Found Deceased NC - Mariah Woods, 3, Onslow County, 27 Nov 2017 #2

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That is not true, there are lots of parents who inserted themselves into investigations, cried on camera and then were found guilty. [FONT=&quot]The parents of Shafilea Ahmed to name one for example.[/FONT]

And least we ever forget Susan Smith who fooled us all with her tearful pleas.

With that said both innocent and guilty parents have all appeared and appealed so it's strange we have seen nothing of the live in boyfriend.
We don't have that confirmation. LE are asking for anyone that had contact with the family on Sunday or Monday to contact them. The boys weren't with Dad. He hasn't seen them in about a year.

Is the bio father of Mariah also the bio father of the two boys living in the home Mariah resides in?
There are a number of LE/former LE and attorneys here as members.
There are also members who have been here forever, followed a zillion cases and even went to court proceedings in person. I would not call everyone amateur buffs as WS has helped in cases before.

My husband is a cop, and I think quite a few of them spend time lurking on here and reading up on what people are saying. There are a lot of members on here who come up with really great theories in a lot of cases.
CP is a good guess but I don't think that's it. Parents and LE are quick to say if a child has some dire medical need or is disabled in some way since no one mentioned it I doubt that is the issue. Come to think of it, did LE ever say the child had a walking problem or is that info coming from the family member who told the media that?
There are a number of LE/former LE and attorneys here as members.
There are also members who have been here forever, followed a zillion cases and even went to court proceedings in person. I would not call everyone amateur buffs as WS has helped in cases before.

Ok, that's awesome they are here but unless they are part of the active investigation that doesn't really mean anything.
a public search has now been organise according to a fb post from trampling all over a potential crime scene?

NOT a legit source. In fact, IMO, a fraudster and not allowed to be used here.
Per his interview on Nancy Grace he was at work, heard it on the radio, called parents to see if it were true and his daughter, called sheriff dept and they came and talked to him. There was thing about different numbers or phones I couldn't understand. Not sure if he was saying ex may not have had new number or what.

I would love to know more about that. Phone trouble to muddy the waters. Just what this case needs. :rolleyes:
Question....can anyone confirm the last time the child was seen by someone other than the mom or BF? Were her boys with her at the time or where they with Dad? I wonder if they have talked to the boys yet?

I am wondering If tis little girl was "missing" much earlier than reported. This whole thing makes me sick. I think Mom and her BF are lying.

I'm with you. I'm afraid what happened to Mariah is more sinister than what we have imagined. :(
That video is heart breaking. :tears:
Ok, that's awesome they are here but unless they are part of the active investigation that doesn't really mean anything.

It means a lot. Maybe not to you, but it does to those following the case - especially members who live in the area. Again, WS has been involved in helping solve cases. Facts matter. The amount of researching and analyzing by members is amazing. But I have been here for a long time and have seen the amazing work done by members. Wait until you get to a case where members have mapped out stuff, created time lines and provided theories that ended up being true and lining up with LE.

This is not just some amateur forum. I stand behind that.
I just have a gut feeling that they need to look closely at extended family.
Does anyone know if Bio-dad has attempted to secure emergency custody of the boys? Or where the boys are at all?
anyone know if they are "actively" searching for her today? are they having the marine or citizens do a search? do you believe they found her yesterday but staying quiet?
I am just reading some stuff on a blog. It's about statement analysis, and it's got me thinking...there are some things there we've already noted at a group, but there are some things they're talking about and I'm drawing some of my own conclusions as I'm reading. The thing is they're not linking to where the statements are.

The thing I'm particularly interested in is a quote of the mom talking about her last memory of Mariah and when she put her to could be on one of the videos but not transcripted in the 'print' articles?? Does anyone have any ideas where this might be found so it can be linked and discussed here? Thanks.
I'm going to speculate for a moment. Based strictly on what we do know and my research of how CPS and LE operate. JMO MOO! CPS probably placed the boys with a family member well known to them. There could be an order of protection that mom and bf can't go near them for the time being. Bio Dad will have to prove himself worthy to obtain custody. Based on the interview he gave last night, he is busy gathering info, etc from the past year or so.

BF, at the very least, would be laying low and under surveillance, I think.

Mom... hmm... what would I do, if I were her? Since she is absent in MSN, maybe she is laying low as well or flipped out from shear panic (especially if she knows something) and has checked into a hospital. (Seems I remember the girlfriend of Destiny (can't remember her last name), pulling the mental breakdown thing and ending up hospitalized.)

Anyway, all just my own speculation and thoughts.

Oh, and the CPS folks who returned the kids to mom... they are busy try to CYA... JMO MOOOOOOO.
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