Malaysia airlines plane may have crashed 239 people on board #18

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I totally agree with you- whether he's officially a POI or not, I believe there is more than enough evidence to show that there was no malfunction, this plane was taken down deliberately, and that was done by one/both of the captains!!! This is IMO and I believe Captain Shah is not a good man. I can't understand the posters that want to elevate him to sainthood and refuse to believe pilot suicide can happen!!!:banghead::banghead::banghead:

Can you elaborate on the 'more than enough evidense' please. And why is the captain not a 'good man'. ty
Didn't Anwar receive a 5 year sentence? That does not seem like a reason to be emotionally distressed. At the very least I don't think he would want to do anything that would paint Anwar in a negative light. And those you leave behind, this would be the worst on them. I don't know, it just does not seem like something a pilot would do. jmo

I do seems a bit drastic..,,BUT because Anwars acquittal was overturned, it means that he could not run in a by-election, which means he could not run for future prime-minister.... so really IF the pilot did it for political reasons, I would think it was to somehow put a bad spotlight on the corrupt government and overturn the charges on Anwar all together so that he would be capable of becoming next prime minister.......

Once again I say a big "if" as it does seem very drastic to kill 238 innocent people, unless he maybe thought it was worth it for the overall good of his country...

Did anyone in Australia watch th Sixty Minutes segment on it last night....the two aviation experts (one was American) they had in both agreed that it was deliberate, and one even said along the lines of - there is nil, none, zero evidence of mechanical fault in any way............he stressed this point...

I found it interesting and I don't believe it was mechanical either.....
I totally agree with you- whether he's officially a POI or not, I believe there is more than enough evidence to show that there was no malfunction, this plane was taken down deliberately, and that was done by one/both of the captains!!! This is IMO and I believe Captain Shah is not a good man. I can't understand the posters that want to elevate him to sainthood and refuse to believe pilot suicide can happen!!!:banghead::banghead::banghead:

Hyperbole much? There is no evidence that it is or isn't pilot suicide. People have pointed out the lack of evidence against him and some good points in his character that make it look more unlikely. That's not elevating him to sainthood, IMO.
WARNING ALERT - CNN reports there will be a press conference with the Australian Prime Minister to provide an update on the search shortly. I will post a time as soon as I know CNN should be covering it live.

Bumping this ,,,,they are still saying the PM is there , CNN showing room in little corner and still waiting. Just says news conf soon. Reporter did say she saw the PM there and he is supposed to be speaking.
No one's elevating Shah to sainthood. We're just pointing out that there's no SOLID evidence one way or another to prove he's responsible or not. I don't find him having a flight simulator suspicious. I don't find his support of a democratic political party suspicious. I don't find his phone call (if that is even true) before take-off suspicious.

I just don't see him as being responsible for the plane's disappearance.
Press conference is live on CNN now sorry I couldn't warn you sooner it just came up on the screen immediately without warning.
yes I agree re the pilot....while I am leaning more to him being involved, I don't think people are at all saying he is a saint....

None of us know him and so if people are thinking he is a saint like person without knowing him, is jjust plain naïve......however I think a lot of people are finding it hard to believe that someone who helped the poor and was such an avid supporter of a political party that was known for it stands on human rights and peace, could kill 238 innocent people!!

well that's me anyhow!! that's how I am thinking.....
but I also won't say the pilot is not responsible, as one thing about being on this site, you get to believe that no one really knows what each other is really many times on here have we heard families and friends say "he/she would not take their own life" and they have done just that...
or the perp be someone that was deemed to be "nice and normal" etc.

Like I mentioned before, maybe in a distressed state he was thinking in the long run this sacrifice was for the good of his country.......just thinking out aloud....
PM Tony Abbott thanking everyone who is helping the very important search.
My point wasn't to infer the nations who do not routinely check for stolen passports as incompetent, but rather that the most incompetency I have seen in Malaysia is the failure to do so. In other words, I am not seeing how they have handled the disappearance of this aircraft as incompetent, or that their government is incompetent. This is something they have not had to deal with before.



BBM ~ From this side of the world, things don't look too good on how Malaysia has handled this thus far. JMO.

An accident, perhaps, but it seems odd that were going 1 month in, and they have nothing! Except digging up dirt on their pilots.
But things would still float, would they not?
I don't think it's perfectly intact. If it hit the water going as fast as it was, it would have (or should have) broken into pieces.

BBM ~ It could have broken in half descending? I have this image of it gliding down, then breaking apart.
I try to remember there has not been a case in recent years where the airliner/debris could not even be located. So of course, nothing can be confirmed until that happens, at least. I really don't know how capable any country would appear in these circumstances. Jmo
Is the PC over?? Did he just thank everyone?
The Department of Homeland Security on Wednesday told airlines about a potential new shoe-bomb threat and urged them to pay extra attention to flights from overseas into the United States.

Several officials familiar with the advisory told NBC News that "very recent intelligence" considered credible warns of possible attempts to attack passenger jets using explosives concealed in shoes.

Good info CARIIS, but this flight was overseas-overseas, not US bound.

I do applaud Homeland Security for their work.
Is the PC over?? Did he just thank everyone?

Other people, sorry idk who they are, were thanking everyone also. PM Abbott says If this mystery is sovable we will solve it. Says every country bearing its own cost. We got the best people working on this search. This is the best we can do.
No one's elevating Shah to sainthood. We're just pointing out that there's no SOLID evidence one way or another to prove he's responsible or not. I don't find him having a flight simulator suspicious. I don't find his support of a democratic political party suspicious. I don't find his phone call (if that is even true) before take-off suspicious.

I just don't see him as being responsible for the plane's disappearance.

What about the transponder being switched off before saying goodnight?
I do seems a bit drastic..,,BUT because Anwars acquittal was overturned, it means that he could not run in a by-election, which means he could not run for future prime-minister.... so really IF the pilot did it for political reasons, I would think it was to somehow put a bad spotlight on the corrupt government and overturn the charges on Anwar all together so that he would be capable of becoming next prime minister.......

Once again I say a big "if" as it does seem very drastic to kill 238 innocent people, unless he maybe thought it was worth it for the overall good of his country...

Did anyone in Australia watch th Sixty Minutes segment on it last night....the two aviation experts (one was American) they had in both agreed that it was deliberate, and one even said along the lines of - there is nil, none, zero evidence of mechanical fault in any way............he stressed this point...

I found it interesting and I don't believe it was mechanical either.....

Is that episode available online to US peeps? TIA!
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