VA - Anjelica "AJ" Hadsell, 18, Norfolk, 3 March 2015 #3

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Did anyone notice if the donation page for AJ was always a $7500 goal? Or did that recently increase? I swear it was NOT that high when I first checked it out when this whole thing began.

I believe it has been increasing over time.
Yes. If a case like this suddenly springs up around you and your family, I have seen that the best course of action is to get out ahead of the skeletons falling from the closet.

Say YES, my husband did some prison time, but he has not reoffended, has done his time and is back on track. And YES, we are currently separated but are working on our marriage and it has nothing to do with our missing daughter.
And husband should say YES, I saw her at lunchtime, at this specific place, and we had a nice talk and a quick lunch. I gave her some $ that she needed. The end.

We all would have been much less suspicious.

The woman who runs the 'interview' site hates me apparently. She just trashed me on there. LOL :bigfight:

Yeah, I saw that. VERY unprofessional and I thought you pointed out some FACTS about the interview - AFTER she asked for opinions on the validity of the interview.
Hate to ask, but what is the money for?
Actually, that is the least of my questions...I am beyond lost in this case.

For reward money and to feed searchers and other people helping from what I understand. But there have been no searches lately. And not much activity at the house.
I dont know- just trying to give the benefit of the doubt- but my hinky was highjacked from the start. Trying to come up with alternate scenarios. However it took off, I have a bad feeling on how it landed.
I just tried to post on it. I got a message that my message was posted's not there.

I was just talking to my daughter about this. She reminded me that you can set FB settings so that you have to approve a post before it shows up on your page. May he has changed settings?
On the FB page they recently noted that posts were removed. They stated they don't know what happened, but they didn't do it.
I was just talking to my daughter about this. She reminded me that you can set FB settings so that you have to approve a post before it shows up on your page. May he has changed settings?

Say you change the settings, would all previous posts that had been visible but not approved go into a queue awaiting owner approval?
I believe you are correct.

Also, I confirmed part of my conjecture by looking at comments on her fb page. She has been a member here.

who is ch? I tried to follow the posts back to an identity for this person. is it the local news reporter?
Hey everyone, the last several pages have been all about FB. This isn't FB, so please leave it there.

Understood there hasn't been any new news for AJ, but WS is not a platform to discuss rumors and gossip, we are much more than that.

:tyou: for your cooperation
who is ch? I tried to follow the posts back to an identity for this person. is it the local news reporter?

The podcast interview host, whose page we cannot link. Man, we really need some personalities in this case whose last name does not begin with "H"!
I was just talking to my daughter about this. She reminded me that you can set FB settings so that you have to approve a post before it shows up on your page. May he has changed settings?

When posts require administrator approval you get that message. Pending approval.
I'm so ready to just sit back and wait until something happens with LE. This case is just *advertiser censored** backwards. It's completely twisted in so many aspects. I do hope everything turns out for the best.
Alright, so can we switch back to Twitter? ;)

A lot has been made of lack of SM after March 1. When I scroll back to Feb 14-15, a weekend she claimed she would be home, I see no tweets over that time frame. Can someone with a better handle of Twitter confirm that? I know there might be other explanations for a lack of tweets, but to me it looks like there may be days when she was home that she might not immediately jump on SM. What do you all think?
I know I am an outlier on this- but just for kicks, does anyone want to throw around the idea she may have been around with friends 2 Mar, and if so where would they have been? I mean, we dont have any other FACTS to go with at the moment. But maybe we could find out some activities teens like to do in that area at night?

I can think of several things kids that age like to go and do. My problem is, that any time a small group of teens gets together, to bowl, or eat pizza, or go offroading, or night hiking, there is always going to be some instagrams or snapchats or vines sent out by one or two of them. I cannot imagine that she was out with friends and no one posted evidence of that. And even if they were just 'chillin' as my kids call it, there r usually tweets or instagrams posted at some point.
Does Mom have wifi at home? I would think she had to with teens. Mosy high school kids need it for school these days.
I'm so ready to just sit back and wait until something happens with LE. This case is just *advertiser censored** backwards. It's completely twisted in so many aspects. I do hope everything turns out for the best.

That's my thought exactly, hence when I've been so quiet. I feel like at this point there is nothing to do without more info except to speculate wildly and dig ourselves into some holes! I'm waiting patiently for a real update. :silenced:
Alright, so can we switch back to Twitter? ;)

A lot has been made of lack of SM after March 1. When I scroll back to Feb 14-15, a weekend she claimed she would be home, I see no tweets over that time frame. Can someone with a better handle of Twitter confirm that? I know there might be other explanations for a lack of tweets, but to me it looks like there may be days when she was home that she might not immediately jump on SM. What do you all think?

IMO, I think she used twitter more when she was away from her hometown as a way of communicating with friends there. If she was home with friends, then imo she would be tweeting less.
I am surprised they haven't disabled the ability to post in that capacity. Almost every page I have ever followed has disabled that feature and delete posts.

This is roughly about the time others decide to create their OWN FB page where things can be freely discussed without being deleted, and then it degenerates into a profanity laced drama-fest.

The biggest problem here, as I see it (aside from AJ being missing, obviously) is that the Hadsell family expected the public to help find her without being 100% honest and upfront with the public. It just DOESN'T work that way. As others have said, had they been upfront from day 1, this would look a lot different. That being said, the Hadsell family has never gone through anything like this, so they would have had NO idea. I'm sure in retrospect many of them are wishing they would have just "put it all out there" off the top, you know?

I really want to hear from Jennifer Hadsell. I want to hear what she has to say, mom-to-mom. As far as I know she's given 2 interviews and that's it. I really wish she'd step up to the front and take charge of the media interviews. But, maybe she just can't deal with that right now. I'm not sure I could either, but I'd sure as heck give it all I had to find my girly.

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