TX - Terri 'Missy' Bevers,45, murdered in church/person in SWAT gear,18 Apr 2016 #17

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I'd love for this to be verified, too!

First responder would offer a calm, factual 911 call.

Bystander like me who isn't used to blood and trauma would freak out and say "oh my God" a million times and draw a blank on getting pertinent info to the dispatcher.

The only ones who, IMO, would be calm calling are first responder (seasoned in trauma - can flip switch to first responder mode and keep calm) or the perp, who isn't truly surprised by the trauma.

I'm NOT saying the people who called are the perps, but if the person wasn't a first responder (or even someone who has regularly been exposed to trauma) and was calm, it would be a red flag to me.

I hope that makes sense.
I never heard (read) of who the "brand new target" is and I read over it twice. Did I miss this "bombshell" or was it all smoke and mirrors? Typical NG stuff. :bombshell: (side eye)


What "new video"? Is she playing catch up or is there some new video that we somehow (doubt it) have missed? :eek:hoh:

I think she's playing catch up. As always she's days behind us at WS. Here's an article from several days ago that says MPD is moved on from the target number persons to other new suspects.

MAY 05 2016

"Midlothian police clarified no one in the new documents was ever considered a suspect. They say they now have several new persons of interest they are pursuing not named in the documents."
She started back-tracking the day after the radio interview on her blog. She says she was only offering her opinion as a "commentator", not a reporter.


I hope that Tricia covers Missy's case again this week (or very soon at least), but this time interviews someone else. I think I've heard everything that Mr. Brooks and Ms. Jolee have to say about this case and I would like a new perspective, or at least a perspective from someone else in the Midlothian-area media.
Yes it's pretty typical. Especially when people carry their own phones.

I cannot locate or verify the source of my information, so take this with complete skepticism... but I seem to recall somewhere I heard that the people who found MB were a couple that attended CG together. And for whatever reason, I'm remembering the man was a firefighter or something. Again, this is not fact, just something I vaguely recall hearing or reading somewhere with regard to this case.

But that would explain two phonecalls. It would explain the "first responder" questions. It would explain the speculation regarding CPR at the scene before help arrived.

If anyone knows where I may have gotten that info, please respond. I could be remembering it wrong.

BBM. One of the campers (male) that found the body is a local business owner. That may be in addition to who you are referencing.
Just some rambling thoughts running through my head....................I'm glad this thread is back up & going strong. We should all know by this time that if we violate TOS, we are going to get the thread shut down. Besides making things much harder for the mods (which we should always be mindful of) think how we as individuals would feel if we get the thread shut down & while it is being reviewed an announcement of an arrest is made. We wouldn't have any way to discuss it. That's a pretty scary thought. All this JMO.
Hi all!

I am about 30 pages behind so I'll be with y'all shortly.

Also using this as a bit of a bookmark.

:thewave: Good Afternoon WS Kiddos... Fast Google search, no arrest, no new docs, no new news story... Ya'll got this solved yet? :sweep:

Hi Mimi!

I do have it solved, yes! Unfortunately, I can't tell you because it would be against the TOS. So sorry! :silenced:


ETA: And I'm totally teasing Mimi y'all!
Couple rhings
The MSM last night chose to focus in on yesterday's video reconstruction

I spent some time looking at doors et al They previously said 5'8 to 5'9. Consider an extra inch + for shoes and 1 for a helmet+hair. I think they were off a bit and going back. I.e. If the height doesn't fit u must acquit I'm 5'8.5 and I think I am 2 +\- inches taller than the person in the video. The body shape also reminds me of a tight sports bra.


I agree. IMO, the way this person carries him/herself is more consistent with that of a woman... maybe not a very graceful woman, but a woman nonetheless. At least, no man I know walks like that.
Hi all!

I am about 30 pages behind so I'll be with y'all shortly.

Also using this as a bit of a bookmark.

Hi Mimi!

I do have it solved, yes! Unfortunately, I can't tell you because it would be against the TOS. So sorry! :silenced:


I feel like I have it solved too but can't state it because of TOS! I can't wait for an/the arrest(s) so I can know whether I'm right or wrong and start discussing it. :)
Can we still bash Nancy Grace? Haha.

LOL :hilarious:

Check this out... What way is the reporter or whomever coming from ??? Unless MB came a different way than this, she would not have had to turn left... Left would have been coming in the opposite direction than from Outdoor store to Church...

STACEY NEWMAN, NANCY GRACE PRODUCER (voice-over): Over here in the driveway of Creekside church, there`s only one entrance and exit to the

church. We`re pulling out of here now. If the suspect was here and made a right -- this is highway 287. It`s the main highway running parallel to

the church. The killer would have had to make a right here, drive along 287. And as you can see, it`s all remote woods that`s behind barbed wire.

[20:05:00]And not until three quarters of a mile down 287 from Creekside church is the next business, which is a Whataburger. Surveillance cameras

at that location would not have caught someone on the highway. It`s too far back from the street. This is the first location, the first businesses

that possibly could have possibly had surveillance cameras next to Creekside church.


GRACE: OK, let me understand this. Stacey, there on the scene -- Liz, show me exactly what Missy would see. What could she have seen that

morning around 4:00 AM when she pulls into the Midlothian church?


NEWMAN: If Missy Bevers was driving in this direction towards Creekside church on U.S. 287, she would have made a left into Creekside church. She

would have had to pull her car left and head across the median because there`s traffic on two sides of this major highway.

[20:30:00] As she came in from this direction, Missy Bevers would not have seen a car parked in the back of the church. It`s totally out of her



GRACE: So, she would not have seen a car, but what if she recognized a car that was parked there?

Joining me right now, Ben Levitan, telecommunications expert. Ben it is amazing to me that this team of crack digital experts can measure and

determine right down within an inch, the height, they can determine weight, even shoe size of this perpetrator, giving police a very detailed

description. How does it work, Ben?

MB would not have turned left from direction she would have came from Home.. unless she came some other was I guess...

To have to turn LEFT, MB would have had to be coming from opposite direction (not passing the Outdoor Store) Missy Bevers Creekside Church Google May 2015 4.jpg

Missy Bevers Google from Red Oak TX to Creekside Church of Christ 1.JPG
I feel like I have it solved too but can't state it because of TOS! I can't wait for an/the arrest(s) so I can know whether I'm right or wrong and start discussing it. :)

How about gender, age range, and number of perps?? lol JMO
I dont know if this was already posted but they have a church floor plan that is a little different than the one we had on here and this plan explains things a bit better for me....interesting

This is not coming up. Would you redo it, please?

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Regarding LE's latest - re-enacted movements of the perp and enhancement of video giving a "better physical description" of the perp - so far I've read they probably have precise height (w/in an inch) and weight... and maybe shoe size. But is that enough to arrest someone? I guess (hope) they have some other physical (DNA or objects purchased that can be traced to killer) evidence because I don't see how height, weight, and shoe size alone could be enough to arrest someone - unless that person's alibi doesn't line up. Also, maybe LE did get a good enough close-up of the perp's eyes and some of the face and just haven't stated that? Any thoughts?
How about gender, age range, and number of perps?? lol JMO

I think 2 perps but only one on the scene, both male, age range of actual killer in his 60s.... I admit there is circumstantial evidence to point to some other people (female, younger, scorned, etc.), but I can't get past the walk/gait.
Jmo I jmo think jmo she jmo was jmo shot. Don't know why but I do. I find it very odd that it was pulled from that article, very weird. I think they had tried to hold it back. With that said, if it is true that screams rage to me. Just my opine.
Morning. Yawn!!

We seem to be going round in circles A LOT. Would it be useful to have sub-threads for things like the map, the warrant, the uniform, social media etc like we have in some other cases? Sparky / Tricia / mods - please?

Poor newbies to this case have got zero chance of fully catching up so it's not their fault for asking questions that got covered moons ago, but it is hella frustrating to trawl through hundreds of posts only to find it's all just a massive rehash of previous threads. Feels like we need some "order" in here!


BBM--- Thank you from this Newbie.. LOL . It is overwhelming sometimes trying to read everything, but I don't want to miss anything either !!:):)
Jmo I jmo think jmo she jmo was jmo shot. Don't know why but I do. I find it very odd that it was pulled from that article, very weird. I think they had tried to hold it back. With that said, if it is true that screams rage to me. Just my opine.

I think she might have been shot, too. Especially with the ATF, other feds, and Texas Rangers involvement (and the dog)...
Jmo I jmo think jmo she jmo was jmo shot. Don't know why but I do. I find it very odd that it was pulled from that article, very weird. I think they had tried to hold it back. With that said, if it is true that screams rage to me. Just my opine.
Does anyone else find it more than coincidental that she was murdered the day after she returned home from a conference also attended by a "target number" person she was suspected of having an inappropriate relationship with?
Hi all! I am about 30 pages behind so I'll be with y'all shortly.Also using this as a bit of a bookmark. Hi Mimi! I do have it solved, yes! Unfortunately, I can't tell you because it would be against the TOS. So sorry! :silenced: ;)ETA: And I'm totally teasing Mimi y'all!

I feel like I have it solved too but can't state it because of TOS! I can't wait for an/the arrest(s) so I can know whether I'm right or wrong and start discussing it. :)

:laughing: You guys! I have solved this case at least 27 times and have convicted 10 different perps some of them twice with 7 different accomplices. Yet here I am with no arrest made. I may have to turn in my WebSleuth badge soon. :deepbreaths:
I think she might have been shot, too. Especially with the ATF, other feds, and Texas Rangers involvement (and the dog)...

I wish LE would release some of the details about the suspect ("better physical description") now that they did the reconstruction (like whether male or female), maybe age range. There was so much going on in MB's life that could have triggered someone wanting to kill her (well, at least a few people - but still you can think up numerous scenarios with just a few people as possible suspects). I hope LE gives another press conference or arrests someone soon before we go crazy trying to figure this out. One day I think I'm sure of one person or scenario, then the next, I can see a different situation/person/people being involved....:gaah:
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