MA - Vanessa Marcotte, 27, murdered, Princeton, 7 Aug 2016 #3

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Perhaps I missed the point you were trying to make with the comment. Could you explain what you were implying?

I took it to mean you were implying that would have been the secondary crime scene.

I think I kicked this thought trail off. I was suggesting that Leominster should be examined with the potential that the Perp came from there, not that it was part of the crime scenes.

It's far more likely the Perp is in Princeton, but Leominster should be considered too.
I think I kicked this thought trail off. I was suggesting that Leominster should be examined with the potential that the Perp came from there, not that it was part of the crime scenes.

Yes that's what I had thought you meant.

But then in Rocky's reply he/she said if their was a van there would be a secondary crime scene, and then started describing the Leominster neighborhood her dad was from and I interpreted as if the implication was that Leominster could have been this secondary crime scene.
Law Enforcement is doing a very good job taking their time to be thorough, tactful and not releasing anything to the public that could sabotage the case.
I think I kicked this thought trail off. I was suggesting that Leominster should be examined with the potential that the Perp came from there, not that it was part of the crime scenes.

It's far more likely the Perp is in Princeton, but Leominster should be considered too.
Not at all. I understood you perfectly.
You posted that the perp may/may not have pulled her into a van. My response to that was :If I see a van, I see a secondary crime scene, and it's nowhere around there Although it's secluded, it's not all that secluded (where she was found) and if anyone knows princeton,(where she was killed) there are plenty of dirt roads that don't see cars all day long. (to finish his ritual)
Second paragraph, different topic.
In response to your post about "we should look where the dad lives too." I was describing the layout of his neighborhood,(how the houses are closer together than where her mom lives, and how if you can see a half dozen houses from his house, maybe/maybe not the perp lives in one of those half dozen homes where he could see/ stalk her as well)
I hope this reduces the confusion somewhat. I certainly was not insinuating that someone pulled her in a van, a half mile from her moms, drove to her fathers neighborhood in leominster, killed her where if anyone that looked out of their window in a half dozen homes would see him, drove back to her mothers home (36 miles round trip) disposed her body, stripped her naked(if true) and burned her body in less than two hours. Nor did I think anyone else here was thinking that either.
Not at all. I understood you perfectly.
You posted that the perp may/may not have pulled her into a van. My response to that was :If I see a van, I see a secondary crime scene, and it's nowhere around there Although it's secluded, it's not all that secluded (where she was found) and if anyone knows princeton,(where she was killed) there are plenty of dirt roads that don't see cars all day long. (to finish his ritual)
Second paragraph, different topic.
In response to your post about "we should look where the dad lives too." I was describing the layout of his neighborhood,(how the houses are closer together than where her mom lives, and how if you can see a half dozen houses from his house, maybe/maybe not the perp lives in one of those half dozen homes where he could see/ stalk her as well)
I hope this reduces the confusion somewhat. I certainly was not insinuating that someone pulled her in a van, a half mile from her moms, drove to her fathers neighborhood in leominster, killed her where if anyone that looked out of their window in a half dozen homes would see him, drove back to her mothers home (36 miles round trip) disposed her body, stripped her naked(if true) and burned her body in less than two hours. Nor did I think anyone else here was thinking that either.

We know she grew up in Leominster...but do we know how much time she spent there on visits home? Did she ever stay with her dad when she came home or was it always her mom?

I know we don't have the answers to these, I'm just pondering how much observation someone in Leominster actually would have had a chance to do in the last few years or months before her death.
Locals - where Vanessa's remains were that within "ear shot" of someone hearing her if she were yelling? I'm trying to correlate this to figuring out if she were deceased by the time she got to this spot.

The closest driveway, just guessing, is 100 ft south, and across the road and about 300 ft long... set way back off of the road. I would say if someone was yelling loudly, it would be heard, but if someone had their hand over her mouth, then no.

It's a fair distance from the location where VM's body was found to the closest houses. One is about 420 feet south. Another couple of houses are about 600 feet away to the northeast. The Google imagery, from early this year, makes the area look much more open than the television shots we've seen of a pretty overgrown area.

Screenshot 2016-09-24 at 9.19.27 PM.png

Map link.
It's a fair distance from the location where VM's body was found to the closest houses. One is about 420 feet south. Another couple of houses are about 600 feet away to the northeast. The Google imagery, from early this year, makes the area look much more open than the television shots we've seen of a pretty overgrown area.


Map link.
The house I was talking about in a previous post, was the house that is northwest on your map, and across the road. I was guessing the driveway was about 100 ft or so to the south of the cart road, set back about 300 ft. looking at this map, it does look further away than the house to the south. Correct me if I am wrong, but I thought I saw a post where there was a neighbor that was on vacation, or not home at the time, but I am not sure which, or what house they lived in.
The pieces are starting to come together in my amateur profile.
I agree with said profiler. I think the burns were post mortem, and the oxygenation levels of the tissues will confirm or refute that.
He had this lay in wait maneuver well planned and prepared, and it was swiftly executed. We know she was alive long enough to fight, God Bless her. I hope she did some damage to this miscreant perp.
But he must have subdued her quickly before she could make much noise. A taser or a blow to the head?
Either he lured her in to the bushes, "can you help me, my girlfriend fell and is hurt" while hiking, or he pulled her in to a van and then finished his ritual off where she was found.
None thing we haven't explored are connections to the father, anyone living near his house where she visited. Even people at the Chop house from the night before. We have been focused on connections to mom, we should look where the dad lives too.
Below is a view of the neighborhood of where VMs dad lives. I won't post the exact address, but you can get the idea.!8m2!3d42.5308771!4d-71.7229693
Below is a view of the neighborhood of where VMs dad lives. I won't post the exact address, but you can get the idea.!8m2!3d42.5308771!4d-71.7229693

If someone within view of VM's fathers home was watching VM.....but she normally stayed at her moms much opportunity would he really have to be a "watcher". How would he have known when she regularly came home for visits if she didn't stay there? How would he have known about her running rt in a different town?

I'm not saying the perp couldn't have known her from Leominster. But if he did I don't see a "watcher" situation. I feel it would have to have been someone who knew her better then that, and who she knew in return.

Btw how do you know that is her fathers neighborhood? How do you know the actual address? I don't remember any of that coming out in MSM.
Oh one other question....perhaps Rocky can answer this because they are the ones who presented the dads home we know how long the dad lived their? Is his house a ranch style? Is this the house she would have grown up in?

If it's a small ranch home, and it's where she grew up, I would be surprised.

Bancroft is a very very expensive school and she evidently attended for 13 years.....that would cost a lot of money. (As would her BU education at around 50K a year). Most people who go to Bancroft would have parents who lived in homes much larger then a little ranch in order to be the same type of people who had the means to send you there. Bancroft does give out scholarship but the people I knew on them were all kids who lived in housing projects in Worcester.

VM could have had a scholarship, another relative could have also paid for her education.....but it does make we wonder with some doubt if her fathers current neighborhood would have been her childhood neighborhood. Or a home he purchased after the divorce. And if it would have been a relatively new neighborhood for her, and how this might have played into "watcher" scenarios.
Oh one other question....perhaps Rocky can answer this because they are the ones who presented the dads home we know how long the dad lived their? Is his house a ranch style? Is this the house she would have grown up in?

If it's a small ranch home, and it's where she grew up, I would be surprised.

Bancroft is a very very expensive school and she evidently attended for 13 years.....that would cost a lot of money. (As would her BU education at around 50K a year). Most people who go to Bancroft would have parents who lived in homes much larger then a little ranch in order to be the same type of people who had the means to send you there. Bancroft does give out scholarship but the people I knew on them were all kids who lived in housing projects in Worcester.

VM could have had a scholarship, another relative could have also paid for her education.....but it does make we wonder with some doubt if her fathers current neighborhood would have been her childhood neighborhood. Or a home he purchased after the divorce. And if it would have been a relatively new neighborhood for her, and how this might have played into "watcher" scenarios.

The size and location of one's home is not always a key indicator of their wealth.

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If someone within view of VM's fathers home was watching VM.....but she normally stayed at her moms much opportunity would he really have to be a "watcher". How would he have known when she regularly came home for visits if she didn't stay there? How would he have known about her running rt in a different town?

I'm not saying the perp couldn't have known her from Leominster. But if he did I don't see a "watcher" situation. I feel it would have to have been someone who knew her better then that, and who she knew in return.

Btw how do you know that is her fathers neighborhood? How do you know the actual address? I don't remember any of that coming out in MSM.

An online search brings up his address pretty readily. What if this stalker was a neighbor who talked with her father frequently and had that info (regarding visits to MA, her love of running, etc)?
Oh one other question....perhaps Rocky can answer this because they are the ones who presented the dads home we know how long the dad lived their? Is his house a ranch style? Is this the house she would have grown up in?

If it's a small ranch home, and it's where she grew up, I would be surprised.

Bancroft is a very very expensive school and she evidently attended for 13 years.....that would cost a lot of money. (As would her BU education at around 50K a year). Most people who go to Bancroft would have parents who lived in homes much larger then a little ranch in order to be the same type of people who had the means to send you there. Bancroft does give out scholarship but the people I knew on them were all kids who lived in housing projects in Worcester.

VM could have had a scholarship, another relative could have also paid for her education.....but it does make we wonder with some doubt if her fathers current neighborhood would have been her childhood neighborhood. Or a home he purchased after the divorce. And if it would have been a relatively new neighborhood for her, and how this might have played into "watcher" scenarios.

The neighborhood and size of their house has nothing to do with their ability to provide an expensive education for their daughter, scholarship or not... It's fair to assume that someone in a large house in an upscale neighborhood might have money, but you can't say the opposite is true for someone living in a ranch in an inexpensive community. People choose to manage and spend their money in different ways, and perhaps they spent less on housing in order to spend more on education.
Also, her father's home seems to have been listed a few times over the years but not sold. It appears to be worth more than most homes in the area. More than I would have expected. It last sold in 2005 so she would have been a teen.
<abridged, with respect, for focus>

Btw how do you know that is her fathers neighborhood? How do you know the actual address? I don't remember any of that coming out in MSM.

When putting things on a map, I try to stick to information I can tie to a mainstream media link, as generally required by Websleuths' terms of service for posts. Slip too far from that standard, and you risk to pass on BS, or to spread real information that press professionals held back on for ethical grounds or privacy concerns . But if you stick too closely to that standard, you risk to miss good, helpful information that Websleuthers come up with. I've put in a map marker for Rocky1's identification of the father's general neighborhood. The press has already cited John Marcotte as Vanessa's father and a Leominster resident, Rocky clearly has local knowledge of the area, and people have been careful, on the thread, to make it clear that the father isn't suspected of anything.
Do we know anything about her past relationships? Does she have an ex boyfriend from the area? I dont want to think someone who dated her could do this but some cases do turn out to be former lovers who snap. Maybe someone that saw her as the one that got away and when he tried to reconnect she told him she wasnt interested? Probably a long shot but just trying to come up with possible scenarios.
Do we know anything about her past relationships? Does she have an ex boyfriend from the area? I dont want to think someone who dated her could do this but some cases do turn out to be former lovers who snap. Maybe someone that saw her as the one that got away and when he tried to reconnect she told him she wasnt interested? Probably a long shot but just trying to come up with possible scenarios.

There was some back and forth (but precious little actual information) earlier on the thread on that subject.
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