GUILTY CA - Forrest Hayes, 51, dies of heroin OD on yacht, Santa Cruz, 23 Nov 2013

There's no way to make "that" look good. She is the epitome of pure evil, and her face shows it. IMO, of course.
Well, it must be wonderful to be able to detect pure evil.

In lieu of that ability, what I'm seeing is typical wasting from heroin (and probably other drug) addiction. That hard, haggard look... is why all those super skinny models have faces like old boots without a ton of makeup on.

I keep thinking of this man's wife -- imagine having small children, and learning that your husband had died. Then imagine learning that he died on a yacht from a heroin overdose administered by a prostitute. And then this is ALL over the news, everywhere, so everyone knows, all your friends, everyone at your kids' schools and their parents, the whole world knows that your husband was cheating on you with a drug addicted hooker who killed him with heroin.

And also that he'd been seeing her regularly for some time..

I would be running out to have myself tested for diseases... and maybe my younger kids, as well. How would you even mourn a man who did that to you? Gods, this poor woman.
Well, it must be wonderful to be able to detect pure evil.

In lieu of that ability, what I'm seeing is typical wasting from heroin (and probably other drug) addiction. That hard, haggard look... is why all those super skinny models have faces like old boots without a ton of makeup on.

I keep thinking of this man's wife -- imagine having small children, and learning that your husband had died. Then imagine learning that he died on a yacht from a heroin overdose administered by a prostitute. And then this is ALL over the news, everywhere, so everyone knows, all your friends, everyone at your kids' schools and their parents, the whole world knows that your husband was cheating on you with a drug addicted hooker who killed him with heroin.

And also that he'd been seeing her regularly for some time..

I would be running out to have myself tested for diseases... and maybe my younger kids, as well. How would you even mourn a man who did that to you? Gods, this poor woman.

I've seen her "live" on tv (vs. in a photo, alone). If she wasn't wasted during live court proceedings, then yeah, she looks evil to me. Her eyes, her expressions, her lack of expression....she sure doesn't look like a girl scout selling cookies. And knowing that she "allegedly" shot him up with heroin, and then casually sipped her wine while his life slipped away, and then closed the blinds so no one would see him....that to me, those actions, are evil, and what she is in her heart, shows in her face, imo. If that's what heroin does to you, then I guess it's evil, as well. If that offends you, I'm sorry for that...but not sorry for how I feel.
I've seen her "live" on tv (vs. in a photo, alone). If she wasn't wasted during live court proceedings, then yeah, she looks evil to me. Her eyes, her expressions, her lack of expression....she sure doesn't look like a girl scout selling cookies. And knowing that she "allegedly" shot him up with heroin, and then casually sipped her wine while his life slipped away, and then closed the blinds so no one would see him....that to me, those actions, are evil, and what she is in her heart, shows in her face, imo. If that's what heroin does to you, then I guess it's evil, as well. If that offends you, I'm sorry for that...but not sorry for how I feel.

Compare the arrest photo to the court photos... I find it odd, she looks so much crappier in court with the makeup, unwashed hair, tats prominant. Is that by design? IDK
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There's no way to make "that" look good. She is the epitome of pure evil, and her face shows it.

i just learned something today from reading different things about this truly mentally disturbed and vile woman. there is belief called "Sanpaku eyes" *** and apparently a lot of people with severe psychological/mental issues have this. and you can see it in people like charles manson, adam lanza, hitler and even this woman Alix (to name a few)
there is no scientific fact behind it. i had just heard about it so i did some reading LOL im not saying i believe it (reminds me of handwriting analysis or card reading), but i thought it was interesting and I thought id share what i was reading based on your posts about her evil looks.

strange Japanese superstition about the human body. It’s called sanpaku (三白), and it will tell you your fate based on your eyes.
What is sanpaku? Literally translated, it means “three whites,” which refers to how you can divide up an eye into pieces, with the whites taking up three of the four segments. Sanpaku is when you can see the white of somebody’s eye either above or below the iris.

it literally had me going to look in a mirror to look at my eyes @@
Yeah, I have those eyes, and I am not pure evil. Unless I haven't had my coffee.

I'm not offended by the 'pure evil' thing. I just think it's also possible that the victim *wanted* a shot of heroin and not being a hardcore habitual user, promptly overdosed. Maybe she realised it, maybe she didn't, during the time he was actually dying. It can be hard to tell.

It's also pretty common for heroin addicts to abandon people who are OD'ing. I saw a young man OD once. As I reached for the phone to call the ambulance, his best friends - since grade school! - who were all on heroin too shouted at me to put the phone down -- they were going to carry him out to the kerb and leave him there. Of *course* I called the ambulance.

I have watched good, honest, loving kids, with excellent families, excellent grades, end up like this girl. They did not have faces like that before the drugs. But they sure did, a few years later. They did things I could not *believe* -- just sick things, bad things, like they'd lost all their conscience. They robbed their parents, their friends, they were just monstrous. But before the drugs, they were not that, at all.

That's why I reacted to 'pure evil'. Maybe she isn't. Maybe she's just a junkie. That's what they look like. That's how many of them end up acting. But they were not always that way.
Tichelman was the one who found Riopelle unconscious at his house.

Kunz said he had met Tichelman several times when he visited Riopelle's Hopewell Road home, but had little interaction with her. Kunz did say Riopelle had problems with her.

"He threw her out of his house several times over her drug use," Kunz said.

Riopelle told Kunz he did this because he was not a drug user himself.

"[Riopelle] was not a drug user," said Kunz. "I have never known him to use drugs at all."
Yeah, I have those eyes, and I am not pure evil. Unless I haven't had my coffee.

I'm not offended by the 'pure evil' thing. I just think it's also possible that the victim *wanted* a shot of heroin and not being a hardcore habitual user, promptly overdosed. Maybe she realised it, maybe she didn't, during the time he was actually dying. It can be hard to tell.

It's also pretty common for heroin addicts to abandon people who are OD'ing. I saw a young man OD once. As I reached for the phone to call the ambulance, his best friends - since grade school! - who were all on heroin too shouted at me to put the phone down -- they were going to carry him out to the kerb and leave him there. Of *course* I called the ambulance.

I have watched good, honest, loving kids, with excellent families, excellent grades, end up like this girl. They did not have faces like that before the drugs. But they sure did, a few years later. They did things I could not *believe* -- just sick things, bad things, like they'd lost all their conscience. They robbed their parents, their friends, they were just monstrous. But before the drugs, they were not that, at all.

That's why I reacted to 'pure evil'. Maybe she isn't. Maybe she's just a junkie. That's what they look like. That's how many of them end up acting. But they were not always that way.

When I was in college there was a guy in one of my classes who said that he had shot heroin a number of times, he said one more time and he would have been addicted. I wish I remember the number he said but it wasn't too many, maybe five or six, but he probably did them over a short period of time. He also said that if he were to commit suicide he would do it with a heroin overdose.

Before yesterday's hearing, it was said they were going to charge her with second degree murder, I couldn't see how they could prove that. Like you say, she's a junkie. How does she withdraw while in jail?

I think I'm not so shocked the exec was seeing a call girl as I am that he was using heroin.
This reminds me in a way of the drug overdose death of Katie Wilkins in Malibu. Chris Benton, the son of the President of Pepperdine was linked to the death although he was never tried for it because it could not be proven.

For those unfamiliar with the case, there is a thread here at WS, or if you prefer this LAWeekly article which talks about what he was finally arrested for:

In any case, imo, she is simply put, a junkie.

In September, however, he and Tichelman's lives took a dark turn. On Sept. 6, a drunken Tichelman called police, saying Riopelle threw her to the ground, according to a police report. Riopelle told officers that she had taken pills and drank alcohol, and had been stage diving and exposing her breasts that night at the Masquerade. He said he took her home because he did not approve.Riopelle also told officers that she bit him on the finger and threatened to hit herself and tell police Riopelle had beaten her. A neighbor confirmed hearing Tichelman say that. She was charged with battery and arrested; Riopelle was not.

Less than two weeks later, a panicked Tichelman called 911, saying her boyfriend had overdosed on something and wouldn't respond. She told a dispatcher that his eyes were open but that he was unconscious, describing his breathing as "on and off." In the 911 tapes released Thursday, she can be heard saying, "Hello, Dean? Dean, are you awake?"
Tichelman tried for five minutes to revive him before calling 911, according to a police report. She said she had been in the shower when she heard a crash and came out to find Riopelle unconscious. Tichelman said she did not know how much drugs Riopelle had taken, but that he had been on a "bender the last few days," according to the police report.
Riopelle died at a hospital a week later. An autopsy report listed his death as an accidental overdose of heroin, oxycodone and alcohol. Tichelman had told the dispatcher that he had been taking painkillers and drinking.
Same link as above:

lbnora ... I can agree to some extent, but I don't think being a junkie means you are not culpable.
Santa Cruz Deputy Police Chief Steve Clark gives the following account from the video:

Tichelman prepares the heroin to a liquid and injects it into Hayes' arm. Shortly after, Hayes clutches his chest, near his heart. Tichelman tries to prop him up, but he then loses consciousness.

Tichelman then starts picking up her belongings, including the needle, and cleans up a counter while stepping over Hayes several times. During that time, Tichelman calmly drinks a glass of wine and surveys the scene.

Tichelman then goes outside the cabin of the boat on the dock, looks back inside, then pulls down a window blind, closes a door and leaves.

"Never does she call 911 or call out to others in nearby boats for help. She never tries to administer any aid to him," Clark said. "She is more concerned about getting herself out and concealing evidence than helping Mr. Hayes."
Clark said that investigators learned that Tichelman later did online searches "on how to defend herself after giving a lethal dose of heroin."
Same link as above:

lbnora ... I can agree to some extent, but I don't think being a junkie means you are not culpable.
Nor do I think being a junkie excludes one from culpability. In this case, they have a video. That's pretty big!

In the Katie Wilkins case they had some circumstantial evidence but not enough to get a conviction so they waited and got him for the threats to his own family and the gun on campus, etc. Plus the Bentons employed a battalion of high priced lawyers to dissuade any kind of action against the son in regard to the death of Katie.

It will be interesting to see how this case/s develop.
So if you look at the comments under the article of Dean dying, Anna Tichelman commented that he hated drugs and another poster commented on her comment by saying

"Just noticed that the *advertiser censored* that said he "hated drug dealers, and anyone that knew him knew that" was the same person who called 911 when he died of a heroin overdose! smh."

Wow!! check the comments under that article that murphy3k posted
So Riopelle's 'heart attack' was the celebrity kind. Very interesting. I think there's a lot of whitewashing going on re his actual drug use..

With two OD's on her hands now, I have to wonder if Tichelman is doing this deliberately (because she's a psycho who'd kill off a good source of income for some psycho reason) or whether she's urging men to use heroin with her, for the company.. and misjudging how much they can handle.

Why are suspects *always* in the shower or on the phone when the bad things happen..

Anyway, she clearly needs to be held responsible for the latest OD.

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