Found Deceased WY - Gabrielle ‘Gabby’ Petito, 22, Grand Teton National Park, 25 Aug 2021 #38

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Maybe Brian called Best Quality Vacuum and stated “I need a dust filter for a Hoover Max Extract® 60 Pressure Pro”

In all seriousness, please excuse my likely naiveté, but is it possible for a fugitive to procure a new identity with a new social security number, family history with family events, etc and achieve relocation (e.g., to Alaska or Vermont, etc)?
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He ran home twice that we know of. No telling how many other times he might have flown home for this or that.
He depends on his parents more than most young men of that age.
Personally I think they are enablers but who knows.
With that he might just return and be caught at his own home. MOO
Definitely enablers who probably believe BL over all others. I’m sure BL never had anything kind to say about GP. He doesn’t strike me as someone who’s nice and positive and uplifting, definitely seems like a “downer”as GP said.
Could Brian be hiding out in a community that has no access to TV/Internet and therefore people don’t know to look out for him? Like an off-the-grid naturalist community, a homeless encampment, an Amish community, or a cult. A reach, I know. Probably a dumb thought but just to put it out there that maybe he actually is surrounded by people helping him (hiring him to work on a farm, helping him with learning to disconnect from society, etc) without any idea they’re helping a fugitive.
I don’t think Brian has a strong work ethic!
He’s more a feather in the wind.
A day on an Amish farm would do him in! MOO
Snipped by me for clarity

I’ve heard this before but, do we KNOW? Do you have a link?
It was in the police transcript after the domestic violence call.

Brian Laundrie: (01:08:44)
My doctor told me I had anxiety, he prescribed me medication [inaudible 01:08:53] I believed that if I took the medication I might put myself off balance and be more anxious. That’s probably just a part of my anxiety.

Gabby Petito & Brian Laundrie Utah Bodycam Footage Transcript Before Disappearance
His first thought was to leave her dead or dying, leave the van there and hitch to parts unknown. Once he was picked up by the first campers, he came to the conclusion that with other campers around, her body might be found sooner rather than later. He was afraid he'd be picked up by the cops somewhere on the road with this thumb sticking out. He changed his plan abruptly, found a ride back near to where the van was and skedaddled back to North Port. He basically ditched all responsibility to save his own skin.
Oh, let's hope so. Member of Mensa he ain't! :cool: (yes, "ain't" !)
I think there are 3 newspapers in Belize. 2 out of Belmopan and 1 out of San Pedro. In the southern part of Belize, there are no "paper routes". Most people get their news from the radio. However, more young people there do have phones.

I don't know that he can pull it off, but southern Belize is a great place to try it. Another option in Belize is Belmopan or Dangriga and live slightly urban. The downsides to that are many Americans (Belmopan) and smaller urban size (Dangriga).

If he stayed on the move, he could stay on the run for quite a while in Central America.
Those are all great points. Everytime we discuss where he could be and what he could be doing to avoid capture (myself included), I think, hopefully we aren’t giving him good ideas if he’s reading these forums from on-the-run! :oops:
I believe Bank Fraud is considered interstate commerce and under federal jurisdiction.
Yes it appears to be a federal crime - if civil procedure yields an indictment against the respondent (BL).
Here is the U.S. Code - 18 USC Sec. 1344 on bank fraud (specific sections cut and paste - please see
18 U.S. Code § 1344 - Bank fraud for all the language.)
(1)If a person is—
committing or about to commit a banking law violation (as defined in section 3322(d) of this title); or

the Attorney General may commence a civil action in any Federal court to enjoin such violation.
section 3322(d) of this title)...the Attorney General may commence a civil action in any Federal court—
(2)If a person is alienating or disposing of property, or intends to alienate or dispose of property, obtained as a result of a banking law violation (as defined in section 3322(d) of this title)...the Attorney General may commence a civil action in any Federal court—

to enjoin such alienation or disposition of property; or
(B)for a restraining order to—
prohibit any person from withdrawing, transferring, removing, dissipating, or disposing of any such property or property
of equivalent value; and

The court shall proceed as soon as practicable to the hearing and determination of such an action, and may, at any time before final determination, enter such a restraining order or prohibition, or take such other action, as is warranted to prevent a continuing and substantial injury to the United States or to any person or class of persons for whose protection the action is brought. A proceeding under this section is governed by the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure, except that, if an indictment has been returned against the respondent, discovery is governed by the Federal Rules of Criminal Procedure.
It was in the police transcript after the domestic violence call.

Brian Laundrie: (01:08:44)
My doctor told me I had anxiety, he prescribed me medication [inaudible 01:08:53] I believed that if I took the medication I might put myself off balance and be more anxious. That’s probably just a part of my anxiety.

Gabby Petito & Brian Laundrie Utah Bodycam Footage Transcript Before Disappearance
How in the world did Gabby hook up with such a polar opposite of the men in life? Both her father and her step father are so strong and in control of their lives. I don't think that sweet girl realized how damaged BL is.
What would be the silliest thing a murderer would do? why, he would appropriate the van they both were driving around in , and for reasons that at this point defy any rationale whatsoever, drive that van from Jackson , Wyoming, to Orlando Florida. 2500 approx.. miles, not klms.. about 3800 klms..

He wasn't going back to a job, or a spare girlfriend, or an inheritance, or a previous appointment, arrangement, a job interview, whatever. He had not finished the journey , there was plenty more of the USA to hoot around in.

Mile after mile, exposed on the freeways and highways, getting meals, using facilities, obtaining fuel.. using the bank..

How did he intend to explain the absence of Gabby ? and his apparent ownership of the van? and why had she turned the van over to him? where was she?.. He must have figured it out that these questions would be asked, and had to be answered, surely?? He is 24, not 14.

Imo, everything he has done is reactionary with no real plan and no end game. Like he was flying by the seat of his pants. It is easy to kill someone. The hard part is what do you do after that. From what we know so far He didn't hide Gabby well. She was easy enough to find once the van location was determined. Like you said he left a trail with by using Gabby's bank accounts. Then he was caught on camera returning to his parents house. I also get the impression that his parents are flying by the seat of their pants as well.

It warms my heart that he's gone from a cushy coddled life to one on the run. His life has changed dramatically. I hope he is suffering. And I pray he is found today

All moo.
Has it already been speculated that BL went to Colter Bay because it has public shower and coin-op laundry?

Hiked to Colter Bay to shower and wash clothes to remove evidence (MB said he was clean) before returning to the van. He falsified evidence (text message and sticker on van) that they traveled to California. MOO

I've seen someone mention it earlier for that very reason.
There's no way he's on the AT and hasn't been spotted yet. It's an extremely popular trail especially this time of year. Someone familiar with that trail (like BL) would never do that if they wanted to go unseen, jmo.
I’ve never been in AT, but I imagined he would go to this region, but go off trail into the woods. Is that possible? I don’t think he would go on the main trail pretending to be like any other hiker.
@tiara1972 said....

MOO-Thoughts, observations & questions this morning:

1. Getting started on van life takes some up front investment. I wonder if the van was purchased with cash and by whom? If not, I wonder who holds the loan? It appears a 2012 Transit Van generally runs between around 7k to 13k, depending on mileage and condition. Outside of the van, supplies, customization, etc all take money. I believe they funded this trip together and/or were generously supported by their parents.
It appears both fathers owned their own businesses, so it may have been a goal or value to support this for their kids.

2. While having enough money and a decent budget to carry out a trip like this is important, (we saved 10k for a family of 4 for a 6000 mile round trip for a month on the road), they had done something similar before in a car and had a general sense of that, and I think I remember her father saying they had money. Without more information, I am not sure money was the main source of could be, tho...many people argue over money even when they have plenty.

3. The social influencer part of this confounds me a bit. Building a base following (say 5k active followers on the low end) is hard to get to by itself. To maintain and grow that takes an awful lot of time (often years) and work. There should be signs of that PRIOR to thinking one could make a living off it UNLESS sponsored by a number of companies prior to the trip.
Do we know if they had company sponsors?

If they were well sponsored, they could have made money from the sponsor, or have been gifted important supplies to market and make commission from along the way.

Also note, that in my experience, sponsors often include deadlines for posts and links used, including specific expectations for influencers, it can cause pressure. It could also be hard to meet these expectations if juggling more than one sponsor over a specific timeframe.

4. Whether it is true or not, Brian gives some insight on their plan during the bodycam vid, as I recall. I think he said they were headed to see g-ma best friend and then to Portland to do a stint at a World Wide Opportunity on an Organic Farm (otherwise known as WWOOFing) and then land in California. Don't know much beyond is all quite a curious and exasperating case to try to figure out without more information to comb thru.

MOO and just wanted to share with this amazing group!

Couldn't find your original post, so I copied and pasted the above to reference.

My ex and I had van life type trips, although we only spent overnights while on the road to our destinations, otherwise it was motels for us. Customized van, plenty of space for two people. This was many years ago, so it's far different in a lot of aspects.

I believe it started as a idea for Gabby, BL was on board with it. I read that Gabby sold her car to help purchase this van, hence why it was in her name only.

I'm also under the impression that they both worked jobs to save money for this trip and to afford the custom touches inside of the van.

I've joined many of the social media sites over the years but have since dropped all but FB, so when people leave twitter posts here I don't have access. Instagram, tictok, and whatever else is it out there needs follower's. The more follower's, the more likely it would be to get sponsors.

For twitter it is my understanding that a minimum of 10,000 followers will get you a sponsor. At this level (it really feels more like a game of chance than a job imo) you would most likely start receiving products (related to the sponsors) but no money. Again the more follower's the more you can achieve.

Yes I think it takes time, a lot of follower's, interesting content, and sponsor's to really start earning money. It feels almost like a fantasy world and reaching certain goals to increase sponsorship.

This vanlife trip for Gabby was about getting follower's, so she would have to project things that would be interesting enough to other's to make money. Yes, it does sound like a lot more work and time to achieve any success. It would require sustaining interesting content.

What Gabby was doing doesn't seem achievable during this actual trip. What she should have been doing it getting a lot of content, bringing it home and adding content little by little to get the followers.

It sounds as though she was trying to put in the work while she was on the trip, sort of on the fly as she went along. That had to be consuming, especially when you think back to the August 12th day of the cop stop and the abuse. Six hours sitting in a coffee shop with a impatient human being as your companion, tempers would definitely flare, and make a really unpleasant trip.

I'm sure the fighting increased as they went along. I hope this answers somewhat what social influencing is and how people become successes doing it or failing at it.

Does this sound like a enjoyable trip that Gabby had hoped for? She needed guidance and it doesn't seem like she had that and she definitely didn't have a supportive partner either, imo sorry this is so lengthy...
They need BL's DNA profile for comparison. It can be used for identification purposes or to compare to crime scene DNA, or any evidence that may link him to the homicide. Imo

OK, thank you. So I'm just guessing here, so the FBI never had BL's DNA. And now, again just guessing, there was skin found under Gabbie's nails, and they're comparing that to BL's DNA, which is on the item removed from the parent's home.. OR maybe comparing semen, or blood found at the crime scene?
I have family in LE, one being a detective, and in the past he could make a phone call and get the info. If they want to use the info in court, they probably need to go through the red tape and obtain a warrant/subpoena.
Ah, got it. That makes sense.
How in the world did Gabby hook up with such a polar opposite of the men in life? Both her father and her step father are so strong and in control of their lives. I don't think that sweet girl realized how damaged BL is.
Narcissists are like a wolf in sheep's clothing, so charming and charismatic. By the time you realize something is really off with them they've already pulverized your self esteem making you feel as if you have no where else to go. No one would ever want you.
MOO and my own experiences with my exhusband
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