Zach Adams guilty in kidnapping murder of Holly Bobo Sept 23, 2017

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Harmony 2

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Oct 12, 2008
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Holly Bobo guilty verdict: Man convicted for kidnapping, raping and murdering nursing student
Zachary Adams was convicted for the kidnapping, rape and murder of Holly Bobo, 20.

A sentencing hearing for Adams' fate is scheduled to begin on Saturday. It's possible that he could face the death penalty.
Autry's lawyer has told the judge that a trial does not need to be set for Autry, indicating he has reached a deal with prosecutors. A trial date has not been set for John Dylan Adams.

Timeline of events: Holly Bobo abduction, murder

Amandareckonwith's case file
Amandareckonwith's trial archive

Hollye's case map

JenaTaoson’s cell tower and phone ping map

Holly Bobo murder trial witness list (created by Emi)

Live stream links:

social media:

LadyJustice2088 channel- Zach Adams Trial

previous thread
:seeya: Good Morning, Y'all !

I never thought this day would come !

Below are links to MSM sites who have covered the Holly Bobo case ... not certain which ones will have live streaming YET and coverage of Zach Adams' Trial ... but will update this list as soon as we have more info.

And please add to the list if you see any other sites covering the Trial that are not listed below ! TIA !
Chris Conte w/ NewsChannel 5
Nick Beres w/ NC5
April 13, 2011
In case others want to see all in chronological order.

4:54a - 8:18a – Zach – no activity (from 8:17a to 8:25a Holly's phone is moving near Cox Rd @ 641/I40)

6:50a - Jason-- near Camden (GF house) text

6:51a - 8:19a – Jason -- no pings

7:00a - Karen Bobo leaves for work/Holly was sitting at dining room table, also texting back and forth with classmate Hannah
7:30a -- Holly speaks to BF, Drew re hunting on grandmother's property
7:30a - 7:40a - Holly -- home area
7:40a - Neighbor hears a scream (& hears fighting for 45 seconds (per Def "cell" expert)
7:42a - Holly -- last outgoing call (Me: wondering "who" she dialed-maybe not-phone in back pocket, she gets knocked to the ground in carport maybe and butt dials; someone tesified her phone in back pocket)
7:45a - Neighbor's mother calls Karen
7:50a - Clint is awakened by dogs barking/Karen calls Clint
7:53a - 8:09a - Holly's phone connect to towers close to home
7:55a - Karen calls 911 from work

8:00a - Karen calls Clint to call 911 after he tells her what he saw
8:00a - Holly's phone is moving
8:11a - Holly's phone from house and hits Tower 1 then moved (per Def "cell" expert)
8:16a - Holly's phone at Shiloh Rd Tower
8:17a - Holly's phone going north I40 (Shiloh Rd Tower)
8:17a - 8:26a – Holly -- ping off 2 different towers / stays there for 25 minutes (per Def "cell" expert)
8:17a - 8:55a - rape occurred between 8:17am and 8:55am (if Autry is to be believed that Holly was already in back of Zach's truck, wrapped at 8:55a )
8:18a - Zach's phone on
8:19a – Zach's phone at Cox Rd @ 641/I40- incoming text From JA
8:19a - 8:53a - Zach's phone utilizing same tower close to his home
8:28a -- Defense witness (Dicas) says ZA phone pings at home (several miles from where Holly's pings)
8:30a – Zach -- outgoing text to JA
8:30a - 8:52a Zach and JA-- texting back & forth
8:53a - 8:55a – Zach - phone call from JA-call went to voice mail--Zach called JA back –Zach’s phone near Yellow Springs & Adams house (Holly's pinged twice just after 9 near where Adams' phone pings - by Yellow Springs near Cox Rd)
8:55a – Jason phone - Autry, Adams & Holly's all shown in same area (same tower) - (at Shayne's where Jason sees Holly's body wrapped in back of Zach's truck)

~8:19a - 9:12a -- Zach's phone close to home-in same general area of where Holly's phone pings)
8:57a - 9:00a -- Holly's phone pings Yellow Springs area (2nd ping)
9:02a - 9:06a – Holly's phone - East of Shiloh Rd @ Cox & I40/641 (3rd tower pinged) Same tower as Zach's house
9:10a – Holly - Sugar Tree near Tennessee River (Me: possibly Shayne leaves to dump her phone)
9:10a - 10:43a --Zach - texts between ZA & Shayne Austin/Zach @ Birdsong area
9:12a – Zach's phone pings Yellow Springs area (Holly's 2nd ping in same area)
9:25a – Holly - pings near home - final ping - sim & phone found in this area.
9:40a - Holly's phone stops pinging/probably dead battery
9:42a - 10:37a – Jason phone -- pings near Tenn River near Birdsong Rd exit (Zach & Jason at Birdsong with Holly's body)
9:50a – Zach - pings near Tennessee River

10:01a - 10:32a - Zach continually texting Shayne
10:35a - Zach's phone uses the other side of tower near Birdsong Rd exit
10:35a - Jason's phone uses the other side of tower near Birdsong Rd exit
10:38a - Zach's phone moving away from tower & going back home
10:39a – Jason - phone is moving away from tower at Birdsong Rd exit (again pings near Cox Rd. (leaves Tenn river area)

11:04a -- CCTV at AmFarm shows TBI SUV traveling to Parsons
11:05a -- CCTV at AmFarm shows TBI SUV traveling to Parsons
11:07a -- CCT at AmFarm shows ZA's Pickup traveling to Parsons
11a - 12p – Zach - in Parsons (video store w/GF)

~2:30p - 3:30p - All (Zach, Jason & Shayne) at Dottie's house where Dinsmore is working - (per house cleaner testimony)

9:47p -- First 911 call by Dick Adams (ZA's GrF) - ZA is causing a problem
9:49p - Second 911 call by DA - Didn't want officers to come over
9:51p - Third 911 call by DA - ZA is back & causing problem; was raising hell, wanted guns & keys to his/Dylan's truck. More frantic call - sounds exasperated (JMO)
The only one on trial here is Zach Adams. He is the only one being judged and sentenced today. Any sleuthing of peripheral family members and friends or information not brought out during trial will be removed. You may discuss information that was testified to but beyond that please be mindful of our terms of service.:


Websleuths is a victim friendly forum. Attacking or bashing a victim is not allowed. Discussing victim behavior, good or bad is fine, but do so in a civil and constructive way, and only when such behavior is relevant to the case.

The "victim friendly" rule extends to the family members of victims and suspects. Sleuthing family members, friends, and others who have not been designated as suspects is not allowed. Don't make random accusations, suggest their involvement, nor bash and attack them. Posting their personal information, including names, addresses, and background data -- even if it is public -- is not allowed. That does not mean, however, that statements made by family members and other third parties cannot come into discussion as the facts of the case are reported in the media.

Please thank this post to indicate that you have read it...
The Bobo family has been through so much. They fought so hard for justice. It is heartbreaking to realize the depth of their pain. They displayed strength, courage, and dignity. I hope the verdict and sentence brings them the peace they deserve after all the years of agony. For Holly I hope the real truth was found.

Websleuth friends, we came together here from all walks of life to honor a beautiful young woman whose life was cut short in a horrific manner. Going through an emotional trial like this one creates a unique bond. We delved deeply into every detail of the case in search of the truth. There were so many compassionate caring people posting on the case, working together, while details of the case in court unfolded. Thank you for being here.


I've been watching right along. Today I have to be out. Do you think I'll be able to catch this on youtube later tonight?

Sent from my SM-G935V using Tapatalk
This was the case that made me join Websleuths. I can't believe that it's been six years before she finally received justice, and my heart goes out to her family all over again for having to go through the trial. I hope that this resolution brings them some healing and peace.

I've seen a lot of discussion about the jury and reasonable doubt, and just wanted to point out that, as the judge mentioned, the jurors are the arbiters of fact. They decide who is credible and who is not. Once they believe a witness, that witness's testimony becomes a fact. Any inconsistencies we see here were obviously not seen as inconsistencies by the jurors. Also, there is a big difference between doubt and reasonable doubt. Even further, there is a difference between murder and felony murder, and how complicity theory relates to them both. I do not believe that Zach was the one who grabbed Holly and took her away from her home, but that did not need to occur for the guilty verdict. If he was guilty of any participation/assistance along the way, he is guilty. Hell, he could've used a weapon to make her move from one room of a home to another and that is enough for kidnapping in my state. I have no reasonable doubt that, at minimum, he participated with Shayne Austin in the commission of these crimes.
I've been watching right along. Today I have to be out. Do you think I'll be able to catch this on youtube later tonight?

Sent from my SM-G935V using Tapatalk

And a great big thanks to YOU Harmony! :loveyou:

It sure has been a :rollercoaster:
Below are the charges of which Adams was found guilty:
WMC5 will stream the sentencing phase and impact statements on its digital platforms beginning at 10 a.m.

Felony first-degree murder
Especially aggravated kidnapping with a deadly weapon
Especially aggravated kidnapping with serious bodily injuries
First-degree murder during the perpetration of rape or attempted rape
Aggravated rape by the use of force or coercion with the use of a deadly weapon
Aggravated rape suffered bodily injuries
Rape by use of force or coercion
First-degree premeditated murder
This was the case that made me join Websleuths. I can't believe that it's been six years before she finally received justice, and my heart goes out to her family all over again for having to go through the trial. I hope that this resolution brings them some healing and peace.

I've seen a lot of discussion about the jury and reasonable doubt, and just wanted to point out that, as the judge mentioned, the jurors are the arbiters of fact. They decide who is credible and who is not. Once they believe a witness, that witness's testimony becomes a fact. Any inconsistencies we see here were obviously not seen as inconsistencies by the jurors. Also, there is a big difference between doubt and reasonable doubt. Even further, there is a difference between murder and felony murder, and how complicity theory relates to them both. I do not believe that Zach was the one who grabbed Holly and took her away from her home, but that did not need to occur for the guilty verdict. If he was guilty of any participation/assistance along the way, he is guilty. Hell, he could've used a weapon to make her move from one room of a home to another and that is enough for kidnapping in my state. I have no reasonable doubt that, at minimum, he participated with Shayne Austin in the commission of these crimes.

I feel that they asked for that dry erase board to list the key witnesses and then decide if they believed them or not...clearly they believed enough of JA to convict...he must be celebrating wherever he is last night and today...he put on a very good show.
oh my stars. I've been skimming back through the #hollybobo tweets forever and just now got to September 2014. My scrolling finger is about to fall off!
Zachary Adams was convicted for the kidnapping, rape and murder of Holly Bobo, 20.

A sentencing hearing for Adams' fate is scheduled to begin on Saturday. It's possible that he could face the death penalty.
Autry's lawyer has told the judge that a trial does not need to be set for Autry, indicating he has reached a deal with prosecutors. A trial date has not been set for John Dylan Adams.
I feel that they asked for that dry erase board to list the key witnesses and then decide if they believed them or not...clearly they believed enough of JA to convict...he must be celebrating wherever he is last night and today...he put on a very good show.

I probably would've needed a dry erase board if I was them just to keep track of the elements of each charge. But yes, it's possible that they listed the witnesses. I personally don't think that JA's testimony was 100% necessary to convict on some of those charges, though. There were plenty of other witnesses, including the girlfriend, that supports some of the charges. I can't recall every moment of the case, but if IIRC only JA testified to the rape, so they must have believed him if they convicted ZA on those charges. I believe most of what JA testified to, but not all.
I noticed when Zach came back in for the verdict he was not wearing makeup and the circles under his eyes were visible again. I wonder when he comes back today if he is back in the foundation makeup to cover his big dark circles under his eyes. To me that was a smart thing for his defense attorney to do.

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