MO - Grief & protests follow shooting of teen Michael Brown #6

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So if you make a cop mad it's OK for him to shoot you?

No, I didn't say that... However if a person lunges at a cop (and why would a person want to do that) then I believe the cop should use whatever it takes to protect himself.
I know very little about the law, except not to break it LOL.

I'm really confused about the events that transpired that lead to this incident going to a grand jury today.
I've never heard, read or have any knowledge of this happening so quickly.

Plus, I will add once again, that the "protesters" doing whatever the heck they think they are doing, are permitted to be at the courthouse, is deplorable, unjust, unfair... Why is there not someone stepping in and telling them to go someplace else?
Popsicle everytime you post something like I scramble trying to find what you are watching and often can't. Can you post the links too?

(duh...just dawned on me you meant don't have a TV).
:therethere: Everytime someone posts what is on a certain channel right now, I go there and it is over. Many times the live links will post and then they go dead right after I link them, it was driving me crazy last night, sorry.
I thought I saw that too- I was just googling to find and couldn't see anything about it so I figured I must have misunderstood. Also, I thought I heard one of the three was black. Can't find that anywhere now.

Yesterday something was posted that there are only three jurors.
So if you make a cop mad it's OK for him to shoot you?

I just re-read PaperDoll's post and don't see the word 'mad' anywhere.

I can't speak for her, but I'm going to believe that she doesn't think it's okay for a cop to shoot you because they're mad.

I'm actually going to go out on a limb and opin that MOST people don't think it's okay for a cop to shoot someone because they're mad.
On the possible eye injury to DW, the only time I have seen him since the shooting was in the video of him pacing at the shooting scene. He doesn't appear to be seriously injured. However, nothing definitive.
No, I didn't say that... However if a person lunges at a cop (and why would a person want to do that) then I believe the cop should use whatever it takes to protect himself.

Yeah and then he hit him too.
I hope for that too. I don't have high hopes for it though. This appears to have turned into part of a world-wide movement to let gangsters rule and anyone who wants to promote the rule of law is under attack. For example, Somalia, Iraq, Mexico. Take a look at historic riots since, well my lifetime (born in 1967). Take a look at who is almost always on the same side - illegal aliens, drug dealers, drug users, Marxists, terrorist sympathizers. Think about Iraq war protests, WTO protests, the situation at our Southern border. Sometimes they put the name Jihad, Peace, Immigrants rights, medical marijuana, anti-globalization, down with racism on it but it looks like all part of the same war to me. Gang warfare. It gets a political label to make it look like it's some kind of higher cause but what they all have in common is using the civil liberties in democratic parts of the world against us. Hostages get taken by criminals because they count on the compassion of most people not to want to want to slaughter the hostage. Jihadists put weapons near children so nations that care about human life are reluctant to destroy them. Looters infiltrate lawful protestors because they know it looks bad when it appears that people's civil rights are being violated and no one wants the genuine protestors to be hurt or killed. When a store owner is afraid to call 911 when he is robbed, he is living in an environment controlled by terrorists/gangsters. I don't distinguish between them. They are trying to establish what territories are theirs, just like the drug lords at the border. They are no longer only on the other side, they have territory on our side. They have had territory in big cities for a long time. This is my opinion based on the similarity of tactics used, the goals they have and the alliances between what I know of gangster organizations.

Wow. Just Wow. Wait till I tell my grandchildren that their white, portestant, middle class, homeowning, taxpaying, lifetime of being employed and having never been arrested Nana, is a gangster.

They will be impressed.
I know very little about the law, except not to break it LOL.

I'm really confused about the events that transpired that lead to this incident going to a grand jury today.
I've never heard, read or have any knowledge of this happening so quickly.

Plus, I will add once again, that the "protesters" doing whatever the heck they think they are doing, are permitted to be at the courthouse, is deplorable, unjust, unfair... Why is there not someone stepping in and telling them to go someplace else?

When Mark Furman was asked last night on Megan Kelly, have you ever seen a GJ being convened this quickly?

To which he replied. "Yes, in third world countries."
Wow. Just Wow. Wait till I tell my grandchildren that their white, portestant, middle class, homeowning, taxpaying, lifetime of being employed and having never been arrested Nana, is a gangster.

They will be impressed.
Are you admitting you intimidate others so they are afraid to call 911?
I know very little about the law, except not to break it LOL.

I'm really confused about the events that transpired that lead to this incident going to a grand jury today.
I've never heard, read or have any knowledge of this happening so quickly.

Plus, I will add once again, that the "protesters" doing whatever the heck they think they are doing, are permitted to be at the courthouse, is deplorable, unjust, unfair... Why is there not someone stepping in and telling them to go someplace else?

Wished everyone had a little 'Patience' Wysteria....

Interesting irony; Robert P. McCulloch is the current Prosecuting Attorney for St. Louis County, ... In the early 90s, McCulloch prosecuted Axl Rose of the band Guns N' Roses for inciting a riot...

The Riverport Riot was a riot at the Riverport Amphitheater (now named Verizon Wireless Amphitheater St. Louis) in Maryland Heights, Missouri (near St. Louis) at a Guns N' Roses concert on July 12, 1991. It is also known as the "Rocket Queen Riot."

During the band's performance of "Rocket Queen", the 15th song in the set (counting drum & guitar solos), lead singer Axl Rose, in the middle of the chorus, pointed out a fan who was taking still pictures of the show, saying "...Hey, take that! Take that! Now, get that guy and take that!" When security failed to deal with the person, Rose decided to confiscate the camera himself, saying "I'll take it, g** damn it!" and then jumped into the audience and tackled the person. After taking the camera, striking members of the audience and the security team, and being pulled out of the audience by members of the crew, Rose grabbed his microphone and said "Well, thanks to the lame-azz security, I'm going home!", slammed his microphone on the stage and left.

Charges were filed against Rose but a judge ruled that he did not directly incite the riot.[1]

Rose later stated that the Guns N' Roses security team had made four separate requests to the venue's security staff to remove the camera, all of which were ignored, that other members of the band had reported being hit by bottles from the audience and that the venue's security had not been very strict, allowing weapons into the arena and refusing to enforce a drinking limit.
<Sniped - read more>
Patience - Guns & Roses
Here is my question about the GJ proceeding. Is the prosecuting attorney to act as a prosecuting attorney or as a defense attorney? I really don't know how they handle it. Someone posted earlier the Missouri statute on justification. It clearly states that justification is a defense that the DEFENDANT has the burden of injecting into a case. If I'm reading that right, it is not the prosecuting attorney's job to put on the witnesses/evidence that support the cop's version. If I'm reading that right, it is the prosecuting attorney's job to put evidence in front of the GJ that support charges, not evidence of a defense to the charges because technically there is no defense until it has been raised by the defendant which can't happen until there are charges in the first place. If I'm reading that right, there is no way an indictment isn't handed down IMO unless the prosecutor doesn't do his job and that will lead to more craziness.

Any prosecuting attorneys or lawyers who handle mainly criminal work or anyone out there that can educate me on this? On the one hand, it would seem unfair to not give the whole picture. But on the other hand, it doesn't seem right that a prosecuting attorney would act as defense counsel either. Maybe I am reading the statute wrong.
I commented on this yesterday :)

The GJ hears the prosecutors case to determine if there is probable cause for an indictment. wilson is the defendant in this case. He will be the one prosecuted if the case moves forward. He may be offered the opportunity to provide testimony in his defense. I'm not exactly sure if that is a given. No other "defense" is presented.
On the possible eye injury to DW, the only time I have seen him since the shooting was in the video of him pacing at the shooting scene. He doesn't appear to be seriously injured. However, nothing definitive.

Do you have a close up screenshot of him?
<mod snip>

This is what he/she said:

What ever happened to when a police officer asks you do to something like get out of the street and walk on the sidewalk, YOU DO IT instead of starting a fight. I don't believe every police officer is a "dick" if you will.... But if you start acting like one yourself, well expect some kind of trouble. Sorry, this is how I feel...

Nothing about a cop being attacked, About not doing what a cop tells you to do. Which makes cops mad.
Nothing on this board needs to be made up or attributed incorrectly. There is enough blind, stupid and blatant racism all over the place.

Cops are right. Anyone the cops kill are wrong. Especially if they are not white, but no, I don't think non white is a requirements. Cops iin my neck of the woods murdered a white mentally ill young man while he cried for this father, so I don't believe it is always a matter of racism.

It's often just a matter of giving a bully a badge, a stick and gun. I don't know who is right or wrong in this case yet. I will wait for all the facts to come out.

But I do know I think for myself and don't automatically assume that cops are right. They all too often are not and they continue to get away with murder.
Wished everyone had a little 'Patience' Wysteria....

Interesting irony; Robert P. McCulloch is the current Prosecuting Attorney for St. Louis County, ... In the early 90s, McCulloch prosecuted Axl Rose of the band Guns N' Roses for inciting a riot...

The Riverport Riot was a riot at the Riverport Amphitheater (now named Verizon Wireless Amphitheater St. Louis) in Maryland Heights, Missouri (near St. Louis) at a Guns N' Roses concert on July 12, 1991. It is also known as the "Rocket Queen Riot."

During the band's performance of "Rocket Queen", the 15th song in the set (counting drum & guitar solos), lead singer Axl Rose, in the middle of the chorus, pointed out a fan who was taking still pictures of the show, saying "...Hey, take that! Take that! Now, get that guy and take that!" When security failed to deal with the person, Rose decided to confiscate the camera himself, saying "I'll take it, g** damn it!" and then jumped into the audience and tackled the person. After taking the camera, striking members of the audience and the security team, and being pulled out of the audience by members of the crew, Rose grabbed his microphone and said "Well, thanks to the lame-azz security, I'm going home!", slammed his microphone on the stage and left.

Charges were filed against Rose but a judge ruled that he did not directly incite the riot.[1]

Rose later stated that the Guns N' Roses security team had made four separate requests to the venue's security staff to remove the camera, all of which were ignored, that other members of the band had reported being hit by bottles from the audience and that the venue's security had not been very strict, allowing weapons into the arena and refusing to enforce a drinking limit.
<Sniped - read more>
Patience - Guns & Roses

Thanks for the memory lane. It's a complete aside and meaningless but I helped out in a very small way in the civil suits that came out of that.
This is what he/she said:

What ever happened to when a police officer asks you do to something like get out of the street and walk on the sidewalk, YOU DO IT instead of starting a fight. I don't believe every police officer is a "dick" if you will.... But if you start acting like one yourself, well expect some kind of trouble. Sorry, this is how I feel...

Nothing about a cop being attacked, About not doing what a cop tells you to do. Which makes cops mad.
Nothing on this board needs to be made up or attributed incorrectly. There is enough blind, stupid and blatant racism all over the place.

Cops are right. Anyone the cops kill are wrong. Especially if they are not white, but no, I don't think non white is a requirements. Cops iin my neck of the woods murdered a white mentally ill young man while he cried for this father, so I don't believe it is always a matter of racism.

It's often just a matter of giving a bully a badge, a stick and gun. I don't know who is right or wrong in this case yet. I will wait for all the facts to come out.

But I do know I think for myself and don't automatically assume that cops are right. They all too often are not and they continue to get away with murder.

link for the cops murdering a mentally ill man please
DW was violently attacked by MB. I doubt he was mad, he was probably in fear for his life. We all know who the bully was, and it wasn't DW.
So if you make a cop mad it's OK for him to shoot you?

No. But, if you've just robbed a store, committed assault & battery to the store owner/employee & busted the eye orbital of said cop, yes, that's enough to be shot and, possibly killed depending on how you react to that first shot.

MB didn't have to be killed. His actions after the first, second, third, and fourth shots determined his fate.

I am confident that Officer Wilson would have stopped shooting if MB would have dropped to the ground after he was shot in the arm the first time, second time, third time, or even fourth time- normal, sane people would drop to the ground after the first shot (normal, sane people would drop to the ground before the first shot but...). MB chose to continue. He chose his fate. Officer Wilson followed protocol- keep shooting until the threat stopped. This is the second thing you are taught in concealed carry class (second only to gun safety). When you use your gun, your intent is not to kill- your intent is to stop the threat. Sometimes that means you kill the threat, sometimes it means they live. Sometimes they have a choice. Sometimes they don't. MB had a choice. He continued to make poor choices. At any given time, he could have chosen to turn that situation around. He did not. And now he's a hero for being a criminal.

Only in America could such complete insanity exist.
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