Found Deceased WY - Gabrielle ‘Gabby’ Petito, 22, Grand Teton National Park, 25 Aug 2021 #56

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I find it a hard stretch that not one of them would have returned a call out of courtesy, if nothing else, if they didn't have reason to believe that Brian had done something they would need to be very careful about.

As a parent, I believe I'd have called my kid's bluff if he came back solo, told me whatever, even said "please don't talk to them/bad breakup," but then I started getting contacted by his gf's family.

At a minimum - hey, Bri, this is rude. I'm not doing this to these people. Tell me what's what or I'm getting on the phone with them right nah.

5 minutes later: where the HECK is that idiot attorney's number? Geez, I hate that guy, but we've got no choice at this point. Brian, go to your room. Now!
But, as far as I am aware, we have absolutely no idea what Brian told his family as to why Gabby didn't come back with him. They were operating off of whatever that was, and we can't assume what they did or didn't know, and project them as terrible people. Can we--should we? One of Brian's friends said that Brian and Gabby"s relationship was full of drama, to the point it sounded like he was tired of hearing about it. Maybe that's the case for the parents, as well.
I also find this odd. Here are some things that might be accomplished by his physical presence in the reserve:

For LE:
  • His absence elsewhere
  • A chance to talk with him separately, away from his wife. (Did his lawyer accompany him to the reserve?)
  • A chance to view his reactions
  • An opportunity to say that they are doing everything they can to search for BL in the reserve.
For CL:
  • An opportunity to look for BL
  • An opportunity to show that he's looking for BL, whatever he may know about BL's actual whereabouts, thus gaining public sympathy
  • Possibly a distraction from something going on at the house or elsewhere.

For LE:
Keep LE from possibly getting killed from a possible "cray cray" BL as they close in on him - Let dad do the "bringing him in peacefully".

Keep BL from suicide. They want him alive.

For CL: He could keep his son alive and from committing suicide or hurting others.
On Aug 12th they didn't have money for a hotel room for the night. Five days later they had money for a five night stay and a round trip flight to FL. I keep hearing that line from Springsteen's Atlantic City: "So, honey, last night, I met this guy, and I'm gonna do a little favor for him..." I can't shake the feeling that there are more hands in all of this.
i believe some people take things to literal, him saying they didnt have money for a motel didnt really mean they didnt have money at all, it meant they didnt have money to spare for a motel room that they didnt plan on staying at, they were watching their money pretty close and needed o make sure they had enough to complete the trip, so saying we don have money for a motel didnt mean they dint have any just that they didnt have any extra IMO
How would BL know something went horribly wrong on 9/10 if all they knew is that they couldn't reach her? And why the mysterious text to buy time?
Because it could have been normal for her to ignore his text/call or him not to reach out to her after a "big fight". But the fact that she ignored her own family is concerning. 9/10 is the date that the parents started calling and texting all the laundries so that how he knew something probably went wrong. JMO
Because it could have been normal for her to ignore his text/call or him not to reach out to her after a "big fight". But 9/10 s the date that the parents started calling and texting all the laundries so that how he knew something probably went wrong. JMO
But unless he was responsible, he couldn't have known she was dead. Why would he hire a lawyer? Why wouldn't he have searched for her?
If BL is not guilty, why run?

Just like many others have said… if (BIG, HUGE, GARGANTUAN if) he is innocent, he is the most guilty looking innocent person there ever was.
I have followed enough cases on here. I would definately run if I was innocent (and also if I was guilty ;)). Do you think a simple 'I didn't do it', would result in an 'OK then'?
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We don't know if he was still in possession of the card. He could have withdrawn the money with her knowledge then gave her the card back and said I'm going to drive the van back now. She had plans to meet up with Rose remember? Perhaps Rose was going to meet up with her and they will complete the trip together at the godmother's house in Oregon . We don't know so many things.
How would she have got there without the van though? Rose never heard from her so no plans for rose to pick her up and no one else has mentioned saying they’d collect her. Surely if that were the case and someone collected her or she hitched they would have come forward. The van was caught on camera a short walk from where she died, the warrant is for use of her card after she died so did he go take it back to her body? IMO
Personally, I see no reason to take CL to the swamp to see anything that can't be accomplished by showing a picture. So that reason makes no sense to me.

I CAN see it as a tactic to tell him he is needed and see if any conversation ensues with him that helps the FBI.
It just makes no sense to me at all. I have never seen this done.

It is likely is a desperate move, not only for his parents but LE.
It is rather interesting that suddenly the father is participating in the search (never any other indication the family desired this option) with the excuse the park was closed to the public. (IMHO). (Justice for GP!!).
On Aug 12th they didn't have money for a hotel room for the night. Five days later they had money for a five night stay and a round trip flight to FL. I keep hearing that line from Springsteen's Atlantic City: "So, honey, last night, I met this guy, and I'm gonna do a little favor for him..." I can't shake the feeling that there are more hands in all of this.

Could be. But obviously they DID have the money on the 12th to pay for a hotel room. Maybe they (or more likely B) didn't want to spend money for that but they had it. They had to have had it-- they planned to be traveling for over 2 1/2 more months...they were barely a month into their trip. They couldn't have been out of money so soon. Skip a few restaurant meals, grill a little less store-bought salmon at the camp site if necessary but they had the money.
How would she have got there without the van though? Rose never heard from her so no plans for rose to pick her up and no one else has mentioned saying they’d collect her. Surely if that were the case and someone collected her or she hitched they would have come forward. The van was caught on camera a short walk from where she died, the warrant is for use of her card after she died so did he go take it back to her body? IMO
The arrest warrant is for charging him for using her card after her death but it surely doesn't mean he is guilty of it. And it surely doesn't mean that there isn't another explanation for it other than "he killed her then stole her card to withdraw money" . JMO
We don't know if he was still in possession of the card. He could have withdrawn the money with her knowledge then gave her the card back and said I'm going to drive the van back now. She had plans to meet up with Rose remember? Perhaps Rose was going to meet up with her and they will complete the trip together at the godmother's house in Oregon . We don't know so many things.
But how would BL return the card to her from an ATM in IL, when she’s still back in WY dead? Iirc

ETA link… yep. Benton, IL
Reports: Laundrie credit card purchases linked to Benton, IL gas station
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Then again, for them it's between their son's life and a day or two less agony for the GP family. Still ugly but still not a difficult decision.

It's noteworthy here that he probably spun the story to justify it to them. They probably still don't believe they are protecting a murderer. For all we know, they aren't. For all we know, her drink was drugged at the restaurant, she had a bad reaction, attacked him, and he killed her in self- defense. We don't know anything so arguing about how terrible the people who did not kill her are is only taking the spotlight off the guy that did.

Well, as I said, unless they thought that he would run away and never be caught, they knew that eventually he would be questioned and possibly arrested (wrongly or rightly). That's the only way it's about their son's life. Otherwise it's about evidence and opportunity to maximize time for him to get out of Dodge.

Again, it's one thing to have a long conversation sharing everything they know (or don't know), but another to respond to tell them you can't speak to them - much like handing LE your lawyer's card. Perfectly within their legal rights to ignore them, but, again, I was speaking morally. It's a lot of pain to inflict for little if any legitimate legal benefit.
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SBM and BBM for focus

Though likely true, "entire" alludes to more that just the parents. Should he really be continuing to speak for Cassie and her family? If I recall correctly, he stated that he does not represent her, and she stated that she is not speaking with him.
Exactly!! Anddddd that atty threw her under the bed. He has no business including her in his "all Laundries"
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