ZG Hires Attorney - Lawsuit Against Casey Anthony

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IIRC, ZG hired a lawyer BEFORE any news of a possible movie deal with Lifetime.

Rather she has a job or not, rather she is looking for a job or not and if she receives public assistance or not should have NO bearing on the fact that because of Casey, this woman's life and more importantly her children's lives have been threatened with bodily harm.

She and her children are an innocent victims. Why? Because Casey can't tell the truth on where her precious daughter is, nor, imo cares. Casey is a liar and the truth will prevail.........

Go ZG GO!!!!!

Yup she had her appointment set up last week
... Z is not on trial, nor should she be, so I don't even care if she has a job. I hope she gets a big enough judgment that she never has to work again.

Me too! It feels weird to say that-- but I guess a huge judgement against Casey could bring some justice, albeit in a "backward sort of way" ...

proof she is even looking for a job please

I don't know if this question is posed re: the elements of a defamation cause of action-- but ordinarily a plaintiff would need to show they were employed or would be employed, but for the defamatory statement. However, accusing someone of a serious crime is defamatory per say--- so Z doesn't have to show these damages to bring the suit.
IIRC, ZG hired a lawyer BEFORE any news of a possible movie deal with Lifetime.

Rather she has a job or not, rather she is looking for a job or not and if she receives public assistance or not should have NO bearing on the fact that because of Casey, this woman's life and more importantly her children's lives have been threatened with bodily harm.

She and her children are an innocent victims. Why? Because Casey can't tell the truth on where her precious daughter is, nor, imo cares. Casey is a liar and the truth will prevail.........

Go ZG GO!!!!!

I couldn't agree more!
The point is ... this ISN'T the kidnapping Zenaida Gonzales, because the kidnapping Zenaida (as LE indicates) does not exist.

Think about it this way. Chilly Willy drives a red Ford Festiva and has a daughter named Bethann and a son named Marty. If I point the finger at him and give those specific details, especially when he's been at the last place someone is reported missing, there's a reasonable assumpion that LE is going to follow up and interrogate that person. You can't say, "Oh, I meant Chilly LILLY Willy that visited the last place my missing kid was seen, and Chilly LILLY Willy also has two kids named Marty and Bethann and drives a red Ford Festiva and realistically think that people will believe you when you say it's a different person. I believe Cindy Anthony put it best when she said they were only able to locate less than 10 Zenaida Gonzales in the entire state of FL (and I believe it's closer to 4, can't remember where I saw that data). What are the odds that there's another Zenaida Gonzales with two kids named the same driving the same make and color car? The only reason she didn't know her middle name was most likely because it's not on the comment card, so she made up Fernandez to try to throw off law enforcement even more.

My personal opinion is that she never thought law enforcement would find the comment card.

You should be more afraid of some crazy lady that's never seen you before that's allowed to falsely accuse you of kidnapping, fill in specific details about your kids and your life (in a nationwide case), which directly causes all forms of harassment to you. Do you think it's ok that people were calling/emailing Zenaida Gonzales and harassing her because of something Casey did? Especially now that it's been how many days and the Zenaida Gonzales nanny story is the one she's sticking with? That's great that she said that the Zenaida Gonzales with the uncommon name, with the same car, and with the same two kids WASN'T the kidnapper AFTER she had already sent law enforcement after her. It's also hilarious that she continued to stick with the bogus story about Zenaida, which only added to the harassment. In my opinion, she knowingly pointed the finger at the wrong person, and that snowballed into the big hate machine that Zenaida's had to deal with since then.

The Anthony's are allegedly up for a $2 million movie deal. I hope Zenaida gets all of it. :D

Too funny! Excellent analogy, Seeker... LOL! :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:
I am so confused. If I recall correctly, the guest card from Sawgrass only had "ZG" not "ZFG" listed on the name. Now we know that her real name is ZFG...so how would Casey have known about the hyphen if she had just come across the guest card?
I think it's all a bunch of poo, another two people found a way to seek publicity and hype and attempt to make us believe they are legit in filing a lawsuit when really hoping for movie/book/appearances/free advertising or whatever to profit off of the death of Caylee. Maybe even more sickening than family members benefitting.

Got news. If the little biotch accused ME of a crime, I'd sue her butt so fast her teeth would rattle.

It is not OK to ruin other people's lives to cover your own crime.
Unbelievable, isn't it? Thanks for setting this record straight.

Thanks too, IrishSweetOne, for the link to the petition. I just signed it.

Now, if one of the media outlets will just upload the original document! Geez, I'm thinking about driving over and getting it myself! (kidding...really...)

And Irish, I signed it, too!
I am so confused. If I recall correctly, the guest card from Sawgrass only had "ZG" not "ZFG" listed on the name. Now we know that her real name is ZFG...so how would Casey have known about the hyphen if she had just come across the guest card?

She looked up the name on MySpace, where ALL he details she used are.

KC wanted the cops to pursue somebody else, to give her time to regroup.

I think she didn't think the cops would find the visitors' card.
Me too! It feels weird to say that-- but I guess a huge judgement against Casey could bring some justice, albeit in a "backward sort of way" ...

I don't know if this question is posed re: the elements of a defamation cause of action-- but ordinarily a plaintiff would need to show they were employed or would be employed, but for the defamatory statement. However, accusing someone of a serious crime is defamatory per say--- so Z doesn't have to show these damages to bring the suit.

ZG has plenty of hate mail and threats to show. Should be plenty!
I am so confused. If I recall correctly, the guest card from Sawgrass only had "ZG" not "ZFG" listed on the name. Now we know that her real name is ZFG...so how would Casey have known about the hyphen if she had just come across the guest card?

Confused? This case? Tell me it ain't so!!! (lol)

I've thought from go that there are just too many coincidences in KC's finger pointing. Which, again, is why I completely support Z in her lawsuit.

BTW, regardless of what this woman's 'full, legal,' name is, now, because of all the vile, malicious, defamatory comments out there, WE know who's being talked about with jut one simple letter -- Z.
proof she is even looking for a job please

ZG doesn't need to prove anything, exceopt that KC has slandered her.

ZG is not the criminal. ZG is the victim.

ZG gets hate mail and threats against herself ad her kids. Would YOU stand for that, if it happened to you?
Irish, if you speak with her again, would you please tell her she has a bunch of people who are behind her, hoping things turn out well for her, and that she finally, once and for all, is able to get on with her life? Would ya? Please?

Please give her a message for me... YOU GO, GIRL!
Too funny! Excellent analogy, Seeker... LOL! :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:

The worst part about this whole ordeal is that now we find out that her name IS actually Zenaida Fernandez Gonzalez! THE EXACT SAME NAME.. oh my, open and shut defamation case here we come. According to Zenaida's lawyer, if Cindy and George propagated the misinformation, they are liable too.

Casey was right ... maybe she IS just a spiteful _____. By the time she's done, George and Cindy will be living out of a cardboard box.
Lert's see her fam try to get her out of THIS one!

Ain't gonna happen. Only thing I'm hoping, and I heard Morgan mention it on his interview, other people, hhmmm, maybe G&C?, could be added. Maybe Lee? I think they're kinda complicit in this whole thing, too. Morgan also said, 'just repeating the untrue statements can make others a party.' That would kinda wrap up any future deals with anyone, and, depending on who else might be added, maybe paypal accounts, too! :bang:
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