FL - Mass Shooting at Pulse nightclub, Orlando, 12 June 2016 #1

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Trust me I am not in a humerous mood- my mothers lover of 40 years died today stomach cancer, ( some of you are aware of what has been going on here on that )

I am gay, I live here , bit afraid of when the names are released ( I am telling myself , Pulse catered to young - I am not young- so it wont be anyone I know. The only one I know, a neighbor, who is 22, who goes to Pulse, is at confernace so I wont know any names)

But I thought your post was funny--and correct -- yeh right , they are gonna cooperate with the FBI

And yes, I have to admit , that it was a different intensity yesterday, when the voice lady was murdered. I never heard of her, but to scroll down and find out it happened at the Plaza is a totally different world .

We all have shared many horror stories together, but I shall tell you for them to be where you live DOES change it.

And great, now , gay community, have the repulsive historic thing of being the worst mass murder in the United States of AMerica is , actually quite a bit to take in .

Ty for the chickle

I'm sorry for your loss.
This has been one tough day.
take care
Sorry, beach! I was mostly trying to show their pictures so we can pay our respects but was having trouble posting the ones from msm.

No problem. I understand completely. We actually confirmed with Tricia because I know it is a little different than our usual policy. There are SO many victims and we just decided to err on the side of protecting what little privacy they have left.

Names and photos are fine. Just no social media links. :)
Well no, and you shouldn't. It's real people that suffer, peoples fathers, mothers, sons, daughters, loved ones. They should never be forgotten. But tehcloser has a point. The world is just wrong, life is beautiful but I feel like the world we live in more ugly at times, a pressure pot that keeps exploding. Something is fundamentally wrong in the way we live, something very negative that seems to be building, worldwide. Be it violence, hatred, jealousy, envy, natural disasters. It all costs too many lives and we should be able to do something about it, but we don't. We move on and carry on living our lives, until the next time. I'm not really sure we can do anything about it, it's too big. And until we stop as a race, the human race, to put so much importance on money and power we never will. 'Them and Us' It's responsible for so much pain :(

Sorry that was a bit too deep. Need kittens stat

My point about "generalizing" is that while it serves to keep us politically correct, at the same time it ignores the elephant in the room.
We are getting hit by radicalized terrorists and it does need to be discussed before we can figure out what to do.

But conversations that "generalize" like -- there will be bad people everywhere doing bad things to everyone--type of rhetoric isn't very useful, imho.

Prayers to all of my fellow Floridians who have been victimized by this latest radicalized terroristic attack.
I cannot locate it now but someone earlier posted a link to a story about Lt Governor Patrick of Texas. He apparently now is saying his post was a 'misunderstanding.' He is out of the country and had his scripture quotes all lined up for automatic release while out of the state. Patrick, like a good elected official posts daily Bible verses for the edification of his fellow Texans. So... that explains things. He goes on to say he and his family are praying for the victims.

Which way, I wonder?

Seperation of church and state is , IMO vital, no place on public airwaves

this month is the anniversity of Stonewall...............
Sorry, beach! I was mostly trying to show their pictures so we can pay our respects but was having trouble posting the ones from msm.

If an MSM site has names & pix of the victims identified so far, maybe someone can post a link? Thx in adv.
Local news

Never heard anything like this, but the lady is back on, and saying pls do not hold a vigel tonight, we have so much to do here, we will have to move resources to the site of the vigel, donate blood tomm, pls do not have a gathering tonight, do not go , we have been up all night , have much to do , dont need to reallocate tonight

do it later in the week please...................

It was Commissioner Patty Sheehan. She asked for vigils not to be held tonight because they didn't have the resources (OPD) to ensure everyone would be safe. She said the crime scene hadn't even been released. So to please wait until they had the available resources. She said some officers have been up 24 hrs.

She called the off duty officer a hero and while he was trying to protect the ones inside he was also calling for backup.

Paraphrasing all the above.

I heard her on TV. WFTV
this assassin sure liked to take selfies of himself.............I once read that can be a disorder like in physco???
My point about "generalizing" is that while it serves to keep us politically correct, at the same time it ignores the elephant in the room.
We are getting hit by radicalized terrorists and it does need to be discussed before we can figure out what to do.

But conversations that "generalize" like -- there will be bad people everywhere doing bad things to everyone--type of rhetoric isn't very useful, imho.

Prayers to all of my fellow Floridians who have been victimized by this latest radicalized terroristic attack.

Good Post!
My point about "generalizing" is that while it serves to keep us politically correct, at the same time it ignores the elephant in the room.
We are getting hit by radicalized terrorists and it does need to be discussed before we can figure out what to do.

But conversations that "generalize" like -- there will be bad people everywhere doing bad things to everyone--type of rhetoric isn't very useful, imho.

Prayers to all of my fellow Floridians who have been victimized by this latest radicalized terroristic attack.

Oh yes, of course. Sorry I misunderstood.
Trust me I am not in a humerous mood- my mothers lover of 40 years died today stomach cancer, ( some of you are aware of what has been going on here on that )

I am gay, I live here , bit afraid of when the names are released ( I am telling myself , Pulse catered to young - I am not young- so it wont be anyone I know. The only one I know, a neighbor, who is 22, who goes to Pulse, is at confernace so I wont know any names)

But I thought your post was funny--and correct -- yeh right , they are gonna cooperate with the FBI

And yes, I have to admit , that it was a different intensity yesterday, when the voice lady was murdered. I never heard of her, but to scroll down and find out it happened at the Plaza is a totally different world .

We all have shared many horror stories together, but I shall tell you for them to be where you live DOES change it.

And great, now , gay community, have the repulsive historic thing of being the worst mass murder in the United States of AMerica is , actually quite a bit to take in .

Ty for the chickle
So sorry for your family's loss CARIIS, and that this act of hate was perpetuated upon the LGBTQ community, and in your hometown. Good you can keep your sense of humor; It can keep one going in times of sorrow.
Disney has NO armed security. What they do have is a close relationship with both Orange County and Osceola County Sheriffs offices. They provide space for their use and there are officers on property all the time. I don't know where you heard of Disney having armed security but that source is misinformed. I know this from personal contact. My brother is a Security manager at Disney with 35 years of service. I worked there for 14 years.

I feel that as long as there's armed officers in large numbers public safety is enhanced. I'm not sure that being government employed LE officers vs privately employed officers makes a big difference. JMO
And this audience wasn't captive? Where the *$#@ can you go when people are piling against the doors in panic and a shooter w/a magazine the size of Texas rolls into a crowded bathroom?! I'm sorry but a crowded, dark, loud, nightclub is a prime hunting ground for this guy who we already know did not like gays. It wasn't a shooter situation but look at the WHO concert in Cinci. People got killed just from other people pushing to get in. Look at the Beverly Hills Supper Club incident. People died b/c of panic (and poor fire codes) and those aren't even examples of shootings.

only mo only mo

I do think we need to just remain aware, that as far as I understand, there was not a steady stream of gunfire , for hours, indicated the shooter was shooting for a long time.

moo I know this is uncomfortable, and certainly not intential, but moo we are going to find that there were deaths by the good guys on the scene.

I have posted the video flying MSM - video is just what it is , can not be disputed ,there sadly, is no way 17 bullets flying randomly about cannot result in further deaths.

Earlier far more gun aware posters explained to me that bullets would go through walls from far away....................

My take here, is that the notion that he had a "device" was what made it what it turned out to be

. There was not as far as I know much shooting going on after the intial event until hours later LE shot a barrage off, blindly

NO judgement, they had to end it . But I think we might be surprised at the numbers moo

Its a physics thing imo............................

I can't believe 50 people have died it's just horrific. I wish there was a way to get through to these individuals that we are all human beings no matter what religion, sexual orientation, race, age etc we are and we should not be murdering each other. Sincere condolences to the families and friends of the victims. Please let the injured survive. Thank you for all your posts and new updates. The terrible horrendous events over the last eight months have been absolutely tragic.

May the 50 victims Rest In Peace.

My first thought is why did this son not text the police?

My next thought is he wanted to let his mother know what was happening, figuring the police had been contacted. Bless her heart. I can't imagine receiving a text like that and then learning my son was killed. How chilling, but once the shock has calmed down, she will realize what a loving son he was. He wanted to contact his mom so she would know what happened.

May all those killed, injured, and their families be given the grace of peace.
Thank you. I feel the same. Mother of 2 sons. I can't imagine this as a parent.

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Dont know - maybe it is just where I am , but local news (channel 9) has turned this into a parade of "speeches" NOT news) I am switching, but I have never seen anything like this

local news in every event we all have shared , stay on finding new facts-- so early in a horrible event facts not sermans etc -- it has been unreal
As long as we are living in a society that refuses to spend money on mental health services, while allowing the mentally ill people to buy military grade weapons like they are candy, this problem will continue. Other countries have had the same problem, and they solved it with better laws. But the US never changes, so the problem will just get worse, and I think deep down everybody reading this knows it.

I don't think that increased mental health services will prevent ISIS from influencing people to kill innocent people. JMO
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