Going through all the police reports-
9/10/2021 15:58:34-This was a public service call. It was a Sig-67, which in Sarasota County indicates either a police public service call and it's the same signal they use for a lock-out (someone locked out of their car or home). Priority level was a 5.
9/10/2021 18:26:02 -Same as the previous call.
9/11/2021 13:12:33 - This was a 1017 call, code that means "suspect present".
9/11/2021 16:38:04- Another 1017, follow-up/investigation.
9/11/2021 20:28:27- Sig-90, agency assist. Sig-90 is the code for assisting another agency, so NPPD was there to assist some other entity.
9/14/2021 14:18:29- Sig-1017. Again "suspect present". Also note this call was police officer initiated.
9/15/2021 15:21:36- Sig-16 Highway obstruction. Code is highway obstruction. Complaint about roadway obstructed.
9/16/2021 16:05:02- Sig-67 again and listed as public service. Complaint called in.
9/17/2021 11:03:46- Sig 67 again and listed as public service. Complaint called in.
9/17/2021 13:40:34- Sig 67 again and listed as public service. Officer initiated.
9/17/2021 17:36:17- Sig-15 Special Detail. Code means special detail. This call was officer initiated. Special detail is when LE provides security for a public or private event, i.e. a parade or a protest.
9/17/2021 18:47:14- Sig-8 Missing Person. This was the initial intake for a missing person (Brian Laundrie). This was also officer initiated.
9/18/2021 06:06:23- Sig-15 Special Detail. Officer initiated.
9/18/2021 08:01:01- Sig-15 Special Detail. Officer initiated.
9/18/2021 12:11:14- Sig-15 Special Detail. Officer initiated.
9/18/2021 10:28:21- Sig-15 Special Detail. Officer initiated. (property checked)
9/19/2021 06:11:58-Sig-15 Special Detail. Officer initiated. (property checked)
9/19/2021 09:07:32- Sig-15 Special Detail. Officer initiated.
9/20/2021 09:52:44-Sig 90 Agency Assist. NPPD was assisting another entity. Officer initiated.
9/20/2021 18:02:23- Sig 15 Special Detail. Officer initiated. (property check)
9/21/2021 06:13:32- Sig 15 Special Detail. Officer initiated. (property check and assisting another officer)
9/23/2021 05:46:15- Sig 15 Special Detail. Officer initiated. (duplicate event)
9/24/2021 05:56:08- Sig 15 Special Detail. Officer initiated. (property check)
9/24/2021 06:01:24- Sig 15 Special Detail. Officer initiated. (property check)
9/24/2021 12:03:16- Sig 15 Special Detail. Officer initiated. (property check)
9/24/2021 13:17:05- Sig 15 Special Detail. Officer initiated. (property check)
9/24/2021 15:26:11- Sig 87 Patrol Check. Officer initiated. (property check) A Patrol Check is fulfilling a request to patrol a specific area.
9/24/2021 18:40:54- Sig 131 Suspicious Incident. A report was submitted.
9/24/2021 21:23:01- Sig 87 Patrol Check. Officer initiated. (property check)
9/24/2021 21:50:12- Sig 87 Patrol Check. Officer initiated. (property check)
9/25/2021 01:24:52- Sig 87 Patrol Check. Officer initiated. (property check)
9/25/2021 02:46:45- Sig 87 Patrol Check. Officer initiated. (property check)
9/25/2021 04:52:09- Sig 87 Patrol Check. Officer initiated. (property check)
9/25/2021 08:29:36- Sig 87 Patrol Check. Officer initiated. (property check)
9/25/2021 16:17:48- Sig 67 Public Service. Officer initiated and the problem was resolved.
9/25/2021 20:02:07- Sig 67 Public Service. Someone lodged a complaint and the problem was resolved.
9/26/2021 10:10:39- Sig 87 Patrol Check. Officer initiated. (property check)
9/26/2021 10:54:21- 1017 Follow Up Investigation. Officer initiated.
9/26/2021 22:49:57- Sig 87 Patrol Check. Officer initiated. (property check)
9/27/2021 08:06:45- Sig 22 Disturbance. Someone called this one in.
9/27/2021 08:28:01- Sig 63 Park/Walk/Talk. Officer initiated. Park/walk/talk is a strategy used by LE to connect with a neighborhood.
9/27/2021 13:29:42- Sig 67 Public Service. Someone lodged a complaint and the problem was resolved.
9/27/2021 14:45:45- Sig 67 Public Service. Someone lodged a complaint and the problem was resolved.
9/27/2021 16:13:01- Sig 15 Special Detail. Officer initiated. (property check)
9/27/2021 17:09:26- Sig 67 Public Service. Someone lodged a complaint and whoever was causing the complaint was unable to be located.
Sarasota County (FL) - The RadioReference Wiki
The majority of the calls were in regards to the protestors. It does seem that NPPD went to the home for some issue on the 10th, it could have been in response to the call from the Petito's or completely unrelated, imo.
On the 11th, the first two calls were a follow up to the calls on the 10th. The last call on 9/11 was the NPPD assisting the missing person's report from NY. This was where they were met by the Laundries with a card and a refusal to answer any questions. The van was also taken from the Laundries by LE at this time.
Petito's family reported her missing to the Suffolk County Police Department in New York at approximately 6:55 p.m.
Gabby Petito timeline: Everything we know about her disappearance
North Port authorities go to Laundrie's home that night and ask to speak to him and his family, but "we were essentially handed the information for their attorney," Taylor, the police spokesperson, says.
Timeline of Gabby Petito case - CNN
The white van Gabby and Brian traveled in was taken from the Laundrie family home on this date.
Gabby Petito case: A timeline of her disappearance and homicide
On 9/14, LE noted that the suspect (Brian) was present. This one confuses me because LE states they mistook RL for Brian when the car returned on 9/15 so I'm not sure how they noted that Brian was present at the residence on that date. And there is no police incident report for the 15th on this so I'm wondering if LE got their dates mixed up, moo.
...the mix-up happened on Wednesday, Sept. 15 – two days before a missing person report for Laundrie was filed ...
North Port PD admits to mistaking Roberta Laundrie for Brian Laundrie the week he disappeared | WFLA
On 9/15, the police responded to a complaint for some obstruction in the road, most likely the news crews.
On 9/16 NPPD held a news conference, Joe Petito was there pleading for help. There were protests at the Laundrie home that afternoon and evening.
North Port Police Department holds press conference
Timeline of Gabby Petito and Brian Laundrie's road trip, investigation
On 9/17 The bullhorns gathered at the Laundrie property. This was also the day that LE went to the home and removed items within the home. The last call on that day was LE going into the home to remove evidence and the officers found Brian wasn't there and initiated a missing person report on Brian. The police log states the missing person report was initiated by LE, not by SB or the Laundries.
Protestors gathered outside the home of Brian Laundrie on Friday night, instead of a scheduled vigil at nearby North Port City Hall. With several police cars on the block, authorities have been inside the home for more than a hour.
Detectives carried what appeared to be small brown paper evidence bags into the house and searched cars at the property.
Timeline of Gabby Petito and Brian Laundrie's road trip, investigation
From 9/18-9/19 the calls were officer initiated details to deal with protestors and news crews.
On 9/20 at 9:52am NPPD assisted the FBI who performed a search on the Laundrie home and the Laundries were removed from the home for 30mins during this search.
The FBI has executed a search warrant Monday morning at the home of Brian Laundrie in North Port, and his parents were seen getting into a van with law enforcement officials.
Timeline of Gabby Petito and Brian Laundrie's road trip, investigation
From 9/20 6:02pm to 9/24 1:17pm, all the police activity was special detail and officer initiated. Most likely all the police activity to tend to protestors and news crews, imo.
On 9/24 at 3:26pm we see this special detail has now changed to a routine patrol.
Also on 9/24 at 6:40pm there is a suspicious incident report filed. This was a report filed from someone who heard gunshots.
North Port police said Friday afternoon reports of gunshots outside Gabby Petito’s fiancé Brian Laundrie’s home are “false.”
Police: Reports of gunshots outside Brian Laundrie’s home ‘false’ | Gephardt Daily
From 9/24 9:23pm to 9/25 8:29am we see the police are conducting routine patrols of the Laundrie home.
On 9/25 at 4:17 there is another public service call, initiated by an officer. Most likely during a routine patrol, they had some interaction with protestors or news crews,moo.
Also on 9/25 at 8pm someone called in a complaint and it was dealt with.
9/26 starts with a routine patrol at just after 10am, with a follow up to the investigation at 10:54am when the FBI returned to the Laundrie home to take items for DNA analysis and the search for Brian. The day ends with another routine patrol at 10:49pm.
The FBI took personal items belonging to Brian Laundrie on Sunday to aid in their investigation, according to the family’s attorney
FBI visits Brian Laundrie’s home, takes items for DNA matching, attorney says | WFLA
On 9/27, there is a disturbance called in at just after 8am. The bullhorns were back. A half hour later, an officer parks, walks and talks to people. Complaints were filed at 1:30pm and 2:45pm, most likely about either news crews or protestors. At 4:13pm, a public service check. And then the day ended with a final complaint at 5:09pm. Whoever the complaint was about was unable to be located.
Demonstrators gathered outside the property in North Fork, Florida, with posters and using a megaphone to shout their demands.
Yelling protesters picket Brian's home after cops get DNA samples to test
And for a final note, Joe Petito never went to the Laundrie home.
Petito did not go to the home physically, North Port police said separately, but expressed concern about his daughter's whereabouts.
Missing Gabby Petito's dad linked to Laundrie home incident report evening before daughter reported missing