Missouri - The Springfield Three--missing since June 1992 - #8

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Yes, and I don’t understand why that angle wasn’t thoroughly pursued.

While I think that she and her then boyfriend were not the perps and why one would set out to kill their best friend it raises intriguing questions. Why would anyone go into someone else’s home and listen to anyone’s personal messages?

I wonder if she was ever questioned at the time of the grand jury. And if not, why not?

It's understandable that Mrs. McCall would listen to messages when she hadn't heard from her daughter and realized her car and purse and clothing were in the house. You would think maybe Suzie called her mom and let her know where she was. It's a little different when you have teenagers wandering into a house, answer the phone early in the morning and doing whatever else.
Here is a suggestion I recommend. There is the Streeter Family Blog site that has a wealth of information on all of the suspects plus a rather complete history and first hand accounts.

Just Google “Streeter Family Blog.”

Bartt Streeter’s account is particularly compelling

Well worth the read in my opinion.

Thank you for sharing..very interesting indeed.
I'm just thinking if she was more familiar with Suzie and Sherrill than she implied. If she had been at the house before and didn't refer to Suzie as "that girl" it wouldn't seem as odd. I could see using the phone to call around and see who was going to the water park and had they seen Suzie and Stacy. Trying to coordinate plans before everyone had cell phones could be tricky. I remember trying to get in touch with friends using payphones, to call their house and if they weren't there you had to leave a message and figure out how to meet up. It doesn't add up.

Surely Janelle does that at her own home though?

You don’t walk into a Suzie’s home and start using their phone?

I feel like I had really weird friends now as the behavior exhibited by Janelle and Mike is mind boggling. My mum was pretty relaxed with my friends but god forbid they walked into our house and started to use our phone and eat our food and we wasn’t home.
I was 8. Some people are more open with their homes and it can depend on the parent. Most of my friends wouldn't have entered a home with no one inside and you definitely wouldn't just answer someone's home phone that is also their parents. I could see letting the answering machine pick up first to see who it is.
I have to disagree with you on this one, cherrymeg. In the 80s/90s it would have been bizarre to hear a phone ring and not answer it, even in someone else's house. Letting a ringing phone go to voicemail or letting a machine pick up would have been unheard of at that time. That mentality didn't become normal until cell phones became common.
Surely Janelle does that at her own home though?

You don’t walk into a Suzie’s home and start using their phone?

I feel like I had really weird friends now as the behavior exhibited by Janelle and Mike is mind boggling. My mum was pretty relaxed with my friends but god forbid they walked into our house and started to use our phone and eat our food and we wasn’t home.

I was not raised to believe this was normal. People who had more relaxed parents still wouldn't have been okay with people behaving like that if there was no one home.
Whether the actions of Janelle & her bf were bizarre or not (IMO they weren't) what would their motive be to harm any of the women? Esp. Stacy, of whom Janelle was closest with? Would love to hear some theories.
I have to disagree with you on this one, cherrymeg. In the 80s/90s it would have been bizarre to hear a phone ring and not answer it, even in someone else's house. Letting a ringing phone go to voicemail or letting a machine pick up would have been unheard of at that time. That mentality didn't become normal until cell phones became common.

I understand that but not when you are at someone else's house and they aren't there.
Whether the actions of Janelle & her bf were bizarre or not (IMO they weren't) what would their motive be to harm any of the women? Esp. Stacy, of whom Janelle was closest with? Would love to hear some theories.

Who has claimed they hurt the women?

I think most people on here believe they knew something was wrong and haven’t admitted the full true on that.

For Janelle not to have known something was off that morning she would have to be on the spectrum as there was so many red flags it’s unbelievable. I can understand her not being concerned if the house hasn’t been left like it had been.
Whether the actions of Janelle & her bf were bizarre or not (IMO they weren't) what would their motive be to harm any of the women? Esp. Stacy, of whom Janelle was closest with? Would love to hear some theories.

That is the question I have posted to several “experts” who have followed this case many times.

For reasons that elude me, the motive seems to be a big secret seemingly locked in a vault somewhere. I am told that one more bit of information needs to be uncovered and this case will be “cracked.” And/or a “confession” is needed.

I am sick and tired of how so many people believe something and unwilling to put forth the rationale why this crime happened.

At one time I thought the answers were known with names and locations; with about eight people involved. Two of these individuals died very unexpectantly. That seems to have fallen by the wayside with no explanation why. I won’t discuss that.

Until I see some actual evidence I will continue to believe this was the act of a maladjusted social misfit who hung around those parties that night and just followed them home. His sexual lust overcame his reasoning ability.

But I will keep an open mind. If the crime is solved, that is all that matters, not my ego.
I am sick and tired of how so many people believe something and unwilling to put forth the rationale why this crime happened.

Loads of posters have put forth ideas on what they believed happened that night.

The grave robbers still seem like the most likely and certainly had motive and 2 even skipped town within days of them vanishing. All highly suspicious behavior by them.
Who has claimed they hurt the women?

With all of the time and energy put into discussing the behavior of Janelle and her bf the morning of, one would assume that many posters here have. I simply asked what their motive would be and odd behavior or not, could they know more? And if so, any theories?
We have limited information and Mike and Janelle’s behavior invites comment. They were the first ones at Delmar. Janelle was one of the last people to see Suzie and Stacy-that we know of-and her account of their time at Sherrill’s is peculiar. Aside from Janelle no one else who saw them that night had much, if anything, to say to the media. Maybe investigators asked Mike and Janelle not to discuss certain details. From what I understand that happens, but in a situation where nothing makes sense it doesn’t seem helpful.
Yeah, it was Janis.....she felt bad about entering the house.
I wonder who's mother notified Janis. Janis was basically the last person who found out the 3 women were missing. So who threw up the red flag? Just curious.
I’m wondering where that “sandwich shop” was near the house. That never has sounded right to me.

Might explain the multiple trips to question Janelle by the police. In one of the videos she was complaining about whether the cops talked to one another since they kept asking the same questions.

Having said this what on earth is the motive? I can’t pry that out of anyone and I’ve asked several people who have devoted years to the case.

What video? Do you remember? And wasn't she correct? The 'task force' received the tips on note cards, the followed up the leads but weren't able to share what they discovered? Or am I totally 'off'? Head Honcho was a serious micro-manager, everything went through him. So basically he was the only person that received all the info. as such he decided what was pertinent to the case?
With all of the time and energy put into discussing the behavior of Janelle and her bf the morning of, one would assume that many posters here have. I simply asked what their motive would be and odd behavior or not, could they know more? And if so, any theories?
IMO The motive was simply jealousy...it could have been something similar to the murder of Adrienne Jones in Texas and it went from 1 to 3. Of the two girls I’m not sure who the intended victim was Susie or Stacy. Again MOO

Twilight zone, huh? lol. Not quite, but def another time. All I'm saying is that Janelle-after knocking, finding the door unlocked, walking in yelling for her friends, is not abnormal to me. Again, IMO.

Reasonable......to a certain extent. Personally I'd be creeped out...(open door, cars in the driveway, keys, purses, Stacy's clothes...but only the dog was home)...I would leave vs moving further into the house.

Janelle was nosy. Just guessing here....after June 7th, 1992......she never entered someone's house until they answered the door and was invited in.
We can go round and round and round about how “normal” the behavior was that day. Some see it as completely normal, others not. We need more than just “maybe” abnormal behavior to go on. Let’s dig deeper here people. If Janelle is to be named as a POI we need more than just behavior that some see normal and others see as odd.

I just don’t see it. I don’t see this behavior as reason to jump to the murder of three women. I’m open to being convinced. What more is there???

Somewhere I have seen or heard that on the 25th anniversary a certain police officer allegedly said to Janelle “that there is still time.”

Does anyone know if that is rumor or fact?

Seems to be a rather odd statement if true.

Can anyone speak to that?

Asher on JK's FB page he said something about "There is still hope."
Could that be it?
Yeah, it was Janis.....she felt bad about entering the house.
I wonder who's mother notified Janis. Janis was basically the last person who found out the 3 women were missing. So who threw up the red flag? Just curious.
I think Adina Ruthrauff’s mom called Janis. I can’t remember where I read that but I’ll look for a link.
We can go round and round and round about how “normal” the behavior was that day. Some see it as completely normal, others not. We need more than just “maybe” abnormal behavior to go on. Let’s dig deeper here people. If Janelle is to be named as a POI we need more than just behavior that some see normal and others see as odd.

I just don’t see it. I don’t see this behavior as reason to jump to the murder of three women. I’m open to being convinced. What more is there???


Could JK know more than she's ever said to LE? IMO.....yes.
What some of us are trying to say is JKs actions that day, as a whole, do not 'make sense'.

......IF JK had called Mrs. McCall at anytime during June 7th, I would not be skeptical.

IMO.....JK exhibited 'avoidance behavior' by not calling Mrs. McCall immediately.
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