ZFG Civil Case: Casey's Deposition #2

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They are probably attempting to say FCA's computer was hacked, it's not her fault, blah blah blah. Morgan knows it is a massive lie.

Perhaps Greene doesn't want to lie to the judge, and Mason has no issue with doing just that...lol
Well actually, there is confusion there as well :crazy:
Adam Longo tweeted that Mr Greene did speak and CFNEWS13 was going to have the report on the Noon newscast


CFNews13Casey Casey Anthony News13
Atty Charles Greene did make a brief statement about today's #caseyanthony proceeding. We'll have that for you at noon. - @adamlongo

When are they going to make up their minds?? On media site says one thing, another says another! :banghead::banghead: (I like my story better!)

Have we seen anything else yet? It's well past noon in Orlando I think..:waitasec:
I did see that also Intermezzo during my search for what I was looking for, but noon came and went and I didn't see anything on-line, anyway, about what Greene said. maybe something will show up later.

I am wondering now why Mason/Fryer were in there...... is something else up????? or were they just there to reenforce about her lying appeal, etc., Mason trying to intimidate Munyon?? just wondering out loud here about those two jumping in. :banghead:

I speculate something is definitely up with her criminal defense attorneys being present and perhaps participating in this civil case hearing...
I don't believe they have shown up to any previous civil case hearing with Morgan and Morgan

Unless they knew that the Judge's decision today, regarding OCA having to answer questions, would apply to both cases and they went in with, to borrow the saying, all guns blazing,

And I wouldn't put it past Mr Mason to voice some threats..."I'll take this to the Supreme court and file a complaint about her 5th amendment rights" yada yada...blah blah...we have heard him voice those threats in court during some of the criminal case hearing.
I speculate something is definitely up with her criminal defense attorneys being present and perhaps participating in this civil case hearing...
I don't believe they have shown up to any previous civil case hearing the Morgan and Morgan

Unless they knew that the Judge's decision today, regarding OCA having to answer questions, would apply to both cases and they went in with, to borrow the saying, all guns blazing,

I don't know Intermezzo - it kind of makes sense they were there because all these 5th Amendment rights they are yammering on about apparently have to do with the upcoming appeal which I see Mason and Fryer have managed to have delayed another 30 days. So it kind of makes sense to me they would want to come in and try to throw their :twocents: in doesn't it? These guys don't like to lose.
Edited to note - but Mason generally does - yuk yuk. Now there's a man with selective memory if I ever saw one.
I don't know Intermezzo - it kind of makes sense they were there because all these 5th Amendment rights they are yammering on about apparently have to do with the upcoming appeal which I see Mason and Fryer have managed to have delayed another 30 days. So it kind of makes sense to me they would want to come in and try to throw their :twocents: in doesn't it? These guys don't like to lose.
Edited to note - but Mason generally does - yuk yuk. Now there's a man with selective memory if I ever saw one.

I am in agreement
It cracks me up that Mason has to go in before a judge and make these kinds of arguments about the 5th amendment, when we have dozens of recent pictures of her making her ugly duckface inches away from her own webcam. Hahahahaha. I really hope the judge has some young relatives who have shown him the tweets and FB pictures by now.
I am in agreement

Especially if she does get on the stand in the ZFG case or in her deposition and proceeds to tell her usual whoppers before her appeal is heard.

It will be good laugh for the appeals judge(s) and then :denied: .

I just wish it was possible for HHJP to :phone: Judge Munyon and remind her they are there to serve Justice not stand in the way of the process. :slap:
the longer she avoids questioning, the less likely she is to get her huge payoff for her first interview. let them keep her silent, she can't talk in depos means she can't give interviews. people are already tired of the trout pout pics, no one's going to pay for more photos and she can't give an interview.... she's turned into late night tv joke fodder.
It cracks me up that Mason has to go in before a judge and make these kinds of arguments about the 5th amendment, when we have dozens of recent pictures of her making her ugly duckface inches away from her own webcam. Hahahahaha. I really hope the judge has some young relatives who have shown him the tweets and FB pictures by now.[/B]

Is it possible for Morgan&Morgan to show the judge this also?
This could get interesting. I was thinking about it, and TES's case has nothing to do with what Casey is appealing. Her lies that she was convicted for are about her initial report to police - that Caylee was taken by ZG, etc. TES is basing their case on what was presented at trial - that Caylee drowned and it was an accident. Casey was not convicted on saying this was an accident. She was convicted for lying to the police about saying that zanny the nanny had stolen her. The 5th amendment, if I'm right, would hold up in the ZG case, but it's possibly shaky for the TES case. I think she is trying to say that her appeal broadly covers both cases, but I don't see how that can be true for the TES case. She can't have it both ways. She can't say she's incriminating herself so she can't answer questions about the drowning - which I believe is the basis for TES's case, but she can't afford to say it was drowning either, because that proves that the lies she was convicted for are in fact lies. It would blow her entire appeal, I would think.

I am very interested in Munyon's ruling and even more interested that it was said this ruling would cover both cases. I don't see how it can cover both cases when TES's premise for their case is different that ZG's premise. At least I think their basis for suing her is different. I could be wrong.

Or does the 5th just broadly apply if any incrimination whatsoever is possible? So it wouldn't matter exactly what she's appealing?
In all fairness, does it matter whether she gives a deposition or not. It's not like what she says is going to be the truth anyway.
In all fairness, does it matter whether she gives a deposition or not. It's not like what she says is going to be the truth anyway.

Actually, RDW - I think that is EXACTLY what all this rigamarole is trying to prevent. If she testifies, she will lie - and then where will they be?
They will be in MY Happy Place...:floorlaugh:

If it happens then your happy place is going to get pretty crowded because the rest of us will join you there. You'll see some happy dances too.:innocent: Hoping to say: Now scooch over and make some room for the rest of us.
If it happens then your happy place is going to get pretty crowded because the rest of us will join you there. You'll see some happy dances too.:innocent: Hoping to say: Now scooch over and make some room for the rest of us.

.......:pillowfight2: C'mon in - it's a warm and comfy place to be! Crowded works in my Happy Place..:floorlaugh:
But you all are leaving out the best part!!! Mr. Greene had no comment to the reporters when he left the hearing today!

When has that ever happened? This man always has too much to say. Now unless he is holding a news conference later today to do his shpeal, I'd say this is a pretty decent sign.

Or the Judge has awoken him to the ridiculously compromising position he has now managed to find himself, and place his client in.
Maybe he needs a little time to contemplate that first before he opens his mouth about anything publicly lol.
It can be slightly embarassing when you suddenly find yourself at the centre of a farce.
Actually, RDW - I think that is EXACTLY what all this rigamarole is trying to prevent. If she testifies, she will lie - and then where will they be?

Agree. There was some chatter that she should be made to testify because she would not need to plead the fifth for all parts of her depo, just some (yeah right).

I think we see Greene's dilemma.
In all fairness, does it matter whether she gives a deposition or not. It's not like what she says is going to be the truth anyway.

Sure it does.

Lie under oath = perjury

Perjury = jail

Not for all - but FCA, yes.
sorry for the double posts, for some reason I am having a problem on WS today.

Off topic here, but look at your #1989 post... it has this on your thank you line at the bottom... It will probably fix itself soon so I copied and pasted it... LOL :floorlaugh:
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Off topic here, but look at your #1989 post... it has this on your thank you line at the bottom... It will probably fix itself soon so I copied and pasted it... LOL :floorlaugh:
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Sounds about right for that great post
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