Found Deceased WY - Gabrielle ‘Gabby’ Petito, 22, Grand Teton National Park, 25 Aug 2021 #59

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It could also have been ruled a homicide with clues other than her injuries. For example, if she was at all buried or hidden/moved around after death that could cause a coroner to conclude her death was caused by another.

I do suspect she was buried and that is what made it be declared a homicide.

I will note that they also said there was no apparent cause of death. It seems folks speculating about her cause of death are not taking that fact into account.
Now, a REALLY savvy lawyer would have had them go out in broad daylight and lay the BIGGEST wreath on the pile, kneel in prayer for a minute, then sadly return inside their home. That's the difference between Johnny Cochran and SB. Creativity and professionalism.
Can you imagine how that would have changed EVERYTHING?!
My heart would have melted.
I do suspect she was buried and that is what made it be declared a homicide.

I will note that they also said there was no apparent cause of death. It seems folks speculating about her cause of death are not taking that fact into account.
The Cause of Death has not been released. It does exist, however.
He, in my opinion, set up a fairly good alibi when he took off on his hike to Colter Bay area, told people who picked him up hitchhiking on his way back to camp that he was headed back to his fiancé who was back at the van working on her vlog. Then, he blew it, by instead of reporting her missing, or looking for her and asking other campers for help- he just left and took her cards and van, on his way to his parents house in FLA. And we know the rest..... shortly after her family began inquiring about her and the van was hauled away, he again absconded to who knows where. Both times he took off and that behavior is evidence of a guilty conscience. jmo
I agree with this and IMO BL had the van "stashed" close by to where he was dropped of by the hitchhiker alibi. I think he reached the van by foot after he said let me out after the "Jackson" part of conversation with TIKTOK couple.
1. Gabby struck Brian

2. Slapping the girl
(How many times 2, 3, 5?)

3. Proceeded to hit her
(Clocked her, gut hit, shoulder punch?)

He did not just go after her once.
Considering the other witness thought they might be "play fighting", I would say no to the clocking, punching, gut hit question.
I think the FBI is increasingly looking at the Laundries' (i.e., Chris and Roberta's) potential involvement. While there are few, if any, updates to the search recently, there were two atypical events regarding the family:

1. The fact that Chris was asked to help search for his son at the reserve is obviously strange. As others have said, it's possible they were more interested in reading his body language than his actual assistance.

2. Chris and Roberta broke from character and cleaned laundry baskets and a sign off of their yard, in full view of the media. I don't think it's important to look so much at the reason they exited the house as it is that they left the house at all. To me, this could be a sign that law enforcement is being less cooperative with them, so they were forced out of their house to address the issue themselves.

Besides what law enforcement has done, we know there is reason for them to be suspicious. Just some of the questions:
  • Why did Brian return home on August 17 to clean out a storage unit? The location of the storage unit, if it exists, has not been determined.
  • Why did Brian buy a new phone on September 4?
  • Why did the family go camping on September 6?
  • Why did the family wait several days to report their son missing?
  • Why did the family return his car if they thought he was missing in the Carlton Reserve?
  • Why did the timeline of his disappearance change after the fact (was it because they knew they would be caught in a lie?)?
There are reasonable answers to all of these questions and the FBI certainly knows facts of the timeline that we do not. But while reasonable answers may address all of these questions, when taken in their aggregate, a pattern of behavior starts to emerge, and I think the less "reasonable" these individual explanations become.

The police recently released a statement alleging there is no physical evidence linking Brian to any location. If they're not increasingly looking at the family, where are they looking?
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1. Gabby struck Brian

2. Slapping the girl
(How many times 2, 3, 5?)

3. Proceeded to hit her
(Clocked her, gut hit, shoulder punch?)

He did not just go after her once.

The 911 caller states Brian hit Gabby. The witness on scene states Gabby hit Brian.

Those are the facts we know from the winesses. Anything further is speculation.
Now, a REALLY savvy lawyer would have had them go out in broad daylight and lay the BIGGEST wreath on the pile, kneel in prayer for a minute, then sadly return inside their home. That's the difference between Johnny Cochran and SB. Creativity and professionalism.
Or they could just have some genuine compassion, sympathy for her family, heart, you know, anything apart from their silence. Maybe they could be angry at their son, call for him to turn himself in, and use the media to their advantage.
But they have done none of that, which is why I wholeheartedly believe they are involved in the circumstances of his “disappearance” AKA hiding.
True! But BL would have been in much better shape legally if he had called 911 for Gabby at the scene, given himself up, and used his one phone call to call his parents to arrange for a criminal lawyer. And said nothing from the time he was picked up. Running was the exact wrong thing.

Makes me think none of the Laundries were thinking clearly....and the lawyer I dont think is very experienced in criminal law.
Here's an article originally published on 9/13. It references a photo of Chris Laundrie mowing his lawn on Monday (which would be the 13th) and shows the front of the Laundrie home (sans Mustang).
Mom of missing Florida girl, 22, pleads for help to find her daughter | Daily Mail Online

It was originally posted at 16:07 (4:07 p.m.). I've been hung up on the 12th and 13th dates, so I've been trying to really narrow down that time frame. So here's some research I've done.

I was able to find a daily weather history on WeatherUnderground for Punta Gorda, which is approximately 18 miles away. It showed light rain starting at 5:49 p.m. and ending somewhere between 6 and 6:30 p.m.

For Venice Muni Station, which is approximately 14.5 miles, it reported thunder beginning around 3:15, heavy rain at 3:55 pm. and continuing off and on until about 7:15 p.m.

If the article was posted on the 13th at approx. 4:00 p.m., then the photos had to have been taken earlier in the day. Taking into consideration the afternoon rain beginning around 3 p.m., we can safely assume they were taken before 3.

WeatherUnderground also reflects a high of 91 degrees at noon, so I would venture to guess they were taken the morning of the 13th because he wouldn't want to cut grass in the middle of the day. Clearly that is an assumption, and I am still trying to narrow that down.

We also have this video from Fox 13 at 6:03 p.m. I'm basing the p.m. off the fact that the news anchor says at the beginning "developing tonight." She then flips to one of their reporters who is live in front of the home. The Mustang is not there, the Dodge truck is.

There is a second video from Fox 13 during their 10 p.m. broadcast and they go back to the same reporter who is live again in front of the Laundrie home.

I took a screenshot of the second video and turned the exposure WAY up in an attempt to see the background. There's probably a much better way to do this and achieve better results, but I was trying to do it on the fly. It looks like the truck is in the background.

Something that caught my attention - if you look at the first video from the 6 p.m. broadcast, the truck is backed directly underneath the camper. In the second broadcast, if I am right in what I'm seeing, the truck is now facing the camper and possibly a little more towards the left. I uploaded both photos for reference. If that's true, then obviously the truck was moved at some point between 6 p.m. and 10 p.m.

THIS deserves a sleuth award.


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People are leaving laundry baskets and other items to harass and pressure the Laundries. This is not a loving memorial to Gabby. It's a strategic attack to make the Laundries break. Removing those items is not an insult to Gabby or in any way callous.
Nothing will make them break, IMO. Because I think they know where he is, that he has a lot of cash, and that will continue for months if not years. Actually a good outcome for them, he is not underfoot acting strange, he doesn't have to work or come up with a profession. JMO
I'm not interested in discussing the Moab stop, dv, or any of the rest of it. I'm just pointing out a fact. We can't pick and choose what the witnesses said. Both things were reported, and to focus solely on one while ignoring the other is disingenuous.
I'm just pointing out the fact that who hit whom first or last or in the middle makes no difference in the state of Utah. The police made a mistake here, it happens, but by law, GP is not the one who should have been threatened with arrest and imprisonment. That's all, just stating the facts.
Considering the other witness thought they might be "play fighting", I would say no to the clocking, punching, gut hit question.
After watching the cam video and how she is crying, shaking, bawling, and has high anxiety--- nobody's going to convince they were play fighting.

That 911 witness saw him slap her repeatedly and then hit her.
Very far behind, and maybe this is being discussed (or has been). But, people are comparing a before and after with Brian. I was wondering if someone more tech-savvy than I would be able to do a side-by-side.

In the Moab stop when second cop pulls up and he's the first person to approach the van on the driver-side, the scratches on BLs face are either very hard to distinguish or they're non-existent versus when BL exits the vehicle and the scratches definitely are visible.

Anybody else seeing this? Are they really there throughout the entire video?
Callous? I would have done exactly the same. I'm not letting some mob turn my home into a sideshow to the extent I can prevent it. jmo

It's not hallowed ground, these are not hallowed objects. These items are a protest and I find it gross to treat Gabby's memory this way.

I utterly, totally disagree with the Laundrie family's treatment of the Petito family but I don't support the protestor's behavior in going up on to the Laundry's property and expecting things left behind to be kept there forever.
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