VA - Nicole Lovell, 13, Blacksburg, 27 January 2016 #6 *Arrests*

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I wonder if it will come out that NK and DE did have some type of sexual relationship. I know she had a boyfriend but she also plotted a murder so I don't think her morals would keep her from cheating. And DE was on SM looking for sexual relationships. So it would shock me if those two deviants didn't have a sexual relationship.

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Why do you feel sure she was questioned on the 30th? Because of the time stamp on booking photo (early a.m. on 31st?)?

ETA: And time on the charging documents.

I think you are right, but odd that several MSM reports mention her being found at her boyfriend's on 31st. Guess they were surmising, going by the arrest date only, not taking into account the "wee hours" factor?

It didn't sound like NK was entirely forthcoming right away. Don't get me wrong...she talked a lot, and some stuff doesn't hold true.

I was curious about the time they brought NK in for questioning to try to figure out how long it took her to tell LE about where NL's body was. Did she take them there (about 2 hr drive) or tell them where to go. It was in a pretty remote place that looked like they just dumped and ran...would she really remember the exact place to tell them where to go? I tend to think she went with them.

I was also curious how long after DE was in custody that they found NK at her boyfriend's room. How did they know where to find her...if the story about the boyfriend is really true. Did DE tell them?

During questioning, police felt she was holding back. Keepers became emotional and told police, “I don’t want to go to jail,” waived her rights and began cooperating.

Keepers gave detectives information about where in her dorm room they could find a suitcase containing a blanket that Nicole had with her when she went missing and cleaning supplies that Keepers and Eisenhauer had used, according to Pettitt.

She also told police where to find the body, Pettitt said in court today.
There have been so many conflicting reports of the "POLICE" text that NK sent DE. Did she send it when LE knocked on her door, or she saw LE scurrying around campus before they got to her? Did they find the text first on her phone, or did they find it on his phone?
Where did they clean the car?
Personally (and this is based only on my gut feelings, which have been wrong many times in the past) I think NK's behavior, like spilling the beans and how she was acting in the booking video, shows that she is either completely stupid or believes herself to be quite a bit less culpable than DE. I'm in the camp that thinks DE is the mastermind behind it all, and both NK and NL were easily manipulated and overly trusting. He definitely seems charismatic enough to have manipulated both these girls. His arrogance, his speech patterns (not an expert on this, but the wooden way he speaks is very creepy to me) and his whole demeanor seems sociopathic to me. The murder may have been sexually motivated, but I kind of think it might have just been a thrill kill too.

Feel free to ignore this completely though, it's just my, admittedly non-expert, opinion
There have been so many conflicting reports of the "POLICE" text that NK sent DE. Did she send it when LE knocked on her door, or she saw LE scurrying around campus before they got to her? Did they find the text first on her phone, or did they find it on his phone?

They haven't found his phone yet so it must have been on hers.

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They haven't found his phone yet so it must have been on hers.

Yet the very first reports were that LE got on to Natalie because she sent the word "POLICE" in a message to Eisenhauer. I don't think it was ever said it was a text message. Could have been on any social media platform, and could have been on any device - sent and received. Regardless, that's what the very first report was. It does make sense that that's how LE became aware of Natalie, but who knows how correct that report was...
Personally (and this is based only on my gut feelings, which have been wrong many times in the past) I think NK's behavior, like spilling the beans and how she was acting in the booking video, shows that she is either completely stupid or believes herself to be quite a bit less culpable than DE. I'm in the camp that thinks DE is the mastermind behind it all, and both NK and NL were easily manipulated and overly trusting. He definitely seems charismatic enough to have manipulated both these girls. His arrogance, his speech patterns (not an expert on this, but the wooden way he speaks is very creepy to me) and his whole demeanor seems sociopathic to me. The murder may have been sexually motivated, but I kind of think it might have just been a thrill kill too.

Feel free to ignore this completely though, it's just my, admittedly non-expert, opinion

I am and have been pretty much in that same camp with you. (Barring one alternate theory I have.) I definitely haven't seen NK as the main wheel.
Weird. I came across this article about a 20 year old from Yakima who just went to prison after pleading guilty to four counts of child rape. He had created a fake FB account and friended hundreds of underage girls through this fake account. He met several of them and had sex with them, the youngest was 14. I wonder if DE was aware of this story from his hometown?
They haven't found his phone yet so it must have been on hers.

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Are we sure they haven't found his phone? Do you have a link about that ? I know we've questioned whether this was true, but do not remember seeing a MSM source that stated that.
Weird. I came across this article about a 20 year old from Yakima who just went to prison after pleading guilty to four counts of child rape. He had created a fake FB account and friended hundreds of underage girls through this fake account. He met several of them and had sex with them, the youngest was 14. I wonder if DE was aware of this story from his hometown?

This article convinces me even more that there was a sexual motive with DE. I don't think DE "befriended" hundreds of young-looking girls as this Bates guy, but I do believe DE was sexually attracted to young girls. Surely, surely there are not hundreds and hundreds of young girls on FB that are not being policed by parents!?##!??
Are we sure they haven't found his phone? Do you have a link about that ? I know we've questioned whether this was true, but do not remember seeing a MSM source that stated that.

Quick search: Not finding any MSM that says that. (Could be some out there that I missed.) At any rate, even if at one point LE was hunting phones, all MAY have been recovered by now.
Are we sure they haven't found his phone? Do you have a link about that ? I know we've questioned whether this was true, but do not remember seeing a MSM source that stated that.

Yes, I'm almost certain I read it in MSM. Let me go make sure.

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New article:

Virginia Tech Community Copes With Latest Violent Incident

...Seventh-grader Nicole Madison Lovell's stabbing death last month marks the latest in what seems a disproportionate number of high-profile slayings in a bucolic region anchored by a university known for its engineering and veterinary programs and its Hokies football team....

...Alison Kiss, executive director of the Clery Center for Security on Campus, said Virginia Tech "has been one of the leaders in campus threat assessment since the shootings in 2007." She said the Lovell case illustrates the need for students to speak up if they become concerned about a classmate's behavior, although people who knew Eisenhauer and Keepers have said they noticed nothing unusual....

more at:
Are we sure they haven't found his phone? Do you have a link about that ? I know we've questioned whether this was true, but do not remember seeing a MSM source that stated that.


The most recent article posted:

Details of How Virginia Tech Students Allegedly Plotted the Murder of 13-Year-Old Emerge in Court

After police issued a search warrant for Eisenhauer’s dorm room on Jan. 30, he told police he had gone over to Nicole’s apartment after their phone call, and he saw her climb out of her window, Pettitt said.
Eisenhauer told police he had given Nicole a “side hug” but then left and went to the dorm room of a close friend, Pettitt said. Authorities determined the friend was the second suspect, Natalie Keepers, whom police found in her boyfriend’s dorm room Jan. 31.

When police arrived at that dorm room, Keepers allegedly sent Eisenhauer a text that read “POLICE,” not knowing that Eisenhauer was already in police custody at the time.

Looks like somebody's covering their butt by using the term allegedly...

Pettitt is adamant that Keepers never met Nicole and had never even spoken to Nicole. So, that still leaves us with - Keepers could have been texting Nicole with DE's phone. Proving that is another matter. I don't think Keepers will go any further than she already has with her involvement. She has 2 lawyers now? that her poor parents are probably having to pay for through the skin of their teeth. I know her parents love her, but geez, at this point, I'd be torn between she's 18 and she got herself into this deep doodoo and helping her by paying for 2 lawyers - or just let her have a court-appointed attorney. They could just support her by visiting her in jail and bringing her cookies or something. Girl needs a dose of tough love and slap of reality right now!
Commonwealth's Attorney: "They Decided They Should Cut Nicole Lovell's Throat" Dated February 4, 2016

On the 30th, they obtained a search warrant for Eisenhauer's dorm room. They questioned Eisenhauer and he said that, "he talked to Nicole on the 27th, drove to her house, but did not kidnap her."

While searching his dorm, police found a text from Keepers saying, "POLICE." They began to question Keepers, who complied. According to Pettitt, Keepers said she was "excited to be a part of something secret."

This article lends credence to the police found his phone in the dorm room while searching. However, I think I will hold off taking it as gospel until Commonwealth Attorney Pettitt states it as fact.

And while it seems she had a strong interest in math, because she joined the math club in high school and wanted to pursue a degree in engineering, she may not have had a particularly strong aptitude for math in general and that is why she began struggling at the college level. Still no reason to troll a 13 yr old and plot and participate in their murder! IDK.

NK was part of the math team. Math teams compete in local/regional/state/national competitions. That doesn't preclude her having trouble with college level math, of course. My point was that we don't know for certain that NK was struggling in math. That's a presumption based upon a friend of NK's saying that NK "never mentioned Eisenhauer in any other context other than as someone who helped her with her math work." Maybe she was having difficulty in math and maybe DE was her tutor. We just don't know, yet.

Another child rapist from Yakima, this one raped a 14 year old 50 times and had a sex dungeon. He was older though, 39:
It was covered in Websleuths:

Oh my gosh! Child was from Seattle, but won't say how the child got to Yakima!!! Never mind - meth is in the video. Financial gain usually means trafficking - if I am understanding the article correctly.
Oh my gosh! Child was from Seattle, but won't say how the child got to Yakima!!! Never mind - meth is in the video. Financial gain usually means trafficking - if I am understanding the article correctly.
The WS thread is fascinating if you are interested. So bizarre this happened in Yakima, probably right around the time DE's family was leaving the area.
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