not have been considered abandoned by Tuesday afternoon - people go on full day walks and hikes.

So when was the car really dropped off there? Monday? Sunday?
It's hard to keep up with everything, but has there been any hitch hiking rides reported that would have taken him from Spread Creek to Colter Bay? We know mostly how he got back to the van with the 2 rides, but how did he leave that area? I'm doubtful he walked the whole way.
Oh, I was meaning a couple of hours just for the video editing only.
I don't know about website part, I haven't done that, so have no reference.
That makes sense re: editing video, & I had definitely been unclear in my initial statement. The truth is when you’re building a website, you could probably fiddle with it & make tweaks for eternity (speaking from experience)!!
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If someone gives you their card and pin number and your name is not on the account if any way shape or form I would highly recommend you not do a single thing with that account. Your opening yourself up to possible legal troubles that I cannot begin to explain. In the eyes of the courts that is fraud you will likely be on camera committing these transactions also. It will be your word against the card holders and it will likely not end like you intended it to.
It wouldn't have been hundreds of hours of editing video footage for the kind of videos she was making. Far from it.
A couple of hours here and there would've been more than enough.

I hope she spent the 6 days in the hotel, enjoying sleeping in a proper bed, making use of a hot shower, nice bathroom and chilling out and resting. She deserved it.
I think BL left her in the hotel alone to, as he put it, "cool off". I think that's the real reason he went back to Florida. For them to separate for a time. When he came back nothing was different and of course he blamed GP. At this point his mucked up mind began his evil plot and within 5 days he was over the top and blew up. The incident at the restaurant showed he was irrational. He was probably hallucinating then and having paranoia. I wish they would find him and end the madness for GP'S family.
Same here! Took a snooze only to wake up to the Feds declaring war against BL.
AND now he’s a SUSPECT in her death, right?
It took a lot of willpower today to not pick up my iPad but March straight to the shower. Had a meeting but only glanced at my phone to check on updates. I exercised all the self discipline I could muster.
If the parents know that their son is not coming back, shouldn’t it be strategically advantageous for them to cooperate with FBI/LE?

and now a former FBI agent is saying that BL’s parents will be brought before a federal grand jury (his opinion). If they don’t have some master escape plan for their son, it’s time to sing.
I had to look back to Gabby's stay in the SLC hotel. What was going on?

Last text message missing 'van-life woman' Gabby Petitio sent to her mother is revealed | Daily Mail Online

(Gabby's mom) She's also questioning Brian's trip back to Florida in August to help his father move their belongings out of a storage unit.

Brian left Gabby in the Fairfield Inn in Salt Lake City and flew back home to Florida from August 17 to the 23 to help his father empty out a storage unit where he and Gabby had their things.

According to Schmidt, Brian's father offered to let them keep their belongings at his house so they wouldn't have to pay for the storage unit.

He left Gabby at the hotel so she, understandably, wouldn't be alone in the van. Brian then flew back to Utah and they left the hotel together on August 24.

Schmidt now wonders why it was necessary to move Gabby's things during their road trip and what became of her stuff.

'Where are her things?' she asked."


The Perkins restaurant is attached to the hotel and supplies morning breakfast to the Fairfield Inn guests.

A cashier at Perkins restaurant told that she saw Gabby in the hotel lobby around August 24.

Justina Suazo, 49, said, 'I distinctly remember her because I commented to my co-worker how cute she was. I saw her in the lobby and she appeared to be just a normal guest.'

When showed a picture of Brian Laundrie, she said, 'I never saw him at the hotel.'

At the Kicks 66 convenience store located down the street just a few hundred yards away from the Fairfield Inn, a cashier recognized the couple.

The cashier told the, 'They came into together on the night of August 21. I remember them because he was telling her to 'hurry up.'

Okay, so the mom told the DailyMail this, apparently?

This is strange because her father never mentions this to Dr. Phil. Okay, and now I think I remember hearing this in an interview, but not all these details. So thanks.

Now, people are saying that the garage at Brian's is rammed full of stuff. Could that be Gabby's things? I don't know why you pay for a plane ticket of that magnitude when you can hire movers to get that stuff out of there. Maybe Brian wanted to get away from Gabby, but why doesn't her father mention this on Dr. Phil?
Snipped: So there was a police report about the "abandoned" Mustang Tuesday, September 14 at 2:42pm.

How long would it have to be there to be considered abandoned? If he drove it over Tuesday morning it definitely would not have been considered abandoned by Tuesday afternoon - people go on full day walks and hikes.

So when was the car really dropped off there? Monday? Sunday?

His parents sure seem to be lying about a whole lot. I think he “went on a hike” around the 11th when Gabby was reported missing. Because at that point their faces were just about everywhere. So I don’t see him hanging around his house for 3 more days to be spotted. And have we heard if he actually came home from this so called 3 day camping trip he went on with his parents?
I don’t think it’s Gabby charging him. It’s the Feds. It’s a criminal act to take money out of a bank account of someone deceased unless it is set up specifically so that you can do so. Most of the time , accounts are not so set up. You have to do paper work and get the court’s permission to take out money from a deceased’s account, and you either have to be a beneficiary or some admin paying the deceased’s bills with that money. Certainly not for your own personal expenses.

I doubt BL is even the designated beneficiary of anything of Gabby’s. So her parents are likely the ones from whom BL was stealing when he used those accounts. I doubt they are going to be nice about it

In cases, where a person did not know—say Gabby clearly died of an accident totally devoid of even any suspicion of involving of BL, and BL unthinkingly used the card as usual since that’s the way he and Gabby did things, or he was away and did not get word of her death, and clearly used the cards unwittingly, it is highly unlikely any warrant for arrest would be issued for this breach.

in this case, LE is looking for some reason to charge him with a crime, and this came up. Gives them some leeway to work up the more serious cases. They can maybe lock him up now when they find him. They couldn’t do a thing before. No leverage at all. They say ignorance of the law is no excuse or exception, but in reality , most LE, DAs, judges, will let something like this go when there use innocence all around. When the breach occurs by someone suspected of killing the owner of the accounts, they would come down hard
Good post. Not sure why you quoted my post but I do agree with the points you made.
Snipped: So there was a police report about the "abandoned" Mustang Tuesday, September 14 at 2:42pm.

How long would it have to be there to be considered abandoned? If he drove it over Tuesday morning it definitely would not have been considered abandoned by Tuesday afternoon - people go on full day walks and hikes.

So when was the car really dropped off there? Monday? Well
Snipped: So there was a police report about the "abandoned" Mustang Tuesday, September 14 at 2:42pm.

How long would it have to be there to be considered abandoned? If he drove it over Tuesday morning it definitely would not have been considered abandoned by Tuesday afternoon - people go on full day walks and hikes.

So when was the car really dropped off there? Monday? Sunday?
Well, I would have been prepared to respond, but I really expected everyone to hone in on that suspicious activity on the 18th on the empty road lol
Man I do

Following the radar loop it does look like he had a lot of rain but when he hit his Northport exit it wasn't too bad, but it wasn't that bad, remember UTC time is 4 hours ahead of EST. I've made a Tampa to Atlanta run in 5 plus hours easily

I agree. This is central time on the radar loop. However, I would also like to point out that if his GPS tried to take him anywhere where there were interstate closures, it would be more difficult for him to get there. I will do more research on the interstate and road closures along his projected GPS path to Florida. As well as any tornado warnings and flooding along that route. I’m interested to know as well.
MOO- I don’t think BL gave any of this a thought. He very likely was using her ATM, credit cards, phone , van, money, etc so frequently that it didn’t occur to him that the ride ends when she is gone. I do not believe he looked at it as stealing because he was so used to being the driver of things, quite literally the van

It is likely that he contributed to the bank accounts funding the Debit card. Gabby lived with his family and they likely both indulged heavily in the Laundries’ resources.

In the Moab LE tape, BL says he doesn’t have a phone. He may well not have one. Wouldn’t need one if he shared Gabby’s. Also would explain why he might have taken hers at times and that they’d fight over it. They likely shared everything until they got mad at each other.

Now that Gabby is gone, all of her belongings that are at the Laundries’ house, anything of hers in the cars, camper, etc and the van itself belong to her family. As does every cent in her bank accounts as of date she died. Banks have special federal regulations and penalties are steep if they are broken

He does have a phone. In the cam video he is seen with his phone and she is seen talking on hers.
I leave for a few hours and miss a thread and a half.

On the library trip, if whoever reported that knew they were there for 30 minutes and didn't even look at a book, they would have definitely known if they'd contacted somebody. My guess is they got there early, didn't have anywhere to go and wanted to avoid having to speak to anybody and that was the safest place to do it.

On another note: One redacted report — incident No. 21-053269, at 2:42 p.m. dated Sept. 14 — is filed as an abandoned vehicle report at the address of 6968 Reisterstown Road, in North Port, where the Mustang was left.

Also interesting in this article:
A third redacted report —incident No. 21-054246, at 11:22 p.m. dated Sept. 18 notes a “suspicious incident” at the intersection of Balboa Terrace and Delmar Drive in North Port.

Delmar Drive is a bit of a beaten trail of a road that drags along Big Slough in the middle of North Port. There are no homes on Delmar Drive; and only a handful along Balboa Terrance.

For whatever that's worth....
Gabby Petito case: North Port redacts records on Petito, Laundrie family

"For what it's worth" - I think this is worth quite a lot! It establishes something to do with the Laundries' timelines. And the car really was "abandoned" at the park on the 14th. Anybody have any what any of them might have been doing on Balboa Terrace and Delmar Drive on the 18th?
Snipped: So there was a police report about the "abandoned" Mustang Tuesday, September 14 at 2:42pm.

How long would it have to be there to be considered abandoned? If he drove it over Tuesday morning it definitely would not have been considered abandoned by Tuesday afternoon - people go on full day walks and hikes.

So when was the car really dropped off there? Monday? Sunday?
Was it in a no parking spot? If the spot was legit, then yes, that violation is weird. And how did his parents know exactly where to find the car? hmmm
What? When police ask you if you have a phone, they mean now. They don't want the entire past and future of possible phone use. He tells them he doesn't (and then produces one later). No one is implying he meant today, Sept 23 or even yesterday. He said that on August 12.

Well, you can. And there are benefits to doing it that I won't go into. Because Capitol One offers us the best terms, I send them money for us to have a credit balance before we travel, which works out well for my style of budgeting. Capitol One sends texts to me about my daily balance and I can see when I'm starting to use credit instead of my. own funds.

All of the original videos from that couple simply say he immediately offered $200, without mentioning gas (which would have been rather ridiculous for 10 miles).
BBM. I do that too.
Well, I would have been prepared to respond, but I really expected everyone to hone in on that suspicious activity on the 18th on the empty road lol

I just can’t believe how many different stories we’ve gotten about the stupid car. They refuse to talk about anything but we have three different timelines for the car!
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